class Library(Worker): _config = None _library_filename= None # 5 seconds _queue_timeout = 5 _queue = None _running = False _update_queued = False _db_version = 1 # general purpose dict _client_data = {} _history= deque() _lastplayed_track= None _playing_track= None _sync= Condition() _factor_ranking = { 'relation' : 0.98, 'rating' : 0.01, 'random' : 0.01, } _relation_decay = 0.5 _ranking_updated = False # default rating of unplayed tracks. set > 0.5 to favor unplayed < 0.5 to # inhibit unplayed _unplayed_rating = 0.5 _relation_resetted = False _queue_update_factor = 0.5 # thresholds in seconds _thres_track_lastplayed= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 # 4weeks _thres_track_laststarted= 60 * 60 * 24 # 1day _thres_track_lastqueued= 10 * 60 # 10min _thres_artist_laststarted = 10 * 60 # 10min _thres_artist_lastplayed = 10 * 60 # 10min _thres_artist_lastqueued= 60 # 6 months _thres_lastfm_lookup = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 * 6 _thres_echonest_lookup = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 * 6 # apply relations to maxhistory entries: # def fac(x, m=maxhistory): return -sqrt(1.0*x/m) + 1.0 # e.g. 5: 1.00 0.55 0.36 0.22 0.10 # e.g. 10: 1.00 0.68 0.55 0.45 0.37 0.29 0.23 0.16 0.11 0.05 maxhistory= 5 _title= 'library' _ranking_base = 1000 _lastfm = None _echonest = None _queue_lookup_results = True _seed_tracks = set() _seed_artists = set() def __init__(self, config): Log.__init__(self, self._title)"init") Worker.__init__(self, lifo=False) self._config = config self._library_filename = self._config.get('Library', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), 'library.pkl')) Factories.clear() Logger.set_logger(self._logger) if self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'use_db', True): TrackRelationFactory.use_db() TrackRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), ''))) else: TrackRelationFactory.use_fs() TrackRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), 'track'))) TrackRelationFactory.set_maxentries( self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'maxentries', 500)) if self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'use_db', True): ArtistRelationFactory.use_db() ArtistRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), ''))) else: ArtistRelationFactory.use_fs() ArtistRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), 'artist'))) ArtistRelationFactory.set_maxentries( self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'maxentries', 500)) if self._config.get('Lookup', 'QueueResults', 'False') == 'True': self._queue_lookup_results = True else: self._queue_lookup_results = False # FIXME: log if one of those libs is not present if self._config.get('Lookup', 'UseLastFM', 'True') == 'True': self._lastfm = LastFM(config) self._lastfm.start() self._thres_lastfm_lookup = self._config.getint('Lookup', 'ThresholdLastFM', self._thres_lastfm_lookup) if self._config.get('Lookup', 'UseEchoNest', 'True') == 'True': self._echonest = EchoNest(config) self._echonest.start() self._thres_echonest_lookup = self._config.getint('Lookup', 'ThresholdEchoNest', self._thres_echonest_lookup) # read, normalize and update ranking factors factor = 0.0 for k in self._factor_ranking.keys(): self._factor_ranking[k] = self._config.getfloat('Ranking', "factor%s" % k, self._factor_ranking[k]) factor += self._factor_ranking[k] for k in self._factor_ranking.keys(): self._factor_ranking[k] /= factor self._config.set('Ranking', "factor%s" % k, self._factor_ranking[k]) self._relation_decay = self._config.getfloat('Ranking', 'RelationDecay', self._relation_decay) self._queue_update_factor = self._config.getfloat('Rating', 'QueueUpdateFactor', self._queue_update_factor) self._unplayed_rating = self._config.getfloat('Ranking', 'UnplayedRating', self._unplayed_rating) self._thres_track_lastplayed = self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdTrackLastPlayed', self._thres_track_lastplayed) self._thres_track_laststarted= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdTrackLastStarted', self._thres_track_laststarted) self._thres_track_lastqueued= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdTrackLastQueued', self._thres_track_lastqueued) self._thres_artist_lastplayed = self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastPlayed', self._thres_artist_lastplayed) self._thres_artist_laststarted= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastStarted', self._thres_artist_laststarted) self._thres_artist_lastqueued= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastQueued', self._thres_artist_lastqueued) def set_artist_threshold(self, played=-1, started=-1, queued=-1): if played != -1: self._thres_artist_lastplayed = played self._config.set('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastPlayed', played) if started != -1: self._thres_artist_laststarted= started self._config.set('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastStarted', started) if queue != -1: self._thres_artist_lastqueued= queued self._config.set('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastQueued', queued) def set_artist_threshold(self, played=-1, started=-1, queued=-1): if played != -1: self._thres_artist_lastplayed = played self._config.set('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastPlayed', played) if started != -1: self._thres_artist_laststarted= started self._config.set('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastStarted', started) if queue != -1: self._thres_artist_lastqueued= queued self._config.set('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastQueued', queued) def deactivate(self): self.queue_function(self._deactivate, None) def _deactivate(self, dummy=None): """ set all artists, albums, tracks and files to be not active """ self.acquire() FileFactory.deactivate() self.release() def activate(self): self.queue_function(self._activate, None) def _activate(self, dummy=None): self.acquire() TrackRelationFactory.check_active() ArtistRelationFactory.check_active() self.release() def stop(self): if self._running: Worker.stop(self) self._save() if self._lastfm: self._lastfm.stop() if self._echonest: self._echonest.stop() self._running = False def acquire(self): self._sync.acquire() def release(self): self._sync.release() def load(self, locked=False): if not path.exists(self._library_filename):"not loading: %s not found" % self._library_filename) else: if not locked: self.acquire()"loading from %s" % self._library_filename) Factories.clear() try: timestamp = datetime.utcnow() input = open(self._library_filename, 'rb') Factories.load(input) self._client_data = pickle.load(input) input.close()"loading took %s" % ( (datetime.utcnow() - timestamp))) self.dump_stats() except IOError: self._logger.error('IOError') self._logger.error(format_exc()) except EOFError: self._logger.error('EOFError') self._logger.error(format_exc()) Factories.clear() except AttributeError: self._logger.error('AttributeError: Format changed?') self._logger.error(format_exc()) Factories.clear() if not locked: self.release() def save(self):'queueing save') self.queue_function(self._save) def _save(self): self.acquire()"saving %s~" % self._library_filename) level = -1 # -1 for latest method, 0 for ascii timestamp = datetime.utcnow() output = open(u"%s~" % self._library_filename, 'wb') Factories.dump(output, level) pickle.dump(self._client_data, output, level) output.close()"saved %s~" % self._library_filename) if path.exists(self._library_filename): try:"removing %s" % self._library_filename) remove(self._library_filename) except OSError: self._logger.error('OSError') self._logger.error(format_exc())"moving %s~ to %s" % (self._library_filename, self._library_filename)) rename(u"%s~" % self._library_filename, self._library_filename)"saving took %s" % ( (datetime.utcnow() - timestamp))) # save configuration self.release() def add_file(self, path, artist_name, track_title): self.queue_function(self._add_file, path, artist_name, track_title) def _add_file(self, path, artist_name, track_title): self.acquire() f = FileFactory.get(path, artist_name, track_title) f.activate() self.release() """ similar inputs """ def similar_artists(self, artist_nameA, artist_nameB, match, source): #self._logger.debug(u"similar_artists %s %s %2.2f %s" % (artist_name0, # artist_name1, match, source)) self.queue_function(self._similar_artists, artist_nameA, artist_nameB, match, source) def _similar_artists(self, artist_nameA, artist_nameB, match, source, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() #self._logger.debug(u"%s: [%s]-[%s] %2.2f" % (source, artist_nameA, # artist_nameB, match)) artistA = ArtistFactory.by_key(artist_nameA) artistB = ArtistFactory.by_key(artist_nameB) #if not artistA: self._logger.debug(u"similar_artists[%s]: not found" % # artist_nameA) #if not artistB: self._logger.debug(u"similar_artists[%s]: not found" % # artist_nameB) if artistA and artistB: relation = ArtistRelationFactory.get(artistA, artistB) old_rating = relation.rating relation.rate(0.75 + 0.25 * match) self._logger.debug(u"%s [%s]-[%s] m(%2.2f) r(%2.2f|%2.2f)" % (source, artistA, artistB, match, relation.rating, old_rating)) if self._queue_lookup_results: if self._lastfm: self._lastfm.similar_artists_low(self.similar_artists, artist_nameB, self._thres_lastfm_lookup) if self._echonest: self._echonest.similar_artists_low(self.similar_artists, artist_nameB, self._thres_lastfm_lookup) if not locked: self.release() def similar_tracks(self, artist_name0, track_title0, artist_name1, track_title1, match, source):"similar_tracks %s %s %s %s %2.2f %s" % (artist_name0, # track_title0, artist_name1, track_title1, match, source)) self.queue_function(self._similar_tracks, artist_name0, track_title0, artist_name1, track_title1, match, source) def _similar_tracks(self, artist_nameA, track_titleA, artist_nameB, track_titleB, match, source, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() #self._logger.debug(u"%s: [%s-%s]-[%s-%s] %2.2f" % (source, artist_nameA, # track_titleA, artist_nameB, track_titleB, match)) trackA = TrackFactory.by_key(TrackFactory.get_key(artist_nameA, track_titleA)) trackB = TrackFactory.by_key(TrackFactory.get_key(artist_nameB, track_titleB)) #if not trackA: self._logger.debug(u"similar_tracks[%s-%s]: not found" % # (artist_nameA, track_titleA)) #if not trackB: self._logger.debug(u"similar_tracks[%s-%s]: not found" % # (artist_nameB, track_titleB)) if trackA and trackB: relation = TrackRelationFactory.get(trackA, trackB) old_rating = relation.rating relation.rate(0.75 + 0.25 * match) self._logger.debug(u"%s [%s]-[%s] m(%2.2f) r(%2.2f|%2.2f)" % (source, trackA, trackB, match, relation.rating, old_rating)) if self._queue_lookup_results: if self._lastfm: self._lastfm.similar_tracks_low(self.similar_tracks, artist_nameB, track_titleB, self._thres_lastfm_lookup) if self._echonest: self._echonest.similar_tracks_low(self.similar_tracks, artist_nameB, track_titleB, self._thres_lastfm_lookup) if not locked: self.release() """ statistics """ def nr_of_artists(self): return len(self._artists) def nr_of_albums(self): return len(self._albums) def nr_of_tracks(self): return len(self._tracks) def nr_of_files(self): return len(self._files) def nr_of_relations(self): return len(self._relations) def nr_of_active_tracks(self): nr_of_active_tracks= 0 for track in self.tracks(): if track['active']: nr_of_active_tracks+= 1 return nr_of_active_tracks def __factor_relation(self, nr, maxnr): return -sqrt(1.0*nr/maxnr) + 1.0 def __rating(self, struct, inc=True, mix=0.7, factor=1.0): """ kept for docstring... mixed rating function. updates the values of the structs 'rolling_rating', 'stable_rating' and 'rating' based on 'playcount' and 'skipcount' (or 'playfactor' and 'skipfactor' if present) and the last "action" (play or skip). the '*rating' is between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.5 being unrated / unsure and > 0.5 being a positive and < 0.5 being a negativ rating. the mix factor (0.0-1.0) scales the rating to be more stable (>0.5) or more jumpy (<0.5). the factor determines how much of the old rating for rolling ratings should be "kept" with 1.0 being all new and 0.0 being all old. usefull for history relations. some thoughts: the goal is to determine the rating of track, artist, albums and relations of the three. depending on the subject (track, artist, album), the rating should adapt to plays and skips slow or fast. tracks are not played that often (compared to artists and albums). rating should adapt fast here. example: i play my new weekly favorite track around 10 times this week. next week i do not want to hear it anymore. how many skips to push it below 0.5? keep in mind, that it might just be played in the wrong mix, so the first skip should not be too penalizing. i guess ~3 skips should be enough to but it below or near 0.5. mix 0.7 should work. initially i wanted to calculate the artist and album rating similarily (with a more stable mix of ~0.9), but: given that the shuffle algorithm only spits out stuff i like and ignores the stuff i hate. let's take an artist which has a lot of songs that i don't like, but just this one track i absolutly love. over time i played this track 40 times and skipped the other 11 tracks just once. taking my mix factor of 0.9 i would end up with an artist rating of ~.8. so the chances are high that i get suggested all tracks by this artist and need to skip them at least once. so artist rating would be near useless. average rating of all tracks of this artist would be ~0.47. with ~6 bad songs required to counter the high runner (average < 0.5). rolling rating which adapts fast to plays and skips: 7 plays @0.5 (.75 .88 .94 .97 .98 .99 1) -> 7 skips @1.0 (.50 .25 .13 .06 .03 .02 .01) < 0.5 after 2nd skip, this is too bouncy 7 skips @0.5 (.25 .13 .06 .03 .02 .01 0) -> 7 plays @0.0 (.50 .75 .88 .94 .97 .98 .99) > 0.5 after 2nd play, this is too bouncy stable rating which accounts for overall plays and skips: 7 plays @0.5 (.67 .75 .80 .83 .86 .88 .89) -> 7 skips @0.89 (.80 .73 .67 .62 .57 .53 .50) < 0.5 after 8th skip, this is too slow 7 skips @0.5 (.33 .25 .20 .17 .14 .13 .11) -> 7 plays @0.11 (.20 .27 .33 .38 .43 .47 .50) > 0.5 after 8th play, this is too slow mixing it together to get the best of both worlds (mix=0.7) 7 plays @0.5 (0.6917 0.7875 0.8413 0.8740 0.8953 0.9102 0.9211) > 7 skips @0.92 (0.7094 0.5838 0.5040 0.4494 0.4093 0.3780 0.3523) < 0.5 after 4th skip, good penalty after 2nd skip """ playfactor = struct.get('playfactor', struct['playcount'] * 1.0) skipfactor = struct.get('skipfactor', struct['skipcount'] * 1.0) if inc: new_rolling = (struct['rolling_rating'] + (1.0 - struct['rolling_rating']) / 2.0) else: new_rolling = (struct['rolling_rating'] - (struct['rolling_rating'] / 2.0)) struct['rolling_rating'] = ( factor * new_rolling + (1.0 - factor) * struct['rolling_rating']) new_stable = ((playfactor + 1.0) / (playfactor + skipfactor + 2.0)) struct['stable_rating'] = ( factor * new_stable + (1.0 - factor) * struct['stable_rating']) struct['rating'] = (struct['stable_rating'] * mix + struct['rolling_rating'] * (1.0 - mix)) def get_file(self, path): f = FileFactory.by_path(path) if not f: self._logger.error(u"file not recognized %s" % path) return None return f def file_started(self, file): self.queue_function(self._file_started, file) def _file_started(self, file): self.acquire() file.started() self.track_started(file.track) self.release() def file_stopped(self, file): self.queue_function(self._file_stopped, file) def _file_stopped(self, file): self.acquire() file.stopped() self.track_stopped(file.track) self.release() def file_skipped(self, file): self.queue_function(self._file_skipped, file) def _file_skipped(self, file): self.acquire() file.skipped() self.track_played(file.track, skipped=True, locked=True) self.release() def file_played(self, file): self.queue_function(self._file_played, file) def _file_played(self, file): self.acquire() file.played() self.track_played(file.track, skipped=False, locked=True) self.release() def file_queued(self, file): self.queue_function(self._file_queued, file) def _file_queued(self, file): self.acquire() file.queued() self.track_queued(file.track, locked=True) self.release() def lookup(self, track, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() ArtistRelationFactory.load_artist(track.artist) TrackRelationFactory.load_track(track) # queue similar artists / tracks lookup from lastfm if self._lastfm: self._lastfm.similar_artists(self.similar_artists,, self._thres_lastfm_lookup) self._lastfm.similar_tracks(self.similar_tracks,, track.title, self._thres_lastfm_lookup) # queue similar artists / tracks lookup from echonest if self._echonest: self._echonest.similar_artists(self.similar_artists,, self._thres_echonest_lookup) self._echonest.similar_tracks(self.similar_tracks,, track.title, self._thres_echonest_lookup) if not locked: self.release() def track_queued(self, track, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() self.lookup(track, locked=True) if not locked: self.release() def track_started(self, track, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire()"started: %s" % track) timestamp= now() self._playing_track = track # add this track to the history self._history.extendleft([{'track': track,'skipped':False}]) self.lookup(track, locked=True) self.update_ranking(locked=True) # CONFIG: max history length? if len(self._history) > 100: self._history.pop() if not locked: self.release() def track_stopped(self, track, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() self._playing_track = None if len(self._history) == 0 or self._history[0]['track'] != track: self._logger.error("stopped: no record of starting this track") else: self._history.popleft() if not locked: self.release() def track_skipped(self, track, locked=False): self.track_played(track, skipped=True, locked=locked) def file_queue_skip(self, file, locked=False): file.queued() return self.track_queue_skip(file.track, locked) def file_queue_add(self, file, locked=False): file.queued() return self.track_queue_add(file.track, locked) def track_queue_skip(self, track, locked=False): self.track_queue_updated(track, skipped=True, locked=locked) def track_queue_add(self, track, locked=False): self.track_queue_updated(track, skipped=False, locked=locked) def track_queue_updated(self, track, skipped, locked=False): # FIXME: locked? self.queue_function(self._track_queue_updated, track, skipped) def _track_queue_updated(self, track, skipped, locked=False): if self._playing_track: reference_track = self._playing_track elif self._lastplayed_track: reference_track = self._lastplayed_track else: return if not locked: self.acquire() relation = TrackRelationFactory.get(track, reference_track) relation.update(not skipped, self._queue_update_factor) self._logger.debug(relation) self.update_ranking() if not locked: self.release() def track_played(self, track, skipped= False, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() if len(self._history) == 0 or self._history[0]['track'] != track: self._logger.error(u"played: no record of starting this track") if not locked: self.release() return if not skipped: self._lastplayed_track = track timestamp= now() self._history[0]['skipped']= skipped if len(self._history) > 1: for i in range(min(self.maxhistory, len(self._history) - 1)): if skipped and self._history[1+i]['skipped']: continue factor= self.__factor_relation(i, self.maxhistory) hist_track= self._history[1+i]['track'] hist_skipped = self._history[1+i]['skipped'] track_relation = TrackRelationFactory.get(track, hist_track) track_relation.update(not hist_skipped, factor)"relation updated: %s" % track_relation) self._relation_resetted = False self.update_ranking() if not locked: self.release() def next_file(self, locked=False):"next file: start") if not locked: self.acquire() if not self._ranking_updated: self.update_ranking() best_ranking = 0 best_tracks = [] tt = [] timestamp = now() # calculate last_*_timestamps (played / queued / started) track_lastplayed_timestamp = timestamp - self._thres_track_lastplayed track_laststarted_timestamp = timestamp - self._thres_track_laststarted track_lastqueued_timestamp = timestamp - self._thres_track_lastqueued artist_lastplayed_timestamp = timestamp - self._thres_artist_lastplayed artist_laststarted_timestamp = timestamp - self._thres_artist_laststarted artist_lastqueued_timestamp = timestamp - self._thres_artist_lastqueued has_active_tracks = False for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): has_active_tracks = True artist = track.artist factor = 1.0 if (track.lastplayed > track_lastplayed_timestamp): factor = min(factor, 1.0 - ((1.0 * track.lastplayed - track_lastplayed_timestamp) / self._thres_track_lastplayed)) if (artist.lastplayed > artist_lastplayed_timestamp): factor = min(factor, 1.0 - ((1.0 * artist.lastplayed - artist_lastplayed_timestamp) / self._thres_artist_lastplayed)) if (track.laststarted > track_laststarted_timestamp): factor = min(factor, 1.0 - ((1.0 * track.laststarted - track_laststarted_timestamp) / self._thres_track_laststarted)) if (artist.laststarted > artist_laststarted_timestamp): factor = min(factor, 1.0 - ((1.0 * artist.laststarted - artist_laststarted_timestamp) / self._thres_artist_laststarted)) if (track.lastqueued > track_lastqueued_timestamp): factor = min(factor, 1.0 - ((1.0 * track.lastqueued - track_lastqueued_timestamp) / self._thres_track_lastqueued)) if (artist.lastqueued > artist_lastqueued_timestamp): factor = min(factor, 1.0 - ((1.0 * artist.lastqueued - artist_lastqueued_timestamp) / self._thres_artist_lastqueued)) ranking = int(self._ranking_base * factor * track.ranking) if ranking > best_ranking: self._logger.debug("%2.2f (best=): %s" % (ranking, track)) best_ranking = ranking best_tracks = [track] elif ranking == best_ranking: self._logger.debug("%2.2f (best+): %s" % (ranking, track)) best_tracks.append(track) top_ten(tt, track, ranking) if not has_active_tracks: self._logger.error(u"No active tracks") if not locked: self.release() return None top_ten_dump(tt,, u"rank")"best tracks: %d" % (len(best_tracks))) best_track = choice(best_tracks) best_track.started() # pick the best file best_rating = 0.0 best_files = [] for file in best_track.files(): if not continue t = file.playcount / (1.0 + file.skipcount) if t > best_rating: best_rating = t best_files = [file] elif t == best_rating: best_files.append(file) if not locked: self.release()"next file: stop") return choice(best_files) def reset(self, full=False):'queueing reset') self.queue_function(self._reset, full) def _reset(self, full=False): """ clear recent play history + unset last played track """ self.acquire() self._history.clear() self._lastplayed_track = None self._playing_track = None for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): track.ranking = 0.5 track.relation = 0.5 track.relation_old = 0.5 track.relation_cnt = 0 if full: for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): track.lastplayed = 0 track.laststarted = 0 track.lastqueued = 0 for artist in ArtistFactory.active_artists(): artist.lastplayed = 0 artist.laststarted = 0 artist.lastqueued = 0 self.release() def reset_ban(self, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): track.ban = False if not locked: self.release() def reset_boost(self, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): track.boost = False if not locked: self.release() def reset_seeds(self, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() self._seed_tracks = set() self._seed_artists = set() if not locked: self.release() def add_seed(self, track, locked=False): if not locked: self.acquire() self.lookup(track, True) self._seed_tracks.add(track) self._seed_artists.add(track.artist) if not locked: self.release() def seed(self, track, locked=False): """Calculate relations based on track as seed. """ if not locked: self.acquire() benchmark = Benchmark() timestamp = now() seed_track = set() seed_artist = set() if track: seed_track.add(track) seed_artist.add(track.artist) self.lookup(track, True) # check artist relations cnt = 0 benchmark.start() tt = [] for seed_a in seed_artist.union(self._seed_artists):'check artist relations for {}'.format(seed_a)) for artist_relation in ArtistRelationFactory.by_artist(seed_a): cnt += 1 other_artist = artist_relation.artistA if == other_artist = artist_relation.artistB other_artist.relation_sum += artist_relation.rating other_artist.relation_cnt += 1 other_artist.relation = (other_artist.relation_sum / other_artist.relation_cnt) top_ten(tt, u'artist related with {}({}/{}={}) to {}'.format( scale_rating(artist_relation.rating), scale_rating(other_artist.relation_sum), scale_rating(other_artist.relation_cnt), scale_rating(other_artist.relation), other_artist), artist_relation.rating) artist_relation.lastused = timestamp top_ten_dump(tt,"update ranking: check artist took %s" % benchmark)"updated %d artist(s)" % cnt) cnt = 0 benchmark.start() tt = [] for seed_t in seed_track.union(self._seed_tracks):'check track relations for {}'.format(seed_t)) for track_relation in TrackRelationFactory.by_track(seed_t): other_track = track_relation.trackA if track_relation.trackA.title == seed_t.title and \ == other_track = track_relation.trackB cnt += 1 if not track.ban: other_track.relation_sum += track_relation.rating other_track.relation_cnt += 1 other_track.relation = (other_track.relation_sum / other_track.relation_cnt) top_ten(tt, u'track related with {} to {}'.format( scale_rating(track_relation.rating), other_track), track_relation.rating) track_relation.lastused = timestamp top_ten_dump(tt,"update ranking: check track took %s" % benchmark)"updated %d track(s)" % cnt) if not locked: self.release() def update_ranking(self, locked=False): if not self._update_queued: if not locked: self.acquire() self._update_queued = True self.queue_function(self._update_ranking, None) if not locked: self.release() def _update_ranking(self, locked=False): benchmark = Benchmark() if not locked: self.acquire() seed_track = None if self._lastplayed_track: seed_track = self._lastplayed_track elif self._playing_track: seed_track = self._playing_track if not self._relation_resetted: benchmark.start() self._relation_resetted = True for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): track.relation_old = track.relation track.relation_sum = 0.0 track.relation_cnt = 0 for artist in ArtistFactory.active_artists(): artist.relation_old = artist.relation artist.relation_sum = 0.0 artist.relation_cnt = 0"update ranking: resetting took %s" % benchmark) has_active_tracks = False for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): has_active_tracks = True break benchmark.start() # new relation = old relation * decay # e.g. for decay = 0.5 (0.75) # decfacA = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (0.75 * 0.5 = 0.375) # decfacB = 1.0 - 0.5 = 0.5 (1.0 - 0.75 = 0.25) # relation_old=0.75 -> 0.25+0.5*0.75=0.625 (0.375+0.25*0.75=0.5625) decfacA = self._relation_decay * 0.5 decfacB = 1.0 - self._relation_decay for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): if (track.relation_old > 0.501) or (track.relation_old < 0.499): track.relation = (decfacA + decfacB * track.relation_old) else: track.relation = 0.5 for artist in ArtistFactory.active_artists(): if (artist.relation_old > 0.501) or (artist.relation_old < 0.499): artist.relation = (decfacA + decfacB * artist.relation_old) else: artist.relation = 0.5"update ranking: set old relation + decay took %s" % benchmark) if has_active_tracks: self._ranking_updated = True self.seed(seed_track, True) benchmark.start() at = [] tt = [] for track in TrackFactory.active_tracks(): """ so we have: ranking [0-1.0] (old) rating [0-1.0] relation [0-1.0] random [0-1.0] and: factor min(track_lastplayed/started,artist_lastplayed/started) [0-1.0] ? moved to next_file() """ artist = track.artist r = random() # calculate new ranking if track.boost:"pre boost: %s" % track) track.relation = (track.relation + 99.0) / 100.0"post boost: %s" % track) elif track.ban: track.relation = 0.0 # mix with artist relation if we don't have a track relation if track.relation_cnt == 0: if artist.relation_cnt > 0: track.relation = (0.75 * track.relation + 0.25 * artist.relation) top_ten(at, u'relation cnt = {} with {} now {} to {}'.format( artist.relation_cnt, scale_rating(artist.relation), scale_rating(track.relation), artist), track.relation) else: top_ten(tt, u'relation cnt = {} with {} to {}'.format( track.relation_cnt, scale_rating(track.relation), track), track.relation) track.ranking = ( self._factor_ranking['rating'] * track.get_rating() + self._factor_ranking['relation'] * track.relation + self._factor_ranking['random'] * r )"update ranking: took %s" % benchmark) self._update_queued = False if not locked: self.release() def dump_stats(self):"%d artists, %d tracks %d files" % ( ArtistFactory.len(), TrackFactory.len(), FileFactory.len()))
def __init__(self, config): Log.__init__(self, self._title)"init") Worker.__init__(self, lifo=False) self._config = config self._library_filename = self._config.get('Library', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), 'library.pkl')) Factories.clear() Logger.set_logger(self._logger) if self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'use_db', True): TrackRelationFactory.use_db() TrackRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), ''))) else: TrackRelationFactory.use_fs() TrackRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), 'track'))) TrackRelationFactory.set_maxentries( self._config.get('TrackRelation', 'maxentries', 500)) if self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'use_db', True): ArtistRelationFactory.use_db() ArtistRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), ''))) else: ArtistRelationFactory.use_fs() ArtistRelationFactory.set_path(self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'path', join(self._config.configdir(), 'artist'))) ArtistRelationFactory.set_maxentries( self._config.get('ArtistRelation', 'maxentries', 500)) if self._config.get('Lookup', 'QueueResults', 'False') == 'True': self._queue_lookup_results = True else: self._queue_lookup_results = False # FIXME: log if one of those libs is not present if self._config.get('Lookup', 'UseLastFM', 'True') == 'True': self._lastfm = LastFM(config) self._lastfm.start() self._thres_lastfm_lookup = self._config.getint('Lookup', 'ThresholdLastFM', self._thres_lastfm_lookup) if self._config.get('Lookup', 'UseEchoNest', 'True') == 'True': self._echonest = EchoNest(config) self._echonest.start() self._thres_echonest_lookup = self._config.getint('Lookup', 'ThresholdEchoNest', self._thres_echonest_lookup) # read, normalize and update ranking factors factor = 0.0 for k in self._factor_ranking.keys(): self._factor_ranking[k] = self._config.getfloat('Ranking', "factor%s" % k, self._factor_ranking[k]) factor += self._factor_ranking[k] for k in self._factor_ranking.keys(): self._factor_ranking[k] /= factor self._config.set('Ranking', "factor%s" % k, self._factor_ranking[k]) self._relation_decay = self._config.getfloat('Ranking', 'RelationDecay', self._relation_decay) self._queue_update_factor = self._config.getfloat('Rating', 'QueueUpdateFactor', self._queue_update_factor) self._unplayed_rating = self._config.getfloat('Ranking', 'UnplayedRating', self._unplayed_rating) self._thres_track_lastplayed = self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdTrackLastPlayed', self._thres_track_lastplayed) self._thres_track_laststarted= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdTrackLastStarted', self._thres_track_laststarted) self._thres_track_lastqueued= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdTrackLastQueued', self._thres_track_lastqueued) self._thres_artist_lastplayed = self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastPlayed', self._thres_artist_lastplayed) self._thres_artist_laststarted= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastStarted', self._thres_artist_laststarted) self._thres_artist_lastqueued= self._config.getint('Ranking', 'ThresholdArtistLastQueued', self._thres_artist_lastqueued)