예제 #1
    def load(self, name):
        """Loads all values from configuration and command line overrides into
        data structures suitable for use by the TemplateWriter object.
        resolvedName = envString.resolve(name)
        configuration = CondorConfig()
        self.defaults = {}

        if configuration.platform.nodeSetRequired and self.opts.nodeSet is None:
            print("error: nodeset parameter required by this platform")

        tempDefaultRoot = Template(configuration.platform.defaultRoot)
        self.defaults["DEFAULT_ROOT"] = tempDefaultRoot.substitute(

        tempLocalScratch = Template(configuration.platform.localScratch)
        self.defaults["LOCAL_SCRATCH"] = \
        self.defaults["IDS_PER_JOB"] = configuration.platform.idsPerJob
        self.defaults["DATA_DIRECTORY"] = envString.resolve(configuration.platform.dataDirectory)
        self.defaults["FILE_SYSTEM_DOMAIN"] = configuration.platform.fileSystemDomain
        self.defaults["EUPS_PATH"] = configuration.platform.eupsPath
        self.defaults["MANAGER_SOFTWARE_HOME"] = configuration.platform.manager_software_home

        platform_dir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir("ctrl_platform_"+self.opts.platform)
        self.defaults["PLATFORM_DIR"] = platform_dir
        self.manager = configuration.platform.manager
        self.setup_using = configuration.platform.setup_using
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, platform):

        # can handle both grid-proxy and ssh logins
        self.remoteLoginCmd = "/usr/bin/gsissh"

        # can handle both grid-proxy and ssh copies
        self.remoteCopyCmd = "/usr/bin/gsiscp"

        configFileName = "$HOME/.lsst/condor-info.py"
        fileName = envString.resolve(configFileName)

        condorInfoConfig = CondorInfoConfig()

        platformPkgDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir("ctrl_platform_" + platform)
        configName = os.path.join(platformPkgDir, "etc", "config",

        allocationConfig = AllocationConfig()

        self.userName = condorInfoConfig.platform[platform].user.name

        self.hostName = allocationConfig.platform.loginHostName
        self.utilityPath = allocationConfig.platform.utilityPath
예제 #3
    def createConfiguration(self, input):
        """ creates a new Orca configuration file
        @param input: template to use for value substitution
        @return the newly created Orca configuration file
        resolvedInputName = envString.resolve(input)
        if self.opts.verbose:
            print("creating configuration using ", resolvedInputName)
        template = TemplateWriter()
        substitutes = self.defaults.copy()
        for key in self.commandLineDefaults:
            val = self.commandLineDefaults[key]
            if val is not None:
                substitutes[key] = self.commandLineDefaults[key]

        substitutes["CTRL_EXECUTE_SETUP_PACKAGES"] = self.getSetupPackages()

        configDir = os.path.join(substitutes["LOCAL_SCRATCH"], "configs")
        if not os.path.exists(configDir):
        self.outputFileName = os.path.join(configDir, "%s.config" % (self.runid))
        if self.opts.verbose:
            print("writing new configuration to ", self.outputFileName)
        template.rewrite(resolvedInputName, self.outputFileName, substitutes)
        return self.outputFileName
예제 #4
def main():
    """Allocates Condor glide-in nodes a scheduler on a remote Node.

    p = AllocatorParser(sys.argv[0])
    platform = p.getPlatform()

    # load the CondorConfig file
    platformPkgDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir("ctrl_platform_" + platform)
    execConfigName = os.path.join(platformPkgDir, "etc", "config",

    resolvedName = envString.resolve(execConfigName)
    configuration = CondorConfig()

    # create the plugin class
    schedulerName = configuration.platform.scheduler
    schedulerClass = NamedClassFactory.createClass("lsst.ctrl.execute." +
                                                   schedulerName + "Plugin")

    # create the plugin
    scheduler = schedulerClass(platform, p.getArgs(), configuration,

    # submit the request
    scheduler.submit(platform, platformPkgDir)
예제 #5
    def loadAllocationConfig(self, name, suffix):
        """Loads all values from allocationConfig and command line overrides
        into data structures suitable for use by the TemplateWriter object.
        resolvedName = envString.resolve(name)
        allocationConfig = AllocationConfig()
        if not os.path.exists(resolvedName):
            raise RuntimeError("%s was not found." % resolvedName)

        self.defaults["QUEUE"] = allocationConfig.platform.queue
        self.defaults["EMAIL_NOTIFICATION"] = allocationConfig.platform.email
        self.defaults["HOST_NAME"] = allocationConfig.platform.loginHostName

        self.defaults["UTILITY_PATH"] = allocationConfig.platform.utilityPath

        if self.opts.glideinShutdown is None:
            self.defaults["GLIDEIN_SHUTDOWN"] = str(allocationConfig.platform.glideinShutdown)
            self.defaults["GLIDEIN_SHUTDOWN"] = str(self.opts.glideinShutdown)

        if self.opts.nodeSet is None:
            self.defaults["NODE_SET"] = self.createNodeSetName()
            self.defaults["NODE_SET"] = self.opts.nodeSet

        nodeSetName = self.defaults["NODE_SET"]

        if self.opts.outputLog is not None:
            self.defaults["OUTPUT_LOG"] = self.opts.outputLog
            self.defaults["OUTPUT_LOG"] = "%s.out" % nodeSetName

        if self.opts.errorLog is not None:
            self.defaults["ERROR_LOG"] = self.opts.errorLog
            self.defaults["ERROR_LOG"] = "%s.err" % nodeSetName

        # This is the TOTAL number of cores in the job, not just the total
        # of the cores you intend to use.   In other words, the total available
        # on a machine, times the number of machines.
        totalCoresPerNode = allocationConfig.platform.totalCoresPerNode
        self.commandLineDefaults["TOTAL_CORE_COUNT"] = self.opts.nodeCount * totalCoresPerNode

        self.uniqueIdentifier = self.createUniqueIdentifier()

        # write these pbs and config files to {LOCAL_DIR}/configs
        self.configDir = os.path.join(self.defaults["LOCAL_SCRATCH"], "configs")
        if not os.path.exists(self.configDir):

        self.submitFileName = os.path.join(self.configDir, "alloc_%s.%s" % (self.uniqueIdentifier, suffix))

        self.condorConfigFileName = os.path.join(self.configDir, "condor_%s.config" % self.uniqueIdentifier)

        self.defaults["GENERATED_CONFIG"] = os.path.basename(self.condorConfigFileName)
        self.defaults["CONFIGURATION_ID"] = self.uniqueIdentifier
        return allocationConfig
예제 #6
    def loadAllocationConfig(self, name, suffix):
        """Loads all values from allocationConfig and command line overrides
        into data structures suitable for use by the TemplateWriter object.
        resolvedName = envString.resolve(name)
        allocationConfig = AllocationConfig()
        if not os.path.exists(resolvedName):
            raise RuntimeError("%s was not found." % resolvedName)

        self.defaults["QUEUE"] = allocationConfig.platform.queue
        self.defaults["EMAIL_NOTIFICATION"] = allocationConfig.platform.email
        self.defaults["HOST_NAME"] = allocationConfig.platform.loginHostName

        self.defaults["UTILITY_PATH"] = allocationConfig.platform.utilityPath

        if self.opts.glideinShutdown is None:
            self.defaults["GLIDEIN_SHUTDOWN"] = str(allocationConfig.platform.glideinShutdown)
            self.defaults["GLIDEIN_SHUTDOWN"] = str(self.opts.glideinShutdown)

        if self.opts.nodeSet is None:
            self.defaults["NODE_SET"] = self.createNodeSetName()
            self.defaults["NODE_SET"] = self.opts.nodeSet

        nodeSetName = self.defaults["NODE_SET"]

        if self.opts.outputLog is not None:
            self.defaults["OUTPUT_LOG"] = self.opts.outputLog
            self.defaults["OUTPUT_LOG"] = "%s.out" % nodeSetName

        if self.opts.errorLog is not None:
            self.defaults["ERROR_LOG"] = self.opts.errorLog
            self.defaults["ERROR_LOG"] = "%s.err" % nodeSetName

        # This is the TOTAL number of cores in the job, not just the total
        # of the cores you intend to use.   In other words, the total available
        # on a machine, times the number of machines.
        totalCoresPerNode = allocationConfig.platform.totalCoresPerNode
        self.commandLineDefaults["TOTAL_CORE_COUNT"] = self.opts.nodeCount * totalCoresPerNode

        self.uniqueIdentifier = self.createUniqueIdentifier()

        # write these pbs and config files to {LOCAL_DIR}/configs
        self.configDir = os.path.join(self.defaults["LOCAL_SCRATCH"], "configs")
        if not os.path.exists(self.configDir):

        self.submitFileName = os.path.join(self.configDir, "alloc_%s.%s" % (self.uniqueIdentifier, suffix))

        self.condorConfigFileName = os.path.join(self.configDir, "condor_%s.config" % self.uniqueIdentifier)

        self.defaults["GENERATED_CONFIG"] = os.path.basename(self.condorConfigFileName)
        self.defaults["CONFIGURATION_ID"] = self.uniqueIdentifier
        return allocationConfig
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, platform, opts, configuration, condorInfoFileName):
        @param platform: target platform for PBS submission
        @param opts: options to override
        self.opts = opts
        self.defaults = {}
        self.configuration = configuration

        fileName = envString.resolve(condorInfoFileName)
        condorInfoConfig = CondorInfoConfig()

        self.platform = platform

        # Look up the user's name and home directory in the
        # $HOME/.lsst/condor-info.py file
        # If the platform is lsst, and the user_name or user_home
        # is not in there, then default to user running this
        # command and the value of $HOME, respectively.
        user_name = None
        user_home = None
        for name in condorInfoConfig.platform:
            if name == self.platform:
                user_name = condorInfoConfig.platform[name].user.name
                user_home = condorInfoConfig.platform[name].user.home

        if self.platform == "lsst":
            if user_name is None:
                user_name = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name
            if user_home is None:
                user_home = os.getenv('HOME')

        if user_name is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "error: %s does not specify user name for platform == %s" %
                (condorInfoFileName, self.platform))
        if user_home is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "error: %s does not specify user home for platform == %s" %
                (condorInfoFileName, self.platform))

        self.defaults["USER_NAME"] = user_name
        self.defaults["USER_HOME"] = user_home

        self.commandLineDefaults = {}

        self.commandLineDefaults["NODE_COUNT"] = self.opts.nodeCount
        self.commandLineDefaults["SLOTS"] = self.opts.slots
        self.commandLineDefaults["WALL_CLOCK"] = self.opts.maximumWallClock

        self.commandLineDefaults["QUEUE"] = self.opts.queue
        if self.opts.email == "no":
            self.commandLineDefaults["EMAIL_NOTIFICATION"] = "#"

예제 #8
    def __init__(self, platform, opts, configuration, condorInfoFileName):
        @param platform: target platform for PBS submission
        @param opts: options to override
        self.opts = opts
        self.defaults = {}
        self.configuration = configuration

        fileName = envString.resolve(condorInfoFileName)
        condorInfoConfig = CondorInfoConfig()

        self.platform = platform

        # Look up the user's name and home directory in the
        # $HOME/.lsst/condor-info.py file
        # If the platform is lsst, and the user_name or user_home
        # is not in there, then default to user running this
        # command and the value of $HOME, respectively.
        user_name = None
        user_home = None
        for name in condorInfoConfig.platform:
            if name == self.platform:
                user_name = condorInfoConfig.platform[name].user.name
                user_home = condorInfoConfig.platform[name].user.home

        if self.platform == "lsst":
            if user_name is None:
                user_name = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name
            if user_home is None:
                user_home = os.getenv('HOME')

        if user_name is None:
            raise RuntimeError("error: %s does not specify user name for platform == %s" %
                               (condorInfoFileName, self.platform))
        if user_home is None:
            raise RuntimeError("error: %s does not specify user home for platform == %s" %
                               (condorInfoFileName, self.platform))

        self.defaults["USER_NAME"] = user_name
        self.defaults["USER_HOME"] = user_home

        self.commandLineDefaults = {}

        self.commandLineDefaults["NODE_COUNT"] = self.opts.nodeCount
        self.commandLineDefaults["CPUS"] = self.opts.cpus
        self.commandLineDefaults["WALL_CLOCK"] = self.opts.maximumWallClock

        self.commandLineDefaults["QUEUE"] = self.opts.queue
        if self.opts.email == "no":
            self.commandLineDefaults["EMAIL_NOTIFICATION"] = "#"

예제 #9
    def createFile(self, input, output):
        """Creates a new file, using "input" as a Template, and writes the
        new file to output.

        outfile : `str`
            The newly created file name
        resolvedInputName = envString.resolve(input)
        if self.opts.verbose:
            print("creating file using %s" % resolvedInputName)
        template = TemplateWriter()
        # Uses the associative arrays of "defaults" and "commandLineDefaults"
        # to write out the new file from the template.
        # The commandLineDefaults override values in "defaults"
        substitutes = self.defaults.copy()
        for key in self.commandLineDefaults:
            val = self.commandLineDefaults[key]
            if val is not None:
                substitutes[key] = self.commandLineDefaults[key]
        template.rewrite(resolvedInputName, output, substitutes)
        return output
예제 #10
    def createFile(self, input, output):
        """Creates a new file, using "input" as a Template, and writes the
        new file to output.

        outfile : `str`
            The newly created file name
        resolvedInputName = envString.resolve(input)
        if self.opts.verbose:
            print("creating file using %s" % resolvedInputName)
        template = TemplateWriter()
        # Uses the associative arrays of "defaults" and "commandLineDefaults"
        # to write out the new file from the template.
        # The commandLineDefaults override values in "defaults"
        substitutes = self.defaults.copy()
        for key in self.commandLineDefaults:
            val = self.commandLineDefaults[key]
            if val is not None:
                substitutes[key] = self.commandLineDefaults[key]
        template.rewrite(resolvedInputName, output, substitutes)
        return output
예제 #11
def main():
    """Allocates Condor glide-in nodes a scheduler on a remote Node.

    p = AllocatorParser(sys.argv[0])
    platform = p.getPlatform()

    # load the CondorConfig file
    platformPkgDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir("ctrl_platform_"+platform)
    execConfigName = os.path.join(platformPkgDir, "etc", "config", "execConfig.py")

    resolvedName = envString.resolve(execConfigName)
    configuration = CondorConfig()

    # create the plugin class
    schedulerName = configuration.platform.scheduler
    schedulerClass = NamedClassFactory.createClass("lsst.ctrl.execute." + schedulerName + "Plugin")

    # create the plugin
    scheduler = schedulerClass(platform, p.getArgs(), configuration, "$HOME/.lsst/condor-info.py")

    # submit the request
    scheduler.submit(platform, platformPkgDir)
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, seqFileName):
     @param seqFileName file name to operate on
     self.fileName = envString.resolve(seqFileName)
class UserInfoConfig(pexConfig.Config):
    """ User information
    name = pexConfig.Field(doc="user login name", dtype=str, default=None)
    home = pexConfig.Field(doc="user home directory", dtype=str, default=None)

class UserConfig(pexConfig.Config):
    """ User specific information
    user = pexConfig.ConfigField(doc="user", dtype=UserInfoConfig)

class CondorInfoConfig(pexConfig.Config):
    """A pex_config file describing the platform specific information about
    remote user logins.
    platform = pexConfig.ConfigChoiceField("platform info",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = CondorInfoConfig()
    filename = "$HOME/.lsst/condor-info.py"
    filename = envString.resolve(filename)

    for i in config.platform:
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, opts, configFileName):
        @param opts: options to override
        self.opts = opts
        self.setup_using = None
        self.manager = None

        self.defaults = {}

        fileName = envString.resolve(configFileName)

        condorInfoConfig = CondorInfoConfig()

        self.platform = self.opts.platform

        # Look up the user's name and home directory in the
        # $HOME//.lsst/condor-info.py file. If the platform
        # is lsst, and the user_name or user_home is not in
        # there, then default to user running this comman
        # and the value of $HOME, respectively.
        user_name = None
        user_home = None
        for name in list(condorInfoConfig.platform.keys()):
            if name == self.platform:
                user_name = condorInfoConfig.platform[name].user.name
                user_home = condorInfoConfig.platform[name].user.home

        # If we're on the lsst platform and the condorInfoConfig didn't
        # have an entry for lsst user name and home, set to reasonable values
        # These really do need to be set for all the other platforms, since
        # while the user name may be the same, it's unlikely the home
        # directory will be.
        if self.platform == "lsst":
            if user_name is None:
                user_name = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name
            if user_home is None:
                user_home = os.getenv('HOME')

        if user_name is None:
            raise RuntimeError("error: %s does not specify user name for platform %s" %
                               (configFileName, self.platform))
        if user_home is None:
            raise RuntimeError("error: %s does not specify user home for platform %s" %
                               (configFileName, self.platform))

        self.commandLineDefaults = {}
        self.commandLineDefaults["USER_NAME"] = user_name
        self.commandLineDefaults["USER_HOME"] = user_home

        self.commandLineDefaults["DEFAULT_ROOT"] = self.opts.defaultRoot
        self.commandLineDefaults["LOCAL_SCRATCH"] = self.opts.localScratch
        self.commandLineDefaults["DATA_DIRECTORY"] = self.opts.dataDirectory
        self.commandLineDefaults["IDS_PER_JOB"] = self.opts.idsPerJob
        if self.opts.nodeSet is None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["NODE_SET"] = ""
            self.commandLineDefaults["NODE_SET"] = self.opts.nodeSet
        if self.opts.inputDataFile is None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["INPUT_DATA_FILE"] = None
            self.commandLineDefaults["INPUT_DATA_FILE"] = os.path.abspath(self.opts.inputDataFile)
        self.commandLineDefaults["FILE_SYSTEM_DOMAIN"] = self.opts.fileSystemDomain
        self.commandLineDefaults["EUPS_PATH"] = self.opts.eupsPath

        # override user name, if given
        if self.opts.user_name is not None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["USER_NAME"] = self.opts.user_name

        # override user home, if given
        if self.opts.user_home is not None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["USER_HOME"] = self.opts.user_home

        if self.opts.runid is not None:
            self.runid = self.opts.runid
            self.runid = self.createRunId()

        if self.opts.dagscript is not None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["DAGSCRIPT"] = self.opts.dagscript

        if self.opts.inputscript is not None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["INPUTSCRIPT"] = self.opts.inputscript

        if self.opts.platformConfig is not None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["PLATFORM_CONFIG"] = self.opts.platformConfig

        self.commandLineDefaults["COMMAND"] = self.opts.command
        if self.commandLineDefaults["INPUT_DATA_FILE"] is not None:
            self.commandLineDefaults["COMMAND"] = self.commandLineDefaults["COMMAND"]+" ${id_option}"
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, seqFileName):
     @param seqFileName file name to operate on
     self.fileName = envString.resolve(seqFileName)
예제 #16

class UserInfoConfig(pexConfig.Config):
    """ User information
    name = pexConfig.Field(doc="user login name", dtype=str, default=None)
    home = pexConfig.Field(doc="user home directory", dtype=str, default=None)

class UserConfig(pexConfig.Config):
    """ User specific information
    user = pexConfig.ConfigField(doc="user", dtype=UserInfoConfig)

class CondorInfoConfig(pexConfig.Config):
    """A pex_config file describing the platform specific information about
    remote user logins.
    platform = pexConfig.ConfigChoiceField("platform info", FakeTypeMap(UserConfig))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = CondorInfoConfig()
    filename = "$HOME/.lsst/condor-info.py"
    filename = envString.resolve(filename)

    for i in config.platform: