def plot_ang_vel(radius, incl, maxTime, dt, theta_0): """radius, in AU incl, inclination in degrees maxTime, max time of plot in years dt, time step in years theta_0, time 0 angle along orbit in relation to sun-Earth line. Note: probably would be more useful to have angle from opposition as viewed from Earth. Will make this change in future update """ time_step = np.arange(0, maxTime, dt) lon = [] lat = [] for time in time_step: lon_now, lat_now = ct.sphericalFromCartesian( diff_vec(radius, np.deg2rad(incl), time, theta_0)) lon.append(lon_now) lat.append(lat_now) lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) ang_vel = [] for array_val in xrange(0, len(lon) - 1): ang_vel.append( ct.arcsecFromRadians( ct.haversine(lon[array_val], lat[array_val], lon[array_val + 1], lat[array_val + 1])) / (dt * 365 * 24)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) plt.plot(time_step[:-1], ang_vel) plt.ylabel('Arcsec/hr') plt.xlabel('Time (yrs)') plt.title('Max Angular Velocity = %.4e arcsec/hr.' % np.max(ang_vel))
def plot_trajectory(radius, incl, maxTime, dt, theta_0): """radius, in AU incl, inclination in degrees maxTime, max time of plot in years dt, time step in years theta_0, time 0 angle along orbit in relation to sun-Earth line. Note: probably would be more useful to have angle from opposition as viewed from Earth. Will make this change in future update """ time_step = np.arange(0, maxTime, dt) lon = [] lat = [] for time in time_step: lon_now, lat_now = ct.sphericalFromCartesian( diff_vec(radius, np.deg2rad(incl), time, theta_0)) lon.append(ct.arcsecFromRadians(lon_now)) lat.append(ct.arcsecFromRadians(lat_now)) lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) plt.scatter(lon, lat, c=time_step, lw=0) plt.xlabel('Long (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Lat (arcsec)') plt.title('Trajectory of object over %.2f years' % maxTime) plt.colorbar()
def get_ang_vel(radius, incl, dt): """ radius, in AU incl, inclination in degrees dt, time step in years """ time_step = np.arange(0, np.sqrt(radius**3.), dt) lon = [] lat = [] for time in time_step: lon_now, lat_now = ct.sphericalFromCartesian( diff_vec(radius, np.deg2rad(incl), time, 0.)) lon.append(lon_now) lat.append(lat_now) lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) ang_vel = [] for array_val in xrange(0, len(lon) - 1): ang_vel.append( ct.arcsecFromRadians( ct.haversine(lon[array_val], lat[array_val], lon[array_val + 1], lat[array_val + 1])) / (dt * 365 * 24)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) lat_diff = lat[1:] - lat[:-1] lon_diff = lon[1:] - lon[:-1] angle_travelled = np.arctan2(lat_diff, lon_diff) allowed_range = np.where(np.abs(np.degrees(angle_travelled)) < 15.) return np.array(ang_vel), np.degrees(angle_travelled)
def plot_ang_vel(radius, incl, maxTime, dt, theta_0): """radius, in AU incl, inclination in degrees maxTime, max time of plot in years dt, time step in years theta_0, time 0 angle along orbit in relation to sun-Earth line. Note: probably would be more useful to have angle from opposition as viewed from Earth. Will make this change in future update """ time_step = np.arange(0,maxTime,dt) lon = [] lat = [] for time in time_step: lon_now,lat_now = ct.sphericalFromCartesian(diff_vec(radius,np.deg2rad(incl),time,theta_0)) lon.append(lon_now) lat.append(lat_now) lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) ang_vel = [] for array_val in xrange(0, len(lon)-1): ang_vel.append(ct.arcsecFromRadians(ct.haversine(lon[array_val], lat[array_val], lon[array_val+1], lat[array_val+1]))/(dt*365*24)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) plt.plot(time_step[:-1], ang_vel) plt.ylabel('Arcsec/hr') plt.xlabel('Time (yrs)') plt.title('Max Angular Velocity = %.4e arcsec/hr.' % np.max(ang_vel))
def plot_trajectory(radius, incl, maxTime, dt, theta_0): """radius, in AU incl, inclination in degrees maxTime, max time of plot in years dt, time step in years theta_0, time 0 angle along orbit in relation to sun-Earth line. Note: probably would be more useful to have angle from opposition as viewed from Earth. Will make this change in future update """ time_step = np.arange(0,maxTime,dt) lon = [] lat = [] for time in time_step: lon_now,lat_now = ct.sphericalFromCartesian(diff_vec(radius,np.deg2rad(incl),time,theta_0)) lon.append(ct.arcsecFromRadians(lon_now)) lat.append(ct.arcsecFromRadians(lat_now)) lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) plt.scatter(lon, lat, c=time_step, lw=0) plt.xlabel('Long (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Lat (arcsec)') plt.title('Trajectory of object over %.2f years' % maxTime) plt.colorbar()
def get_trajectory(radius, incl, dt): """ Returns longitude and latitude coordiantes of full orbit in ecliptic coordinates. radius, in AU incl, inclination in degrees dt, time step in years """ time_step = np.arange(0, np.sqrt(radius**3.), dt) lon = [] lat = [] for time in time_step: lon_now, lat_now = ct.sphericalFromCartesian( diff_vec(radius, np.deg2rad(incl), time, 0.)) lon.append(ct.arcsecFromRadians(lon_now)) lat.append(ct.arcsecFromRadians(lat_now)) lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) return ct.degreesFromArcsec(lon), ct.degreesFromArcsec(lat)