def __init__(self, sed_name, max_mag=1000.): """ Read in the unnormalized SED. """ sed_dir = lsstUtils.getPackageDir('sims_sed_library') self.sed_unnormed = photUtils.Sed() self.sed_unnormed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(sed_dir, sed_name)) self.max_mag = max_mag
def process_component(sed_names, ebv_arr, redshift, sed_dexes, av, rv, magnorm, my_lock, output_dict, galaxy_id): (dummy, hw_bp_dict) = sims_photUtils.BandpassDict.loadBandpassesFromFiles() n_obj = len(sed_dexes) fluxes = np.zeros((6, n_obj), dtype=float) fluxes_noMW = np.zeros((6, n_obj), dtype=float) t_start = time.time() for sed_id in np.unique(sed_dexes): valid = np.where(sed_dexes == sed_id) sed_full_name = os.path.join(os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR'], sed_names[sed_id]) spec_rest = sims_photUtils.Sed() spec_rest.readSED_flambda(sed_full_name, cache_sed=False) a_x_rest, b_x_rest = spec_rest.setupCCM_ab() fnorm_at_21 = sims_photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(spec_rest, 21.0) for g_dex in valid[0]: spec_rest_dust = sims_photUtils.Sed(wavelen=spec_rest.wavelen, flambda=spec_rest.flambda) spec_rest_dust.addDust(a_x_rest, b_x_rest, A_v=av[g_dex], R_v=rv[g_dex]) spec_rest_dust.redshiftSED(redshift[g_dex], dimming=True) flux_list_noMW = hw_bp_dict.fluxListForSed(spec_rest_dust) a_x, b_x = spec_rest_dust.setupCCM_ab() spec_rest_dust.addDust(a_x, b_x, R_v=3.1, ebv=ebv_arr[g_dex]) flux_list = hw_bp_dict.fluxListForSed(spec_rest_dust) for i_bp, bp in enumerate('ugrizy'): factor = fnorm_at_21 * np.power( 10.0, -0.4 * (magnorm[i_bp][g_dex] - 21.0)) fluxes[i_bp][g_dex] = factor * flux_list[i_bp] fluxes_noMW[i_bp][g_dex] = factor * flux_list_noMW[i_bp] with my_lock as context: print('adding %d to fluxes' % len(fluxes)) output_dict['fluxes'].append(fluxes) output_dict['fluxes_noMW'].append(fluxes_noMW) output_dict['galaxy_id'].append(galaxy_id)
def _compute_SED(self): self._sed_obj = sims_photUtils.Sed() self._sed_obj.readSED_flambda(self.sed_file) fnorm = sims_photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(self._sed_obj, self.mag_norm) self._sed_obj.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) if self.iAv != 0: self.shared_resources['ccm_model'].add_dust( self._sed_obj, self.iAv, self.iRv, 'intrinsic') if self.redshift != 0: self._sed_obj.redshiftSED(self.redshift, dimming=True) self._sed_obj.resampleSED(wavelen_match=self.bp_dict.wavelenMatch) if self.gAv != 0: self.shared_resources['ccm_model'].add_dust( self._sed_obj, self.gAv, self.gRv, 'Galactic')
def __init__(self, chunk): """ chunk = (simobjid, hpid, sedFilename, magNorm, ebv, varParamStr, parallax, ra, dec) """ # initialize some member variables expected by the # stellar variability models self.photParams = sims_photUtils.PhotometricParameters(nexp=1, exptime=30) self.lsstBandpassDict = sims_photUtils.BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles( ) self._actually_calculated_columns = [] for bp in 'ugrizy': self._actually_calculated_columns.append('lsst_%s' % bp) sed_dir = os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR'] self.quiescent_mags = {} for bp in 'ugrizy': self.quiescent_mags[bp] = np.zeros(len(chunk), dtype=float) self.parallax = np.zeros(len(chunk), dtype=float) self.ebv = np.zeros(len(chunk), dtype=float) self.varParamStr = np.empty(len(chunk), dtype=(str, 300)) self.simobjid = np.empty(len(chunk), dtype=int) ccm_wav = None # find the quiescent magnitudes of the stars for i_star, star in enumerate(chunk): self.simobjid[i_star] = int(star[0]) full_file_name = os.path.join(sed_dir, defaultSpecMap[star[2]]) spec = sims_photUtils.Sed() spec.readSED_flambda(full_file_name) fnorm = sims_photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(spec, float(star[3])) spec.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) if ccm_wav is None or not np.array_equal(spec.wavelen, ccm_wav): ccm_wav = np.copy(spec.wavelen) a_x, b_x = spec.setupCCM_ab() ebv_val = float(star[4]) spec.addDust(a_x, b_x, ebv=ebv_val, R_v=3.1) mag_list = self.lsstBandpassDict.magListForSed(spec) for i_bp, bp in enumerate('ugrizy'): self.quiescent_mags[bp][i_star] = mag_list[i_bp] self.ebv[i_star] = ebv_val self.varParamStr[i_star] = star[5] self.parallax[i_star] = float(star[6]) self.parallax *= (np.pi / 648000000.0) # convert from mas to radians
def _create_sed(self): """ Function to create the lsst.sims.photUtils Sed object. """ self.sed = sims_photUtils.Sed() self.sed.readSED_flambda(self.sed_file) fnorm = sims_photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(self.sed, self.mag_norm) self.sed.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) if self.iAv != 0: self.add_dust(self.iAv, self.iRv, 'intrinsic') if self.redshift != 0: self.sed.redshiftSED(self.redshift, dimming=True) self.sed.resampleSED(wavelen_match=self.bp_dict.wavelenMatch) if self.gAv != 0: self.add_dust(self.gAv, self.gRv, 'Galactic')
def __init__(self, sed_name, max_mag=1000.): """ Set up the LSST bandpasses and un-normalized SED. """ self.bps = dict() throughput_dir = lsstUtils.getPackageDir('throughputs') for band in 'ugrizy': self.bps[band] = photUtils.Bandpass() self.bps[band].readThroughput( os.path.join(throughput_dir, 'baseline', 'total_%s.dat' % band)) self.control_bandpass = photUtils.Bandpass() self.control_bandpass.imsimBandpass() sed_dir = lsstUtils.getPackageDir('sims_sed_library') self.sed_unnormed = photUtils.Sed() self.sed_unnormed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(sed_dir, sed_name)) self.max_mag = max_mag
fluxes_noMW[component] = np.zeros(n_test_gals, dtype=float) fluxes[component] = np.zeros(n_test_gals, dtype=float) for component in ['disk', 'bulge']: sed_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_sed' % component][()][subset] av_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_av' % component][()][subset] rv_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_rv' % component][()][subset] mn_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_magnorm' % component][()][i_bp, :][subset] z_arr = cosmoDC2_data['redshift'][crossmatch_dex] for i_gal, (s_dex, mn, av, rv, zz, ebv) in enumerate( zip(sed_arr, mn_arr, av_arr, rv_arr, z_arr, ebv_vals)): # read in the SED file from the library sed_file_name = os.path.join(sed_lib_dir, sed_names[s_dex]) sed = sims_photUtils.Sed() sed.readSED_flambda(sed_file_name) # find and apply normalizing flux fnorm = sims_photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(sed, mn) sed.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) # add internal dust if ccm_w is None or not np.array_equal(sed.wavelen, ccm_w): ccm_w = np.copy(sed.wavelen) a_x, b_x = sed.setupCCM_ab() sed.addDust(a_x, b_x, A_v=av, R_v=rv) # apply redshift sed.redshiftSED(zz, dimming=True)
def do_photometry(chunk, obs_lock, obs_metadata_dict, star_lock, star_data_dict, job_lock, job_dict, out_dir): """ -Take a chunk from the stellar database -Calculate the light curves for all of the stars in the chunk -Write the light curves to disk -Save the metadata and static data to dicts to be output later Parameters ---------- chunk -- a set of stars returned by sqlite3.fetchmany() the columns in chunk are: simobjid, hpid, sedFilename, magNorm, ebv, varParamStr, parallax, ra, decl Note: chunk must be from one hpid (healpix pixel ID) obs_lock -- the lock corresponding to the observation metadata for this healpixel obs_metadata_dict -- the dict where observation metadata is stored star_lock -- the lock corresponding to the stellar metadata for this healpixel star_data_dict -- the dict where stellar metadata (i.e. static data) is stored job_lock -- the lock used to prevent too many processes from entering light curve generation at once job_dict -- the dict keeping track of how many jobs are doing light curve generation out_dir -- directory where light curve files are to be stored Returns ------- None """ dummy_sed = sims_photUtils.Sed() # find the lookup file associating healpixel with obsHistID; # this should probably actually be passed into the method data_dir = '/astro/store/pogo4/danielsf/desc_dc2_truth' assert os.path.isdir(data_dir) hpid_lookup_name = os.path.join(data_dir, 'hpid_to_obsHistID_lookup.h5') assert os.path.isfile(hpid_lookup_name) metadata_dict = {} metadata_keys = ['obsHistID', 'ra', 'dec', 'rotTelPos', 'mjd', 'filter'] hpid = int(chunk[0][1]) with h5py.File(hpid_lookup_name, 'r') as in_file: valid_obsid = in_file['%d' % hpid][()] for k in metadata_keys: metadata_dict[k] = in_file[k][()] valid_obsid = np.sort(valid_obsid) valid_dex = np.searchsorted(metadata_dict['obsHistID'], valid_obsid) np.testing.assert_array_equal(metadata_dict['obsHistID'][valid_dex], valid_obsid) for k in metadata_dict.keys(): metadata_dict[k] = metadata_dict[k][valid_dex] # generate delta_magnitude light curves has_dmag = False while not has_dmag: # make sure no more than 5 processes are doing this at once with job_lock: if job_dict['running_dmag'] >= 5: continue else: job_dict['running_dmag'] += 1 #print('running dmag %d' % job_dict['running_dmag']) t_start = time.time() var_gen = VariabilityGenerator(chunk) dmag_raw = var_gen.applyVariability(var_gen.varParamStr, expmjd=metadata_dict['mjd']) dmag_raw = dmag_raw.transpose([1, 2, 0]) # transpose so the columns are (star, mjd, filter) assert dmag_raw.shape == (len(chunk), len(metadata_dict['mjd']), 6) dmag = np.zeros((len(chunk), len(metadata_dict['mjd'])), dtype=float) for i_mjd in range(len(metadata_dict['mjd'])): dmag[:, i_mjd] = dmag_raw[:, i_mjd, metadata_dict['filter'][i_mjd]] del dmag_raw has_dmag = True with job_lock: job_dict['running_dmag'] -= 1 #print('running dmag %d' % job_dict['running_dmag']) quiescent_fluxes = np.zeros((len(chunk), 6), dtype=float) for i_bp, bp in enumerate('ugrizy'): quiescent_fluxes[:, i_bp] = dummy_sed.fluxFromMag( var_gen.column_by_name('quiescent_%s' % bp)) t_dmag = time.time() - t_start star_ra = np.array([c[7] for c in chunk]) star_dec = np.array([c[8] for c in chunk]) # Now figure out which obsHistID are observing which stars obs_mask = np.zeros((len(chunk), len(metadata_dict['mjd'])), dtype=bool) fov_radius = 2.1 # in degrees t_start = time.time() for i_obs in range(len(metadata_dict['mjd'])): ra = np.degrees(metadata_dict['ra'][i_obs]) dec = np.degrees(metadata_dict['dec'][i_obs]) ## back-of-the-envelope implementation ## (does not use focal plane model with chip gaps, etc.) #ang_dist = angularSeparation(ra, dec, star_ra, star_dec) #valid = ang_dist<fov_radius rotTel = np.degrees(metadata_dict['rotTelPos'][i_obs]) obs_md = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=ra, pointingDec=dec, mjd=metadata_dict['mjd'][i_obs]) rotSky = getRotSkyPos(ra, dec, obs_md, rotTel) obs_md.rotSkyPos = rotSky chip_name = chipNameFromRaDecLSST(star_ra, star_dec, obs_metadata=obs_md).astype(str) valid = np.char.find(chip_name, 'None') < 0 obs_mask[:, i_obs] = valid # verify that any stars with empty light curves are, in fact # outside of DC2 region_of_interest = DC2_bounds() xyz_offenders = [] for i_star in range(len(chunk)): if obs_mask[i_star].sum() == 0: xyz_offenders.append( xyz_from_ra_dec(star_ra[i_star], star_dec[i_star])) if len(xyz_offenders) > 0: xyz_offenders = np.array(xyz_offenders) v0 = region_of_interest.hs_list[0].contains_many_pts(xyz_offenders) v1 = region_of_interest.hs_list[1].contains_many_pts(xyz_offenders) v2 = region_of_interest.hs_list[2].contains_many_pts(xyz_offenders) v3 = region_of_interest.hs_list[3].contains_many_pts(xyz_offenders) if (v0 & v1 & v2 & v3).sum() > 0: msg = "\n\nsome stars in healpixel %d unobserved\n\n" % hpid raise RuntimeError(msg) t_flux = time.time() dflux_arr = [] for i_star in range(len(chunk)): star_filter = metadata_dict['filter'][obs_mask[i_star]] q_flux = quiescent_fluxes[i_star][star_filter] assert len(q_flux) == obs_mask[i_star].sum() q_mag = dummy_sed.magFromFlux(q_flux) tot_mag = q_mag + dmag[i_star, obs_mask[i_star]] tot_flux = dummy_sed.fluxFromMag(tot_mag) dflux = tot_flux - q_flux dflux_arr.append(dflux) assert len(dflux) == obs_mask[i_star].sum() # store metadata in the output dicts with obs_lock: obs_metadata_dict['mjd'].append(metadata_dict['mjd']) obs_metadata_dict['obsHistID'].append(metadata_dict['obsHistID']) obs_metadata_dict['filter'].append(metadata_dict['filter']) with star_lock: local_simobjid = var_gen.column_by_name('simobjid') out_file_name = create_out_name(out_dir, hpid) # write the light curves to disk now; otherwise, the memory # footprint of the job becomes too large with h5py.File(out_file_name, 'a') as out_file: for i_star in range(len(local_simobjid)): if len(dflux_arr[i_star]) == 0: continue simobjid = local_simobjid[i_star] out_file.create_dataset('%d_flux' % simobjid, data=dflux_arr[i_star]) out_file.create_dataset( '%d_obsHistID' % simobjid, data=metadata_dict['obsHistID'][obs_mask[i_star]]) star_data_dict['simobjid'].append(local_simobjid) star_data_dict['ra'].append(star_ra) star_data_dict['dec'].append(star_dec) for i_bp, bp in enumerate('ugrizy'): star_data_dict['quiescent_%s' % bp].append(quiescent_fluxes[:, i_bp])
def _process_chunk(db_lock, log_lock, sema, sed_fit_name, cosmoDC2_data, first_gal, self_dict, bad_gals): """ Do all chunk-specific work: compute table contents for a collection of galaxies and write to db Parameters ---------- db_lock Used to avoid conflicts writing to sqlite output log_lock Used to avoid conflicts writing to per-healpixel log sema A semaphore. Release when done sed_fit_name File where sed fits for this healpixel are cosmoDC2_data Values from cosmoDC2 for this healpixel, keyed by column name first_gal index of first galaxy in our chunk (in sed fit list) self_dict Random useful values stored in GalaxyTruthWriter bad_gals List of galaxy ids, monotone increasing, to be skipped """ dry = self_dict['dry'] chunk_size = self_dict['chunk_size'] dbfile = self_dict['dbfile'] logfile = self_dict['logfile'] if dry: _logit( log_lock, logfile, '_process_chunk invoke for first_gal {}, chunk size {}'.format( first_gal, chunk_size)) if sema is None: return sema.release() #exit(0) return lsst_bp_dict = self_dict['lsst_bp_dict'] galaxy_ids = [] ra = [] dec = [] redshift = [] ebv_vals = None ebv_vals_init = False # does this belong somewhere else? ccm_w = None total_gals = self_dict['total_gals'] chunk_start = first_gal chunk_end = min(first_gal + chunk_size, total_gals) with h5py.File(sed_fit_name, 'r') as sed_fit_file: sed_names = sed_fit_file['sed_names'][()] sed_names = [s.decode() for s in sed_names] # becse stored as bytes gals_this_chunk = chunk_end - chunk_start subset = slice(chunk_start, chunk_end) galaxy_ids = sed_fit_file['galaxy_id'][()][subset] to_log = 'Start with galaxy #{}, id={}\n# galaxies for _process_chunk: {}\n'.format( first_gal, galaxy_ids[0], len(galaxy_ids)) _logit(log_lock, logfile, to_log) # get the cross-match between the sed fit and cosmoDC2 cosmo_len = len(cosmoDC2_data['galaxy_id']) crossmatch_dex = np.searchsorted(cosmoDC2_data['galaxy_id'], galaxy_ids) np.testing.assert_array_equal( galaxy_ids, cosmoDC2_data['galaxy_id'][crossmatch_dex]) ra = sed_fit_file['ra'][()][subset] dec = sed_fit_file['dec'][()][subset] np.testing.assert_array_equal(ra, cosmoDC2_data['ra'][crossmatch_dex]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(dec, cosmoDC2_data['dec'][crossmatch_dex]) good_ixes = _good_indices(galaxy_ids.tolist(), bad_gals[0]) if (len(good_ixes) == 0): if sema is not None: sema.release() return else: _logit( log_lock, logfile, 'Found {} good indices for chunk starting with {}\n'.format( len(good_ixes), chunk_start)) flux_by_band_MW = {} flux_by_band_noMW = {} # Calculate E(B-V) for dust extinction in Milky Way along relevant # lines of sight band_print = "Processing band {}, first gal {}, time {}\n" if not ebv_vals_init: equatorial_coords = np.array([np.radians(ra), np.radians(dec)]) ebv_model = EBVbase() ebv_vals = ebv_model.calculateEbv( equatorialCoordinates=equatorial_coords, interp=True) ebv_vals_init = True for i_bp, bp in enumerate('ugrizy'): if (i_bp == 0 or i_bp == 5): _logit(log_lock, logfile, band_print.format(bp, first_gal, fluxes_noMW = {} fluxes = {} for component in ['disk', 'bulge']: fluxes_noMW[component] = np.zeros(gals_this_chunk, dtype=float) fluxes[component] = np.zeros(gals_this_chunk, dtype=float) for component in ['disk', 'bulge']: #print(" Processing component ", component) sed_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_sed' % component][()][subset] av_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_av' % component][()][subset] rv_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_rv' % component][()][subset] mn_arr = sed_fit_file['%s_magnorm' % component][()][i_bp, :][subset] z_arr = cosmoDC2_data['redshift'][crossmatch_dex] gii = 0 done = False for i_gal, (s_dex, mn, av, rv, zz, ebv) in enumerate( zip(sed_arr, mn_arr, av_arr, rv_arr, z_arr, ebv_vals)): if done: break while good_ixes[gii] < i_gal: gii += 1 if gii == len(good_ixes): # ran out of good ones done = True break if done: break if good_ixes[gii] > i_gal: # skipped over it; it's bad continue # Leave space for it in the arrays, but values # for all the fluxes will be left at 0 # read in the SED file from the library sed_file_name = os.path.join(self_dict['sed_lib_dir'], sed_names[s_dex]) sed = sims_photUtils.Sed() sed.readSED_flambda(sed_file_name) # find and apply normalizing flux fnorm = sims_photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(sed, mn) sed.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) # add internal dust if ccm_w is None or not np.array_equal(sed.wavelen, ccm_w): ccm_w = np.copy(sed.wavelen) a_x, b_x = sed.setupCCM_ab() sed.addDust(a_x, b_x, A_v=av, R_v=rv) # apply redshift sed.redshiftSED(zz, dimming=True) # flux, in Janskys, without Milky Way dust extinction f_noMW = sed.calcFlux(lsst_bp_dict[bp]) # apply Milky Way dust # (cannot reuse a_x, b_x because wavelength grid changed # when we called redshiftSED) a_x_mw, b_x_mw = sed.setupCCM_ab() sed.addDust(a_x_mw, b_x_mw, R_v=3.1, ebv=ebv) f_MW = sed.calcFlux(lsst_bp_dict[bp]) fluxes_noMW[component][i_gal] = f_noMW fluxes[component][i_gal] = f_MW if (component == 'disk') and (bp == 'r'): redshift = z_arr # Sum components and convert to nanojansky total_fluxes = (fluxes_noMW['disk'] + fluxes_noMW['bulge']) * 10**9 total_fluxes_MW = (fluxes['disk'] + fluxes['bulge']) * 10**9 dummy_sed = sims_photUtils.Sed() # add magnification due to weak lensing kappa = cosmoDC2_data['convergence'][crossmatch_dex] gamma_sq = (cosmoDC2_data['shear_1'][crossmatch_dex]**2 + cosmoDC2_data['shear_2'][crossmatch_dex]**2) magnification = 1.0 / ((1.0 - kappa)**2 - gamma_sq) magnified_fluxes = magnification * total_fluxes magnified_fluxes_MW = magnification * total_fluxes_MW flux_by_band_noMW[bp] = magnified_fluxes flux_by_band_MW[bp] = magnified_fluxes_MW # Open connection to sqlite db and write #print('Time before db write is {}, first gal={}'.format(, first_gal)) #sys.stdout.flush() if not db_lock.acquire(timeout=120.0): _logit(log_lock, logfile, "Failed to acquire db lock, first gal=", first_gal) if sema is None: return sema.release() exit(1) try: _write_sqlite(dbfile, galaxy_ids, ra, dec, redshift, flux_by_band_MW, flux_by_band_noMW, good_ixes) db_lock.release() if sema is not None: sema.release() _logit( log_lock, logfile, 'Time after db write: {}, first_gal={}\n'.format(, first_gal)) exit(0) except Exception as ex: db_lock.release() if sema is not None: sema.release() raise (ex)
dec = star_r[2].astype(float) sed_name = star_r[3].astype(str) mag_norm = star_r[4].astype(float) eq_coord = np.array([np.radians(ra), np.radians(dec)]) ebv = ebv_gen.calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates=eq_coord, interp=True) delta_ast = rng.normal(0.0, ast_err_rad, n_stars) (ra_smeared, dec_smeared) = smear_ra_dec(ra, dec, delta_ast, rng) delta_mag = rng.normal(0.0, phot_err, size=(n_stars, 6)) mags = np.zeros((n_stars, 6), dtype=float) for ii in range(n_stars): spec = photUtils.Sed() file_name = os.path.join(sed_dir, defaultSpecMap[sed_name[ii]]) spec.readSED_flambda(file_name) if not np.array_equal(spec.wavelen, dust_wav): a_x, b_x = spec.setupCCMab() dust_wav = np.copy(spec.wavelen) fnorm = photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(spec, mag_norm[ii]) spec.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) spec.addDust(a_x, b_x, ebv=ebv[ii], R_v=3.1) mags[ii] = bp_dict.magListForSed(spec) for ii in range(n_stars): if mags[ii][2] > r_mag_limit: continue out_file.write('%d, %.10f, %.10f, ' %
def validate_sne(cat_dir, obsid, fov_deg=2.1, scatter_file=None, vanishing_file=None): """ Parameters ---------- cat_dir is the parent dir of $obsid obsid is the obsHistID of the pointing (an int) fov_deg is the radius of the field of view in degrees """ project_dir = os.path.join('/global/projecta/projectdirs', 'lsst/groups/SSim/DC2/cosmoDC2_v1.1.4') sne_db_name = os.path.join(project_dir, 'sne_cosmoDC2_v1.1.4_MS_DDF.db') if not os.path.isfile(sne_db_name): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nis not a file" % sne_db_name) instcat_dir = os.path.join(cat_dir, '%.8d' % obsid) if not os.path.isdir(instcat_dir): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nis not a dir" % instcat_dir) sne_name = os.path.join(instcat_dir, 'sne_cat_%d.txt.gz' % obsid) if not os.path.isfile(sne_name): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nis not a file" % sne_name) phosim_name = os.path.join(instcat_dir, 'phosim_cat_%d.txt' % obsid) if not os.path.isfile(phosim_name): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nis not a file" % phosim_name) sed_dir = os.path.join(instcat_dir, "Dynamic") if not os.path.isdir(sed_dir): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nis not a dir" % sed_dir) opsim_db = os.path.join("/global/projecta/projectdirs", "lsst/groups/SSim/DC2", "minion_1016_desc_dithered_v4_sfd.db") if not os.path.isfile(opsim_db): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nis not a file" % opsim_db) band_from_int = 'ugrizy' bandpass = None with open(phosim_name, 'r') as in_file: for line in in_file: params = line.strip().split() if params[0] == 'filter': bandpass = band_from_int[int(params[1])] break if bandpass is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to read in bandpass") bp_dict = photUtils.BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles() with sqlite3.connect(opsim_db) as conn: c = conn.cursor() r = c.execute("SELECT descDitheredRA, descDitheredDec, expMJD FROM Summary " "WHERE obsHistID==%d" % obsid).fetchall() pointing_ra = np.degrees(r[0][0]) pointing_dec = np.degrees(r[0][1]) expmjd = float(r[0][2]) with sqlite3.connect(sne_db_name) as conn: c = conn.cursor() query = "SELECT snid_in, snra_in, sndec_in, " query += "c_in, mB, t0_in, x0_in, x1_in, z_in " query += "FROM sne_params WHERE (" where_clause = None half_space = htm.halfSpaceFromRaDec(pointing_ra, pointing_dec, fov_deg) bounds = half_space.findAllTrixels(6) for bound in bounds: if where_clause is not None: where_clause += " OR (" else: where_clause = "(" if bound[0] == bound[1]: where_clause += "htmid_level_6==%d" % bound[0] else: where_clause += "htmid_level_6>=%d AND htmid_level_6<=%d" % (bound[0],bound[1]) where_clause += ")" query += where_clause+")" sn_params = c.execute(query).fetchall() sn_ra = np.array([sn[1] for sn in sn_params]) sn_dec = np.array([sn[2] for sn in sn_params]) sn_d = angularSeparation(pointing_ra, pointing_dec, sn_ra, sn_dec) valid = np.where(sn_d<=fov_deg) sn_ra_dec = {} sn_param_dict = {} for i_sn in valid[0]: sn = sn_params[i_sn] sn_param_dict[sn[0]] = sn[3:] sn_ra_dec[sn[0]] = sn[1:3] sne_in_instcat = set() d_mag_max = -1.0 with, 'rb') as sne_cat_file: for sne_line in sne_cat_file: instcat_params = sne_line.strip().split(b' ') sne_id = instcat_params[1].decode('utf-8') if sne_id not in sn_param_dict: try: sne_id_int = int(sne_id) assert sne_id_int<1.5e10 except (ValueError, AssertionError): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nnot in SNe db" % sne_id) sne_in_instcat.add(sne_id) control_params = sn_param_dict[sne_id] sed_name = os.path.join(instcat_dir, instcat_params[5].decode('utf-8')) if not os.path.isfile(sed_name): raise RuntimeError("\n%s\nis not a file" % sed_name) sed = photUtils.Sed() sed.readSED_flambda(sed_name, cache_sed=False) fnorm = photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(sed, float(instcat_params[4])) sed.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) sed.redshiftSED(float(instcat_params[6]), dimming=True) a_x, b_x = sed.setupCCM_ab() A_v = float(instcat_params[15]) R_v = float(instcat_params[16]) EBV = A_v/R_v sed.addDust(a_x, b_x, A_v=A_v, R_v=R_v) sn_object = SNObject() sn_object.set_MWebv(EBV) sn_object.set(c=control_params[0], x1=control_params[4], x0=control_params[3], t0=control_params[2], z=control_params[5]) sn_mag = sn_object.catsimBandMag(bp_dict[bandpass], expmjd) instcat_flux = sed.calcFlux(bp_dict[bandpass]) instcat_mag = sed.magFromFlux(instcat_flux) d_mag = (sn_mag-instcat_mag) if not np.isfinite(d_mag): if np.isfinite(sn_mag) or np.isfinite(instcat_mag): msg = '%s\ngave magnitudes %e %e (diff %e)' % (sne_id, sn_mag, instcat_mag, d_mag) print(msg) if scatter_file is not None: scatter_file.write("%e %e %e\n" % (sn_mag, instcat_mag, d_mag)) d_mag = np.abs(d_mag) if d_mag>d_mag_max: d_mag_max = d_mag #print('dmag %e -- %e (%e)' % # (d_mag, instcat_mag, # control_params[5]-float(instcat_params[6]))) msg = '\n%s\n' % sne_name ct_missing = 0 for sn_id in sn_param_dict: if sn_id in sne_in_instcat: continue control_params = sn_param_dict[sn_id] sn_object = SNObject() sn_object.set_MWebv(0.0) cc = control_params[0] x1 = control_params[4] x0 = control_params[3] t0 = control_params[2] zz = control_params[5] sn_object.set(c=cc, x1=x1, x0=x0, t0=t0, z=zz) sn_mag = sn_object.catsimBandMag(bp_dict[bandpass], expmjd) if vanishing_file is not None and np.isfinite(sn_mag): vanishing_file.write('%d %s %s %e ' % (obsid, bandpass, sn_id, sn_mag)) vanishing_file.write('%e %e %e %.4f %e %.4f %e\n' % (cc,x0,x1,t0,zz,expmjd,expmjd-t0))
def validate_chunk(data_in, in_dir, healpix, read_lock, write_lock, output_dict): galaxy_id = data_in['galaxy_id'] redshift = data_in['redshift'] mag_in = {} for bp in 'ugrizy': mag_in[bp] = data_in['mag_true_%s_lsst' % bp] eps = 1.0e-20 disk_to_bulge = {} for bp in 'ugrizy': disk_name = 'LSST_filters/diskLuminositiesStellar:' disk_name += 'LSST_%s:observed:dustAtlas' % bp bulge_name = 'LSST_filters/spheroidLuminositiesStellar:' bulge_name += 'LSST_%s:observed:dustAtlas' % bp denom = np.where(data_in[bulge_name]>0.0, data_in[bulge_name], eps) disk_to_bulge[bp] = data_in[disk_name]/denom assert np.isfinite(disk_to_bulge[bp]).sum()==len(disk_to_bulge[bp]) sed_dir = os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR'] tot_bp_dict = photUtils.BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles() fit_file = os.path.join(in_dir, 'sed_fit_%d.h5' % healpix) assert os.path.isfile(fit_file) with read_lock: with h5py.File(fit_file, 'r') as in_file: sed_names = in_file['sed_names'][()] galaxy_id_fit = in_file['galaxy_id'][()] valid = np.in1d(galaxy_id_fit, galaxy_id) galaxy_id_fit = galaxy_id_fit[valid] np.testing.assert_array_equal(galaxy_id_fit, galaxy_id) disk_magnorm = in_file['disk_magnorm'][()][:,valid] disk_av = in_file['disk_av'][()][valid] disk_rv = in_file['disk_rv'][()][valid] disk_sed = in_file['disk_sed'][()][valid] bulge_magnorm = in_file['bulge_magnorm'][()][:,valid] bulge_av = in_file['bulge_av'][()][valid] bulge_rv = in_file['bulge_rv'][()][valid] bulge_sed = in_file['bulge_sed'][()][valid] sed_names = [name.decode() for name in sed_names] local_worst = {} local_worst_ratio = {} ccm_w = None dummy_sed = photUtils.Sed() for i_obj in range(len(disk_av)): for i_bp, bp in enumerate('ugrizy'): d_sed = photUtils.Sed() fname = os.path.join(sed_dir, sed_names[disk_sed[i_obj]]) d_sed.readSED_flambda(fname) fnorm = photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(d_sed, disk_magnorm[i_bp][i_obj]) d_sed.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) if ccm_w is None or not np.array_equal(d_sed.wavelen, ccm_w): ccm_w = np.copy(d_sed.wavelen) ax, bx = d_sed.setupCCM_ab() d_sed.addDust(ax, bx, R_v=disk_rv[i_obj], A_v=disk_av[i_obj]) d_sed.redshiftSED(redshift[i_obj], dimming=True) d_flux = d_sed.calcFlux(tot_bp_dict[bp]) b_sed = photUtils.Sed() fname = os.path.join(sed_dir, sed_names[bulge_sed[i_obj]]) b_sed.readSED_flambda(fname) fnorm = photUtils.getImsimFluxNorm(b_sed, bulge_magnorm[i_bp][i_obj]) b_sed.multiplyFluxNorm(fnorm) if ccm_w is None or not np.array_equal(b_sed.wavelen, ccm_w): ccm_w = np.copy(b_sed.wavelen) ax, bx = b_sed.setupCCM_ab() b_sed.addDust(ax, bx, R_v=bulge_rv[i_obj], A_v=bulge_av[i_obj]) b_sed.redshiftSED(redshift[i_obj], dimming=True) b_flux = b_sed.calcFlux(tot_bp_dict[bp]) flux_ratio = d_flux/max(b_flux, eps) if flux_ratio<1.0e3 or disk_to_bulge[bp][i_obj]<1.0e3: delta_ratio = np.abs(flux_ratio-disk_to_bulge[bp][i_obj]) if disk_to_bulge[bp][i_obj]>eps: delta_ratio /= disk_to_bulge[bp][i_obj] if bp not in local_worst_ratio or delta_ratio>local_worst_ratio[bp]: local_worst_ratio[bp] = delta_ratio tot_flux = b_flux + d_flux true_flux = dummy_sed.fluxFromMag(mag_in[bp][i_obj]) delta_flux = np.abs(1.0-tot_flux/true_flux) if bp not in local_worst or delta_flux>local_worst[bp]: local_worst[bp] = delta_flux with write_lock: for bp in 'ugrizy': if bp not in output_dict or local_worst[bp]>output_dict[bp]: output_dict[bp] = local_worst[bp] ratio_name = '%s_ratio' % bp if (ratio_name not in output_dict or local_worst_ratio[bp]>output_dict[ratio_name]): output_dict[ratio_name] = local_worst_ratio[bp]