예제 #1
    def thresholdImage(self, image, thresholdParity, maskName="DETECTED"):
        """!Threshold the convolved image, returning a FootprintSet.
        Helper function for detect().

        \param image The (optionally convolved) MaskedImage to threshold
        \param thresholdParity Parity of threshold
        \param maskName Name of mask to set

        \return FootprintSet
        parity = False if thresholdParity == "negative" else True
        threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(self.config.thresholdValue, self.config.thresholdType, parity)

        if self.config.thresholdType == 'stdev':
            bad = image.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(['BAD', 'SAT', 'EDGE', 'NO_DATA',])
            sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
            stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(image, afwMath.STDEVCLIP, sctrl)
            thres = stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEVCLIP) * self.config.thresholdValue
            threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(thres, 'value', parity)

        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(image, threshold, maskName, self.config.minPixels)
        return fpSet
예제 #2
    def makeThreshold(self, image, thresholdParity):
        """Make an afw.detection.Threshold object corresponding to the task's
        configuration and the statistics of the given image.

        image : `afw.image.MaskedImage`
            Image to measure noise statistics from if needed.
        thresholdParity: `str`
            One of "positive" or "negative", to set the kind of fluctuations
            the Threshold will detect.
        parity = False if thresholdParity == "negative" else True
        threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(self.config.thresholdValue,
                                           self.config.thresholdType, parity)

        if self.config.thresholdType == 'stdev':
            bad = image.getMask().getPlaneBitMask([
            sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
            stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(image, afwMath.STDEVCLIP, sctrl)
            thres = (stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEVCLIP) *
            threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(thres, 'value', parity)

        return threshold
예제 #3
    def thresholdImage(self, image, thresholdParity, maskName="DETECTED"):
        """!Threshold the convolved image, returning a FootprintSet.
        Helper function for detect().

        \param image The (optionally convolved) MaskedImage to threshold
        \param thresholdParity Parity of threshold
        \param maskName Name of mask to set

        \return FootprintSet
        parity = False if thresholdParity == "negative" else True
        threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(self.config.thresholdValue,
                                           self.config.thresholdType, parity)

        if self.config.thresholdType == 'stdev':
            bad = image.getMask().getPlaneBitMask([
            sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
            stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(image, afwMath.STDEVCLIP, sctrl)
            thres = stats.getValue(
                afwMath.STDEVCLIP) * self.config.thresholdValue
            threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(thres, 'value', parity)

        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(image, threshold, maskName,
        return fpSet
예제 #4
    def makeThreshold(self, image, thresholdParity, factor=1.0):
        """Make an afw.detection.Threshold object corresponding to the task's
        configuration and the statistics of the given image.

        image : `afw.image.MaskedImage`
            Image to measure noise statistics from if needed.
        thresholdParity: `str`
            One of "positive" or "negative", to set the kind of fluctuations
            the Threshold will detect.
        factor : `float`
            Factor by which to multiply the configured detection threshold.
            This is useful for tweaking the detection threshold slightly.

        threshold : `lsst.afw.detection.Threshold`
            Detection threshold.
        parity = False if thresholdParity == "negative" else True
        thresholdValue = self.config.thresholdValue
        thresholdType = self.config.thresholdType
        if self.config.thresholdType == 'stdev':
            bad = image.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(self.config.statsMask)
            sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
            stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(image, afwMath.STDEVCLIP, sctrl)
            thresholdValue *= stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEVCLIP)
            thresholdType = 'value'

        threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(thresholdValue*factor, thresholdType, parity)
        return threshold
예제 #5
    def makeThreshold(self, image, thresholdParity, factor=1.0):
        """Make an afw.detection.Threshold object corresponding to the task's
        configuration and the statistics of the given image.

        image : `afw.image.MaskedImage`
            Image to measure noise statistics from if needed.
        thresholdParity: `str`
            One of "positive" or "negative", to set the kind of fluctuations
            the Threshold will detect.
        factor : `float`
            Factor by which to multiply the configured detection threshold.
            This is useful for tweaking the detection threshold slightly.

        threshold : `lsst.afw.detection.Threshold`
            Detection threshold.
        parity = False if thresholdParity == "negative" else True
        thresholdValue = self.config.thresholdValue
        thresholdType = self.config.thresholdType
        if self.config.thresholdType == 'stdev':
            bad = image.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(self.config.statsMask)
            sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
            stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(image, afwMath.STDEVCLIP, sctrl)
            thresholdValue *= stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEVCLIP)
            thresholdType = 'value'

        threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(thresholdValue*factor, thresholdType, parity)
        return threshold
    def testPeakRemoval(self):
        A simple example: three overlapping blobs (detected as 1
        footprint with three peaks).  Additional peaks are added near
        the blob peaks that should be identified as degenerate.
        H, W = 100, 100

        fpbb = geom.Box2I(geom.Point2I(0, 0), geom.Point2I(W - 1, H - 1))

        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        imgbb = afwimg.getBBox()
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()

        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:, :] = 1.

        blob_fwhm = 10.
        blob_psf = doubleGaussianPsf(99, 99, blob_fwhm, 2.*blob_fwhm, 0.03)

        fakepsf_fwhm = 3.
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(11, 11, fakepsf_fwhm)

        blobimgs = []
        x = 75.
        XY = [(x, 35.), (x, 65.), (50., 50.)]
        flux = 1e6
        for x, y in XY:
            bim = blob_psf.computeImage(geom.Point2D(x, y))
            bbb = bim.getBBox()

            bim = bim.Factory(bim, bbb)
            bim2 = bim.getArray()

            blobimg = np.zeros_like(img)
            blobimg[bbb.getMinY():bbb.getMaxY()+1, bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux*bim2

                bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(5., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()

        self.assertTrue(len(fps) == 1)

        # Add new peaks near to the first peaks that will be degenerate
        fp0 = fps[0]
        for x, y in XY:
            fp0.addPeak(x - 10, y + 6, 10)

        deb = deblend(fp0, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True, removeDegenerateTemplates=True)

    def testPeakRemoval(self):
        A simple example: three overlapping blobs (detected as 1
        footprint with three peaks).  Additional peaks are added near
        the blob peaks that should be identified as degenerate.
        H, W = 100, 100

        fpbb = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Point2I(W - 1, H - 1))

        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        imgbb = afwimg.getBBox()
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()

        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:, :] = 1.

        blob_fwhm = 10.
        blob_psf = doubleGaussianPsf(99, 99, blob_fwhm, 2.*blob_fwhm, 0.03)

        fakepsf_fwhm = 3.
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(11, 11, fakepsf_fwhm)

        blobimgs = []
        x = 75.
        XY = [(x, 35.), (x, 65.), (50., 50.)]
        flux = 1e6
        for x, y in XY:
            bim = blob_psf.computeImage(afwGeom.Point2D(x, y))
            bbb = bim.getBBox()

            bim = bim.Factory(bim, bbb)
            bim2 = bim.getArray()

            blobimg = np.zeros_like(img)
            blobimg[bbb.getMinY():bbb.getMaxY()+1, bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux*bim2

                bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(5., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()

        self.assertTrue(len(fps) == 1)

        # Add new peaks near to the first peaks that will be degenerate
        fp0 = fps[0]
        for x, y in XY:
            fp0.addPeak(x - 10, y + 6, 10)

        deb = deblend(fp0, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True, removeDegenerateTemplates=True)

예제 #8
    def psf(self, exposure, sources):
        """Measure the PSF

        @param exposure Exposure to process
        @param sources Measured sources on exposure
        assert exposure, "No exposure provided"
        assert sources, "No sources provided"
        psfPolicy = self.config['psf']
        selName = psfPolicy['selectName']
        selPolicy = psfPolicy['select'].getPolicy()
        algName = psfPolicy['algorithmName']
        algPolicy = psfPolicy['algorithm'].getPolicy()
        self.log.log(self.log.INFO, "Measuring PSF")

        # Run an extra detection step to mask out faint stars
        if False:
            print "RHL is cleaning faint sources"

            import lsst.afw.math as afwMath

            sigma = 1.0
            gaussFunc = afwMath.GaussianFunction1D(sigma)
            gaussKernel = afwMath.SeparableKernel(15, 15, gaussFunc, gaussFunc)

            im = exposure.getMaskedImage().getImage()
            convolvedImage = im.Factory(im.getDimensions())
            afwMath.convolve(convolvedImage, im, gaussKernel)
            del im

            fs = afwDet.makeFootprintSet(convolvedImage,
                                         afwDet.createThreshold(4, "stdev"))
            fs = afwDet.makeFootprintSet(fs, 3, True)
            fs.setMask(exposure.getMaskedImage().getMask(), "DETECTED")

        starSelector = measAlg.makeStarSelector(selName, selPolicy)
        psfCandidateList = starSelector.selectStars(exposure, sources)

        psfDeterminer = measAlg.makePsfDeterminer(algName, algPolicy)
        psf, cellSet = psfDeterminer.determinePsf(exposure, psfCandidateList)

        # The PSF candidates contain a copy of the source, and so we need to explicitly propagate new flags
        for cand in psfCandidateList:
            cand = measAlg.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand)
            src = cand.getSource()
            if src.getFlagForDetection() & measAlg.Flags.PSFSTAR:
                ident = src.getId()
                src = sources[ident]
                assert src.getId() == ident
                                        | measAlg.Flags.PSFSTAR)

        return psf, cellSet
예제 #9
def threshold(image, threshold, positive, log=None):
    thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(threshold, "value", positive)
    feet = afwDet.makeFootprintSet(image, thresh)
    if log is not None:
        log.log(log.INFO, "Found %d footprints" % len(feet.getFootprints()))
    pixels = afwImage.ImageU(image.getDimensions())
    for foot in feet.getFootprints():
        foot.insertIntoImage(pixels, 1)
    return pixels
def detect(mimg):

    thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(10., 'value', True)
    fpSet  = afwDet.FootprintSet(mimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
    fps    = fpSet.getFootprints()
    print 'found', len(fps), 'footprints'
    for fp in fps:
        print 'peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks())
        for pk in fp.getPeaks():
            print '  ', pk.getIx(), pk.getIy()
    return fps[0] if fps else None
예제 #11
def detect(mimg):

    thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(10., 'value', True)
    fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(mimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
    fps = fpSet.getFootprints()
    print('found', len(fps), 'footprints')
    for fp in fps:
        print('peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks()))
        for pk in fp.getPeaks():
            print('  ', pk.getIx(), pk.getIy())
    return fps[0] if fps else None
예제 #12
파일: footprint1.py 프로젝트: rnikutta/afw
    def testFootprints(self):
        """Check that we found the correct number of objects using FootprintSet"""
        level = 0x2
        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.mim.getMask(), afwDetect.createThreshold(level, "bitmask"))

        objects = ds.getFootprints()

        if 0 and display:
            ds9.mtv(self.mim, frame=0)

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), len([o for o in self.objects if (o.val & level)]))

        i = 0
        for o in self.objects:
            if o.val & level:
                self.assertEqual(o, objects[i])
                i += 1
예제 #13
    def thresholdImage(self, image, thresholdParity, maskName="DETECTED"):
        """Threshold the convolved image, returning a FootprintSet.
        Helper function for detect().

        @param image The (optionally convolved) MaskedImage to threshold
        @param thresholdParity Parity of threshold
        @param maskName Name of mask to set

        @return FootprintSet
        parity = False if thresholdParity == "negative" else True
        threshold = afwDet.createThreshold(self.config.thresholdValue,
                                           self.config.thresholdType, parity)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(image, threshold, maskName,
        return fpSet
예제 #14
    def testFootprints3(self):
        """Check that we found the correct number of objects using FootprintSet and PIXEL_STDEV"""
        threshold = 4.5                 # in units of sigma

        self.ms.set(2, 4, (10, 0x0, 36)) # not detected (high variance)

        y, x = self.objects[2].spans[0][0:2]
        self.ms.set(x, y, (threshold, 0x0, 1.0))

        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.ms,
                                        afwDetect.createThreshold(threshold, "pixel_stdev"), "OBJECT")

        objects = ds.getFootprints()

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), len(self.objects))
        for i in range(len(objects)):
            self.assertEqual(objects[i], self.objects[i])
예제 #15
    def testFootprints(self):
        """Check that we found the correct number of objects using FootprintSet"""
        level = 0x2
        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.mim.getMask(), afwDetect.createThreshold(level, "bitmask"))

        objects = ds.getFootprints()

        if 0 and display:
            ds9.mtv(self.mim, frame=0)

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), len([o for o in self.objects if (o.val & level)]))

        i = 0
        for o in self.objects:
            if o.val & level:
                self.assertEqual(o, objects[i])
                i += 1
예제 #16
    def testFootprints3(self):
        """Check that we found the correct number of objects using FootprintSet and PIXEL_STDEV"""
        threshold = 4.5                 # in units of sigma

        self.ms[2, 4, afwImage.LOCAL] = (10, 0x0, 36)  # not detected (high variance)

        y, x = self.objects[2].spans[0][0:2]
        self.ms[x, y, afwImage.LOCAL] = (threshold, 0x0, 1.0)

        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.ms,
                                    afwDetect.createThreshold(threshold, "pixel_stdev"), "OBJECT")

        objects = ds.getFootprints()

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), len(self.objects))
        for i in range(len(objects)):
            self.assertEqual(objects[i], self.objects[i])
예제 #17
    def testInf(self):
        """Test detection for images with Infs"""

        im = afwImage.MaskedImageF(lsst.geom.Extent2I(10, 20))

        import numpy
        for x in range(im.getWidth()):
            im[x, -1, afwImage.LOCAL] = (numpy.Inf, 0x0, 0)

        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(im, afwDetect.createThreshold(100))

        objects = ds.getFootprints()
        afwDetect.setMaskFromFootprintList(im.getMask(), objects, 0x10)

        if display:
            afwDisplay.Display(frame=2).mtv(im, title=self._testMethodName + " image")

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), 1)
예제 #18
    def testInf(self):
        """Test detection for images with Infs"""

        im = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(10, 20))
        import numpy
        for x in range(im.getWidth()):
            im.set(x, im.getHeight() - 1, (numpy.Inf, 0x0, 0))

        ds = afwDetect.makeFootprintSet(im, afwDetect.createThreshold(100))

        objects = ds.getFootprints()
        afwDetect.setMaskFromFootprintList(im.getMask(), objects, 0x10)

        if display:

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), 1)
예제 #19
    def testInf(self):
        """Test detection for images with Infs"""

        im = afwImage.MaskedImageF(lsst.geom.Extent2I(10, 20))

        import numpy
        for x in range(im.getWidth()):
            im[x, -1, afwImage.LOCAL] = (numpy.Inf, 0x0, 0)

        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(im, afwDetect.createThreshold(100))

        objects = ds.getFootprints()
        afwDetect.setMaskFromFootprintList(im.getMask(), objects, 0x10)

        if display:

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), 1)
예제 #20
    psf_im = psf_im.convertF()
    subim += psf_im

print(" subim = ", subim)

back_im = afwImage.ImageF(im.getBBox())
afwMath.randomPoissonImage(back_im, rand, 100)
im += back_im
mask = afwImage.MaskU(im.getBBox())
masked_im = afwImage.MaskedImageF(im, mask, im)


threshold = afwDetect.createThreshold(5., 'stdev')
fs = afwDetect.FootprintSet(masked_im, threshold, 'DETECTED')

bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(11, 11)
bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(masked_im, bctrl)
masked_im -= bkgd.getImageF()
masked_im.getMask().set(0)  # reset mask
fs = afwDetect.FootprintSet(masked_im, threshold, 'DETECTED')

# numpy arrays from images
im, mask, var = masked_im.getArrays()
print type(im)
예제 #21
    def test2(self):
        A 1-d example, to test the stray-flux assignment.
        H,W = 1,100

        fpbb = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0,0),
        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        imgbb = afwimg.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()
        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:,:] = 1.

        y = 0
        img[y, 1:-1] = 10.

        img[0,  1] = 20.
        img[0, -2] = 20.
        fakepsf_fwhm = 1.
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(1, 1, fakepsf_fwhm)

        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(5., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()
        self.assertEqual(len(fps), 1)
        fp = fps[0]

        # WORKAROUND: the detection alg produces ONE peak, at (1,0),
        # rather than two.
        self.assertEqual(len(fp.getPeaks()), 1)
        fp.addPeak(W-2, y, float("NaN"))
        #print 'Added peak; peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks())
        #for pk in fp.getPeaks():
        #    print '  ', pk.getFx(), pk.getFy()
        deb = deblend(fp, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True,
                      fitPsfs=False, )

        if doPlot:
            XX = np.arange(W+1).repeat(2)[1:-1]

            p1 = plt.plot(XX, img[y,:].repeat(2), 'g-', lw=3, alpha=0.3)

            for i,dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
                print dpk
                port = dpk.fluxPortion.getImage()
                bb = port.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)
                YY = np.zeros(XX.shape)
                YY[bb.getMinX()*2 : (bb.getMaxX()+1)*2] = port.getArray()[0,:].repeat(2)
                p2 = plt.plot(XX, YY, 'r-')

                simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                p3 = plt.plot(XX, simg.getArray()[y,:].repeat(2), 'b-')

                       ('Parent Flux', 'Child portion', 'Child stray flux'))
            plt.ylim(-2, 22)
            plt.savefig(plotpat % 3)

        strays = []
        for i,dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
            simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)

        ssum = reduce(np.add, strays)

        starget = np.zeros(W)
        starget[2:-2] = 10.
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ssum == starget))

        X = np.arange(W)
        dx1 = X - 1.
        dx2 = X - (W-2)
        f1 = (1. / (1. + dx1**2))
        f2 = (1. / (1. + dx2**2))
        strayclip = 0.001
        fsum = f1 + f2
        f1[f1 < strayclip * fsum] = 0.
        f2[f2 < strayclip * fsum] = 0.

        s1 = f1 / (f1+f2) * 10.
        s2 = f2 / (f1+f2) * 10.

        s1[:2] = 0.
        s2[-2:] = 0.
        if doPlot:
            p4 = plt.plot(XX, s1.repeat(2), 'm-')
            plt.plot(XX, s2.repeat(2), 'm-')

                       ('Parent Flux', 'Child portion', 'Child stray flux',
                        'Expected stray flux'))
            plt.ylim(-2, 22)
            plt.savefig(plotpat % 4)

        # test abs diff
        d = np.max(np.abs(s1 - strays[0]))
        self.assertTrue(d < 1e-6)
        d = np.max(np.abs(s2 - strays[1]))
        self.assertTrue(d < 1e-6)

        # test relative diff
        self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(s1 - strays[0]) / np.maximum(1e-3, s1)) < 1e-6)
        self.assertTrue(np.max(np.abs(s2 - strays[1]) / np.maximum(1e-3, s2)) < 1e-6)
    def test1(self):
        A simple example: three overlapping blobs (detected as 1
        footprint with three peaks).  We artificially omit one of the
        peaks, meaning that its flux is "stray".  Assert that the
        stray flux assigned to the other two peaks accounts for all
        the flux in the parent.
        H, W = 100, 100

        fpbb = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0),
                             afwGeom.Point2I(W-1, H-1))

        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        imgbb = afwimg.getBBox()
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()

        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:, :] = 1.

        blob_fwhm = 10.
        blob_psf = doubleGaussianPsf(99, 99, blob_fwhm, 3.*blob_fwhm, 0.03)

        fakepsf_fwhm = 3.
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(11, 11, fakepsf_fwhm)

        blobimgs = []
        x = 75.
        XY = [(x, 35.), (x, 65.), (50., 50.)]
        flux = 1e6
        for x, y in XY:
            bim = blob_psf.computeImage(afwGeom.Point2D(x, y))
            bbb = bim.getBBox()

            bim = bim.Factory(bim, bbb)
            bim2 = bim.getArray()

            blobimg = np.zeros_like(img)
                    bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

                bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(5., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()
        print('found', len(fps), 'footprints')
        pks2 = []
        for fp in fps:
            print('peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks()))
            for pk in fp.getPeaks():
                print('  ', pk.getIx(), pk.getIy())
                pks2.append((pk.getIx(), pk.getIy()))

        # The first peak in this list is the one we want to omit.
        fp0 = fps[0]
        fakefp = afwDet.Footprint(fp0.getSpans(), fp0.getBBox())
        for pk in fp0.getPeaks()[1:]:

        ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray',
                   vmin=0, vmax=1e3)

        if doPlot:
            plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

            plt.suptitle('strayFlux.py: test1 input')
            plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
            plt.imshow(img, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([x for x, y in XY], [y for x, y in XY], 'r.')
            for i, (b, (x, y)) in enumerate(zip(blobimgs, XY)):
                plt.subplot(2, 2, 2+i)
                plt.title('Blob %i' % i)
                plt.imshow(b, **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(x, y, 'r.')
            plt.savefig(plotpat % 1)

        # Change verbose to False to quiet down the meas_deblender.baseline logger
        deb = deblend(fakefp, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True)
        parent_img = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
        fakefp.spans.copyImage(afwimg.getImage(), parent_img)

        if doPlot:
            def myimshow(*args, **kwargs):
                plt.imshow(*args, **kwargs)

            plt.suptitle('strayFlux.py: test1 results')
            # R,C = 3,5
            R, C = 3, 4
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 1)
            myimshow(img, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([x for x, y in XY], [y for x, y in XY], 'r.')

            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 2)
            plt.title('Parent footprint')
            myimshow(parent_img.getArray(), **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([pk.getIx() for pk in fakefp.getPeaks()],
                     [pk.getIy() for pk in fakefp.getPeaks()], 'r.')

            sumimg = None
            for i, dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 1)
                plt.title('ch%i symm' % i)
                symm = dpk.templateImage
                myimshow(symm.getArray(), extent=imExt(symm), **ima)

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 2)
                plt.title('ch%i portion' % i)
                port = dpk.fluxPortion.getImage()
                myimshow(port.getArray(), extent=imExt(port), **ima)

                himg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                heavy = dpk.getFluxPortion(strayFlux=False)

                # plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 3)
                # plt.title('ch%i heavy' % i)
                # myimshow(himg.getArray(), **ima)
                # ax = plt.axis()
                # plt.plot([x for x,y in XY], [y for x,y in XY], 'r.')
                # plt.axis(ax)

                simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 3)
                plt.title('ch%i stray' % i)
                myimshow(simg.getArray(), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot([x for x, y in XY], [y for x, y in XY], 'r.')

                himg2 = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                heavy = dpk.getFluxPortion(strayFlux=True)

                if sumimg is None:
                    sumimg = himg2.getArray().copy()
                    sumimg += himg2.getArray()

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 4)
                myimshow(himg2.getArray(), **ima)
                plt.title('ch%i total' % i)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot([x for x, y in XY], [y for x, y in XY], 'r.')

            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + C)
            myimshow(sumimg, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([x for x, y in XY], [y for x, y in XY], 'r.')
            plt.title('Sum of deblends')

            plt.savefig(plotpat % 2)

        # Compute the sum-of-children image
        sumimg = None
        for i, dpk in enumerate(deb.deblendedParents[0].peaks):
            himg2 = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
            if sumimg is None:
                sumimg = himg2.getArray().copy()
                sumimg += himg2.getArray()

        # Sum of children ~= Original image inside footprint (parent_img)

        absdiff = np.max(np.abs(sumimg - parent_img.getArray()))
        print('Max abs diff:', absdiff)
        imgmax = parent_img.getArray().max()
        print('Img max:', imgmax)
        self.assertLess(absdiff, imgmax*1e-6)
    def test2(self):
        A 1-d example, to test the stray-flux assignment.
        H, W = 1, 100

        fpbb = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0),
                             afwGeom.Point2I(W-1, H-1))
        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()

        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:, :] = 1.

        y = 0
        img[y, 1:-1] = 10.

        img[0, 1] = 20.
        img[0, -2] = 20.

        fakepsf_fwhm = 1.
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(1, 1, fakepsf_fwhm)

        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(5., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()
        self.assertEqual(len(fps), 1)
        fp = fps[0]

        # WORKAROUND: the detection alg produces ONE peak, at (1,0),
        # rather than two.
        self.assertEqual(len(fp.getPeaks()), 1)
        fp.addPeak(W-2, y, float("NaN"))
        # print 'Added peak; peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks())
        # for pk in fp.getPeaks():
        #    print '  ', pk.getFx(), pk.getFy()

        # Change verbose to False to quiet down the meas_deblender.baseline logger
        deb = deblend(fp, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True,
                      fitPsfs=False, )

        if doPlot:
            XX = np.arange(W+1).repeat(2)[1:-1]

            p1 = plt.plot(XX, img[y, :].repeat(2), 'g-', lw=3, alpha=0.3)

            for i, dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
                port = dpk.fluxPortion.getImage()
                bb = port.getBBox()
                YY = np.zeros(XX.shape)
                YY[bb.getMinX()*2: (bb.getMaxX()+1)*2] = port.getArray()[0, :].repeat(2)
                p2 = plt.plot(XX, YY, 'r-')

                simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                p3 = plt.plot(XX, simg.getArray()[y, :].repeat(2), 'b-')

            plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]),
                       ('Parent Flux', 'Child portion', 'Child stray flux'))
            plt.ylim(-2, 22)
            plt.savefig(plotpat % 3)

        strays = []
        for i, dpk in enumerate(deb.deblendedParents[0].peaks):
            simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)

        ssum = reduce(np.add, strays)

        starget = np.zeros(W)
        starget[2:-2] = 10.

        self.assertFloatsEqual(ssum, starget)

        X = np.arange(W)
        dx1 = X - 1.
        dx2 = X - (W-2)
        f1 = (1. / (1. + dx1**2))
        f2 = (1. / (1. + dx2**2))
        strayclip = 0.001
        fsum = f1 + f2
        f1[f1 < strayclip * fsum] = 0.
        f2[f2 < strayclip * fsum] = 0.

        s1 = f1 / (f1+f2) * 10.
        s2 = f2 / (f1+f2) * 10.

        s1[:2] = 0.
        s2[-2:] = 0.

        if doPlot:
            p4 = plt.plot(XX, s1.repeat(2), 'm-')
            plt.plot(XX, s2.repeat(2), 'm-')

            plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]),
                       ('Parent Flux', 'Child portion', 'Child stray flux',
                        'Expected stray flux'))
            plt.ylim(-2, 22)
            plt.savefig(plotpat % 4)

        # test abs diff
        d = np.max(np.abs(s1 - strays[0]))
        self.assertLess(d, 1e-6)
        d = np.max(np.abs(s2 - strays[1]))
        self.assertLess(d, 1e-6)

        # test relative diff
        self.assertLess(np.max(np.abs(s1 - strays[0])/np.maximum(1e-3, s1)), 1e-6)
        self.assertLess(np.max(np.abs(s2 - strays[1])/np.maximum(1e-3, s2)), 1e-6)
예제 #24
    def findHotAndColdPixels(self, exp, nSigma):
        """Find hot and cold pixels in an image.

        Using config-defined thresholds on a per-amp basis, mask
        pixels that are nSigma above threshold in dark frames (hot
        pixels), or nSigma away from the clipped mean in flats (hot &
        cold pixels).

        exp : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.Exposure`
            The exposure in which to find defects.
        nSigma : `list [ `float` ]
            Detection threshold to use.  Positive for DETECTED pixels,
            negative for DETECTED_NEGATIVE pixels.

        defects : `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
            The defects found in the image.


        maskedIm = exp.maskedImage

        # the detection polarity for afwDetection, True for positive,
        # False for negative, and therefore True for darks as they only have
        # bright pixels, and both for flats, as they have bright and dark pix
        footprintList = []

        for amp in exp.getDetector():
            ampImg = maskedIm[amp.getBBox()].clone()

            # crop ampImage depending on where the amp lies in the image
            if self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight:
                if ampImg.getX0() == 0:
                    ampImg = ampImg[self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight:, :,
                    ampImg = ampImg[:-self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight, :,
            if self.config.nPixBorderUpDown:
                if ampImg.getY0() == 0:
                    ampImg = ampImg[:, self.config.nPixBorderUpDown:,
                    ampImg = ampImg[:, :-self.config.nPixBorderUpDown,

            if self._getNumGoodPixels(
                    ampImg) == 0:  # amp contains no usable pixels

            # Remove a background estimate
            ampImg -= afwMath.makeStatistics(

            mergedSet = None
            for sigma in nSigma:
                nSig = np.abs(sigma)
                self.debugHistogram('ampFlux', ampImg, nSig, exp)
                polarity = {-1: False, 1: True}[np.sign(sigma)]

                threshold = afwDetection.createThreshold(nSig,

                footprintSet = afwDetection.FootprintSet(ampImg, threshold)
                    ("DETECTED" if polarity else "DETECTED_NEGATIVE"))

                if mergedSet is None:
                    mergedSet = footprintSet

            footprintList += mergedSet.getFootprints()

                'defectMap', ampImg,

        defects = Defects.fromFootprintList(footprintList)
        defects = self.maskBlocksIfIntermitentBadPixelsInColumn(defects)

        return defects
예제 #25
    def test1(self):
        In this test, we create a test image containing two blobs, one
        of which is truncated by the edge of the image.

        We run the detection code to get realistic peaks and

        We then test out the different edge treatments and assert that
        they do what they claim.  We also make plots, tests/edge*.png

        # Create fake image...
        H, W = 100, 100
        fpbb = geom.Box2I(geom.Point2I(0, 0),
                          geom.Point2I(W-1, H-1))
        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        imgbb = afwimg.getBBox()
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()

        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:, :] = 1.

        blob_fwhm = 15.
        blob_psf = doubleGaussianPsf(201, 201, blob_fwhm, 3.*blob_fwhm, 0.03)
        fakepsf_fwhm = 5.
        S = int(np.ceil(fakepsf_fwhm * 2.)) * 2 + 1
        print('S', S)
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(S, S, fakepsf_fwhm)

        # Create and save blob images, and add to image to deblend.
        blobimgs = []
        XY = [(50., 50.), (90., 50.)]
        flux = 1e6
        for x, y in XY:
            bim = blob_psf.computeImage(geom.Point2D(x, y))
            bbb = bim.getBBox()

            bim = bim.Factory(bim, bbb)
            bim2 = bim.getArray()

            blobimg = np.zeros_like(img)
                    bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

                bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(10., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()
        print('found', len(fps), 'footprints')

        # set EDGE bit on edge pixels.
        margin = 5
        lo = imgbb.getMin()
        lo.shift(geom.Extent2I(margin, margin))
        hi = imgbb.getMax()
        hi.shift(geom.Extent2I(-margin, -margin))
        goodbbox = geom.Box2I(lo, hi)
        print('Good bbox for setting EDGE pixels:', goodbbox)
        print('image bbox:', imgbb)
        edgebit = afwimg.getMask().getPlaneBitMask("EDGE")
        print('edgebit:', edgebit)
        measAlg.SourceDetectionTask.setEdgeBits(afwimg, goodbbox, edgebit)

        if False:
                       interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')

            M = afwimg.getMask().getArray()
            for bit in range(32):
                mbit = (1 << bit)
                if not np.any(M & mbit):
                plt.imshow(M & mbit,
                           interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
                plt.title('Mask bit %i (0x%x)' % (bit, mbit))
                plt.savefig('mask-%02i.png' % bit)

        for fp in fps:
            print('peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks()))
            for pk in fp.getPeaks():
                print('  ', pk.getIx(), pk.getIy())
        assert(len(fps) == 1)
        fp = fps[0]
        assert(len(fp.getPeaks()) == 2)

        ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',  # cmap='gray',
                   vmin=0, vmax=400)

        for j, (tt, kwa) in enumerate([
            ('No edge treatment', dict()),
            ('Ramp by PSF', dict(rampFluxAtEdge=True)),
            ('No clip at edge', dict(patchEdges=True)),
            # print 'Deblending...'
            # Change verbose to False to quiet down the meas_deblender.baseline logger
            deb = deblend(fp, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True,
            # print 'Result:', deb
            # print len(deb.peaks), 'deblended peaks'

            parent_img = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
            fp.spans.copyImage(afwimg.getImage(), parent_img)

            X = [x for x, y in XY]
            Y = [y for x, y in XY]
            PX = [pk.getIx() for pk in fp.getPeaks()]
            PY = [pk.getIy() for pk in fp.getPeaks()]

            # Grab 1-d slices to make assertion about.
            symms = []
            monos = []
            symm1ds = []
            mono1ds = []
            yslice = H//2
            parent1d = img[yslice, :]
            for i, dpk in enumerate(deb.deblendedParents[0].peaks):
                symm = dpk.origTemplate

                bbox = symm.getBBox()
                x0, y0 = bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMinY()
                im = symm.getArray()
                h, w = im.shape
                oned = np.zeros(W)
                oned[x0: x0+w] = im[yslice-y0, :]

                mono = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                dpk.templateFootprint.spans.copyImage(dpk.templateImage, mono)

                im = mono.getArray()
                bbox = mono.getBBox()
                x0, y0 = bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMinY()
                h, w = im.shape
                oned = np.zeros(W)
                oned[x0: x0+w] = im[yslice-y0, :]

            for i, (symm, mono) in enumerate(zip(symm1ds, mono1ds)):
                # for the first two cases, the basic symmetric
                # template for the second source drops to zero at <
                # ~75 where the symmetric part is outside the
                # footprint.
                if i == 1 and j in [0, 1]:
                    self.assertFloatsEqual(symm[:74], 0.0)
                if i == 1 and j == 2:
                    # For the third case, the 'symm' template gets
                    # "patched" with the parent's value
                    self.assertFloatsEqual(symm[:74], parent1d[:74])

                if i == 1 and j == 0:
                    # No edge handling: mono template == 0
                    self.assertFloatsEqual(mono[:74], 0.0)
                if i == 1 and j == 1:
                    # ramp by psf: zero up to ~65, ramps up
                    self.assertFloatsEqual(mono[:64], 0.0)
                    self.assertTrue(np.any(mono[65:74] > 0))
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(np.diff(mono)[60:80] >= 0.))
                if i == 1 and j == 2:
                    # no edge clipping: profile is monotonic and positive.
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(np.diff(mono)[:85] >= 0.))
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(mono[:85] > 0.))

            if not doPlot:

            p1 = plt.plot(parent1d, 'b-', lw=3, alpha=0.5)
            for i, (symm, mono) in enumerate(zip(symm1ds, mono1ds)):
                p2 = plt.plot(symm, 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.7)
                p3 = plt.plot(mono, 'g-')
            plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ('Parent', 'Symm template', 'Mono template'),
                       loc='upper left')
            plt.title('1-d slice: %s' % tt)
            fn = plotpat % (2*j+0)
            print('Wrote', fn)

            def myimshow(*args, **kwargs):
                x0, x1, y0, y1 = imExt(afwimg)
                plt.fill([x0, x0, x1, x1, x0], [y0, y1, y1, y0, y0], color=(1, 1, 0.8),
                plt.imshow(*args, zorder=25, **kwargs)


            pa = dict(color='m', marker='.', linestyle='None', zorder=30)

            R, C = 3, 6
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 1)
            myimshow(img, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot(X, Y, **pa)

            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 2)
            myimshow(parent_img.getArray(), **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot(PX, PY, **pa)

            sumimg = None
            for i, dpk in enumerate(deb.deblendedParents[0].peaks):

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 1)
                myimshow(blobimgs[i], **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 2)
                t = dpk.origTemplate
                myimshow(t.getArray(), extent=imExt(t), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)

                # monotonic template
                mimg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                                                dpk.templateImage, mimg)

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 3)
                myimshow(mimg.getArray(), extent=imExt(mimg), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 4)
                port = dpk.fluxPortion.getImage()
                myimshow(port.getArray(), extent=imExt(port), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)

                if dpk.strayFlux is not None:
                    simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)

                    plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 5)
                    myimshow(simg.getArray(), **ima)
                    ax = plt.axis()
                    plt.plot(PX, PY, **pa)

                himg2 = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                portion = dpk.getFluxPortion()

                if sumimg is None:
                    sumimg = himg2.getArray().copy()
                    sumimg += himg2.getArray()

                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 6)
                myimshow(himg2.getArray(), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX, PY, **pa)

            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + C)
            myimshow(sumimg, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot(X, Y, **pa)
            plt.title('Sum of deblends')

            fn = plotpat % (2*j + 1)
            print('Wrote', fn)
예제 #26
    def test1(self):
        A simple example: three overlapping blobs (detected as 1
        footprint with three peaks).  We artificially omit one of the
        peaks, meaning that its flux is "stray".  Assert that the
        stray flux assigned to the other two peaks accounts for all
        the flux in the parent.
        H,W = 100,100

        fpbb = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0,0),

        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        imgbb = afwimg.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()

        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:,:] = 1.
        blob_fwhm = 10.
        blob_psf = doubleGaussianPsf(99, 99, blob_fwhm, 3.*blob_fwhm, 0.03)

        fakepsf_fwhm = 3.
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(11, 11, fakepsf_fwhm)
        blobimgs = []
        x = 75.
        XY = [(x,35.), (x,65.), (50.,50.)]
        flux = 1e6
        for x,y in XY:
            bim = blob_psf.computeImage(afwGeom.Point2D(x, y))
            bbb = bim.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)

            bim = bim.Factory(bim, bbb, afwImage.PARENT)
            bim2 = bim.getArray()

            blobimg = np.zeros_like(img)
                    bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

                bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2

        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(5., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()
        print 'found', len(fps), 'footprints'
        pks2 = []
        for fp in fps:
            print 'peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks())
            for pk in fp.getPeaks():
                print '  ', pk.getIx(), pk.getIy()
                pks2.append((pk.getIx(), pk.getIy()))

        # The first peak in this list is the one we want to omit.
        fp0 = fps[0]
        fakefp = afwDet.Footprint(fp0.getSpans(), fp0.getBBox())
        for pk in fp0.getPeaks()[1:]:
        ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray',
                   vmin=0, vmax=1e3)

        if doPlot:

            plt.suptitle('strayFlux.py: test1 input')
            plt.imshow(img, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([x for x,y in XY], [y for x,y in XY], 'r.')
            for i,(b,(x,y)) in enumerate(zip(blobimgs, XY)):
                plt.subplot(2,2, 2+i)
                plt.title('Blob %i' % i)
                plt.imshow(b, **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(x, y, 'r.')
            plt.savefig(plotpat % 1)

        deb = deblend(fakefp, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True)
        parent_img = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
        afwDet.copyWithinFootprintImage(fakefp, afwimg.getImage(), parent_img)

        if doPlot:
            def myimshow(*args, **kwargs):
                plt.imshow(*args, **kwargs)
                plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([])
            plt.suptitle('strayFlux.py: test1 results')
            #R,C = 3,5
            R,C = 3,4
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 1)
            myimshow(img, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([x for x,y in XY], [y for x,y in XY], 'r.')
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 2)
            plt.title('Parent footprint')
            myimshow(parent_img.getArray(), **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([pk.getIx() for pk in fakefp.getPeaks()],
                     [pk.getIy() for pk in fakefp.getPeaks()], 'r.')
            sumimg = None
            for i,dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 1)
                plt.title('ch%i symm' % i)
                symm = dpk.templateImage
                myimshow(symm.getArray(), extent=imExt(symm), **ima)
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 2)
                plt.title('ch%i portion' % i)
                port = dpk.fluxPortion.getImage()
                myimshow(port.getArray(), extent=imExt(port), **ima)
                himg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                heavy = dpk.getFluxPortion(strayFlux=False)
                # plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 3)
                # plt.title('ch%i heavy' % i)
                # myimshow(himg.getArray(), **ima)
                # ax = plt.axis()
                # plt.plot([x for x,y in XY], [y for x,y in XY], 'r.')
                # plt.axis(ax)
                simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 3)
                plt.title('ch%i stray' % i)
                myimshow(simg.getArray(), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot([x for x,y in XY], [y for x,y in XY], 'r.')

                himg2 = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                heavy = dpk.getFluxPortion(strayFlux=True)
                if sumimg is None:
                    sumimg = himg2.getArray().copy()
                    sumimg += himg2.getArray()
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 4)
                myimshow(himg2.getArray(), **ima)
                plt.title('ch%i total' % i)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot([x for x,y in XY], [y for x,y in XY], 'r.')
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + C)
            myimshow(sumimg, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot([x for x,y in XY], [y for x,y in XY], 'r.')
            plt.title('Sum of deblends')
            plt.savefig(plotpat % 2)

        # Compute the sum-of-children image
        sumimg = None
        for i,dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
            himg2 = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
            if sumimg is None:
                sumimg = himg2.getArray().copy()
                sumimg += himg2.getArray()
        # Sum of children ~= Original image inside footprint (parent_img)

        absdiff = np.max(np.abs(sumimg - parent_img.getArray()))
        print 'Max abs diff:', absdiff
        imgmax = parent_img.getArray().max()
        print 'Img max:', imgmax
        self.assertTrue(absdiff < imgmax * 1e-6)
t1 = wcs.pixelToSky(eIm.getWidth(), 0)
t2 = wcs.pixelToSky(0, eIm.getHeight())
t3 = wcs.pixelToSky(eIm.getWidth(), eIm.getHeight())
minRA = min(t0.getPosition()[0], t1.getPosition()[0],
            t2.getPosition()[0], t3.getPosition()[0])
maxRA = max(t0.getPosition()[0], t1.getPosition()[0],
            t2.getPosition()[0], t3.getPosition()[0])
minDec = min(t0.getPosition()[1], t1.getPosition()[1],
            t2.getPosition()[1], t3.getPosition()[1])
maxDec = max(t0.getPosition()[1], t1.getPosition()[1],
            t2.getPosition()[1], t3.getPosition()[1])

if eFile.startswith('eimage'):
    # There shouldn't be many sources in negative
    print 'Making negative footprint detections.'
    detSetN = afwDetection.makeFootprintSet(useEImForBG, afwDetection.createThreshold(5, 'stdev', False))
    footprintsN = detSetN.getFootprints()
    if len(footprintsN) > 0:
        raise RuntimeError, '*** Unexpected negative source.'
    else: print '   No negative footprints found, as expected.'

regOut = open(outDir + 'pDet.reg', 'w')
print 'Making positive footprint detections.'
detSetP = afwDetection.makeFootprintSet(useEImForBG, afwDetection.createThreshold(5, "stdev"))
footprintsP = detSetP.getFootprints()
nf = len(footprintsP)
detxs = []; detys = []; nCts = []; estSizePix = []
n = 0; boxSize = 2; circleSize = 20
print 'Considering %i positive footprints.' % len(footprintsP)
fAllFPP = open(outDir + 'fAllFPP.reg', 'w')
for fp in footprintsP:
예제 #28
def findMatchingFootprints(eIm, eHDUList, wcs, ra, dec, rmags, baRatio, objId, option, a_disk, b_disk, a_bulge, b_bulge, diskFluxNorm, bulgeFluxNorm, pa_d, raEdge, decEdge, dxMin, dyMin, matchArcsec, plotno, ePath):
   # Get the set of footprints from the FITS image, setting the 
   # threshold by either count value or STDEV.  footprintsP is the list
   # of positive footprints for that particular FITS file, con-
   # sisting of a set of pixels.  getFootprints() returns the
   # footprints of detected objects.
   # Don't set the detection limit too bright, or sources will
   #  sometimes be missed. 
   detSetP = afwDetection.makeFootprintSet(
       eIm, afwDetection.createThreshold(2., 'value'))
       #eIm, afwDetection.createThreshold(28., 'stdev'))
   footprintsP = detSetP.getFootprints()
   nf = len(footprintsP)
   b1 = 1.999*1 - 0.327
   b4 = 1.999*4 - 0.327
   detxs = []; detys = []; nCts = []; estSizePix = []
   detMinx = []; detMaxx = []; detMiny = []; detMaxy = []
   detMaxRad2 = []
   n = 0; boxSize = 2
   minCtsBrightThresh = 1000
   #print 'Considering %i positive footprints.' % len(footprintsP)
   for fp in footprintsP:
      if n % 10000 == 0: print '%i of %i positive footprints analyzed.' % (n, nf)
      # Return "a list of BBoxs whose union contains exactly the pixels in
      # foot, neither more or less."
      # This looks at each boundary box in the list of boundary boxes (bboxes)
      # and gets the minimum and maximum x and y values of the list of coordinates,
      # and calculates the x and y lengths of the boundary box (dx, dy).
      # Lots of times they're only 1 pixel in length.  fAllFPP is a file
      # containing the center x,y coordinates of each footprint, as well as dx and dy.
      # minx, maxx, miny, and maxy will be the very minimum and maximum values of
      # all the footprints for all the boundary boxes in the list.  Create a
      # rectangular footprint:
      bboxes = afwDetection.footprintToBBoxList(fp)
      minx = 1e100; maxx = -1e100; miny = 1e100; maxy = -1e100
      for bbox in bboxes:
         x0, y0 = bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMinY()
         x1, y1 = bbox.getMaxX(), bbox.getMaxY()
         dx = x1 - x0; dy = y1 - y0
         minx = min([minx, x0, x1]); maxx = max([maxx, x0, x1])
         miny = min([miny, y0, y1]); maxy = max([maxy, y0, y1])

      oldminx = minx; oldmaxx = maxx
      oldminy = miny; oldmaxy = maxy
      # The footprint regions are sometimes skewed, so center them
      #  as best we can by finding the maximum pixel and then weighting
      #  around that.
      # eIm.get(x,y) returns the number of counts (t0) in that pixel.
      # DS9 uses 1-based coords, so add 1
      highPixx = -1; highPixy = -1; highPixVal = -1.e100
      for x in range(minx, maxx+1):
         for y in range(miny, maxy+1):
            t0 = eIm.get(x, y)
            if t0 > highPixVal:
               highPixx = x; highPixy = y; highPixVal = t0
      # Now we know the max pixel.  Work in an aperture around it.  Use the
      #  footprints to set the maximum extent of the aperture.
      # Check to make sure the distance of the pixel in question is equal
      # to or less that the maximum radius of the aperture.
      # ctsWtSumx(or y) is the weighted center coordinate of the object 
      # in the  x (or y) direction.
      # detxs is a list of ctsWtSumx for each footprint.
      # Only keep the eImages that are above a minimum brightness threshold
      # and above a minimum x or y width in terms of pixels.
      tCts = 0; ctsWtSumx = 0; ctsWtSumy = 0; nPix = 0
      t0 = (maxx - highPixx)**2
      t1 = (minx - highPixx)**2
      maxx2 = max(t0, t1)
      t0 = (maxy - highPixy)**2
      t1 = (miny - highPixy)**2
      maxy2 = max(t0, t1)
      maxRad2 = maxx2 + maxy2
      dx = abs(maxx - minx)
      dy = abs(maxy - miny)
      if dx >= dxMin or dy >= dyMin:
         for x in range(minx, maxx+1):
            for y in range(miny, maxy+1):
               r2 = (x-highPixx)**2 + (y-highPixy)**2
               if r2 > maxRad2: continue
               t0 = eIm.get(x, y)
               tCts += t0
               ctsWtSumx += x * t0; ctsWtSumy += y * t0
               nPix += 1
         if tCts > minCtsBrightThresh:
            ctsWtSumx /= float(tCts); ctsWtSumy /= float(tCts)
            # Now iterate it again over a smaller region to improve
            # your chances of hitting the center.
            minx = int(ctsWtSumx - dx/5.); maxx = int(ctsWtSumx + dx/5.)
            miny = int(ctsWtSumy - dy/5.); maxy = int(ctsWtSumy + dy/5.)
            if maxx > 3999: maxx = 3999
            if minx < 1: minx = 0
            if maxy > 4071: maxy = 4071
            if miny < 1: miny = 0

            highPixx = -1; highPixy = -1; highPixVal = -1.e100
            for x in range(minx, maxx+1):
               for y in range(miny, maxy+1):
                  t0 = eIm.get(x, y)
                  if t0 > highPixVal:
                     highPixx = x; highPixy = y; highPixVal = t0

            tCts = 0; ctsWtSumx = 0; ctsWtSumy = 0; nPix = 0
            t0 = (maxx - highPixx)**2
            t1 = (minx - highPixx)**2
            maxx2 = max(t0, t1)
            t0 = (maxy - highPixy)**2
            t1 = (miny - highPixy)**2
            maxy2 = max(t0, t1)
            maxRad2 = maxx2 + maxy2
            for x in range(minx, maxx+1):
               for y in range(miny, maxy+1):
                  r2 = (x-highPixx)**2 + (y-highPixy)**2
                  if r2 > maxRad2: continue
                  t0 = eIm.get(x, y)
                  tCts += t0
                  ctsWtSumx += x * t0; ctsWtSumy += y * t0
                  nPix += 1
            ctsWtSumx /= float(tCts); ctsWtSumy /= float(tCts)
            minx = oldminx
            maxx = oldmaxx
            miny = oldminy
            maxy = oldmaxy
            t0 = (maxx - ctsWtSumx)**2
            t1 = (minx - ctsWtSumx)**2
            maxx2 = max(t0, t1)
            t0 = (maxy - ctsWtSumy)**2
            t1 = (miny - ctsWtSumy)**2
            maxy2 = max(t0, t1)
            maxRad2 = maxx2 + maxy2

            detxs.append(ctsWtSumx); detys.append(ctsWtSumy)
            nCts.append(tCts); estSizePix.append(nPix)
            detMinx.append(int(ctsWtSumx-dx/2.)); detMaxx.append(int(ctsWtSumx+dx/2.))
            detMiny.append(int(ctsWtSumy-dy/2.)); detMaxy.append(int(ctsWtSumy+dy/2.)) 
      n += 1

   # At this point you have data for bright enough, wide enough footprints.
   detxs = numpy.array(detxs); detys = numpy.array(detys)
   nCts = numpy.array(nCts); estSizePix = numpy.array(estSizePix)
   detMinx = numpy.array(detMinx); detMaxx = numpy.array(detMaxx)
   detMiny = numpy.array(detMiny); detMaxy = numpy.array(detMaxy)

   #brightRAs = numpy.zeros(len(detxs))
   #brightDecs = numpy.zeros(len(detxs))
   brightRAs = wcs.pixelToSky(detxs, detys).getPosition()[0]
   brightDecs = wcs.pixelToSky(detxs, detys).getPosition()[1]

   # for each value of your original coordinates of interest,
   # create a list (t0) of the square of the distance between each bright
   # coordinate and the galaxy coordinates.  t1 is the index of the minimum distance
   # squared, so t0[t1] is the minimum distance squared. The match to your
   # coordinates is brightRAs[t1] and BrightDecs[t1].
   #matchDistArcsec = numpy.zeros(len(ra))id
   psi = []
   psiFit = []
   psiCatRaDec = []
   psiCatXY = []
   psiImageRaDec = []
   psiImageXY = []
   pa_d = []
   aFit = []
   bFit = []
   baRatioFit = []
   idx = []
   tidx = []
   distArcsec = []
   gal_code = ['Lowba_bulge_Only', 'Lowba_disk_Only', 'Lowba_bulge_and_Disk']
   #gal_code = ['Bulge_Only', 'Disk_Only', 'Bulge_and_Disk']
   for i in range(len(ra)):
      # Assuming distance is small, keep it linear
      t0 = (brightRAs - ra[i])**2 + (brightDecs - dec[i])**2
      t1 = numpy.argmin(t0)
      diffArcsec = numpy.sqrt(t0[t1]) * 3600.
      if diffArcsec <= matchArcsec:
   ra = ra[idx]
   dec = dec[idx]
   raEdge = raEdge[idx]
   decEdge = decEdge[idx]
   raCat = raEdge - ra
   decCat = decEdge - dec
   psiCatRaDec.append(positionAngle(raCat, decCat))

   xyCtrCat = wcs.skyToPixel(ra, dec)
   xCtrCat, yCtrCat = xyCtrCat
   xyPixPos = wcs.skyToPixel(raEdge, decEdge)
   xPixPos, yPixPos = xyPixPos

   xCat = xPixPos - xCtrCat
   yCat = yPixPos - yCtrCat
   psiCatXY.append(positionAngle(xCat, yCat))

   distArcsec = numpy.array(distArcsec)
   brightRAs = brightRAs[tidx]
   brightDecs = brightDecs[tidx]
   ra = ra[idx]
   dec = dec[idx]
   raEdge = raEdge[idx]
   decEdge = decEdge[idx]
   detMinx = detMinx[tidx]
   detMaxx = detMaxx[tidx]
   detMiny = detMiny[tidx]
   detMaxy = detMaxy[tidx]
   xwidth = abs(detMaxx - detMinx)
   ywidth = abs(detMaxy - detMiny)
   detxs = detxs[tidx]
   detys = detys[tidx]
   pa_d = pa_d[idx]
   Rad2Max = max((xwidth/2.)**2, (ywidth/2.)**2)
   nbins = int(max(xwidth/2., ywidth/2.))
   rmags = rmags[idx]
   baRatio = baRatio[idx]
   option = option[idx]
   objId = objId[idx]
   a_disk = a_disk[idx]
   b_disk = b_disk[idx]
   a_bulge = a_bulge[idx]          #for m in range(nbins[i]):
   b_bulge = b_bulge[idx]
   diskFluxNorm = diskFluxNorm[idx]
   bulgeFluxNorm = bulgeFluxNorm[idx]

   # Now you've got the object and its radius.  To calculate the flux as a
   # function of radius, I(r), break the radius squared into multiple segments
   # and bin the number of counts.  Then divide the total number of counts
   # in each bin by the area, if you want. 
   print 'len(detxs), len(objId), len(rmags), len(a_disk), len(detMinx), len(detMaxy): '
   print len(detxs), len(objId), len(rmags), len(a_disk), len(detMinx), len(detMaxy)
   for i in range(len(detxs)): 
      if i != -1:
         print 'Galaxy ID:  ', objId[i]
         print 'rmags:   ', rmags[i]
         print 'a_disk:  ', a_disk[i]
         print 'b_disk:  ', b_disk[i]
         print 'a_bulge: ', a_bulge[i]
         print 'b_bulge: ', b_bulge[i]
         print 'diskFluxNorm:  ', diskFluxNorm[i]
         print 'bulgeFluxNorm:  ', bulgeFluxNorm[i]
         print 'detMinx:  ', detMinx[i]
         print 'detMaxx:  ', detMaxx[i]
         print 'detMiny:  ', detMiny[i]
         print 'detMaxy:  ', detMaxy[i]
         print 'pa_d: ', pa_d[i]
         print 'detxs:  ', detxs[i]
         print 'detys:  ', detys[i]
         print 'ra (cat): ', ra[i]
         print 'dec (cat): ', dec[i]
         print 'raEdge, decEdge: ', raEdge[i], decEdge[i]
         print 'psiCatXY: xPixPos, xCtrCat, yPixPos, yCtrCat'
         print xPixPos[i], xCtrCat[i], yPixPos[i], yCtrCat[i]
         tCts = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         I_R = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         nPix = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         mew = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         rErr = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         Err_Up = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         Err_Dn = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         a2Bin = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         aBin = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         AveABin = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         xBdry = []
         yBdry = []
         ellipticity = b_disk[i]/a_disk[i]

         # Create an image plot for each footprint.
         C = numpy.zeros(((detMaxy[i]-detMiny[i]+1), (detMaxx[i]-detMinx[i]+1)), numpy.int)
         for y in range (detMiny[i], detMaxy[i], 1):
            for x in range(detMinx[i], detMaxx[i], 1):
               C[y-detMiny[i], x-detMinx[i]] = eIm.get(x,y)

         # Find the boundaries of an eimage using the pixel count threshold
         # as the discriminator.  Break the eimage into anglar bins (say, 
         # 50,so the distant outliers are less likely to be included)and
         # select the minimum value in each bin.  The original purpose was
         # to get data points for fitting ellipses to galactic disks.

         n = 50
         deltaAng = 2.*math.pi/float(n)
         xBdry = []
         yBdry = []          
         theta = []          
         radDist2 = []
         xVal = []
         yVal = []
         angleDeg = []
         for j in range(n):

         # This section is devoted to finding psi, the angle of 
         # the ellipse's rotation CCW with respect to the positive
         # x-axis
         countMin = 12
         count = 0
         for x in range(detMinx[i] + 1, detMaxx[i]-1, 1):
            xp = float(x - detMinx[i])
            for y in range(detMiny[i], detMaxy[i], 1):
               yp = float(y - detMiny[i])
               if C[yp, xp] < countMin:
                  if C[yp, xp-1] < countMin or C[yp, xp+1] < countMin:
                     y0 = float(y) - detys[i]
                     x0 = float(x) - detxs[i]
                     Angle = xyPosAngle(x0, y0)
                     m = int(Angle/deltaAng)
                     radDist2[m].append(x0**2 + y0**2)

         for j in range(n):
            if len(radDist2[j]) >= 1.:
               t1 = numpy.argmin(radDist2[j])
         z, a, b, psiAve = fitellipse([xBdry, yBdry])
         if a >= b and a != None and b !=None:
         elif b > a and a != None and b !=None:
         if psiAve != None:
         print 'psiFit:  ', psiFit[i]
         if a and b and psiAve and z != None:
            xEllipse, yEllipse = ellipse(aFit[-1], bFit[-1], psiAve, detxs[i]-detMinx[i], detys[i]-detMiny[i])
            daMax2 = a*a/float(nbins[i])
            print 'a, b, psiAve, or z = None for i = ', i, a, b, psiAve, z
            print 'psiImageXY, psiImageRaDec: ', psiImageXY[i], psiImageRaDec[i]
         xMajor = aFit[-1]*math.cos(psiAve) + detxs[i]-detMinx[i]
         yMajor = aFit[-1]*math.sin(psiAve) + detys[i]-detMiny[i]
         print 'xMajor, yMajor = ', xMajor, yMajor

         x0 = xMajor - detxs[i]
         y0 = yMajor - detys[i]
         psiImageXY.append(positionAngle(x0, y0))
         ra3 = wcs.pixelToSky(xMajor, yMajor).getPosition()[0]
         dec3 = wcs.pixelToSky(xMajor, yMajor).getPosition()[1]
         print 'ra3, brightRAs[i], dec3, brightDecs[i] = ', ra3, brightRAs[i], brightDecs[i], dec3
         xyMajor3 = wcs.skyToPixel(ra3, dec3)
         xMajor3, yMajor3 = xyMajor3
         print "xMajor3, yMajor3 = ", xMajor3, yMajor3
         xyMajor2 = wcs.skyToPixel(raEdge[i], decEdge[i])
         xMajor2, yMajor2 = xyMajor2
         print 'brightRAs[i], brightDecs[i]:'
         print brightRAs[i], brightDecs[i]
         ra0 = ra3 - brightRAs[i]
         dec0 = dec3 - brightDecs[i]
         psiImageRaDec.append(positionAngle(ra0, dec0))
         t0 = 0.
         for m in range(nbins[i]):
            t0 += daMax2
            a2Bin[m] = t0
            aBin[m] = math.sqrt(t0)

         AveABin[0] = 10.**(math.log10(aBin[0])/2.)
         for m in range(nbins[i]-1):
            Ave = (math.log10(aBin[m+1]) + math.log10(aBin[m]))/2.
            AveABin[m+1] = 10.**Ave

         xbin = []
         ybin = []
         for x in range(detMinx[i], detMaxx[i]+1):
            for y in range(detMiny[i], detMaxy[i]+1):
               xprime = x - detxs[i]
               yprime = y - detys[i]
               aXY2 = (xprime*math.cos(psiAve) + yprime*math.sin(psiAve
                       ))**2 + (xprime*math.sin(psiAve) 
                       - yprime*math.cos(psiAve)/(b/a))**2
               if aXY2 > a*a: continue
               nval = min(int(aXY2/daMax2), nbins[i]-1)
               tCts[nval] += eIm.get(x,y)
               nPix[nval] += 1
               if nval <= 4:
                  xbin.append(x - detMinx[i])
                  ybin.append(y - detMiny[i])
         sumCts = 0
         sumPix = 0
         for m in range(nbins[i]):
            sumCts += tCts[m]
            sumPix += nPix[m]
            #mew, the mean, is in counts/pixel
            mew[m] = tCts[m]/nPix[m]
         for m in range(nbins[i]): 
            # I(R) in units of counts per square arcsec: 
            if mew[m] == 0:
               I_R[m] = numpy.nan
               I_R[m] = mew[m]/.04
               rErr[m] = math.sqrt(tCts[m])/nPix[m]/.04
         I_Reff = max(I_R)/math.e
         for m in range(nbins[i]):
            if I_R[m] < I_Reff:
               R_eff = 10**(math.log10(AveABin[m]) - (math.log10(I_R[m]) - math.log10(I_Reff))/(math.log10(I_R[m]) - math.log10(I_R[m-1]))*(math.log10(AveABin[m]) - math.log10(AveABin[m-1]))) 
         print 'xwidth, ywidth (in pixels) = ', abs(detMaxx[i] - detMinx[i]), abs(detMaxy[i] - detMiny[i])
         print 'Total Counts = %i, Total Pixels = %i' % (sumCts, sumPix)
         print 'log_Radius(") log_Intensity   n = 1 and 4      n = 1        n = 4    Pixels   Counts  Mean   Sigma'
         #Prepare Sersic n=1 and n = 4 model profiles for comparison
         In1 = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         In4 = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         InBoth = numpy.zeros(nbins[i])
         for m in range(nbins[i]):
           In1[m] = I_Reff*math.exp(-b1*((AveABin[m]/R_eff) - 1))
           In4[m] = I_Reff*math.exp(-b4*(((AveABin[m]/R_eff)**0.25) - 1))
           InBoth[m] = (diskFluxNorm[i]*In1[m] + bulgeFluxNorm[i]*In4[m])/(diskFluxNorm[i] + bulgeFluxNorm[i])
         for m in range(nbins[i]):
            # Convert pixels to arcsec (0.2 arcsec/pixel, roughly)
            AveABin[m] = math.log10(AveABin[m]*.2)
            if I_R[m] != None:
               Err_Up[m] = math.log10(I_R[m] + rErr[m]) - math.log10(I_R[m])
               if I_R[m] > rErr[m]:
                  Err_Dn[m] = math.log10(I_R[m]) - math.log10(I_R[m] - rErr[m])
                  Err_Dn[m] = 5
               I_R[m] = math.log10(I_R[m])
            if In1[m] != 0.: 
               In1[m] = math.log10(In1[m])
               In1[m] = numpy.nan
            if In4[m] != 0.: 
               In4[m] = math.log10(In4[m]) 
               In4[m] = numpy.nan
            if InBoth[m] != 0.: 
               InBoth[m] = math.log10(InBoth[m])
               InBoth[m] = numpy.nan
            if m > 8 and I_R[m] is 'nan' and I_R[m-1] is 'nan' and I_R[m-2] is 'nan' and I_R[m-3] is 'nan':
               nbins[i] = nbins[:(nbins[i]-m+1)]
         for m in range(nbins[i]):
            print '%11.2f %11.2f %11.2f %11.2f %11.2f  %11.2f  %11.2f %11.2f %11.2f' % (AveABin[m], I_R[m], InBoth[m], In1[m], In4[m], nPix[m], tCts[m], mew[m], rErr[m])
         fig = plt.figure()
         fig.suptitle('Galaxy %s, (ra,dec)=(%5.2f, %5.2f), %d pixels \n%d counts; Gal_ID %s R_eff = %5.2f arcsecs, PA = %5.2f deg.\n%s' %(gal_code[option[i]], brightRAs[i], brightDecs[i], sumPix, sumCts, objId[i], R_eff*.2, pa_d[i], ePath), fontsize=9)
         ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
         im = plt.imshow(C, aspect ='equal', origin='lower', cmap = plt.cm.gray, interpolation = 'nearest')
         cir = Circle((detxs[i]-detMinx[i],detys[i]-detMiny[i]), radius = .25, ec='r', fc = 'r')
         cir2 = Circle((xMajor, yMajor), radius = .25, ec='g', fc = 'g')
         print 'semi-major axis direction at (', xMajor, ', ', yMajor, ')'
         line5, = ax.plot(xBdry, yBdry, 'r.')
         line6, = ax.plot(xEllipse, yEllipse, 'm.')
         line7, = ax.plot(xbin, ybin, 'y.')
         xcolname = 'log [Radius (arcsec)]'
         ycolname = 'Intensity (Log_10[Counts/Area])'
         ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
         plt.xlabel(xcolname, fontsize=10)
         plt.ylabel(ycolname, fontsize=10)
         line1 = ax2.errorbar(AveABin, I_R, yerr=[Err_Dn, Err_Up], fmt = 'bo', ms = 2)
         line2, = ax2.plot(AveABin, In1, 'm--')
         line3, = ax2.plot(AveABin, In4, 'g-.')
         line4, = ax2.plot(AveABin, InBoth, 'r-')
         props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)
         leg = ax2.legend([line1[0], line2, line3, line4], ['eImage', 'n=1', 'n=4', 'n=1+4'], loc='upper right', prop=props)
         plt.text(0.1, 0.1, 'r = %5.2f\nb/a = %5.3f' % (rmags[i], baRatio[i]), transform = ax2.transAxes)
         plt.savefig('%s/Sers70cM12%sh.png' % (gal_code[option[i]], objId[i]), format = 'png')
         plotno += 1
   print 'Length of the following variables:'
   print len(detxs), len(detys), len(xPixPos), len(yPixPos), len(psiImageXY), len(psiImageRaDec), len(psiCatXY), len(psiCatRaDec), len(psiFit), len(a_disk), len(b_disk), len(aFit), len(bFit)
   print 'objId    ra2-raEdge  dec2-decEdge   detxs   detys  xPixPos   yPixPos    a_disk b_disk   a     b b/a catalog  b/a fit'
   for i in range(len(detxs)):
      if aFit[i] and bFit[i] and a_disk[i] and b_disk[i] and psiFit[i] != None:
         print '%8i  %7.2e %7.2e %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f' % (objId[i], 
                ra2[i]-raEdge[i], dec2[i]-decEdge[i], detxs[i], 
                detys[i], xPixPos[i], yPixPos[i], a_disk[i], b_disk[i], aFit[i], bFit[i],
                b_disk[i]/a_disk[i], bFit[i]/aFit[i])
   print 'objId   pa_d psiCatRD psiImRD   psiCatXY  psiImXY  psiFit  b/a cat  b/a fit'
   for i in range(len(detxs)):
      if aFit[i] and bFit[i] and a_disk[i] and b_disk[i] and psiFit[i] != None:
         print '%8i  %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f  %7.2f' % (objId[i], pa_d[i], psiCatRaDec[i], psiImageRaDec[i], psiCatXY[i], psiImageXY[i], psiFit[i], b_disk[i]/a_disk[i], bFit[i]/aFit[i])
   return plotno
minDec = min(t0.getPosition()[1],
maxDec = max(t0.getPosition()[1],

if eFile.startswith('eimage'):
    # There shouldn't be many sources in negative
    print 'Making negative footprint detections.'
    detSetN = afwDetection.makeFootprintSet(
        useEImForBG, afwDetection.createThreshold(5, 'stdev', False))
    footprintsN = detSetN.getFootprints()
    if len(footprintsN) > 0:
        raise RuntimeError, '*** Unexpected negative source.'
        print '   No negative footprints found, as expected.'

regOut = open(outDir + 'pDet.reg', 'w')
print 'Making positive footprint detections.'
detSetP = afwDetection.makeFootprintSet(
    useEImForBG, afwDetection.createThreshold(5, "stdev"))
footprintsP = detSetP.getFootprints()
nf = len(footprintsP)
detxs = []
detys = []
nCts = []
예제 #30
    def test1(self):
        In this test, we create a test image containing two blobs, one 
        of which is truncated by the edge of the image.

        We run the detection code to get realistic peaks and
        We then test out the different edge treatments and assert that
        they do what they claim.  We also make plots, tests/edge*.png

        # Create fake image...
        H,W = 100,100
        fpbb = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0,0),
        afwimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fpbb)
        imgbb = afwimg.getBBox()
        img = afwimg.getImage().getArray()

        var = afwimg.getVariance().getArray()
        var[:,:] = 1.
        blob_fwhm = 15.
        blob_psf = doubleGaussianPsf(201, 201, blob_fwhm, 3.*blob_fwhm, 0.03)
        fakepsf_fwhm = 5.
        S = int(np.ceil(fakepsf_fwhm * 2.)) * 2 + 1
        print 'S', S
        fakepsf = gaussianPsf(S, S, fakepsf_fwhm)
        # Create and save blob images, and add to image to deblend.
        blobimgs = []
        XY = [(50.,50.), (90.,50.)]
        flux = 1e6
        for x,y in XY:
            bim = blob_psf.computeImage(afwGeom.Point2D(x, y))
            bbb = bim.getBBox()
            bim = bim.Factory(bim, bbb)
            bim2 = bim.getArray()
            blobimg = np.zeros_like(img)
                    bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2
                bbb.getMinX():bbb.getMaxX()+1] += flux * bim2
        # Run the detection code to get a ~ realistic footprint
        thresh = afwDet.createThreshold(10., 'value', True)
        fpSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(afwimg, thresh, 'DETECTED', 1)
        fps = fpSet.getFootprints()
        print 'found', len(fps), 'footprints'
        # set EDGE bit on edge pixels.
        margin = 5
        lo = imgbb.getMin()
        lo.shift(afwGeom.Extent2I(margin, margin))
        hi = imgbb.getMax()
        hi.shift(afwGeom.Extent2I(-margin, -margin))
        goodbbox = afwGeom.Box2I(lo, hi)
        print 'Good bbox for setting EDGE pixels:', goodbbox
        print 'image bbox:', imgbb
        edgebit = afwimg.getMask().getPlaneBitMask("EDGE")
        print 'edgebit:', edgebit
        measAlg.SourceDetectionTask.setEdgeBits(afwimg, goodbbox, edgebit)
        if False:
                       interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
            M = afwimg.getMask().getArray()
            for bit in range(32):
                mbit = (1 << bit)
                if not np.any(M & mbit):
                plt.imshow(M & mbit,
                           interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
                plt.title('Mask bit %i (0x%x)' % (bit, mbit))
                plt.savefig('mask-%02i.png' % bit)
        for fp in fps:
            print 'peaks:', len(fp.getPeaks())
            for pk in fp.getPeaks():
                print '  ', pk.getIx(), pk.getIy()
        assert(len(fps) == 1)
        fp = fps[0]
        assert(len(fp.getPeaks()) == 2)
        ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', #cmap='gray',
                   vmin=0, vmax=400)
        for j,(tt,kwa) in enumerate([
                ('No edge treatment', dict()),
                ('Ramp by PSF', dict(rampFluxAtEdge=True)),
                ('No clip at edge', dict(patchEdges=True)),
            #print 'Deblending...'
            deb = deblend(fp, afwimg, fakepsf, fakepsf_fwhm, verbose=True,
            #print 'Result:', deb
            #print len(deb.peaks), 'deblended peaks'
            parent_img = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
            afwDet.copyWithinFootprintImage(fp, afwimg.getImage(), parent_img)
            X = [x for x,y in XY]
            Y = [y for x,y in XY]
            PX = [pk.getIx() for pk in fp.getPeaks()]
            PY = [pk.getIy() for pk in fp.getPeaks()]

            # Grab 1-d slices to make assertion about.
            symms = []
            monos = []
            symm1ds = []
            mono1ds = []
            yslice = H/2
            parent1d = img[yslice, :]
            for i,dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
                symm = dpk.origTemplate

                bbox = symm.getBBox()
                x0,y0 = bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMinY()
                im = symm.getArray()
                h,w = im.shape
                oned = np.zeros(W)
                oned[x0: x0+w] = im[yslice-y0, :]
                mono = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                                                dpk.templateImage, mono)

                im = mono.getArray()
                bbox = mono.getBBox()
                x0,y0 = bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMinY()
                h,w = im.shape
                oned = np.zeros(W)
                oned[x0: x0+w] = im[yslice-y0, :]

            for i,(symm,mono) in enumerate(zip(symm1ds, mono1ds)):
                # for the first two cases, the basic symmetric
                # template for the second source drops to zero at <
                # ~75 where the symmetric part is outside the
                # footprint.
                if i == 1 and j in [0,1]:
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(symm[:74] == 0))
                if i == 1 and j == 2:
                    # For the third case, the 'symm' template gets
                    # "patched" with the parent's value
                    self.assertTrue(np.all((symm == parent1d)[:74]))
                if i == 1 and j == 0:
                    # No edge handling: mono template == 0
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(mono[:74] == 0))
                if i == 1 and j == 1:
                    # ramp by psf: zero up to ~65, ramps up
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(mono[:64] == 0))
                    self.assertTrue(np.any(mono[65:74] > 0))
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(np.diff(mono)[60:80] >= 0.))
                if i == 1 and j == 2:
                    # no edge clipping: profile is monotonic and positive.
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(np.diff(mono)[:85] >= 0.))
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(mono[:85] > 0.))

            if not doPlot:

            p1 = plt.plot(parent1d, 'b-', lw=3, alpha=0.5)
            for i,(symm,mono) in enumerate(zip(symm1ds, mono1ds)):
                p2 = plt.plot(symm, 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.7)
                p3 = plt.plot(mono, 'g-')
            plt.legend((p1[0],p2[0],p3[0]), ('Parent','Symm template', 'Mono template'),
                       loc='upper left')
            plt.title('1-d slice: %s' % tt)
            fn = plotpat % (2*j+0)
            print 'Wrote', fn
            def myimshow(*args, **kwargs):
                x0,x1,y0,y1 = imExt(afwimg)
                plt.fill([x0,x0,x1,x1,x0],[y0,y1,y1,y0,y0], color=(1,1,0.8),
                plt.imshow(*args, zorder=25, **kwargs)
                plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([])
            pa = dict(color='m', marker='.', linestyle='None', zorder=30)
            R,C = 3,6
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 1)
            myimshow(img, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot(X, Y, **pa)
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + 2)
            myimshow(parent_img.getArray(), **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot(PX, PY, **pa)
            sumimg = None
            for i,dpk in enumerate(deb.peaks):
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 1)
                myimshow(blobimgs[i], **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 2)
                t = dpk.origTemplate
                myimshow(t.getArray(), extent=imExt(t), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)
                # monotonic template
                mimg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                                                dpk.templateImage, mimg)
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 3)
                myimshow(mimg.getArray(), extent=imExt(mimg), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 4)
                port = dpk.fluxPortion.getImage()
                myimshow(port.getArray(), extent=imExt(port), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX[i], PY[i], **pa)
                if dpk.strayFlux is not None:
                    simg = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                    plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 5)
                    myimshow(simg.getArray(), **ima)
                    ax = plt.axis()
                    plt.plot(PX, PY, **pa)
                himg2 = afwImage.ImageF(fpbb)
                portion = dpk.getFluxPortion()
                if sumimg is None:
                    sumimg = himg2.getArray().copy()
                    sumimg += himg2.getArray()
                plt.subplot(R, C, i*C + 6)
                myimshow(himg2.getArray(), **ima)
                ax = plt.axis()
                plt.plot(PX, PY, **pa)
            plt.subplot(R, C, (2*C) + C)
            myimshow(sumimg, **ima)
            ax = plt.axis()
            plt.plot(X, Y, **pa)
            plt.title('Sum of deblends')
            fn = plotpat % (2*j + 1)
            print 'Wrote', fn
예제 #31
    def testThresholdFactory(self):
        Test the creation of a Threshold object

        This is a white-box test.
        -tests missing parameters
        -tests mal-formed parameters
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "foo bar")
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Threhold parameters not properly validated")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "variance")
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "stdev")
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "value")
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "value", False)
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with VALUE, False parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(0x4, "bitmask")
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with BITMASK parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(5, "pixel_stdev")
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with PIXEL_STDEV parameters")
예제 #32
    def testThresholdFactory(self):
        Test the creation of a Threshold object

        This is a white-box test.
        -tests missing parameters
        -tests mal-formed parameters
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "foo bar")
            self.fail("Threhold parameters not properly validated")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "variance")
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "stdev")
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "value")
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with proper parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(3.4, "value", False)
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with VALUE, False parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(0x4, "bitmask")
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with BITMASK parameters")

            afwDetect.createThreshold(5, "pixel_stdev")
            self.fail("Failed to build Threshold with PIXEL_STDEV parameters")