def apply(image, model=None, force_cpu=False, batch_size=20, volume_postprocessing=True, show_process=True): if model is None: model = get_model('unet', 'R231') voxvol = inimg_raw = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) del image if force_cpu: device = torch.device('cpu') else: if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: "No GPU support available, will use CPU. Note, that this is significantly slower!" ) batch_size = 1 device = torch.device('cpu') tvolslices, xnew_box = utils.preprocess(inimg_raw, resolution=[256, 256]) tvolslices[tvolslices > 600] = 600 tvolslices = np.divide((tvolslices + 1024), 1624) torch_ds_val = utils.LungLabelsDS_inf(tvolslices) dataloader_val =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=False) timage_res = np.empty((np.append(0, tvolslices[0].shape)), dtype=np.uint8) with torch.no_grad(): for X in tqdm(dataloader_val): X = X.float().to(device) prediction = model(X) pls = torch.max(prediction, 1)[1].detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) timage_res = np.vstack((timage_res, pls)) # postprocessing includes removal of small connected components, hole filling and mapping of small components to # neighbors if volume_postprocessing: outmask = utils.postrocessing(timage_res) else: outmask = timage_res outmask = np.asarray([ utils.reshape_mask(outmask[i], xnew_box[i], inimg_raw.shape[1:]) for i in range(outmask.shape[0]) ], dtype=np.uint8) return outmask
def inference(image, model=None, force_cpu=False): xs, ys, zs = image.GetSpacing() voxvol = inimg_raw = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) del image tvolslices, xnew_box = utils.preprocess(inimg_raw, resolution=[512, 512]) tvolslices[tvolslices > 600] = 600 tvolslices = np.divide((tvolslices + 1024), 1624) outmask = np.empty((np.append(0, tvolslices[0].shape)), dtype=np.uint8) stats = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] mean, std = broadcast_stats(1, 4, stats) for idx in tqdm.tqdm(range(tvolslices.shape[0])): data = tvolslices[idx, :, :] with torch.no_grad(): data = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(data, 0), 0) data = torch.tensor(data) data = (data - mean) / std data = data.float() if force_cpu else data.cuda().float() pred = model(data) pls = torch.max(pred, 1)[1].detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) outmask = np.vstack((outmask, pls)) outmask = np.asarray([ reshape_mask(outmask[i], xnew_box[i], inimg_raw.shape[1:]) for i in range(outmask.shape[0]) ], dtype=np.uint8) ggo = np.sum( outmask.T == 1) * xs * ys * zs * 0.001 # mm * mm * mm * 0.001 (cm) consolidation = np.sum( outmask.T == 2) * xs * ys * zs * 0.001 # mm * mm * mm * 0.001 (cm) pleural_effusion = np.sum( outmask.T == 3) * xs * ys * zs * 0.001 # mm * mm * mm * 0.001 (cm) return { "mask": outmask, "ggo": ggo, "consolidation": consolidation, "pleural_effusion": pleural_effusion }
def apply(image, model=None, force_cpu=False, batch_size=20, volume_postprocessing=True, noHU=False, verbose=False): if model is None: model = get_model('unet', 'R231') inimg_raw = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) directions = np.asarray(image.GetDirection()) if len(directions) == 9: inimg_raw = np.flip(inimg_raw, np.where(directions[[0, 4, 8]][::-1] < 0)[0]) del image if force_cpu: device = torch.device('cpu') else: if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: "No GPU support available, will use CPU. Note, that this is significantly slower!" ) batch_size = 1 device = torch.device('cpu') if not noHU: tvolslices, xnew_box = utils.preprocess(inimg_raw, resolution=[256, 256]) tvolslices[tvolslices > 600] = 600 tvolslices = np.divide((tvolslices + 1024), 1624) else: # support for non HU images. This is just a hack. The models were not trained with this in mind tvolslices = skimage.color.rgb2gray(inimg_raw) tvolslices = skimage.transform.resize(tvolslices, [256, 256]) tvolslices = np.asarray( [tvolslices * x for x in np.linspace(0.3, 2, 20)]) tvolslices[tvolslices > 1] = 1 sanity = [(tvolslices[x] > 0.6).sum() > 25000 for x in range(len(tvolslices))] tvolslices = tvolslices[sanity] torch_ds_val = utils.LungLabelsDS_inf(tvolslices) dataloader_val =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=False) timage_res = np.empty((np.append(0, tvolslices[0].shape)), dtype=np.uint8) with torch.no_grad(): for X in tqdm(dataloader_val, disable=not verbose): X = X.float().to(device) prediction = model(X) pls = torch.max(prediction, 1)[1].detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) timage_res = np.vstack((timage_res, pls)) # postprocessing includes removal of small connected components, hole filling and mapping of small components to # neighbors if volume_postprocessing: outmask = utils.postrocessing(timage_res) else: outmask = timage_res if noHU: outmask = skimage.transform.resize(outmask[np.argmax( (outmask == 1).sum(axis=(1, 2)))], inimg_raw.shape[:2], order=0, anti_aliasing=False, preserve_range=True)[None, :, :] else: outmask = np.asarray([ utils.reshape_mask(outmask[i], xnew_box[i], inimg_raw.shape[1:]) for i in range(outmask.shape[0]) ], dtype=np.uint8) if len(directions) == 9: outmask = np.flip(outmask, np.where(directions[[0, 4, 8]][::-1] < 0)[0]) return outmask.astype(np.uint8)
def predict(input_file_path, base_dirname): """Load Data""" image = sitk.ReadImage(input_file_path) inimg_raw = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) del image image = sitk.ReadImage( os.path.join(curr_dir, 'training_images', 'tr_mask.nii')) gt_raw = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) del image image = sitk.ReadImage( os.path.join(curr_dir, 'training_images', 'tr_lungmasks_updated.nii.gz')) lobe_raw = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) del image lobe_raw[lobe_raw == 1] = 10 lobe_raw[lobe_raw == 2] = 20 y_raw = lobe_raw + gt_raw X, xnew_box, Y = utils.preprocess(inimg_raw, label=y_raw, resolution=[256, 256]) X = torch.from_numpy(X).unsqueeze(1).float() '''Model''' n_classes = 5 model = UNet(n_classes=n_classes, padding=True, depth=5, up_mode='upsample', batch_norm=True, residual=False) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) summary = torch.load(os.path.join( curr_dir, 'trained_models', 'unet_lr0.0001_seed23_losstype0_augTrue_ver1.pth.rar'), map_location=torch.device('cpu')) model.load_state_dict(summary["model"]) model.eval() ct_scan_image_paths = [] pred_image_paths = [] ref_image_paths = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(X.shape[0]): ct_slice = X[i].unsqueeze(0) pred = model(ct_slice) pred = hardlabels(pred).float() ct_scan_image_path, pred_image_path, ref_image_path = save_images( str(i), ct_slice, pred, ref=None, base_dirname=base_dirname) ct_scan_image_paths.append(ct_scan_image_path) pred_image_paths.append(pred_image_path) print('Memory usage: %s (GB)' % (resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / 1e+9)) return { 'origUrls': ct_scan_image_paths, 'predUrls': pred_image_paths, 'refUrls': ref_image_paths }