예제 #1
    def setUp(self):

        # TimeSeries from 16:58:00 to 17:32:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries1 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 - 120
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(35):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 17:00:00 to 17:30:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries2 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(34):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 17:00:00 to 17:20:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries3 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 - 120
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(23):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 17:10:00 to 17:30:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries4 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 + 600
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(21):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 16:58:00 to 17:32:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries5 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 - 120
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(35):
            if i > 10 and i < 21:
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span
예제 #2
    def test_Simple_Aggregation(self):   

        sensor = SimpleSensor('084EB18E44FFA/7-MB-1')
        from_dt = dt(2016,3,25,9,58,0, tzinfo=sensor.timezone) # last was at 2016-03-25T14:09:45+00:00
        to_dt   = dt(2016,3,25,10,32,0, tzinfo=sensor.timezone)

        dataTimeSeries = DataTimeSeries()
        slider_dt = from_dt
        while slider_dt < to_dt:
            data = PhysicalData( labels = ['temp_C'], values = [25.5] ) 
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(dt   = slider_dt,
                                                          data = data,
                                                          validity_region_span = sensor.Points_validity_region_span)
            slider_dt = slider_dt + TimeSlotSpan('1m')
        dataTimeSeriesAggregatorProcess = DataTimeSeriesAggregatorProcess(timeSlotSpan      = TimeSlotSpan('15m'),
                                                                          Sensor            = sensor,
                                                                          data_to_aggregate = PhysicalDataTimePoint)

        # Aggregate
        dataTimeSeriesAggregatorProcess.start(dataTimeSeries = dataTimeSeries,
                                              start_dt       = from_dt,
                                              end_dt         = to_dt,
                                              rounded        = True,
                                              threaded       = False)
        # Get results
        aggregated_dataTimeSeries = dataTimeSeriesAggregatorProcess.get_results(until=None)

        # Quick check results using string representations
        i = 0
        for slot in aggregated_dataTimeSeries:

            if i == 0:
                self.assertEqual(str(slot), '''PhysicalDataTimeSlot: from 2016-03-25 10:00:00+01:00 to 2016-03-25 10:15:00+01:00 with span of 15m and coverage of 1.0''')
                self.assertEqual(slot.data.content, {'temp_C_MAX': 25.5, 'temp_C_AVG': 25.5, 'temp_C_MIN': 25.5}) 
            elif i == 1:
                self.assertEqual(str(slot), '''PhysicalDataTimeSlot: from 2016-03-25 10:15:00+01:00 to 2016-03-25 10:30:00+01:00 with span of 15m and coverage of 1.0''')
                self.assertEqual(slot.data.content, {'temp_C_MAX': 25.5, 'temp_C_AVG': 25.5, 'temp_C_MIN': 25.5})
                raise Exception('Test failed')
            i +=1
        if i != 2:
            raise Exception('Test failed')
예제 #3
파일: components.py 프로젝트: sarusso/Luna
    def __init__(self, timeSlotSpan, Sensor, data_to_aggregate, allow_None_data=False):
        ''' Initiliaze the aggregator process, of a given timeSlotSpan.'''

        # Arguments
        self.timeSlotSpan            = timeSlotSpan
        self.Sensor                  = Sensor
        self.data_to_aggregate       = data_to_aggregate
        self.allow_None_data         = allow_None_data
        # Internal vars
        self.results_dataTimeSeries  = DataTimeSeries()
        self._aggregator             = None
        self.Aggregator              = None
        # Sanity checks
        if not self.data_to_aggregate:
            raise ConsistencyException("No data type set: got (got {})".format(self.data_to_aggregate))
        # Check for the DataTimePoint concept being extended (including combinations)
        elif issubclass(self.data_to_aggregate, DataPoint) and issubclass(self.data_to_aggregate, TimePoint):
            self.Aggregator = DataTimePointsAggregator
        # Check for the DataTimeSlot concept being extended (including combinations)
        elif issubclass(self.data_to_aggregate, DataSlot) and issubclass(self.data_to_aggregate, TimeSlot):
            self.Aggregator = DataTimeSlotsAggregator
            raise ConsistencyException("Un-handable data type: got no DataTimePoint, no DataTimeSlot and not None (got {})".format(self.data_to_aggregate)) 
예제 #4
파일: components.py 프로젝트: sarusso/Luna
 def get_results(self, until=None):
     if until:
         raise NotImplementedError('getting partial results is not yet supported')
     # "Save" current results
     results = self.results_dataTimeSeries
     # Empty current results
     self.results_dataTimeSeries =  DataTimeSeries()
     return results
예제 #5
파일: components.py 프로젝트: sarusso/Luna
    def start(self, dataTimeSeries, start_dt, end_dt, rounded=False, threaded=False, callback=None, callback_trigger=None):
        ''' Start the aggregator process. if start is not set, the first datapoint is used. If end is not set,
        once the process will provide the results until the last datapoint (useful for online processing)

        # For now start/end not set is not supported:
        if not start_dt or not end_dt:
            raise NotImplementedError('Empty start/end not yet implemented') 
        # Handle the rounded case
        if rounded:
            start_dt = self.timeSlotSpan.round_dt(start_dt) if start_dt else None
            end_dt   = self.timeSlotSpan.round_dt(end_dt) if end_dt   else None
            if start_dt == end_dt:
                raise InputException('Sorry, after rounding start_dt and end_dt they are the same point! ({})'.format(start_dt))
            # Check for consistency
            if start_dt is not None:
                if start_dt != self.timeSlotSpan.round_dt(start_dt):
                    raise InputException('Sorry, provided start_dt is not consistent with the timeSlotSpan ({})'.format(start_dt))
            if end_dt is not None:
                if end_dt != self.timeSlotSpan.round_dt(end_dt):
                    raise InputException('Sorry, provided end_dt is not consistent with the timeSlotSpan ({})'.format(end_dt))        
        # Set some support varibales
        slot_start_dt      = None
        slot_end_dt        = None
        prev_dataTimePoint      = None
        filtered_dataTimeSeries = DataTimeSeries()
        process_ended      = False

        # Ok, start running the aggregators in a streaming-fashion way,
        # so going trought all the data in the time series
        logger.info('Aggregation process started from {} to {} with a sensor of class {} on {}'.format(start_dt,
        callback_counter = 1
        for dataTimePoint in dataTimeSeries:

            # Set start_dt if not already done
            if not start_dt:
                start_dt = self.timeSlotSpan.timeInterval.round_dt(dataTimePoint.dt) if rounded else dataTimePoint.dt
            if not slot_end_dt:   
                slot_end_dt = start_dt

            # First, check if we have some points to discard at the beginning       
            if dataTimePoint.dt < start_dt:
                # If we are here it means we are going data belonging to a previous slot
                # (probably just spare data loaded to have access to the prev_datapoint)  
                prev_dataTimePoint = dataTimePoint
                #logger.debug print 'dataTimePoint.dt (disc): ', dataTimePoint.dt

            # Similar concept for the end
            if dataTimePoint.dt >= end_dt:
                if process_ended:

            # Here we manage all the cases according to start/end, missing slots etc.
            # We have also to create empty slots at the beginning, at the end and in the middle.
            # An empty slot will have every required value (according to DataSlots_labels) set to None.
            # Even if the dataTimeSeries is completely empty, we have the DataSlots_labelsthatnks to
            # the Sensor object which is mandatory. And in future maybe even encapsulated in the time series.

            # Slots handling

            # The following procedure works in general for slots at the beginning and in the middle.
            # The approach is to detect if the current slot is "outdated" and spin a new one if so.

            if dataTimePoint.dt > slot_end_dt:
                # If the current slot is outdated:
                # 1) Add this last point to the dataTimeSeries:
                #2) keep spinning new slots until the current data point falls in one of them.
                # NOTE: Read the following "while" more as an "if" which can also lead to spin multiple
                # slot if there are empty slots between the one being closed and the dataTimePoint.dt.
                # TODO: leave or remove the above if for code readability?
                while slot_end_dt < dataTimePoint.dt:
                    # If we are in the pre-first slot, just silently spin a new slot:
                    if slot_start_dt is not None:
                        logger.info('SlotStream: this slot (start={}, end={}) is closed, now aggregating it..'.format(slot_start_dt, slot_end_dt))

                        # Aggregate
                        aggregator_results = self.aggregator.aggregate(dataTimeSeries     = filtered_dataTimeSeries,
                                                                       start_dt           = slot_start_dt,
                                                                       end_dt             = slot_end_dt,
                                                                       timeSlotSpan       = self.timeSlotSpan,
                                                                       allow_None_data    = self.allow_None_data)
                        # .. and append results 
                        # Also, handle the callback
                        callback_counter +=1
                        if callback_trigger and callback_counter > callback_trigger:
                            if callback:
                                callback(self, triggerer=self)
                                callback_counter = 1
                    # Create a new slot
                    slot_start_dt = slot_end_dt
                    slot_end_dt   = slot_start_dt + self.timeSlotSpan
                    # Create a new filtered_dataTimeSeries as part of the 'create a new slot' procedure
                    filtered_dataTimeSeries = DataTimeSeries()
                    # Append the previous dataprev_dataTimePoint to the new DataTimeSeries

                    logger.info('SlotStream: Spinned a new slot (start={}, end={})'.format(slot_start_dt, slot_end_dt))
                    # If last slot mark process as ended:
                    if dataTimePoint.dt >= end_dt:
                        process_ended = True
            # Time series filtering
            # Append this point
            # ..and save as previous point
            prev_dataTimePoint =  dataTimePoint           

        # Last slots
        if force_close_last:

            # 1) Close the last slot and aggreagte it. You should never do it unless you knwo what you are doing
            if filtered_dataTimeSeries:
                logger.info('SlotStream: this slot (start={}, end={}) is closed, now aggregating it..'.format(slot_start_dt, slot_end_dt))
                # Aggregate
                aggregator_results =  self.aggregator.aggregate(dataTimeSeries     = filtered_dataTimeSeries,
                                                                start_dt           = slot_start_dt,
                                                                end_dt             = slot_end_dt,
                                                                timeSlotSpan       = self.timeSlotSpan)
                # .. and append results
                # Also, handle the callback
                callback_counter +=1
                if callback_trigger and callback_counter > callback_trigger:
                    if callback:
                        callback(self, triggerer=self)
                        callback_counter = 1
예제 #6
class test_compute_1D_coverage(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        # TimeSeries from 16:58:00 to 17:32:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries1 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 - 120
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(35):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 17:00:00 to 17:30:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries2 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(34):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 17:00:00 to 17:20:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries3 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 - 120
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(23):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 17:10:00 to 17:30:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries4 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 + 600
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(21):
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

        # TimeSeries from 16:58:00 to 17:32:00 (Europe/Rome)
        self.dataTimeSeries5 = DataTimeSeries()
        start_t = 1436022000 - 120
        validity_region_span = TimeSlotSpan("1m")
        for i in range(35):
            if i > 10 and i < 21:
            data = PhysicalData(labels=["power_W"], values=[154 + i])
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(
                t=start_t + (i * 60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data, validity_region_span=validity_region_span

    def test_compute_1D_coverage_basic(self):

        # ----------------------------
        # Test wrong init parameters
        # ----------------------------
        with self.assertRaises(InputException):
            compute_1D_coverage(dataSeries=None, start_Point=None, end_Point=None)
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            compute_1D_coverage(dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries1, start_Point=None, end_Point=None)
        with self.assertRaises(InputException):
            compute_1D_coverage(dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries1, start_Point=5, end_Point=TimePoint(t=3))
        with self.assertRaises(InputException):
            compute_1D_coverage(dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries1, start_Point=TimePoint(t=3), end_Point=5)

        # ----------------------------
        # Test logic
        # ----------------------------

        # Full coverage (coverage=1.0)
        start_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:00:00+02:00
        end_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + 1800, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:30:00+02:00
        Slot_coverage = compute_1D_coverage(
            dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries1, start_Point=start_Point, end_Point=end_Point
        self.assertEqual(Slot_coverage, 1.0)

        # A) Full coverage (coverage=1.0) again, to test repeatability
        start_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:00:00+02:00
        end_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + 1800, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:30:00+02:00
        Slot_coverage = compute_1D_coverage(
            dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries1, start_Point=start_Point, end_Point=end_Point
        self.assertEqual(Slot_coverage, 1.0)

        # B) Full coverage (coverage=1.0) witjout prev/next in the timeSeries
        start_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:00:00+02:00
        end_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + 1800, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:30:00+02:00
        Slot_coverage = compute_1D_coverage(
            dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries2, start_Point=start_Point, end_Point=end_Point
        self.assertEqual(Slot_coverage, 1.0)

        # C) Missing ten minutes over 30 at the end (coverage=0.683))
        start_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:00:00+02:00
        end_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + 1800, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:30:00+02:00
        Slot_coverage = compute_1D_coverage(
            dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries3, start_Point=start_Point, end_Point=end_Point
        # 20 minutes plus other 30 secs validity for the 20th point over 30 minutes
        self.assertEqual(Slot_coverage, (((20 * 60.0) + 30.0) / (30 * 60.0)))

        # D) Missing ten minutes over 30 at the beginning (coverage=0.683)
        start_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:00:00+02:00
        end_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + 1800, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:30:00+02:00
        Slot_coverage = compute_1D_coverage(
            dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries4, start_Point=start_Point, end_Point=end_Point
        # 20 minutes plus other 30 secs (previous) validity for the 10th point over 30 minutes
        self.assertEqual(Slot_coverage, (((20 * 60.0) + 30.0) / (30 * 60.0)))

        # E) Missing eleven minutes over 30 in the middle (coverage=0.66)
        start_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:00:00+02:00
        end_Point = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + 1800, tz="Europe/Rome")  # 2015-07-04 17:30:00+02:00
        Slot_coverage = compute_1D_coverage(
            dataSeries=self.dataTimeSeries5, start_Point=start_Point, end_Point=end_Point
        # 20 minutes plus other 30 secs (previous) validity for the 10th point over 30 minutes
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Slot_coverage, (2.0 / 3.0))

    def tearDown(self):
예제 #7
파일: sqlite.py 프로젝트: sarusso/Luna
    def put(self, DataTimeSeries, sensor=None, trustme=False, can_initialize=False):
        # If empty return immediately as we cannot make any consideration
        if DataTimeSeries.is_empty():

        # If not sensor is given then abort for now
        if not sensor:
            raise NotImplementedError('Cannot yet store data without a sensor')
            # The following is just a stub for an experimental approach. 
            # To implement it we should prepare a table with TEXT fields with csv or similar... or maybe not?
            # in the end the get does not require a sensor type.. and here we create on the fly
            from luna.sensors import Sensor
            class NoSensor(Sensor):
                data_type = DataTimePoint
                data_data_type = DataPoint
                Points_validity_interval = 0
                Point_lables = DataTimeSeries.data.labels 
                Slot_lables  = DataTimeSeries.data.labels 
            sensor =  NoSensor('cbqiy66')

        # TODO: DataTimeSeries[0] does not work anymore with the slots
        # TODO: add TimeDataStream.reset() to start over (useful in DataTimeSeries.data.type where only the forst element is checked)
        # Check for labels consistency
        if isinstance(DataTimeSeries.data.first, TimePoint):
            if DataTimeSeries.data.labels != sensor.Points_data_labels:
                raise InputException('Inconsistent labels: sensor says "{}", but in the DataTimeSeries I found "{}"'.format(sensor.Points_data_labels, DataTimeSeries.data.labels))
        elif isinstance(DataTimeSeries.data.first, TimeSlot):
            if DataTimeSeries.data.labels != sensor.Slots_data_labels:
                raise InputException('Inconsistent labels: sensor says "{}", but in the DataTimeSeries I found "{}"'.format(sensor.Slots_data_labels, DataTimeSeries.data.labels))
            raise InputException('Sorry, I cannot store a DataTimeSeries with data of type "{}"'.format(DataTimeSeries.data.first))

        # For each put there might be different storgae structure 
        storage_structure_checked = False if not trustme else True
        # Initialize cursor:
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        for item in DataTimeSeries:
            # With which kind of data are we dealing with?
            if isinstance(item, TimePoint):
                if not storage_structure_checked:
                    # Check structure for point of this sensorallowing to create if does not exists
                    if not self.check_structure_for_DataTimePoints(sensor, can_initialize=can_initialize):
                        raise StorageException('{}: Sorry, the DataTimePoints structure for the sensor {} is not found and I am not allowed to create it (can_initialize is set to "{}")'.format(self.__class__.__name__, sensor, can_initialize))
                    storage_structure_checked = True
                labels_list = ', '.join([fix_label_to_sqlite(label) for label in sensor.Points_data_labels])
                values_list = ', '.join([str(value) for value in item.data.values])
                logger.debug("Inserting point with t=%s, labels=%s, values=%s", item.t, labels_list, values_list)
                cur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {}_DataTimePoints(ts, sid, {}) VALUES ({},'{}',{})".format(sensor.__class__.__name__, labels_list, item.t, sensor.id,  values_list))       

            elif isinstance(item, TimeSlot):
                if not storage_structure_checked:
                    # Check structure for point of this sensorallowing to create if does not exists
                    if not self.check_structure_for_DataTimeSlots(sensor, can_initialize=can_initialize):
                        raise StorageException('{}: Sorry, the DataTimeSlots structure for the sensor {} is not found and I am not allowed to create it (can_initialize is set to "{}")'.format(self.__class__.__name__, sensor, can_initialize))
                    storage_structure_checked = True
                labels_list = ', '.join([fix_label_to_sqlite(label) for label in sensor.Slots_data_labels])
                values_list = ', '.join([str(value) for value in item.data.values])
                logger.debug("Inserting slot with start=%s, end=%s, lables=%s, values=%s", item.start, item.end, labels_list, values_list)
                if item.coverage is None:
                    query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {}_DataTimeSlots(start_ts, end_ts, sid, span, {}) VALUES ({}, {},'{}','{}',{})".format(sensor.__class__.__name__, labels_list, item.start.t, item.end.t, sensor.id, item.span, values_list)
                    query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {}_DataTimeSlots(start_ts, end_ts, sid, span, {}, coverage) VALUES ({}, {},'{}','{}',{},{})".format(sensor.__class__.__name__, labels_list, item.start.t, item.end.t, sensor.id, item.span, values_list, item.coverage)                    
                logger.debug('Query: %s', query)
                raise InputException('{}: Sorry, data type {} is not support by this storage'.format(self.__class__.__name__, type(item)))
        # TODO: move to commit only this transaction and not everything in self.conn

        return sensor.id
예제 #8
파일: test_sqlite.py 프로젝트: sarusso/Luna
    def test_PutGet_DataTimePoints(self):
        dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage = sqlite.DataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage(in_memory=True)
        # Generate 10 points DataTimeSeries with flowrate sensor
        dataTimeSeries = DataTimeSeries()
        for i in range(10):
            data = PhysicalData( labels = ['flowrate_m3s'], values = [20.6+i] ) 
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(t = 1436022000 + (i*60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data)

        # Generate 10 points DataTimeSeries with light sensor
        dataTimeSeries_light = DataTimeSeries()
        for i in range(10):
            data = PhysicalData( labels = ['light_pct'], values = [60.6+i] ) 
            physicalDataTimePoint = PhysicalDataTimePoint(t = 1436022000 + (i*60), tz="Europe/Rome", data=data)
        # Test put data without sensor (not implemented for now)
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            data_id_1 = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries)
        # Test volumetric sensor
        volumetricSensorV1_1 = VolumetricSensorV1('lu65na')
        volumetricSensorV1_2 = VolumetricSensorV1('lu34na')
        # Test labels inconsistency
        with self.assertRaises(InputException):
            dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries_light, sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1)
        # Test put data with sensor and no right to create structure
        with self.assertRaises(StorageException):
            dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries, sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1)

        # Test get with sensor and no structure in the storage
        with self.assertRaises(StorageException):
            _  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, cached=True)

        # Test put data with sensor and right to create structure AND get with sensor and without from_dt/to_dt
        # TODO: this is not correct unit test of the put and get. It is testing them at the same time!
        dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries, sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, can_initialize=True)
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, cached=True)
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeries)

        # Test get of no data:
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_2, cached=True)

        # We can check the equality against a simple DataTimeSeries
        empyt_dataTimeSeries = DataTimeSeries()
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, empyt_dataTimeSeries)

        # The following test is just for confirm of the above steps. Should not be here in a proper unittesting approach.
        self.assertNotEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, cached=True))

        # Now test the get with start_dt and end_dt     
        from_dt = dt(2015,7,4,17,3,0, tzinfo='Europe/Rome')
        to_dt   = dt(2015,7,4,17,6,0, tzinfo='Europe/Rome')        
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get( sensor  = volumetricSensorV1_1,
                                                                from_dt = from_dt,
                                                                to_dt   = to_dt,
                                                                cached = True)
        dataTimeSeries_filtered = dataTimeSeries.filter(from_dt = from_dt, to_dt=to_dt)
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeries_filtered)
예제 #9
파일: test_sqlite.py 프로젝트: sarusso/Luna
    def test_PutGet_DataTimeSlots(self):
        dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage = sqlite.DataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage(in_memory=True)
        # Generate 10 slots DataTimeSeries with flowrate sensor aggregated data
        dataTimeSeries = DataTimeSeries()
        for i in range(10):
            data = PhysicalData(labels = ['flowrate_m3s_AVG', 'flowrate_m3s_MIN', 'flowrate_m3s_MAX', 'volume_m3_TOT'],
                                            values = [20.6+i,20.6+i,20.6+i,20.6+i] ) 
            physicalDataTimeSlot = PhysicalDataTimeSlot(start = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + (i*60),tz="Europe/Rome"), 
                                                        end = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + ((i+1)*60), tz="Europe/Rome"),
                                                        data=data, span=TimeSlotSpan('60s'))

        # Generate 10 points DataTimeSeries with light sensor aggregated data
        dataTimeSeries_light = DataTimeSeries()
        for i in range(10):
            data = PhysicalData(labels = ['light_pct_AVG'], values = [20.6+i] ) 
            physicalDataTimeSlot = PhysicalDataTimeSlot(start = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + (i*60),tz="Europe/Rome"), 
                                                        end = TimePoint(t=1436022000 + ((i+1)*60), tz="Europe/Rome"),
                                                        data=data, span=TimeSlotSpan('60s'))
        # Test put data without sensor (not implemented for now)
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            data_id_1 = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries)
        # Test volumetric sensor
        volumetricSensorV1_1 = VolumetricSensorV1('lu65na')
        volumetricSensorV1_2 = VolumetricSensorV1('lu34na')

        # Test labels inconsistency
        with self.assertRaises(InputException):
            dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries_light, sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1)
        # Test put data with sensor and no right to create structure
        with self.assertRaises(StorageException):
            dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries, sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1)

        # Test get with sensor and no structure in the storage
        with self.assertRaises(StorageException):
            _  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, timeSlotSpan=TimeSlotSpan('60s'), cached=True)

        # Test put data with sensor and right to create structure AND get with sensor and without from_dt/to_dt
        # TODO: this is not correct unit test of the put and get. It is testing them at the same time!
        dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.put(dataTimeSeries, sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, can_initialize=True)
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, timeSlotSpan=TimeSlotSpan('60s'), cached=True)
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeries)

        # Test get of no data:
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_2, timeSlotSpan=TimeSlotSpan('60s'), cached=True)

        # We can check the equality against a simple DataTimeSeries
        empyt_dataTimeSeries = DataTimeSeries()
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, empyt_dataTimeSeries)

        # The following test is just for confirm of the above steps. Should not be here in a proper unittesting approach.
        self.assertNotEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get(sensor=volumetricSensorV1_1, timeSlotSpan=TimeSlotSpan('60s'), cached=True))

        # Now test the get with start_dt and end_dt     
        from_dt = dt(2015,7,4,17,3,0, tzinfo='Europe/Rome')
        to_dt   = dt(2015,7,4,17,6,0, tzinfo='Europe/Rome')        
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get( sensor  = volumetricSensorV1_1,
                                                                from_dt = from_dt,
                                                                to_dt   = to_dt,
                                                                timeSlotSpan = TimeSlotSpan('60s'),
                                                                cached = True)
        dataTimeSeries_filtered = dataTimeSeries.filter(from_dt = from_dt, to_dt=to_dt)
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeries_filtered)
        # Also test that if we go trough the cached streaminTimeSeries again, we get the same result:
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeries_filtered)
        # Now get the time series without caching:
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get( sensor  = volumetricSensorV1_1,
                                                        from_dt = from_dt,
                                                        to_dt   = to_dt,
                                                        timeSlotSpan = TimeSlotSpan('60s'))
        # Check that we can compare it as is even if it is not cached:
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeries_filtered)

        # Check that we can compare it again:
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries, dataTimeSeries_filtered)        

        # Now get AGAIn the time series without caching:
        out_streamingDataTimeSeries  = dataTimeSeriesSQLiteStorage.get( sensor  = volumetricSensorV1_1,
                                                        from_dt = from_dt,
                                                        to_dt   = to_dt,
                                                        timeSlotSpan = TimeSlotSpan('60s'))
        # But this time do not test any comparisons (that triggers the caching of the TimeSeries),
        # instead test that going trough it twice we achieve the same result (under the hood we go twice in the DB):
        items_A = [item for item in out_streamingDataTimeSeries]
        items_B = [item for item in out_streamingDataTimeSeries]
        self.assertEqual(items_A, items_B)

        # WARNING: This is specific to SLQlite and its dataTimeStream
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries.dataTimeStream.get_statistics()['source_acceses'], 2)
        # Now foce load te time series:

        # After force-loading, another soruce acces is performed
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries.dataTimeStream.get_statistics()['source_acceses'], 3)
        items_C = [item for item in out_streamingDataTimeSeries]
        self.assertEqual(items_A, items_C)

        # Generating the list items_C after a force_load should not generate a new source_access
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries.dataTimeStream.get_statistics()['source_acceses'], 3)

        # Perform again the iterator check:
        items_A = [item for item in out_streamingDataTimeSeries]
        items_B = [item for item in out_streamingDataTimeSeries]
        self.assertEqual(items_A, items_B)
        # And ensure that the source accesses is still set to three
        self.assertEqual(out_streamingDataTimeSeries.dataTimeStream.get_statistics()['source_acceses'], 3)