예제 #1
#         yp = model.update(Xtr[ind[i]], Ytr[ind[i]])
#         mse = mse + (Ytr[ind[i], :] - yp)**2

#     nMSE = mse / Ntr / np.var(Ytr)
#     print "#Data: %5i  #RFs: %3i  nMSE=%5.3f" % (model.n_data, model.num_rfs, nMSE)

for i in range(Ntr):
    model.update(Xtr[i], Ytr[i])
print model.num_rfs

# test the model with unseen data
Ntest = 5000
Ttest = np.linspace(0, time, Ntest)

Xtest = np.exp(-ax * Ttest / time)
Ytest = np.zeros((Ntest, 1))
Conf = np.zeros((Ntest, 1))

for k in range(Ntest):
    Ytest[k, :], Conf[k, :] = model.predict_conf(
        np.array([Xtest[k] * (Ytr[-1] - Ytr[0])]))

plt.plot(t, Ytr, 'r.')
# plt.plot(t, Xtr, 'b.')
# plt.plot(Xtr, Ytr, 'y.')
plt.plot(Ttest, Ytest, 'g-')
# plt.plot(Xtest, Ytest + Conf, 'c-', linewidth=2)
# plt.plot(Xtest, Ytest - Conf, 'c-', linewidth=2)

예제 #2
# train the model
for k in range(20):
    ind = random.permutation(Ntr)
    mse = 0

    for i in range(Ntr):
        yp = model.update(Xtr[ind[i]], Ytr[ind[i]])
        mse = mse + (Ytr[ind[i], :] - yp)**2

    nMSE = mse / Ntr / var(Ytr)
    print "#Data: %5i  #RFs: %3i  nMSE=%5.3f" % (model.n_data, model.num_rfs,

# test the model with unseen data
Ntest = 500
Xtest = linspace(0, 10, Ntest)

Ytest = zeros((Ntest, 1))
Conf = zeros((Ntest, 1))

for k in range(500):
    Ytest[k, :], Conf[k, :] = model.predict_conf(array([Xtest[k]]))

plt.plot(Xtr, Ytr, 'r.')

plt.plot(Xtest, Ytest, 'b-')
plt.plot(Xtest, Ytest + Conf, 'c-', linewidth=2)
plt.plot(Xtest, Ytest - Conf, 'c-', linewidth=2)

예제 #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--environment", type=str, default='AntBulletEnv-v0')
    parser.add_argument("--no_data", type=int, default=10000)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    state_action, state, reward, next_state = gather_data(
        args.no_data, args.environment)
    assert len(state_action) == len(next_state)
    assert len(state_action) == len(reward)
    data = pickle.load(open('data.p'))
    state2, action2, reward2, next_state2 = data[0]
    state_action2 = np.concatenate([state2, action2], axis=-1)
    state_action = np.concatenate([state_action, state_action2], axis=0)
    reward = np.concatenate([reward, reward2], axis=0)
    next_state = np.concatenate([next_state, next_state2], axis=0)

    no_data = len(state_action)

    model_state = LWPR(state_action.shape[-1], next_state.shape[-1])
    model_state.init_D = 5. * np.eye(state_action.shape[-1])
    model_state.update_D = True
    model_state.init_alpha = 1. * np.eye(state_action.shape[-1])
    model_state.meta = True
    action_shape = state_action.shape[-1] - next_state.shape[-1]
    model_state.norm_in = np.array(([10.] * state.shape[-1]) +
                                   [2.] * action_shape)

    model_reward = LWPR(state_action.shape[-1], reward.shape[-1])
    model_reward.init_D = 1. * np.eye(state_action.shape[-1])
    model_reward.update_D = True
    model_reward.init_alpha = 20. * np.eye(state_action.shape[-1])
    model_reward.meta = True

    #for k in range(20):
    for k in range(1):
        ind = np.random.permutation(no_data)
        for i in range(no_data):
            print(k, i)
            model_state.update(state_action[ind[i]], next_state[ind[i]])
            #model_state.update(state_action[ind[i]], next_state[ind[i]] - state[ind[i]])
            model_reward.update(state_action[ind[i]], reward[ind[i]])

    uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    for k in range(10):
        state_action_test, state_test, reward_test, next_state_test = gather_data_epoch(
            1, args.environment)
        if k % 2 == 0:
            state_action_test, state_test, reward_test, next_state_test = gather_data_epoch(1, args.environment)
            idx = np.random.randint(1, len(data))
            state_test, action_test, reward_test, next_state_test = data[idx]
            state_action_test = np.concatenate([state_test, action_test], axis=-1)
        Y = []
        confs = []
        Y_r = []
        confs_r = []
        for i in range(len(state_action_test)):
            y, conf = model_state.predict_conf(state_action_test[i])
            #Y.append(y + state_test[i])
            y_r, conf_r = model_reward.predict_conf(state_action_test[i])
        Y = np.stack(Y, axis=0)
        confs = np.stack(confs, axis=0)
        Y_r = np.stack(Y_r, axis=0)
        confs_r = np.stack(confs_r, axis=0)

        for i in range(next_state.shape[-1]):
            print('Here is the length of the trajectory:',
            assert len(next_state_test[:, i:i + 1]) == len(Y[:, i:i + 1])
            #plt.plot(np.arange(len(next_state_test[:, i:i+1])), next_state_test[:, i:i+1] - state_test[:, i:i+1])
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(next_state_test[:, i:i + 1])),
                     next_state_test[:, i:i + 1])
            plt.errorbar(np.arange(len(Y[:, i:i + 1])),
                         Y[:, i:i + 1],
                         yerr=confs[:, i:i + 1],

        plt.plot(np.arange(len(reward_test)), reward_test)
예제 #4
def test_lwpr_ref(datafile, resultfolder, model_epoch, hist_window, saveFigure=False, modelfile='lwpr_model'):

    if (robot_type == 'Vulcan'):
        plot_cmd_divider = 100.0
    elif (robot_type == 'Fetch') or (robot_type == 'Fetch2') or (robot_type == 'MagicBot'):
        plot_cmd_divider = 1.0

    # load data file
    dataset = loadmat(datafile)
    test_data_x = dataset['reference_input']
    num_test, test_dim = test_data_x.shape[0], 125
    speed_hw, cmd_hw = hist_window[0], hist_window[1]
    input_dim = 2*(speed_hw+cmd_hw)

    # load model files
    modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_best_left_epoch' + str(model_epoch) + '.bin'
    best_left_model = LWPR(modelfile_name)
    print 'Read Left model (%d)' % (best_left_model.num_rfs[0])

    modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_best_right_epoch' + str(model_epoch) + '.bin'
    best_right_model = LWPR(modelfile_name)
    print 'Read Right model (%d)' % (best_right_model.num_rfs[0])

    # start making 5 seconds simulation
    pred_on_test = np.zeros((num_test, 2*test_dim))
    tmp_x = np.zeros((input_dim, 1))

    pred_left_speed = np.zeros((num_test, 125))
    pred_right_speed = np.zeros((num_test, 125))
    forward_cmd = np.zeros((num_test, 125))
    left_cmd = np.zeros((num_test, 125))

    print 'start prediction on reference input'
    start_test_time = timeit.default_timer()
    for data_cnt in range(num_test):
        for pred_cnt in range(test_dim):
            if pred_cnt < speed_hw:
                num_value_from_data = 2*(speed_hw-pred_cnt)
                tmp_x[0:num_value_from_data, 0] = test_data_x[data_cnt, 2*pred_cnt:2*speed_hw]
                tmp_x[num_value_from_data:2*speed_hw, 0] = pred_on_test[data_cnt, 0:2*pred_cnt]
                tmp_x[0:2*speed_hw, 0] = pred_on_test[data_cnt, 2*(pred_cnt-speed_hw):2*pred_cnt]

            tmp_x[2*speed_hw:input_dim, 0] = test_data_x[data_cnt, 2*(speed_hw+pred_cnt):2*(speed_hw+pred_cnt+cmd_hw)]

            pred_on_test[data_cnt, 2*pred_cnt], _ = best_left_model.predict_conf(tmp_x)
            pred_on_test[data_cnt, 2*pred_cnt+1], _ = best_right_model.predict_conf(tmp_x)

        tmp_cmd = test_data_x[data_cnt, (input_dim-2):(input_dim-2+250)].reshape((125, 2))
        tmp_pred = pred_on_test[data_cnt, :].reshape((125, 2))

        pred_left_speed[data_cnt,:] = tmp_pred[:,0]
        pred_right_speed[data_cnt,:] = tmp_pred[:,1]
        forward_cmd[data_cnt,:] = tmp_cmd[:,0]
        left_cmd[data_cnt,:] = tmp_cmd[:,1]

        if data_cnt%1000 == 0:
            print '\t\t', data_cnt
    end_test_time = timeit.default_timer()
    print 'finish prediction on reference input'

    save_file_name = './' + resultfolder + '/ref_input_result_LWPR.mat'

    result['test_time'] = end_test_time - start_test_time
    result['model_output_on_test_data'] = pred_on_test
    result['joystick_command'] = test_data_x[:, (input_dim-2):(input_dim-2+250)]
    savemat(save_file_name, result)

    # plot (lots of) graphs
    if saveFigure:
        plot_path = os.getcwd()
        plot_path = plot_path + '/' + resultfolder
        if not('RefResponsePlot_LWPR' in os.listdir(plot_path)):
            dir_path = plot_path + '/RefResponsePlot_LWPR'

        pdf_name = plot_path + '/LWPR_ref_response_plot.pdf'
        pp = PdfPages(pdf_name)

        for cnt in range(num_test):
            plot_x = np.linspace(0, 5, num=125, endpoint=True)
            plot_y1 = pred_left_speed[cnt,:]
            plot_y2 = pred_right_speed[cnt,:]
            plot_cmd1 = forward_cmd[cnt,:]/plot_cmd_divider
            plot_cmd2 = left_cmd[cnt,:]/plot_cmd_divider
            title1 = 'Left Wheel response to ref input ' + str(cnt)
            title2 = 'Right Wheel response to ref input ' + str(cnt)
            filename = plot_path + '/RefResponsePlot_LWPR/' + str(cnt) + '.png'

            #ymax1 = max(np.amax(plot_y1)+0.1, np.amax(plot_cmd1)+0.1, np.amax(plot_cmd2)+0.1, 0.25)
            #ymin1 = min(np.amin(plot_y1)-0.1, np.amin(plot_cmd1)-0.1, np.amin(plot_cmd2)-0.1, -0.25)
            #ymax2 = max(np.amax(plot_y2)+0.1, np.amax(plot_cmd1)+0.1, np.amax(plot_cmd2)+0.1, 0.25)
            #ymin2 = min(np.amin(plot_y2)-0.1, np.amin(plot_cmd1)-0.1, np.amin(plot_cmd2)-0.1, -0.25)
            ymax1 = max(np.amax(plot_y1)+0.1, np.amax(plot_cmd1)+0.1, 0.25)
            ymin1 = min(np.amin(plot_y1)-0.1, np.amin(plot_cmd1)-0.1, -0.25)
            ymax2 = max(np.amax(plot_y2)+0.1, np.amax(plot_cmd2)+0.1, 0.25)
            ymin2 = min(np.amin(plot_y2)-0.1, np.amin(plot_cmd2)-0.1, -0.25)

            fig1 = plt.figure()
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_y1, 'r--', label='Predicted Speed')
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_cmd1, 'k--', label='Left Wheel Command')
            #plt.plot(plot_x, plot_cmd1, 'k--', label='Forward Command')
            #plt.plot(plot_x, plot_cmd2, 'k-.', label='Left Command')
            plt.ylim(ymin1, ymax1)
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_y2, 'r--', label='Predicted Speed')
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_cmd2, 'k--', label='Right Wheel Command')
            #plt.plot(plot_x, plot_cmd1, 'k--', label='Forward Command')
            #plt.plot(plot_x, plot_cmd2, 'k-.', label='Left Command')
            plt.ylim(ymin2, ymax2)
            plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0))

            fig1.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

예제 #5
def test_lwpr_5sec(datafile, resultfolder, model_epoch, hist_window, robot_type, cmd_scaler=1.0, modelfile='lwpr_model', saveFigure=False):

    if (robot_type == 'Vulcan'):
        plot_cmd_divider = 100.0
    elif (robot_type == 'Fetch') or (robot_type == 'Fetch2') or (robot_type == 'MagicBot'):
        plot_cmd_divider = 1.0

    # load data file
    dataset = loadmat(datafile)
    test_data_x, test_data_y = dataset['test_data_x'], dataset['test_data_y']
    num_test, test_dim = test_data_x.shape[0], test_data_y.shape[1]//2
    speed_hw, cmd_hw = hist_window[0], hist_window[1]
    input_dim = 2*(speed_hw+cmd_hw)

    # normalize command part
    test_data_x[:, 2*speed_hw:] = test_data_x[:, 2*speed_hw:] * cmd_scaler

    # load model files
    modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_best_left_epoch' + str(model_epoch) + '.bin'
    best_left_model = LWPR(modelfile_name)
    print 'Read Left model (%d)' % (best_left_model.num_rfs[0])

    modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_best_right_epoch' + str(model_epoch) + '.bin'
    best_right_model = LWPR(modelfile_name)
    print 'Read Right model (%d)' % (best_right_model.num_rfs[0])

    result_file_name = './' + resultfolder + '/Result_of_training_epoch' + str(model_epoch) + '.mat'
    result_mat = loadmat(result_file_name)
    train_time = result_mat['train_time']
    hist_valid_error = result_mat['history_validation_error']

    # start making 5 seconds simulation
    pred_on_test = np.zeros((num_test, 2*test_dim))
    tmp_x = np.zeros((input_dim, 1))

    print 'start prediction on test data'
    start_test_time = timeit.default_timer()
    for data_cnt in range(num_test):
        for pred_cnt in range(test_dim):
            if pred_cnt < speed_hw:
                num_value_from_data = 2*(speed_hw-pred_cnt)
                tmp_x[0:num_value_from_data, 0] = test_data_x[data_cnt, 2*pred_cnt:2*speed_hw]
                tmp_x[num_value_from_data:2*speed_hw, 0] = pred_on_test[data_cnt, 0:2*pred_cnt]
                tmp_x[0:2*speed_hw, 0] = pred_on_test[data_cnt, 2*(pred_cnt-speed_hw):2*pred_cnt]

            tmp_x[2*speed_hw:input_dim, 0] = test_data_x[data_cnt, 2*(speed_hw+pred_cnt):2*(speed_hw+pred_cnt+cmd_hw)]

            pred_on_test[data_cnt, 2*pred_cnt], _ = best_left_model.predict_conf(tmp_x)
            pred_on_test[data_cnt, 2*pred_cnt+1], _ = best_right_model.predict_conf(tmp_x)

        if data_cnt%5000 == 0:
            print '\t\t', data_cnt
    end_test_time = timeit.default_timer()

    diff = abs(test_data_y[0:num_test, 0:2*test_dim] - pred_on_test)
    max_index = diff.argmax() // (test_dim*2)
    error = np.asarray([np.sum(diff)/float(num_test), np.sqrt(np.sum(diff**2)/float(num_test)), np.max(diff)])

    print 'Error on Test Data! %f/%f/%f' %(error[0], error[1], error[2])

    save_file_name = './' + resultfolder + '/LWPR_1D_model_test_result.mat'

    result['train_time'] = train_time
    result['test_time'] = end_test_time - start_test_time
    result['history_validation_error'] = hist_valid_error
    result['test_error'] = error
    result['model_output_on_test_data'] = pred_on_test
    result['joystick_command'] = test_data_x[:, (input_dim-2):(input_dim-2+250)]
    savemat(save_file_name, result)

    # plot (lots of) graphs
    if saveFigure:
        real_y_tmp, pred_y_tmp, joystick_cmd_tmp = test_data_y.reshape((num_test,125,2)), pred_on_test.reshape((num_test,125,2)), test_data_x[:, 2*(input_dim//2-1):2*(input_dim//2+124)].reshape((num_test,125,2))
        real_y_left, real_y_right = np.zeros((num_test,125)), np.zeros((num_test,125))
        pred_left_speed, pred_right_speed = np.zeros((num_test,125)), np.zeros((num_test,125))
        forward_cmd, left_cmd = np.zeros((num_test,125)), np.zeros((num_test,125))
        for cnt in range(num_test):
            real_y_left[cnt,:] = real_y_tmp[cnt,:,0]
            real_y_right[cnt,:] = real_y_tmp[cnt,:,1]
            pred_left_speed[cnt,:] = pred_y_tmp[cnt,:,0]
            pred_right_speed[cnt,:] = pred_y_tmp[cnt,:,1]
            forward_cmd[cnt,:] = joystick_cmd_tmp[cnt,:,0]
            left_cmd[cnt,:] = joystick_cmd_tmp[cnt,:,1]

        plot_path = os.getcwd()
        plot_path = plot_path + '/' + resultfolder
        if not('ResultPlot' in os.listdir(plot_path)):
            dir_path = plot_path + '/ResultPlot'

        pdf_name = plot_path + '/LWPR_test_plot.pdf'
        pp = PdfPages(pdf_name)

        for cnt in range(num_test // 25 + 1):
            if cnt < num_test//25:
                plot_cnt = cnt
                plot_cnt= max_index / 25.0
            plot_x = np.linspace(plot_cnt, plot_cnt+5, num=125, endpoint=True)
            plot_y1 = pred_left_speed[int(plot_cnt*25),:]
            plot_y2 = pred_right_speed[int(plot_cnt*25),:]
            plot_real_y1 = real_y_left[int(plot_cnt*25),:]
            plot_real_y2 = real_y_right[int(plot_cnt*25),:]
            plot_for_cmd = forward_cmd[int(plot_cnt*25),:]/plot_cmd_divider
            plot_left_cmd = left_cmd[int(plot_cnt*25),:]/plot_cmd_divider
            title1 = 'Left Wheel 5sec Prediction from ' + str(plot_cnt)
            title2 = 'Right Wheel 5sec Prediction from ' + str(plot_cnt)
            filename = plot_path + '/ResultPlot/5secLTS_' + str(plot_cnt) + '.png'

            fig1 = plt.figure()
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_y1, 'r--', label='Predicted Speed')
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_real_y1, 'b-.', label='Encoded Speed')
            if (robot_type == 'Vulcan'):
                plt.plot(plot_x, plot_for_cmd, 'k--', label='Forward Command')
                plt.plot(plot_x, plot_left_cmd, 'k-.', label='Left Command')
            elif (robot_type == 'Fetch') or (robot_type == 'Fetch2') or (robot_type == 'MagicBot'):
                plt.plot(plot_x, plot_for_cmd, 'k--', label='Left Command')
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_y2, 'r--', label='Predicted Speed')
            plt.plot(plot_x, plot_real_y2, 'b-.', label='Encoded Speed')
            if (robot_type == 'Vulcan'):
                plt.plot(plot_x, plot_for_cmd, 'k--', label='Forward Command')
                plt.plot(plot_x, plot_left_cmd, 'k-.', label='Left Command')
            elif (robot_type == 'Fetch') or (robot_type == 'Fetch2') or (robot_type == 'MagicBot'):
                plt.plot(plot_x, plot_left_cmd, 'k--', label='Right Command')
            plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0))

            fig1.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

예제 #6
def train_lwpr(datafile, resultfolder, max_num_train, patience_list, improvement_threshold, init_lwpr_setting, hist_window, start_epoch=0, cmd_scaler=1.0, modelfile='lwpr_model'):

    curr_path = os.getcwd()
    if resultfolder in os.listdir(curr_path):
        print "subfolder exists"
        print "Not Exist, so make subfolder"

    # Load Data
    dataset = loadmat(datafile)
    train_data_x, train_data_y = dataset['train_data_x'], dataset['train_data_y']
    valid_data_x, valid_data_y = dataset['valid_data_x'], dataset['valid_data_y']

    num_data, num_valid = train_data_x.shape[0], valid_data_x.shape[0]

    speed_hw, cmd_hw = hist_window[0], hist_window[1]
    input_dim = 2*(speed_hw+cmd_hw)

    # normalize command part
    train_data_x[:, 2*speed_hw:] = train_data_x[:, 2*speed_hw:] * cmd_scaler
    valid_data_x[:, 2*speed_hw:] = valid_data_x[:, 2*speed_hw:] * cmd_scaler

    # Set-up Parameters/Model for Training Procedure
    max_num_trials = max_num_train
    improvement_threshold = improvement_threshold

    error_hist, best_model_error, prev_train_time = [], np.inf, 0
    initD, initA, penalty = init_lwpr_setting[0], init_lwpr_setting[1], init_lwpr_setting[2]
    w_gen, w_prune = init_lwpr_setting[3], init_lwpr_setting[4]

    best_model_epoch = 0

    if start_epoch < 1:
        # Initialize Two 1-Dimensional Models
        LWPR_model_left = LWPR(input_dim, 1)
        #LWPR_model_left.init_D = initD * np.eye(input_dim)
        tmp_arr = np.ones(input_dim)
        tmp_arr[input_dim-2*cmd_hw:input_dim] = init_lwpr_setting[5]
        LWPR_model_left.init_D = initD * np.diag(tmp_arr)
        LWPR_model_left.update_D = False # True
        #LWPR_model_left.init_alpha = initA * np.eye(input_dim)
        tmp_arr = np.ones(input_dim)
        tmp_arr[input_dim-2*cmd_hw:input_dim] = init_lwpr_setting[5]
        LWPR_model_left.init_alpha = initA * np.diag(tmp_arr)
        LWPR_model_left.penalty = penalty
        LWPR_model_left.meta = True
        LWPR_model_left.meta_rate = 20
        LWPR_model_left.w_gen = w_gen
        LWPR_model_left.w_prune = w_prune

        LWPR_model_right = LWPR(input_dim, 1)
        #LWPR_model_right.init_D = initD * np.eye(input_dim)
        tmp_arr = np.ones(input_dim)
        tmp_arr[input_dim-2*cmd_hw:input_dim] = init_lwpr_setting[5]
        LWPR_model_right.init_D = initD * np.diag(tmp_arr)
        LWPR_model_right.update_D = False # True
        #LWPR_model_right.init_alpha = initA * np.eye(input_dim)
        tmp_arr = np.ones(input_dim)
        tmp_arr[input_dim-2*cmd_hw:input_dim] = init_lwpr_setting[5]
        LWPR_model_right.init_alpha = initA * np.diag(tmp_arr)
        LWPR_model_right.penalty = penalty
        LWPR_model_right.meta = True
        LWPR_model_right.meta_rate = 20
        LWPR_model_right.w_gen = w_gen
        LWPR_model_right.w_prune = w_prune

        patience = patience_list[0]
        modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_left_epoch' + str(start_epoch-1) + '.bin'
        LWPR_model_left = LWPR(modelfile_name)
        print '\tRead LWPR model for left wheel(%d)' % (LWPR_model_left.num_rfs[0])

        modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_right_epoch' + str(start_epoch-1) + '.bin'
        LWPR_model_right = LWPR(modelfile_name)
        print '\tRead LWPR model for right wheel(%d)' % (LWPR_model_right.num_rfs[0])

        result_file_name = './' + resultfolder + '/Result_of_training_epoch' + str(start_epoch-1) + '.mat'
        result_file = loadmat(result_file_name)
        prev_train_time = result_file['train_time']
        patience = result_file['patience']
        best_model_error = result_file['best_model_error']
        for cnt in range(start_epoch):
            error_hist.append([result_file['history_validation_error'][cnt][0], result_file['history_validation_error'][cnt][1], result_file['history_validation_error'][cnt][2]])

    # Training Part
    model_prediction = np.zeros(valid_data_y.shape)
    tmp_x, tmp_y = np.zeros((input_dim, 1)), np.zeros((1,1))
    print 'start training'
    start_train_time = timeit.default_timer()

    for train_cnt in range(start_epoch, max_num_trials):
        if patience < train_cnt:

        rand_ind = np.random.permutation(num_data)

        for data_cnt in range(num_data):
            tmp_x[:,0] = train_data_x[rand_ind[data_cnt], 0:input_dim]
            tmp_y[0,0] = train_data_y[rand_ind[data_cnt], 0]
            _ = LWPR_model_left.update(tmp_x, tmp_y)

            tmp_y[0,0] = train_data_y[rand_ind[data_cnt], 1]
            _ = LWPR_model_right.update(tmp_x, tmp_y)

            if data_cnt % 5000 == 0:
                print '\ttrain epoch %d, data index %d, #rfs=%d/%d' % (train_cnt, data_cnt, LWPR_model_left.num_rfs, LWPR_model_right.num_rfs)

        for data_cnt in range(num_valid):
            tmp_x[:,0] = valid_data_x[data_cnt, 0:input_dim]
            model_prediction[data_cnt, 0], _ = LWPR_model_left.predict_conf(tmp_x)
            model_prediction[data_cnt, 1], _ = LWPR_model_right.predict_conf(tmp_x)

        diff = abs(valid_data_y - model_prediction)

        new_error = np.asarray([np.sum(diff)/float(num_valid), np.sqrt(np.sum(diff**2)/float(num_valid)), np.max(diff)])
        error_hist.append([new_error[0], new_error[1], new_error[2]])

        # save result of one training epoch
        modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_left_epoch' + str(train_cnt) + '.bin'

        modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_right_epoch' + str(train_cnt) + '.bin'

        if new_error[1] < best_model_error * improvement_threshold:
            best_model_epoch = train_cnt
            best_model_error = new_error[1]
            patience = max(patience, min(train_cnt+10, int(train_cnt * patience_list[1])) )

            modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_best_left_epoch' + str(train_cnt) + '.bin'

            modelfile_name = './' + resultfolder + '/' + modelfile + '_best_right_epoch' + str(train_cnt) + '.bin'

        result_file_name = './' + resultfolder + '/Result_of_training_epoch' + str(train_cnt) + '.mat'
        result = {}
        result['train_time'] = timeit.default_timer() - start_train_time + prev_train_time
        result['best_model_error'] = best_model_error
        result['history_validation_error'] = error_hist
        result['patience'] = patience
        result['improvement_threshold'] = improvement_threshold
        result['init_D'] = initD
        result['init_alpha'] = initA
        result['penalty'] = penalty
        result['w_generate_criterion'] = w_gen
        result['w_prune_criterion'] = w_prune
        result['number_speed_in_input'] = 2*speed_hw
        result['number_cmd_in_input'] = 2*cmd_hw
        savemat(result_file_name, result)

        print '\n\tSave Intermediate Result Successfully'
        print '\t%d-th learning : #Data=%d/%d, #rfs=%d/%d, error=%f\n' %(train_cnt, LWPR_model_left.n_data, LWPR_model_right.n_data, LWPR_model_left.num_rfs, LWPR_model_right.num_rfs, error_hist[train_cnt][1])

    print 'end training'
    return best_model_epoch
예제 #7
        context = np.asarray(demonstration[1])

        # print("added output: " + str(output))
        # print("added context: " + str(context))
        model.update(context, output)

# generalize
# y = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
y = [-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]

for y1 in y:
    for y2 in y: 
        context = np.asarray([y1, y2])
        output, conf = model.predict_conf(context)

        # print("predicted output: " + str(output))

        plt.title("Predicted trajectory")
        plt.ylim([y_min, y_max])
        plt.plot(x, output, 'ro-')
        context1 = [2.0, context[0]]
        context2 = [3.6, context[1]]

        circle1 = plt.Circle((context1[0], context1[1]), 0.1, color='b', fill=False)
        circle2 = plt.Circle((context2[0], context2[1]), 0.1, color='b', fill=False)
        ax = plt.gca()