예제 #1
 def test_override_timeout(self):
     """override_timeout temporarily overrides the default timeout."""
     self.addCleanup(set_default_timeout_function, None)
     with override_timeout(1.0):
         self.assertEqual(1.0, get_default_timeout_function()())
     set_default_timeout_function(lambda: 5.0)
     with override_timeout(1.0):
         self.assertEqual(1.0, get_default_timeout_function()())
예제 #2
 def getExternalBugTrackerToUse(self):
     """See `IExternalBugTracker`."""
     base_auth_url = urlappend(self.baseurl, 'launchpad-auth')
     # Any token will do.
     auth_url = urlappend(base_auth_url, 'check')
         with override_timeout(config.checkwatches.default_socket_timeout):
             response = urlfetch(auth_url, use_proxy=True)
     except requests.HTTPError as e:
         # If the error is HTTP 401 Unauthorized then we're
         # probably talking to the LP plugin.
         if e.response.status_code == 401:
             return TracLPPlugin(self.baseurl)
             return self
     except requests.RequestException:
         return self
         # If the response contains a trac_auth cookie then we're
         # talking to the LP plugin. However, it's unlikely that
         # the remote system will authorize the bogus auth token we
         # sent, so this check is really intended to detect broken
         # Trac instances that return HTTP 200 for a missing page.
         for cookie in response.cookies:
             if cookie.name == 'trac_auth':
                 return TracLPPlugin(self.baseurl)
             return self
예제 #3
    def makeRequest(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        """Make a request.

        :param method: The HTTP request method.
        :param url: The URL to request.
        :return: A `requests.Response` object.
        :raises requests.RequestException: if the request fails.
        with override_timeout(self.timeout):
            return urlfetch(url, method=method, use_proxy=True, **kwargs)
예제 #4
 def _update(self, host, timeout, auth_header=None):
     headers = {
         "User-Agent": LP_USER_AGENT,
         "Host": host,
         "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
     if auth_header is not None:
         headers["Authorization"] = auth_header
     url = "https://%s/rate_limit" % host
         with override_timeout(timeout):
             response = urlfetch(url, headers=headers, use_proxy=True)
             return response.json()["resources"]["core"]
     except requests.RequestException as e:
         raise BugTrackerConnectError(url, e)
예제 #5
    def fetchCVEURL(self, url):
        """Fetch CVE data from a URL, decompressing if necessary."""
        self.logger.info("Downloading CVE database from %s..." % url)
            with override_timeout(config.cveupdater.timeout):
                # Command-line options are trusted, so allow file://
                # URLs to ease testing.
                response = urlfetch(url, use_proxy=True, allow_file=True)
        except requests.RequestException:
            raise LaunchpadScriptFailure(
                'Unable to connect for CVE database %s' % url)

        cve_db = response.content
        self.logger.info("%d bytes downloaded." % len(cve_db))
        # requests will normally decompress this automatically, but that
        # might not be the case if we're given a file:// URL to a gzipped
        # file.
        if cve_db[:2] == b'\037\213':  # gzip magic
            cve_db = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(cve_db)).read()
        return cve_db
예제 #6
    def request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=0):
        """Make an XMLRPC request.

        Uses the configured proxy server to make the connection.
        url = urlunparse((self.scheme, host, handler, '', '', ''))
        # httplib can raise a UnicodeDecodeError when using a Unicode
        # URL, a non-ASCII body and a proxy. http://bugs.python.org/issue12398
        url = six.ensure_binary(url)
            with override_timeout(self.timeout):
                response = urlfetch(
                    url, method='POST', headers={'Content-Type': 'text/xml'},
                    data=request_body, cookies=self.cookie_jar,
                    hooks={'response': repost_on_redirect_hook},
        except requests.HTTPError as e:
            raise ProtocolError(
                url.decode('utf-8'), e.response.status_code, e.response.reason,
            return self.parse_response(BytesIO(response.content))
 def getPage(self):
     """Download and return content from the Bugzilla page"""
     with override_timeout(config.updatebugzillaremotecomponents.timeout):
         return urlfetch(self.url, use_proxy=True).content
예제 #8
 def _getPage(self, page):
     """GET the specified page on the remote HTTP server."""
     page_url = urlappend(self.sourceforge_baseurl, page)
     with override_timeout(config.updatesourceforgeremoteproduct.timeout):
         return urlfetch(page_url, use_proxy=True).content