def _ipython_display_(self): from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import clear_output import ipywidgets as widgets from lux.core.frame import LuxDataFrame series_repr = super(LuxSeries, self).__repr__() ldf = LuxDataFrame(self) # Default column name 0 causes errors if is None: ldf = ldf.rename(columns={0: " "}) self._ldf = ldf try: # Ignore recommendations when Series a results of: # 1) Values of the series are of dtype objects (df.dtypes) is_dtype_series = (all( isinstance(val, np.dtype) for val in self.values) and len(self.values) != 0) # 2) Mixed type, often a result of a "row" acting as a series (df.iterrows, df.iloc[0]) # Tolerant for NaNs + 1 type mixed_dtype = len(set([type(val) for val in self.values])) > 2 if ldf._pandas_only or is_dtype_series or mixed_dtype: print(series_repr) ldf._pandas_only = False else: if not self.index.nlevels >= 2: ldf.maintain_metadata() if lux.config.default_display == "lux": self._toggle_pandas_display = False else: self._toggle_pandas_display = True # df_to_display.maintain_recs() # compute the recommendations (TODO: This can be rendered in another thread in the background to populate self._widget) ldf.maintain_recs(is_series="Series") # Observers(callback_function, listen_to_this_variable) ldf._widget.observe(ldf.remove_deleted_recs, names="deletedIndices") ldf._widget.observe(ldf.set_intent_on_click, names="selectedIntentIndex") self._widget = ldf._widget self._recommendation = ldf._recommendation # box = widgets.Box(layout=widgets.Layout(display='inline')) button = widgets.Button( description="Toggle Pandas/Lux", layout=widgets.Layout(width="140px", top="5px"), ) ldf.output = widgets.Output() # box.children = [button,output] # output.children = [button] # display(box) display(button, ldf.output) def on_button_clicked(b): with ldf.output: if b: self._toggle_pandas_display = not self._toggle_pandas_display clear_output() if self._toggle_pandas_display: print(series_repr) else: # b.layout.display = "none" display(ldf._widget) # b.layout.display = "inline-block" button.on_click(on_button_clicked) on_button_clicked(None) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception: warnings.warn( "\nUnexpected error in rendering Lux widget and recommendations. " "Falling back to Pandas display.\n" "Please report the following issue on Github: \n", stacklevel=2, ) warnings.warn(traceback.format_exc()) display(self.to_pandas())
def __repr__(self): from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import clear_output import ipywidgets as widgets from lux.core.frame import LuxDataFrame series_repr = super(LuxSeries, self).__repr__() ldf = LuxDataFrame(self) try: if ldf._pandas_only: print(series_repr) ldf._pandas_only = False else: if self.index.nlevels >= 2: warnings.warn( "\nLux does not currently support series " "with hierarchical indexes.\n" "Please convert the series into a flat " "table via `pandas.DataFrame.reset_index`.\n", stacklevel=2, ) print(series_repr) return "" if len(self) <= 0: warnings.warn( "\nLux can not operate on an empty series.\nPlease check your input again.\n", stacklevel=2, ) print(series_repr) return "" ldf.maintain_metadata() if lux.config.default_display == "lux": self._toggle_pandas_display = False else: self._toggle_pandas_display = True # df_to_display.maintain_recs() # compute the recommendations (TODO: This can be rendered in another thread in the background to populate self._widget) ldf.maintain_recs() # Observers(callback_function, listen_to_this_variable) ldf._widget.observe(ldf.remove_deleted_recs, names="deletedIndices") ldf._widget.observe(ldf.set_intent_on_click, names="selectedIntentIndex") if len(ldf.recommendation) > 0: # box = widgets.Box(layout=widgets.Layout(display='inline')) button = widgets.Button( description="Toggle Pandas/Lux", layout=widgets.Layout(width="140px", top="5px"), ) ldf.output = widgets.Output() # box.children = [button,output] # output.children = [button] # display(box) display(button, ldf.output) def on_button_clicked(b): with ldf.output: if b: self._toggle_pandas_display = not self._toggle_pandas_display clear_output() if self._toggle_pandas_display: print(series_repr) else: # b.layout.display = "none" display(ldf._widget) # b.layout.display = "inline-block" button.on_click(on_button_clicked) on_button_clicked(None) else: warnings.warn( "\nLux defaults to Pandas when there are no valid actions defined.", stacklevel=2, ) print(series_repr) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: warnings.warn( "\nUnexpected error in rendering Lux widget and recommendations. " "Falling back to Pandas display.\n\n" "Please report this issue on Github: ", stacklevel=2, ) print(series_repr) return ""