예제 #1
def getCoaddSecondMoments(coaddpsf, point, useValidPolygon=False):
    count = coaddpsf.getComponentCount()
    coaddWcs = coaddpsf.getCoaddWcs()
    weight_sum = 0.0
    m1_sum = 0.0
    m2_sum = 0.0
    for i in range(count):
        wcs = coaddpsf.getWcs(i)
        psf = coaddpsf.getPsf(i)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2D(coaddpsf.getBBox(i))
        if useValidPolygon:
            validPolygon = coaddpsf.getValidPolygon(i)
            validPolygon = Polygon(bbox)

        point_rel = wcs.skyToPixel(coaddWcs.pixelToSky(afwGeom.Point2D(point)))
        if bbox.contains(point_rel) and validPolygon.contains(point_rel):
            weight = coaddpsf.getWeight(i)
            m0,xbar,ybar,mxx,myy,x0,y0 = getPsfMoments(psf, point) #, extent)
            m1_sum += mxx*weight
            m2_sum += myy*weight
            weight_sum += weight
    if weight_sum == 0.0:
        return 0,0
        return m1_sum/weight_sum, m2_sum/weight_sum
예제 #2
def getCoaddSecondMoments(coaddpsf, point, useValidPolygon=False):
    count = coaddpsf.getComponentCount()
    coaddWcs = coaddpsf.getCoaddWcs()
    weight_sum = 0.0
    m1_sum = 0.0
    m2_sum = 0.0
    for i in range(count):
        wcs = coaddpsf.getWcs(i)
        psf = coaddpsf.getPsf(i)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2D(coaddpsf.getBBox(i))
        if useValidPolygon:
            validPolygon = coaddpsf.getValidPolygon(i)
            validPolygon = Polygon(bbox)

        point_rel = wcs.skyToPixel(coaddWcs.pixelToSky(afwGeom.Point2D(point)))
        if bbox.contains(point_rel) and validPolygon.contains(point_rel):
            weight = coaddpsf.getWeight(i)
            m0, xbar, ybar, mxx, myy, x0, y0 = getPsfMoments(psf,
                                                             point)  #, extent)
            m1_sum += mxx * weight
            m2_sum += myy * weight
            weight_sum += weight
    if weight_sum == 0.0:
        return 0, 0
        return m1_sum / weight_sum, m2_sum / weight_sum
    def testSetPolygonIntersect(self):
        # Create a detector
        detector = DetectorWrapper().detector
        numPolygonPoints = 50
        # Create an exposure with bounding box defined by detector
        exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(detector.getBBox())

        pixelSizeMm = exposure.getDetector().getPixelSize()[0]

        pixX0 = exposure.getX0()
        pixY0 = exposure.getY0()
        pixX1 = pixX0 + exposure.getWidth() - 1
        pixY1 = pixY0 + exposure.getHeight() - 1

        fpCenter = exposure.getDetector().getCenter(FOCAL_PLANE).getPoint()
        fpCenterX = fpCenter[0]
        fpCenterY = fpCenter[1]
        pixCenter = exposure.getDetector().getCenter(PIXELS).getPoint()

        # Create an instance of IsrTask
        task = IsrTask()

        # Make a polygon that encompases entire ccd (radius of 2*max of width/height)
        fpRadius = 2.0*max(exposure.getWidth()*pixelSizeMm, exposure.getHeight()*pixelSizeMm)
        fpPolygon = makeCircularPolygon(fpCenterX, fpCenterY, fpRadius, numPolygonPoints)
        # Set the polygon that is the intersection of fpPolygon and ccd
        task.setValidPolygonIntersect(exposure, fpPolygon)
        # Since the ccd is fully contained in the fpPolygon, the intersection should be the ccdPolygon itself
        ccdPolygonPix = Polygon(exposure.getDetector().getCorners(PIXELS))
        self.assertEqual(exposure.getInfo().getValidPolygon(), ccdPolygonPix)

        # Make a polygon that is entirely within, but smaller than, the ccd (radius of 0.2*min of width/height)
        fpRadius = 0.2*min(exposure.getWidth()*pixelSizeMm, exposure.getHeight()*pixelSizeMm)
        fpPolygon = makeCircularPolygon(fpCenterX, fpCenterY, fpRadius, numPolygonPoints)
        # Set the polygon that is the intersection of fpPolygon and ccd
        task.setValidPolygonIntersect(exposure, fpPolygon)
        # all vertices of polygon should be contained within the ccd
        for x in exposure.getInfo().getValidPolygon():
        # intersection is smaller than the ccd
        self.assertNotEqual(exposure.getInfo().getValidPolygon(), ccdPolygonPix)

        # make a simple square polygon that partly intersects the ccd, centered at ccd center
        fpPolygonSize = max(exposure.getWidth()*pixelSizeMm, exposure.getHeight()*pixelSizeMm)
        fpPolygon = makeSquarePolygon(fpCenterX, fpCenterY, fpPolygonSize)
        task.setValidPolygonIntersect(exposure, fpPolygon)
        # Check that the polygon contains the central pixel (offset by one to actually be "contained")
        pixCenterPlusOne = afwGeom.Point2D(pixCenter[0] + 1, pixCenter[1] + 1)
        # Check that the polygon contains the upper right ccd edge
        self.assertTrue(exposure.getInfo().getValidPolygon().contains(afwGeom.Point2D(pixX1, pixY1)))