def main(phosimDir): # Settings outputDir = getAoclcOutputPath() outputImgDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "img") os.makedirs(outputImgDir, exist_ok=True) configDir = getConfigDir() cmdSettingFile = os.path.join(configDir, "cmdFile", "opdDefault.cmd") instSettingFile = os.path.join(configDir, "instFile", "opdDefault.inst") # Declare the opd metrology and add the interested field points metr = OpdMetrology() metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(0, 0) metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(0.2, 0.3) # Set the Telescope facade class tele = TeleFacade() tele.setPhoSimDir(phosimDir) obsId = 9006050 filterType = FilterType.REF tele.setSurveyParam(obsId=obsId, filterType=filterType) # Update the telescope degree of freedom with sepecific camera dx dofInUm = np.zeros(50) dofInUm[6] = 1000 tele.accDofInUm(dofInUm) # Write the physical command file cmdFilePath = tele.writeCmdFile(outputDir, cmdSettingFile=cmdSettingFile, cmdFileName="opd.cmd") # Write the instance file instFilePath = tele.writeOpdInstFile(outputDir, metr, instSettingFile=instSettingFile, instFileName="opd.inst") # Get the argument to run the PhoSim logFilePath = os.path.join(outputImgDir, "opdPhoSim.log") argString = tele.getPhoSimArgs(instFilePath, extraCommandFile=cmdFilePath, numPro=2, outputDir=outputImgDir, e2ADC=0, logFilePath=logFilePath) # Run the PhoSim tele.runPhoSim(argString) # Analyze the OPD fits images opdFitsFile = os.path.join(outputImgDir, "opd_%d_0.fits.gz" % obsId) zk = metr.getZkFromOpd(opdFitsFile=opdFitsFile)[0] print("Zk of OPD_0 is %s." % zk) wavelengthInUm = tele.getRefWaveLength() * 1e-3 pssn = metr.calcPSSN(wavelengthInUm, opdFitsFile=opdFitsFile) print("Calculated PSSN is %.4f." % pssn)
class TestOpdMetrology(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the OpdMetrology class.""" def setUp(self): self.testDataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "testOpdFunc") self.metr = OpdMetrology() def testSetWeightingRatio(self): wt = [1, 2] self.metr.setWeightingRatio(wt) self.assertEqual(len(self.metr.wt), len(wt)) self.assertEqual(np.sum(self.metr.wt), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.metr.wt[1] / self.metr.wt[0], 2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.metr.setWeightingRatio, [-1, 1]) def testSetFieldXYinDeg(self): fieldXInDegree = 0.1 fieldYInDegree = 0.2 self.metr.setFieldXYinDeg(fieldXInDegree, fieldYInDegree) self.assertEqual(self.metr.fieldX, fieldXInDegree) self.assertEqual(self.metr.fieldY, fieldYInDegree) def testAddFieldXYbyDeg(self): fieldXInDegree = 0.1 fieldYInDegree = 0.2 self.metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(fieldXInDegree, fieldYInDegree) self.assertEqual(len(self.metr.fieldX), 1) self.metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(fieldXInDegree, fieldYInDegree) self.assertEqual(len(self.metr.fieldX), 2) def testSetDefaultLsstGQ(self): self.metr.setDefaultLsstGQ() self.assertEqual(len(self.metr.fieldX), 31) def testGetDefaultLsstWfsGQ(self): fieldWFSx, fieldWFSy = self.metr.getDefaultLsstWfsGQ() self.assertEqual(len(fieldWFSx), 4) def testSetDefaultComcamGQ(self): self.metr.setDefaultComcamGQ() self.assertEqual(len(self.metr.fieldX), 9) def testGetZkFromOpd(self): opdFilePath = self._getOpdFilePath() zk = self.metr.getZkFromOpd(opdFitsFile=opdFilePath)[0] ansOpdFileName = "sim6_iter0_opd.zer" ansOpdFilePath = os.path.join(self.testDataDir, ansOpdFileName) allOpdAns = np.loadtxt(ansOpdFilePath) self.assertLess(np.sum(np.abs(zk - allOpdAns[0, :])), 1e-10) def _getOpdFilePath(self): opdFileName = "sim6_iter0_opd0.fits.gz" opdFilePath = os.path.join(self.testDataDir, opdFileName) return opdFilePath def testRmPTTfromOPD(self): opdFilePath = self._getOpdFilePath() opdRmPTT, opdx, opdy = self.metr.rmPTTfromOPD(opdFitsFile=opdFilePath) zkRmPTT = self.metr.getZkFromOpd(opdMap=opdRmPTT)[0] self.assertLess(np.sum(np.abs(zkRmPTT[0:3])), 5e-2) def testAddFieldXYbyCamPos(self): sensorName = "R22_S11" xInpixel = 4000 yInPixel = 4072 self.metr.addFieldXYbyCamPos(sensorName, xInpixel, yInPixel, self.testDataDir) ansFieldXinDeg = 2000 * 0.2 / 3600 ansFieldYinDeg = 2036 * 0.2 / 3600 self.assertAlmostEqual((self.metr.fieldX[-1], self.metr.fieldY[-1]), (ansFieldXinDeg, ansFieldYinDeg)) def calcPSSN(self): pssn = self._calcPssn() allData = self._getMetroAllAnsData() self.assertAlmostEqual(pssn, allData[0, 0]) def _calcPssn(self): wavelengthInUm = 0.5 opdFilePath = self._getOpdFilePath() pssn = self.metr.calcPSSN(wavelengthInUm, opdFitsFile=opdFilePath) return pssn def _getMetroAllAnsData(self): ansAllDataFileName = "sim6_iter0_PSSN.txt" ansAllDataFilePath = os.path.join(self.testDataDir, ansAllDataFileName) allData = np.loadtxt(ansAllDataFilePath) return allData def testCalcFWHMeff(self): pssn = self._calcPssn() fwhm = self.metr.calcFWHMeff(pssn) allData = self._getMetroAllAnsData() self.assertAlmostEqual(fwhm, allData[1, 0]) def testCalcDm5(self): pssn = self._calcPssn() dm5 = self.metr.calcDm5(pssn) allData = self._getMetroAllAnsData() self.assertAlmostEqual(dm5, allData[2, 0]) def testCalcEllip(self): wavelengthInUm = 0.5 opdFilePath = self._getOpdFilePath() elli = self.metr.calcEllip(wavelengthInUm, opdFitsFile=opdFilePath) ansElliFileName = "sim6_iter0_elli.txt" ansElliFilePath = os.path.join(self.testDataDir, ansElliFileName) allElli = np.loadtxt(ansElliFilePath) self.assertAlmostEqual(elli, allElli[0]) def testCalcGQvalue(self): self.metr.setDefaultLsstGQ() allData = self._getMetroAllAnsData() valueList = allData[0, 0:31] GQvalue = self.metr.calcGQvalue(valueList) self.assertAlmostEqual(GQvalue, allData[0, -1])
class PhosimCmpt(object): def __init__(self, tele): """Initialization of PhoSim component class. WEP: wavefront estimation pipeline. Parameters ---------- tele : TeleFacade Telescope instance. """ # Configuration directory self.configDir = getConfigDir() # Telescope setting file settingFilePath = os.path.join(self.configDir, "phosimCmptSetting.yaml") self._phosimCmptSettingFile = ParamReader(filePath=settingFilePath) # OPD metrology self.metr = OpdMetrology() # TeleFacade instance self.tele = tele # Output directory of data self.outputDir = "" # Output directory of image self.outputImgDir = "" # Seed number self.seedNum = 0 # M1M3 force error self.m1m3ForceError = 0.05 def setM1M3ForceError(self, m1m3ForceError): """Set the M1M3 force error. Parameters ---------- m1m3ForceError : float Ratio of actuator force error between 0 and 1. """ self.m1m3ForceError = m1m3ForceError def getM1M3ForceError(self): """Get the M1M3 force error. Returns ------- float Ratio of actuator force error. """ return self.m1m3ForceError def getSettingFile(self): """Get the setting file. Returns ------- lsst.ts.wep.ParamReader Setting file. """ return self._phosimCmptSettingFile def getTele(self): """Get the telescope object. Returns ------- TeleFacade Telescope object. """ return self.tele def getNumOfZk(self): """Get the number of Zk (annular Zernike polynomial). Returns ------- int Number of Zk. """ return int(self._phosimCmptSettingFile.getSetting("numOfZk")) def getIntraFocalDirName(self): """Get the intra-focal directory name. Returns ------- str Intra-focal directory name. """ return self._phosimCmptSettingFile.getSetting("intraDirName") def getExtraFocalDirName(self): """Get the extra-focal directory name. Returns ------- str Extra-focal directory name. """ return self._phosimCmptSettingFile.getSetting("extraDirName") def getOpdMetr(self): """Get the OPD metrology object. OPD: optical path difference. Returns ------- OpdMetrology OPD metrology object. """ return self.metr def setOutputDir(self, outputDir): """Set the output directory. The output directory will be constructed if there is no existed one. Parameters ---------- outputDir : str Output directory. """ self._makeDir(outputDir) self.outputDir = outputDir def _makeDir(self, newDir, exist_ok=True): """Make the new directory. Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- newDir : str New directory. exist_ok : bool, optional If the target directory already exists, raise an OSError if exist_ok is False. Otherwise no exception is raised. (the default is True.) """ os.makedirs(newDir, exist_ok=exist_ok) def getOutputDir(self): """Get the output directory. Returns ------- str Output directory. """ return self.outputDir def setOutputImgDir(self, outputImgDir): """Set the output image directory. The output image directory will be constructed if there is no existed one. Parameters ---------- outputImgDir : str Output image directory """ self._makeDir(outputImgDir) self.outputImgDir = outputImgDir def getOutputImgDir(self): """Get the output image directory. Returns ------- str Output image directory """ return self.outputImgDir def setSeedNum(self, seedNum): """Set the seed number for the M1M3 mirror surface purturbation. Parameters ---------- seedNum : int Seed number. """ self.seedNum = int(seedNum) def getSeedNum(self): """Get the seed number for the M1M3 random surface purturbation. Returns ------- int or None Seed number. None means there is no random purturbation. """ return self.seedNum def setSurveyParam(self, obsId=None, filterType=None, boresight=None, zAngleInDeg=None, rotAngInDeg=None): """Set the survey parameters. Parameters ---------- obsId : int, optional Observation Id. (the default is None.) filterType : enum 'FilterType' in lsst.ts.wep.Utility, optional Active filter type. (the default is None.) boresight : tuple, optional Telescope boresight in (ra, decl). (the default is None.) zAngleInDeg : float, optional Zenith angle in degree. (the default is None.) rotAngInDeg : float, optional Camera rotation angle in degree between -90 and 90 degrees. (the default is None.) """ self.tele.setSurveyParam(obsId=obsId, filterType=filterType, boresight=boresight, zAngleInDeg=zAngleInDeg, rotAngInDeg=rotAngInDeg) def addOpdFieldXYbyDeg(self, fieldXInDegree, fieldYInDegree): """Add the OPD new field X, Y in degree. OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- fieldXInDegree : float, list, or numpy.ndarray New field X in degree. fieldYInDegree : float, list, or numpy.ndarray New field Y in degree. """ self.metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(fieldXInDegree, fieldYInDegree) def accDofInUm(self, dofInUm): """Accumulate the aggregated degree of freedom (DOF) in um. idx 0-4: M2 dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 5-9: Cam dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 10-29: M1M3 20 bending modes idx 30-49: M2 20 bending modes Parameters ---------- dofInUm : list or numpy.ndarray DOF in um. """ self.tele.accDofInUm(dofInUm) def setDofInUm(self, dofInUm): """Set the accumulated degree of freedom (DOF) in um. idx 0-4: M2 dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 5-9: Cam dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 10-29: M1M3 20 bending modes idx 30-49: M2 20 bending modes Parameters ---------- dofInUm : list or numpy.ndarray DOF in um. """ self.tele.setDofInUm(dofInUm) def getDofInUm(self): """Get the accumulated degree of freedom (DOF) in um. idx 0-4: M2 dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 5-9: Cam dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 10-29: M1M3 20 bending modes idx 30-49: M2 20 bending modes Returns ------- numpy.ndarray DOF in um. """ return self.tele.getDofInUm() def saveDofInUmFileForNextIter(self, dofInUm, dofInUmFileName="dofPertInNextIter.mat"): """Save the DOF in um data to file for the next iteration. DOF: degree of freedom. Parameters ---------- dofInUm : list or numpy.ndarray DOF in um. dofInUmFileName : str, optional File name to save the DOF in um. (the default is "dofPertInNextIter.mat".) """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, dofInUmFileName) header = "The followings are the DOF in um:" np.savetxt(filePath, np.transpose(dofInUm), header=header) def runPhoSim(self, argString): """Run the PhoSim program. Parameters ---------- argString : str Arguments for PhoSim. """ self.tele.runPhoSim(argString) def getComCamOpdArgsAndFilesForPhoSim( self, cmdFileName="opd.cmd", instFileName="opd.inst", logFileName="opdPhoSim.log", cmdSettingFileName="opdDefault.cmd", instSettingFileName="opdDefault.inst"): """Get the OPD calculation arguments and files of ComCam for the PhoSim calculation. OPD: optical path difference. ComCam: commissioning camera. Parameters ---------- cmdFileName : str, optional Physical command file name. (the default is "opd.cmd".) instFileName : str, optional OPD instance file name. (the default is "opd.inst".) logFileName : str, optional Log file name. (the default is "opdPhoSim.log".) cmdSettingFileName : str, optional Physical command setting file name. (the default is "opdDefault.cmd".) instSettingFileName : str, optional Instance setting file name. (the default is "opdDefault.inst".) Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Set the default ComCam OPD field positions self.metr.setDefaultComcamGQ() argString = self._getOpdArgsAndFilesForPhoSim(cmdFileName, instFileName, logFileName, cmdSettingFileName, instSettingFileName) return argString def _getOpdArgsAndFilesForPhoSim(self, cmdFileName, instFileName, logFileName, cmdSettingFileName, instSettingFileName): """Get the OPD calculation arguments and files for the PhoSim calculation. OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- cmdFileName : str Physical command file name. instFileName : str OPD instance file name. logFileName : str Log file name. cmdSettingFileName : str Physical command setting file name. instSettingFileName : str Instance setting file name. Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Write the command file cmdFilePath = self._writePertAndCmdFiles(cmdSettingFileName, cmdFileName) # Write the instance file instSettingFile = self._getInstSettingFilePath(instSettingFileName) instFilePath = self.tele.writeOpdInstFile( self.outputDir, self.metr, instSettingFile=instSettingFile, instFileName=instFileName) # Get the argument to run the PhoSim argString = self._getPhoSimArgs(logFileName, instFilePath, cmdFilePath) return argString def _writePertAndCmdFiles(self, cmdSettingFileName, cmdFileName): """Write the physical perturbation and command files. Parameters ---------- cmdSettingFileName : str Physical command setting file name. cmdFileName : str Physical command file name. Returns ------- str Command file path. """ # Write the perturbation file pertCmdFileName = "pert.cmd" pertCmdFilePath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, pertCmdFileName) if (not os.path.exists(pertCmdFilePath)): self.tele.writePertBaseOnConfigFile( self.outputDir, seedNum=self.seedNum, m1m3ForceError=self.m1m3ForceError, saveResMapFig=True, pertCmdFileName=pertCmdFileName) # Write the physical command file cmdSettingFile = os.path.join(self.configDir, "cmdFile", cmdSettingFileName) cmdFilePath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, cmdFileName) if (not os.path.exists(cmdFilePath)): self.tele.writeCmdFile(self.outputDir, cmdSettingFile=cmdSettingFile, pertFilePath=pertCmdFilePath, cmdFileName=cmdFileName) return cmdFilePath def _getInstSettingFilePath(self, instSettingFileName): """Get the instance setting file path. Parameters ---------- instSettingFileName : str Instance setting file name. Returns ------- str Instance setting file path. """ instSettingFile = os.path.join(self.configDir, "instFile", instSettingFileName) return instSettingFile def _getPhoSimArgs(self, logFileName, instFilePath, cmdFilePath): """Get the arguments needed to run the PhoSim. Parameters ---------- logFileName : str Log file name. instFilePath: str Instance file path. cmdFilePath : str Physical command file path. Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # PhoSim parameters numPro = int(self._phosimCmptSettingFile.getSetting("numPro")) e2ADC = int(self._phosimCmptSettingFile.getSetting("e2ADC")) logFilePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, logFileName) argString = self.tele.getPhoSimArgs(instFilePath, extraCommandFile=cmdFilePath, numPro=numPro, outputDir=self.outputImgDir, e2ADC=e2ADC, logFilePath=logFilePath) return argString def getComCamStarArgsAndFilesForPhoSim( self, extraObsId, intraObsId, skySim, simSeed=1000, cmdSettingFileName="starDefault.cmd", instSettingFileName="starSingleExp.inst"): """Get the star calculation arguments and files of ComCam for the PhoSim calculation. Parameters ---------- extraObsId : int Extra-focal observation Id. intraObsId : int Intra-focal observation Id. skySim : SkySim Sky simulator simSeed : int, optional Random number seed. (the default is 1000.) cmdSettingFileName : str, optional Physical command setting file name. (the default is "starDefault.cmd".) instSettingFileName : str, optional Instance setting file name. (the default is "starSingleExp.inst".) Returns ------- list[str] List of arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Set the intra- and extra-focal related information obsIdList = {"-1": extraObsId, "1": intraObsId} instFileNameList = {"-1": "starExtra.inst", "1": "starIntra.inst"} logFileNameList = { "-1": "starExtraPhoSim.log", "1": "starIntraPhoSim.log" } extraFocalDirName = self.getExtraFocalDirName() intraFocalDirName = self.getIntraFocalDirName() outImgDirNameList = {"-1": extraFocalDirName, "1": intraFocalDirName} # Write the instance and command files of defocal conditions cmdFileName = "star.cmd" onFocalDofInUm = self.getDofInUm() onFocalOutputImgDir = self.outputImgDir argStringList = [] for ii in (-1, 1): # Set the observation ID self.setSurveyParam(obsId=obsIdList[str(ii)]) # Camera piston (Change the unit from mm to um) pistonInUm = np.zeros(len(onFocalDofInUm)) pistonInUm[5] = ii * self.tele.getDefocalDistInMm() * 1e3 # Set the new DOF that considers the piston motion self.setDofInUm(onFocalDofInUm + pistonInUm) # Update the output image directory outputImgDir = os.path.join(onFocalOutputImgDir, outImgDirNameList[str(ii)]) self.setOutputImgDir(outputImgDir) # Get the argument to run the phosim argString = self.getStarArgsAndFilesForPhoSim( skySim, cmdFileName=cmdFileName, instFileName=instFileNameList[str(ii)], logFileName=logFileNameList[str(ii)], simSeed=simSeed, cmdSettingFileName=cmdSettingFileName, instSettingFileName=instSettingFileName) argStringList.append(argString) # Put the internal state back to the focal plane condition self.setDofInUm(onFocalDofInUm) self.setOutputImgDir(onFocalOutputImgDir) return argStringList def getStarArgsAndFilesForPhoSim(self, skySim, cmdFileName="star.cmd", instFileName="star.inst", logFileName="starPhoSim.log", simSeed=1000, cmdSettingFileName="starDefault.cmd", instSettingFileName="starSingleExp.inst"): """Get the star calculation arguments and files for the PhoSim calculation. Parameters ---------- skySim : SkySim Sky simulator cmdFileName : str, optional Physical command file name. (the default is "star.cmd".) instFileName : str, optional Star instance file name. (the default is "star.inst".) logFileName : str, optional Log file name. (the default is "starPhoSim.log".) simSeed : int, optional Random number seed. (the default is 1000) cmdSettingFileName : str, optional Physical command setting file name. (the default is "starDefault.cmd".) instSettingFileName : str, optional Instance setting file name. (the default is "starSingleExp.inst".) Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Write the command file cmdFilePath = self._writePertAndCmdFiles(cmdSettingFileName, cmdFileName) # Write the instance file instSettingFile = self._getInstSettingFilePath(instSettingFileName) instFilePath = self.tele.writeStarInstFile( self.outputDir, skySim, simSeed=simSeed, sedName="sed_flat.txt", instSettingFile=instSettingFile, instFileName=instFileName) # Get the argument to run the PhoSim argString = self._getPhoSimArgs(logFileName, instFilePath, cmdFilePath) return argString def analyzeComCamOpdData(self, zkFileName="opd.zer", rotOpdInDeg=0.0, pssnFileName="PSSN.txt"): """Analyze the ComCam OPD data. Rotate OPD to simulate the output by rotated camera. When anaylzing the PSSN, the unrotated OPD is used. ComCam: Commissioning camera. OPD: Optical path difference. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- zkFileName : str, optional OPD in zk file name. (the default is "opd.zer".) rotOpdInDeg : float, optional Rotate OPD in degree in the counter-clockwise direction. (the default is 0.0.) pssnFileName : str, optional PSSN file name. (the default is "PSSN.txt".) """ self._writeOpdZkFile(zkFileName, rotOpdInDeg) self._writeOpdPssnFile(pssnFileName) def _writeOpdZkFile(self, zkFileName, rotOpdInDeg): """Write the OPD in zk file. OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- zkFileName : str OPD in zk file name. rotOpdInDeg : float Rotate OPD in degree in the counter-clockwise direction. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, zkFileName) opdData = self._mapOpdToZk(rotOpdInDeg) header = "The followings are OPD in rotation angle of %.2f degree in um from z4 to z22:" % ( rotOpdInDeg) np.savetxt(filePath, opdData, header=header) def _mapOpdToZk(self, rotOpdInDeg): """Map the OPD to the basis of annular Zernike polynomial (Zk). OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- rotOpdInDeg : float Rotate OPD in degree in the counter-clockwise direction. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Zk data from OPD. This is a 2D array. The row is the OPD index and the column is z4 to z22 in um. The order of OPD index is based on the file name. """ # Get the sorted OPD file list opdFileList = self._getOpdFileInDir(self.outputImgDir) # Map the OPD to the Zk basis and do the collection numOfZk = self.getNumOfZk() opdData = np.zeros((len(opdFileList), numOfZk)) for idx, opdFile in enumerate(opdFileList): opd = fits.getdata(opdFile) # Rotate OPD if needed if (rotOpdInDeg != 0): opdRot = ndimage.rotate(opd, rotOpdInDeg, reshape=False) opdRot[opd == 0] = 0 else: opdRot = opd # z1 to z22 (22 terms) zk = self.metr.getZkFromOpd(opdMap=opdRot)[0] # Only need to collect z4 to z22 initIdx = 3 opdData[idx, :] = zk[initIdx:initIdx + numOfZk] return opdData def _getOpdFileInDir(self, opdDir): """Get the sorted OPD files in the directory. OPD: Optical path difference. Parameters ---------- opdDir : str OPD file directory. Returns ------- list List of sorted OPD files. """ # Get the files opdFileList = [] fileList = self._getFileInDir(opdDir) for file in fileList: fileName = os.path.basename(file) m = re.match(r"\Aopd_\d+_(\d+).fits.gz", fileName) if (m is not None): opdFileList.append(file) # Do the sorting of file name sortedOpdFileList = sortOpdFileList(opdFileList) return sortedOpdFileList def _getFileInDir(self, fileDir): """Get the files in the directory. Parameters ---------- fileDir : str File directory. Returns ------- list List of files. """ fileList = [] for name in os.listdir(fileDir): filePath = os.path.join(fileDir, name) if os.path.isfile(filePath): fileList.append(filePath) return fileList def _writeOpdPssnFile(self, pssnFileName): """Write the OPD PSSN in file. OPD: Optical path difference. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, pssnFileName) # Calculate the PSSN pssnList, gqEffPssn = self._calcComCamOpdPssn() # Calculate the FWHM effFwhmList, gqEffFwhm = self._calcComCamOpdEffFwhm(pssnList) # Append the list to write the data into file pssnList.append(gqEffPssn) effFwhmList.append(gqEffFwhm) # Stack the data data = np.vstack((pssnList, effFwhmList)) # Write to file header = "The followings are PSSN and FWHM (in arcsec) data. The final number is the GQ value." np.savetxt(filePath, data, header=header) def _calcComCamOpdPssn(self): """Calculate the ComCam PSSN of OPD. ComCam: Commissioning camera. OPD: Optical path difference. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. GQ: Gaussian quadrature. Returns ------- list PSSN list. float GQ effective PSSN. """ opdFileList = self._getOpdFileInDir(self.outputImgDir) wavelengthInUm = self.tele.getRefWaveLength() * 1e-3 pssnList = [] for opdFile in opdFileList: pssn = self.metr.calcPSSN(wavelengthInUm, opdFitsFile=opdFile) pssnList.append(pssn) # Calculate the GQ effectice PSSN self._setComCamWgtRatio() gqEffPssn = self.metr.calcGQvalue(pssnList) return pssnList, gqEffPssn def _setComCamWgtRatio(self): """Set the ComCam weighting ratio. ComCam: Commissioning camera. """ comcamWtRatio = np.ones(9) self.metr.setWeightingRatio(comcamWtRatio) def _calcComCamOpdEffFwhm(self, pssnList): """Calculate the ComCam effective FWHM of OPD. ComCam: Commissioning camera. FWHM: Full width and half maximum. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. GQ: Gaussian quadrature. Parameters ---------- pssnList : list List of PSSN. Returns ------- list Effective FWHM list. float GQ effective FWHM of ComCam. """ # Calculate the list of effective FWHM effFwhmList = [] for pssn in pssnList: effFwhm = self.metr.calcFWHMeff(pssn) effFwhmList.append(effFwhm) # Calculate the GQ effectice FWHM self._setComCamWgtRatio() gqEffFwhm = self.metr.calcGQvalue(effFwhmList) return effFwhmList, gqEffFwhm def mapOpdDataToListOfWfErr(self, opdZkFileName, refSensorNameList): """Map the OPD data to the list of wavefront error. OPD: Optical path difference. Parameters ---------- opdZkFileName : str OPD zk file name. refSensorNameList : list Reference sensor name list. Returns ------- list [lsst.ts.wep.ctrlIntf.SensorWavefrontError] List of SensorWavefrontError object. """ opdZk = self._getZkFromFile(opdZkFileName) mapSensorNameAndId = MapSensorNameAndId() sensorIdList = mapSensorNameAndId.mapSensorNameToId(refSensorNameList) listOfWfErr = [] for sensorId, zk in zip(sensorIdList, opdZk): sensorWavefrontData = SensorWavefrontError( numOfZk=self.getNumOfZk()) sensorWavefrontData.setSensorId(sensorId) sensorWavefrontData.setAnnularZernikePoly(zk) listOfWfErr.append(sensorWavefrontData) return listOfWfErr def _getZkFromFile(self, zkFileName): """Get the zk (z4-z22) from file. Parameters ---------- zkFileName : str Zk file name. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray zk matrix. The colunm is z4-z22. The raw is each data point. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, zkFileName) zk = np.loadtxt(filePath) return zk def getOpdPssnFromFile(self, pssnFileName): """Get the OPD PSSN from file. OPD: Optical path difference. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray PSSN. """ data = self._getDataOfPssnFile(pssnFileName) pssn = data[0, :-1] return pssn def _getDataOfPssnFile(self, pssnFileName): """Get the data of the PSSN file. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Data of the PSSN file. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, pssnFileName) data = np.loadtxt(filePath) return data def getOpdGqEffFwhmFromFile(self, pssnFileName): """Get the OPD GQ effective FWHM from file. OPD: Optical path difference. GQ: Gaussian quadrature. FWHM: Full width at half maximum. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. Returns ------- float OPD GQ effective FWHM. """ data = self._getDataOfPssnFile(pssnFileName) gqEffFwhm = data[1, -1] return gqEffFwhm def getListOfFwhmSensorData(self, pssnFileName, refSensorNameList): """Get the list of FWHM sensor data based on the OPD PSSN file. FWHM: Full width at half maximum. OPD: Optical path difference. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. refSensorNameList : list Reference sensor name list. Returns ------- list [lsst.ts.ofc.ctrlIntf.FWHMSensorData] List of FWHMSensorData which contains the sensor Id and FWHM data. """ # Get the FWHM data from the PSSN file # The first row is the PSSN and the second one is the FWHM # The final element in each row is the GQ value data = self._getDataOfPssnFile(pssnFileName) fwhmData = data[1, :-1] mapSensorNameAndId = MapSensorNameAndId() sensorIdList = mapSensorNameAndId.mapSensorNameToId(refSensorNameList) listOfFWHMSensorData = [] for sensorId, fwhm in zip(sensorIdList, fwhmData): fwhmSensorData = FWHMSensorData(sensorId, np.array([fwhm])) listOfFWHMSensorData.append(fwhmSensorData) return listOfFWHMSensorData def repackageComCamAmpImgFromPhoSim(self): """Repackage the ComCam amplifier images from PhoSim to the single 16 extension MEFs for processing. ComCam: commissioning camera. MEF: multi-extension frames. """ self._repackageComCamImages(isEimg=False) def _repackageComCamImages(self, isEimg=False): """Repackage the ComCam images from PhoSim for processing. Parameters ---------- isEimg : bool, optional Is eimage or not. (the default is False.) """ # Make a temporary directory tmpDirPath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, "tmp") self._makeDir(tmpDirPath) intraFocalDirName = self.getIntraFocalDirName() extraFocalDirName = self.getExtraFocalDirName() for imgType in (intraFocalDirName, extraFocalDirName): # Repackage the images to the temporary directory command = "" phosimImgDir = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, imgType) argstring = "%s --out_dir=%s" % (phosimImgDir, tmpDirPath) if (isEimg): argstring += " --eimage" runProgram(command, argstring=argstring) # Remove the image data in the original directory argString = "-rf %s/*.fits*" % phosimImgDir runProgram("rm", argstring=argString) # Put the repackaged data into the image directory argstring = "%s/*.fits %s" % (tmpDirPath, phosimImgDir) runProgram("mv", argstring=argstring) # Remove the temporary directory shutil.rmtree(tmpDirPath) def repackageComCamEimgFromPhoSim(self): """Repackage the ComCam eimages from PhoSim for processing. ComCam: commissioning camera. """ self._repackageComCamImages(isEimg=True) def reorderAndSaveWfErrFile(self, listOfWfErr, refSensorNameList, zkFileName="wfs.zer"): """Reorder the wavefront error in the wavefront error list according to the reference sensor name list and save to a file. The unexisted wavefront error will be a numpy zero array. The unit is um. Parameters ---------- listOfWfErr : list [lsst.ts.wep.ctrlIntf.SensorWavefrontData] List of SensorWavefrontData object. refSensorNameList : list Reference sensor name list. zkFileName : str, optional Wavefront error file name. (the default is "wfs.zer".) """ # Get the sensor name that in the wavefront error map wfErrMap = self._transListOfWfErrToMap(listOfWfErr) nameListInWfErrMap = list(wfErrMap.keys()) # Reorder the wavefront error map based on the reference sensor name # list. reorderedWfErrMap = dict() for sensorName in refSensorNameList: if sensorName in nameListInWfErrMap: wfErr = wfErrMap[sensorName] else: numOfZk = self.getNumOfZk() wfErr = np.zeros(numOfZk) reorderedWfErrMap[sensorName] = wfErr # Save the file filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, zkFileName) wfsData = self._getWfErrValuesAndStackToMatrix(reorderedWfErrMap) header = "The followings are ZK in um from z4 to z22:" np.savetxt(filePath, wfsData, header=header) def _transListOfWfErrToMap(self, listOfWfErr): """Transform the list of wavefront error to map. Parameters ---------- listOfWfErr : list [lsst.ts.wep.ctrlIntf.SensorWavefrontData] List of SensorWavefrontData object. Returns ------- dict Calculated wavefront error. The dictionary key [str] is the abbreviated sensor name (e.g. R22_S11). The dictionary item [numpy.ndarray] is the averaged wavefront error (z4-z22) in um. """ mapSensorNameAndId = MapSensorNameAndId() wfErrMap = dict() for sensorWavefrontData in listOfWfErr: sensorId = sensorWavefrontData.getSensorId() sensorNameList = mapSensorNameAndId.mapSensorIdToName(sensorId)[0] sensorName = sensorNameList[0] avgErrInUm = sensorWavefrontData.getAnnularZernikePoly() wfErrMap[sensorName] = avgErrInUm return wfErrMap def _getWfErrValuesAndStackToMatrix(self, wfErrMap): """Get the wavefront errors and stack them to be a matrix. Parameters ---------- wfErrMap : dict Calculated wavefront error. The dictionary key [str] is the abbreviated sensor name (e.g. R22_S11). The dictionary item [numpy.ndarray] is the averaged wavefront error (z4-z22) in um. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Wavefront errors as a matrix. The column is z4-z22 in um. The row is the individual sensor. The order is the same as the input of wfErrMap. """ numOfZk = self.getNumOfZk() valueMatrix = np.empty((0, numOfZk)) for wfErr in wfErrMap.values(): valueMatrix = np.vstack((valueMatrix, wfErr)) return valueMatrix
class WepPhosimCmpt(object): NUM_OF_ZK = 19 PISTON_INTRA_DIR_NAME = "intra" PISTON_EXTRA_DIR_NAME = "extra" def __init__(self, phosimDir): """Initialization of WEP PhoSim component class. WEP: wavefront estimation pipeline. Parameters ---------- phosimDir : str PhoSim directory. """ self.metr = OpdMetrology() self.tele = TeleFacade() self.outputDir = "" self.outputImgDir = "" self.seedNum = 0 self.phosimParam = {"numPro": 1, "e2ADC": 1} self._config(phosimDir) def _config(self, phosimDir): """Do the configuration of WEP PhoSim component class. Parameters ---------- phosimDir : str PhoSim directory. """ # Configurate the TeleFacade class configDataPath = self._getConfigDataPath() teleConfigFilePath = os.path.join(configDataPath, "telescopeConfig", "GT.inst") self.tele.setConfigFile(teleConfigFilePath) camDataDir = os.path.join(configDataPath, "camera") M1M3dataDir = os.path.join(configDataPath, "M1M3") M2dataDir = os.path.join(configDataPath, "M2") self.tele.setSubSysConfigDir(camDataDir=camDataDir, M1M3dataDir=M1M3dataDir, M2dataDir=M2dataDir, phosimDir=phosimDir) self.tele.setSensorOn(sciSensorOn=True, wfSensorOn=False, guidSensorOn=False) # The lsst is used here because the obs_lsst only supports the lsst now self.tele.setInstName("lsst15") def _getConfigDataPath(self): """Get the configuration data path. Returns ------- str Configuration data path """ configDataPath = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData") return configDataPath def getOpdMetr(self): """Get the OPD metrology object. OPD: optical path difference. Returns ------- OpdMetrology OPD metrology object. """ return self.metr def setOutputDir(self, outputDir): """Set the output directory. The output directory will be constructed if there is no existed one. Parameters ---------- outputDir : str Output directory. """ self._makeDir(outputDir) self.outputDir = outputDir def _makeDir(self, newDir, exist_ok=True): """Make the new directory. Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- newDir : str New directory. exist_ok : bool, optional If the target directory already exists, raise an OSError if exist_ok is False. Otherwise no exception is raised. (the default is True.) """ os.makedirs(newDir, exist_ok=exist_ok) def getOutputDir(self): """Get the output directory. Returns ------- str Output directory. """ return self.outputDir def setOutputImgDir(self, outputImgDir): """Set the output image directory. The output image directory will be constructed if there is no existed one. Parameters ---------- outputImgDir : str Output image directory """ self._makeDir(outputImgDir) self.outputImgDir = outputImgDir def getOutputImgDir(self): """Get the output image directory. Returns ------- str Output image directory """ return self.outputImgDir def setSeedNum(self, seedNum): """Set the seed number for the M1M3 mirror surface purturbation. Parameters ---------- seedNum : int Seed number. """ self.seedNum = int(seedNum) def getSeedNum(self): """Get the seed number for the M1M3 random surface purturbation. Returns ------- int or None Seed number. None means there is no random purturbation. """ return self.seedNum def setPhosimParam(self, numPro=1, e2ADC=1): """Set the PhoSim simulation parameters. Parameters ---------- numPro : int, optional Number of processors. The value should be greater than 1. (the default is 1.) e2ADC : int, optional Whether to generate amplifier images (1 = true, 0 = false) (the default is 1.) """ if (numPro > 0): self.phosimParam["numPro"] = int(numPro) if e2ADC in (0, 1): self.phosimParam["e2ADC"] = int(e2ADC) def getPhosimParam(self): """Get the PhoSim simulation parameters. Returns ------- dict PhoSim simulation parameters. """ return self.phosimParam def setSurveyParam(self, obsId=None, filterType=None, boresight=None, zAngleInDeg=None, rotAngInDeg=None, mjd=None): """Set the survey parameters. Parameters ---------- obsId : int, optional Observation Id. (the default is None.) filterType : FilterType, optional Active filter type. (the default is None.) boresight : tuple, optional Telescope boresight in (ra, decl). (the default is None.) zAngleInDeg : float, optional Zenith angle in degree. (the default is None.) rotAngInDeg : float, optional Camera rotation angle in degree between -90 and 90 degrees. (the default is None.) mjd : float, optional MJD of observation. (the default is None.) """ self.tele.setSurveyParam(obsId=obsId, filterType=filterType, boresight=boresight, zAngleInDeg=zAngleInDeg, rotAngInDeg=rotAngInDeg, mjd=mjd) def addOpdFieldXYbyDeg(self, fieldXInDegree, fieldYInDegree): """Add the OPD new field X, Y in degree. OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- fieldXInDegree : float, list, or numpy.ndarray New field X in degree. fieldYInDegree : float, list, or numpy.ndarray New field Y in degree. """ self.metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(fieldXInDegree, fieldYInDegree) def accDofInUm(self, dofInUm): """Accumulate the aggregated degree of freedom (DOF) in um. idx 0-4: M2 dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 5-9: Cam dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 10-29: M1M3 20 bending modes idx 30-49: M2 20 bending modes Parameters ---------- dofInUm : list or numpy.ndarray DOF in um. """ self.tele.accDofInUm(dofInUm) def setDofInUm(self, dofInUm): """Set the accumulated degree of freedom (DOF) in um. idx 0-4: M2 dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 5-9: Cam dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 10-29: M1M3 20 bending modes idx 30-49: M2 20 bending modes Parameters ---------- dofInUm : list or numpy.ndarray DOF in um. """ self.tele.setDofInUm(dofInUm) def getDofInUm(self): """Get the accumulated degree of freedom (DOF) in um. idx 0-4: M2 dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 5-9: Cam dz, dx, dy, rx, ry idx 10-29: M1M3 20 bending modes idx 30-49: M2 20 bending modes Returns ------- numpy.ndarray DOF in um. """ return self.tele.dofInUm def saveDofInUmFileForNextIter(self, dofInUm, dofInUmFileName="dofPertInNextIter.mat"): """Save the DOF in um data to file for the next iteration. DOF: degree of freedom. Parameters ---------- dofInUm : list or numpy.ndarray DOF in um. dofInUmFileName : str, optional File name to save the DOF in um. (the default is "dofPertInNextIter.mat".) """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, dofInUmFileName) header = "The followings are the DOF in um:" np.savetxt(filePath, np.transpose(dofInUm), header=header) def runPhoSim(self, argString): """Run the PhoSim program. Parameters ---------- argString : str Arguments for PhoSim. """ self.tele.runPhoSim(argString) def getComCamOpdArgsAndFilesForPhoSim( self, cmdFileName="opd.cmd", instFileName="opd.inst", logFileName="opdPhoSim.log", cmdSettingFileName="opdDefault.cmd", instSettingFileName="opdDefault.inst"): """Get the OPD calculation arguments and files of ComCam for the PhoSim calculation. OPD: optical path difference. ComCam: commissioning camera. Parameters ---------- cmdFileName : str, optional Physical command file name. (the default is "opd.cmd".) instFileName : str, optional OPD instance file name. (the default is "opd.inst".) logFileName : str, optional Log file name. (the default is "opdPhoSim.log".) cmdSettingFileName : str, optional Physical command setting file name. (the default is "opdDefault.cmd".) instSettingFileName : str, optional Instance setting file name. (the default is "opdDefault.inst".) Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Set the default ComCam OPD field positions self.metr.setDefaultComcamGQ() argString = self._getOpdArgsAndFilesForPhoSim( cmdFileName=cmdFileName, instFileName=instFileName, logFileName=logFileName, cmdSettingFileName=cmdSettingFileName, instSettingFileName=instSettingFileName) return argString def _getOpdArgsAndFilesForPhoSim(self, cmdFileName="opd.cmd", instFileName="opd.inst", logFileName="opdPhoSim.log", cmdSettingFileName="opdDefault.cmd", instSettingFileName="opdDefault.inst"): """Get the OPD calculation arguments and files for the PhoSim calculation. OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- cmdFileName : str, optional Physical command file name. (the default is "opd.cmd".) instFileName : str, optional OPD instance file name. (the default is "opd.inst".) logFileName : str, optional Log file name. (the default is "opdPhoSim.log".) cmdSettingFileName : str, optional Physical command setting file name. (the default is "opdDefault.cmd".) instSettingFileName : str, optional Instance setting file name. (the default is "opdDefault.inst".) Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Write the command file cmdFilePath = self._writePertAndCmdFiles(cmdSettingFileName, cmdFileName) # Write the instance file instSettingFile = self._getInstSettingFilePath(instSettingFileName) instFilePath = self.tele.writeOpdInstFile( self.outputDir, self.metr, instSettingFile=instSettingFile, instFileName=instFileName) # Get the argument to run the PhoSim argString = self._getPhoSimArgs(logFileName, instFilePath, cmdFilePath) return argString def _writePertAndCmdFiles(self, cmdSettingFileName, cmdFileName): """Write the physical perturbation and command files. Parameters ---------- cmdSettingFileName : str Physical command setting file name. cmdFileName : str Physical command file name. Returns ------- str Command file path. """ # Write the perturbation file pertCmdFileName = "pert.cmd" pertCmdFilePath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, pertCmdFileName) if (not os.path.exists(pertCmdFilePath)): self.tele.writePertBaseOnConfigFile( self.outputDir, seedNum=self.seedNum, saveResMapFig=True, pertCmdFileName=pertCmdFileName) # Write the physical command file configDataPath = self._getConfigDataPath() cmdSettingFile = os.path.join(configDataPath, "cmdFile", cmdSettingFileName) cmdFilePath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, cmdFileName) if (not os.path.exists(cmdFilePath)): self.tele.writeCmdFile(self.outputDir, cmdSettingFile=cmdSettingFile, pertFilePath=pertCmdFilePath, cmdFileName=cmdFileName) return cmdFilePath def _getInstSettingFilePath(self, instSettingFileName): """Get the instance setting file path. Parameters ---------- instSettingFileName : str Instance setting file name. Returns ------- str Instance setting file path. """ configDataPath = self._getConfigDataPath() instSettingFile = os.path.join(configDataPath, "instFile", instSettingFileName) return instSettingFile def _getPhoSimArgs(self, logFileName, instFilePath, cmdFilePath): """Get the arguments needed to run the PhoSim. Parameters ---------- logFileName : str Log file name. instFilePath: str Instance file path. cmdFilePath : str Physical command file path. Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ numPro = self.phosimParam["numPro"] e2ADC = self.phosimParam["e2ADC"] logFilePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, logFileName) argString = self.tele.getPhoSimArgs(instFilePath, extraCommandFile=cmdFilePath, numPro=numPro, outputDir=self.outputImgDir, e2ADC=e2ADC, logFilePath=logFilePath) return argString def getComCamStarArgsAndFilesForPhoSim( self, extraObsId, intraObsId, skySim, simSeed=1000, cmdSettingFileName="starDefault.cmd", instSettingFileName="starSingleExp.inst"): """Get the star calculation arguments and files of ComCam for the PhoSim calculation. Parameters ---------- extraObsId : int Extra-focal observation Id. intraObsId : int Intra-focal observation Id. skySim : SkySim Sky simulator simSeed : int, optional Random number seed. (the default is 1000.) cmdSettingFileName : str, optional Physical command setting file name. (the default is "starDefault.cmd".) instSettingFileName : {str}, optional Instance setting file name. (the default is "starSingleExp.inst".) Returns ------- list[str] List of arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Set the intra- and extra-focal related information obsIdList = {"-1": extraObsId, "1": intraObsId} instFileNameList = {"-1": "starExtra.inst", "1": "starIntra.inst"} logFileNameList = { "-1": "starExtraPhoSim.log", "1": "starIntraPhoSim.log" } outImgDirNameList = { "-1": self.PISTON_EXTRA_DIR_NAME, "1": self.PISTON_INTRA_DIR_NAME } # Write the instance and command files of defocal conditions cmdFileName = "star.cmd" onFocalDofInUm = self.getDofInUm() onFocalOutputImgDir = self.outputImgDir argStringList = [] for ii in (-1, 1): # Set the observation ID self.setSurveyParam(obsId=obsIdList[str(ii)]) # Camera piston (Change the unit from mm to um) pistonInUm = np.zeros(len(onFocalDofInUm)) pistonInUm[5] = ii * self.tele.getDefocalDisInMm() * 1e3 # Set the new DOF that considers the piston motion self.setDofInUm(onFocalDofInUm + pistonInUm) # Update the output image directory outputImgDir = os.path.join(onFocalOutputImgDir, outImgDirNameList[str(ii)]) self.setOutputImgDir(outputImgDir) # Get the argument to run the phosim argString = self.getStarArgsAndFilesForPhoSim( skySim, cmdFileName=cmdFileName, instFileName=instFileNameList[str(ii)], logFileName=logFileNameList[str(ii)], simSeed=simSeed, cmdSettingFileName=cmdSettingFileName, instSettingFileName=instSettingFileName) argStringList.append(argString) # Put the internal state back to the focal plane condition self.setDofInUm(onFocalDofInUm) self.setOutputImgDir(onFocalOutputImgDir) return argStringList def getStarArgsAndFilesForPhoSim(self, skySim, cmdFileName="star.cmd", instFileName="star.inst", logFileName="starPhoSim.log", simSeed=1000, cmdSettingFileName="starDefault.cmd", instSettingFileName="starSingleExp.inst"): """Get the star calculation arguments and files for the PhoSim calculation. Parameters ---------- skySim : SkySim Sky simulator cmdFileName : str, optional Physical command file name. (the default is "star.cmd".) instFileName : str, optional Star instance file name. (the default is "star.inst".) logFileName : str, optional Log file name. (the default is "starPhoSim.log".) simSeed : int, optional Random number seed. (the default is 1000) cmdSettingFileName : str, optional Physical command setting file name. (the default is "starDefault.cmd".) instSettingFileName : str, optional Instance setting file name. (the default is "starSingleExp.inst".) Returns ------- str Arguments to run the PhoSim. """ # Write the command file cmdFilePath = self._writePertAndCmdFiles(cmdSettingFileName, cmdFileName) # Write the instance file instSettingFile = self._getInstSettingFilePath(instSettingFileName) instFilePath = self.tele.writeStarInstFile( self.outputDir, skySim, simSeed=simSeed, sedName="sed_flat.txt", instSettingFile=instSettingFile, instFileName=instFileName) # Get the argument to run the PhoSim argString = self._getPhoSimArgs(logFileName, instFilePath, cmdFilePath) return argString def analyzeComCamOpdData(self, zkFileName="opd.zer", pssnFileName="PSSN.txt"): """Analyze the ComCam OPD data. ComCam: Commissioning camera. OPD: optical path difference. PSSN: normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- zkFileName : str, optional OPD in zk file name. (the default is "opd.zer".) pssnFileName : str, optional PSSN file name. (the default is "PSSN.txt".) """ self._writeOpdZkFile(zkFileName) self._writeOpdPssnFile(pssnFileName) def _writeOpdZkFile(self, zkFileName): """Write the OPD in zk file. OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- zkFileName : str OPD in zk file name. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, zkFileName) opdData = self._mapOpdToZk() header = "The followings are OPD in um from z4 to z22:" np.savetxt(filePath, opdData, header=header) def _mapOpdToZk(self): """Map the OPD to the basis of annular Zernike polynomial (Zk). OPD: optical path difference. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Zk data from OPD. This is a 2D array. The row is the OPD index and the column is z4 to z22 in um. The order of OPD index is based on the file name. """ # Get the OPD file list opdFileList = self._getOpdFileInDir(self.outputImgDir) # Map the OPD to the Zk basis and do the collection opdData = np.zeros((len(opdFileList), self.NUM_OF_ZK)) for idx, opdFile in enumerate(opdFileList): # z1 to z22 (22 terms) zk = self.metr.getZkFromOpd(opdFitsFile=opdFile)[0] # Only need to collect z4 to z22 initIdx = 3 opdData[idx, :] = zk[initIdx:initIdx + self.NUM_OF_ZK] return opdData def _writeOpdPssnFile(self, pssnFileName): """Write the OPD PSSN in file. OPD: optical path difference. PSSN: normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, pssnFileName) # Calculate the PSSN pssnList, gqEffPssn = self._calcComCamOpdPssn() # Calculate the FWHM effFwhmList, gqEffFwhm = self._calcComCamOpdEffFwhm(pssnList) # Append the list to write the data into file pssnList.append(gqEffPssn) effFwhmList.append(gqEffFwhm) # Stack the data data = np.vstack((pssnList, effFwhmList)) # Write to file header = "The followings are PSSN and FWHM (in arcsec) data. The final number is the GQ value." np.savetxt(filePath, data, header=header) def _calcComCamOpdPssn(self): """Calculate the ComCam PSSN of OPD. ComCam: commissioning camera. OPD: optical path difference. PSSN: normalized point source sensitivity. GQ: gaussian quadrature. Returns ------- list PSSN list. float GQ effective PSSN. """ opdFileList = self._getOpdFileInDir(self.outputImgDir) wavelengthInUm = self.tele.WAVELENGTH_IN_NM * 1e-3 pssnList = [] for opdFile in opdFileList: pssn = self.metr.calcPSSN(wavelengthInUm, opdFitsFile=opdFile) pssnList.append(pssn) # Calculate the GQ effectice PSSN self._setComCamWgtRatio() gqEffPssn = self.metr.calcGQvalue(pssnList) return pssnList, gqEffPssn def _getOpdFileInDir(self, opdDir): """Get the OPD files in the directory. OPD: optical path difference. Parameters ---------- opdDir : str OPD file directory. Returns ------- list List of OPD files. """ opdFileList = [] fileList = self._getFileInDir(opdDir) for file in fileList: fileName = os.path.basename(file) m = re.match(r"\Aopd_\d+_(\d+).fits.gz", fileName) if (m is not None): opdFileList.append(file) return opdFileList def _getFileInDir(self, fileDir): """Get the files in the directory. Parameters ---------- fileDir : str File directory. Returns ------- list List of files. """ fileList = [] for name in os.listdir(fileDir): filePath = os.path.join(fileDir, name) if os.path.isfile(filePath): fileList.append(filePath) return fileList def _setComCamWgtRatio(self): """Set the ComCam weighting ratio. ComCam: Commissioning camera. """ comcamWtRatio = np.ones(9) self.metr.setWeightingRatio(comcamWtRatio) def _calcComCamOpdEffFwhm(self, pssnList): """Calculate the ComCam effective FWHM of OPD. ComCam: commissioning camera. FWHM: full width and half maximum. PSSN: normalized point source sensitivity. GQ: Gaussian quadrature. Parameters ---------- pssnList : list List of PSSN. Returns ------- list Effective FWHM list. float GQ effective FWHM of ComCam. """ # Calculate the list of effective FWHM effFwhmList = [] for pssn in pssnList: effFwhm = self.metr.calcFWHMeff(pssn) effFwhmList.append(effFwhm) # Calculate the GQ effectice FWHM self._setComCamWgtRatio() gqEffFwhm = self.metr.calcGQvalue(effFwhmList) return effFwhmList, gqEffFwhm def getZkFromFile(self, zkFileName): """Get the zk (z4-z22) from file. Parameters ---------- zkFileName : str Zk file name. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray zk matrix. The colunm is z4-z22. The raw is each data point. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, zkFileName) zk = np.loadtxt(filePath) return zk def getOpdPssnFromFile(self, pssnFileName): """Get the OPD PSSN from file. OPD: optical path difference. PSSN: normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray PSSN. """ data = self._getDataOfPssnFile(pssnFileName) pssn = data[0, :-1] return pssn def getOpdGqEffFwhmFromFile(self, pssnFileName): """Get the OPD GQ effective FWHM from file. OPD: optical path difference. GQ: Gaussian quadrature. FWHM: full width at half maximum. PSSN: normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. Returns ------- float OPD GQ effective FWHM. """ data = self._getDataOfPssnFile(pssnFileName) gqEffFwhm = data[1, -1] return gqEffFwhm def _getDataOfPssnFile(self, pssnFileName): """Get the data of the PSSN file. PSSN: Normalized point source sensitivity. Parameters ---------- pssnFileName : str PSSN file name. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Data of the PSSN file. """ filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, pssnFileName) data = np.loadtxt(filePath) return data def repackageComCamImgFromPhoSim(self): """Repackage the ComCam amplifier images from PhoSim to the single 16 extension MEFs for processing. ComCam: commissioning camera. MEF: multi-extension frames. """ # Make a temp directory tmpDirPath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, "tmp") self._makeDir(tmpDirPath) for imgType in (self.PISTON_INTRA_DIR_NAME, self.PISTON_EXTRA_DIR_NAME): # Repackage the images to that temp directory command = "" phosimAmgImgDir = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, imgType) argstring = "%s --out_dir=%s" % (phosimAmgImgDir, tmpDirPath) runProgram(command, argstring=argstring) # Remove the image data in the original directory argString = "-rf %s/lsst_a_*.fits.gz" % phosimAmgImgDir runProgram("rm", argstring=argString) # Put the repackaged data into the image directory argstring = "%s/*.fits %s" % (tmpDirPath, phosimAmgImgDir) runProgram("mv", argstring=argstring) # Remove the temp directory shutil.rmtree(tmpDirPath) def reorderAndSaveWfErrFile(self, wfErrMap, refSensorNameList, zkFileName="wfs.zer"): """Reorder the wavefront error in the wavefront error map according to the reference sensor name list and save to a file. The unexisted wavefront error will be a numpy zero array. The unit is um. Parameters ---------- wfErrMap : dict Calculated wavefront error. The dictionary key [str] is the abbreviated sensor name (e.g. R22_S11). The dictionary item [numpy.ndarray] is the averaged wavefront error (z4-z22) in nm. refSensorNameList : list Reference sensor name list zkFileName : str, optional Wavefront error file name. (the default is "wfs.zer".) """ # Get the sensor name that in the wavefront error map nameListInWfErrMap = list(wfErrMap.keys()) # Reorder the wavefront error map based on the reference sensor name # list. The wavefront error unit will change from nm to um. reorderedWfErrMap = dict() for sensorName in refSensorNameList: if sensorName in nameListInWfErrMap: # Change the unit from nm to um wfErr = wfErrMap[sensorName] * 1e-3 else: wfErr = np.zeros(self.NUM_OF_ZK) reorderedWfErrMap[sensorName] = wfErr # Save the file filePath = os.path.join(self.outputImgDir, zkFileName) wfsData = self.getWfErrValuesAndStackToMatrix(reorderedWfErrMap) header = "The followings are ZK in um from z4 to z22:" np.savetxt(filePath, wfsData, header=header) def getWfErrValuesAndStackToMatrix(self, wfErrMap): """Get the wavefront errors and stack them to be a matrix. Parameters ---------- wfErrMap : dict Calculated wavefront error. The dictionary key [str] is the abbreviated sensor name (e.g. R22_S11). The dictionary item [numpy.ndarray] is the averaged wavefront error (z4-z22) in nm. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Wavefront errors as a matrix. The column is z4-z22 in nm. The row is the individual sensor. The order is the same as the input of wfErrMap. """ valueMatrix = np.empty((0, self.NUM_OF_ZK)) for wfErr in wfErrMap.values(): valueMatrix = np.vstack((valueMatrix, wfErr)) return valueMatrix
def main(phosimDir): # Settings outputDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "output") outputImgDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "img") cmdSettingFile = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "cmdFile", "opdDefault.cmd") instSettingFile = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "instFile", "opdDefault.inst") # Declare the opd metrology and add the interested field points metr = OpdMetrology() metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(0, 0) metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(0.2, 0.3) # Set the Telescope facade class configFilePath = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "telescopeConfig", "GT.inst") tele = TeleFacade(configFilePath=configFilePath) tele.setSubSysConfigDir(phosimDir=phosimDir) obsId = 9006050 filterType = FilterType.REF tele.setSurveyParam(obsId=obsId, filterType=filterType) # Update the telescope degree of freedom dofInUm = np.zeros(50) # Camera dx dofInUm[6] = 1000 tele.accDofInUm(dofInUm) # Write the physical command file cmdFilePath = tele.writeCmdFile(outputDir, cmdSettingFile=cmdSettingFile, cmdFileName="opd.cmd") # Write the instance file instFilePath = tele.writeOpdInstFile(outputDir, metr, instSettingFile=instSettingFile, instFileName="opd.inst") # Get the argument to run the PhoSim logFilePath = os.path.join(outputImgDir, "opdPhoSim.log") argString = tele.getPhoSimArgs(instFilePath, extraCommandFile=cmdFilePath, numPro=2, outputDir=outputImgDir, e2ADC=0, logFilePath=logFilePath) # Run the PhoSim tele.runPhoSim(argString) # Analyze the OPD fits images opdFitsFile = os.path.join(outputImgDir, "opd_9006050_0.fits.gz") zk = metr.getZkFromOpd(opdFitsFile=opdFitsFile)[0] print(zk) wavelengthInUm = tele.WAVELENGTH_IN_NM * 1e-3 pssn = metr.calcPSSN(wavelengthInUm, opdFitsFile=opdFitsFile) print(pssn)
def main(phosimDir): # Settings outputDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "output") outputImgDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "img") cmdSettingFile = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "cmdFile", "opdDefault.cmd") instSettingFile = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "instFile", "opdDefault.inst") # Declare the opd metrology and add the interested field points metr = OpdMetrology() metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(0, 0) metr.addFieldXYbyDeg(0.2, 0.3) # Set the Telescope facade class configFilePath = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "telescopeConfig", "GT.inst") tele = TeleFacade(configFilePath=configFilePath) # Subsystem data direction camDataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "camera") M1M3dataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "M1M3") M2dataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData", "M2") tele.setSubSysConfigDir(camDataDir=camDataDir, M1M3dataDir=M1M3dataDir, M2dataDir=M2dataDir, phosimDir=phosimDir) # Set the survey parameters obsId = 9006000 filterType = FilterType.REF zAngleInDeg = 27.0912 rotAngInDeg = np.rad2deg(-1.2323) tele.setSurveyParam(obsId=obsId, filterType=filterType, zAngleInDeg=zAngleInDeg, rotAngInDeg=rotAngInDeg) # Generate the perturbation iSim = 6 pertCmdFilePath = tele.writePertBaseOnConfigFile(outputDir, seedNum=iSim, saveResMapFig=True) # Update the telescope degree of freedom dofInUm = np.zeros(50) # Camera dx dofInUm[6] = 1000 tele.accDofInUm(dofInUm) # Write the physical command file cmdFilePath = tele.writeCmdFile(outputDir, cmdSettingFile=cmdSettingFile, pertFilePath=pertCmdFilePath, cmdFileName="opd.cmd") # Write the instance file instFilePath = tele.writeOpdInstFile(outputDir, metr, instSettingFile=instSettingFile, instFileName="opd.inst") # Get the argument to run the PhoSim logFilePath = os.path.join(outputImgDir, "opdPhoSim.log") argString = tele.getPhoSimArgs(instFilePath, extraCommandFile=cmdFilePath, numPro=2, outputDir=outputImgDir, e2ADC=0, logFilePath=logFilePath) # Run the PhoSim tele.runPhoSim(argString) # Analyze the OPD fits images opdFitsFile = os.path.join(outputImgDir, "opd_9006000_0.fits.gz") zk = metr.getZkFromOpd(opdFitsFile=opdFitsFile)[0] print(zk) wavelengthInUm = tele.WAVELENGTH_IN_NM * 1e-3 pssn = metr.calcPSSN(wavelengthInUm, opdFitsFile=opdFitsFile) print(pssn)