예제 #1
    def tool_move(self, event):
        if self._handle < 0:

        # Nearest point on line A to line B:
        #   N = (Da x Db) x Db
        #   t = ((Pb - Pa) . N) / (Da . N)
        # A == bone
        # B == event
        # event axis (Db) is normalized, so t in units of |Da|

        pos, axis = self.get_world_bone_axis(self._bones[self._handle])

        eventpos = Vector(event.posRaw[0], event.posRaw[1], event.posRaw[2])
        eventaxis = Vector(event.axis[0], event.axis[1], event.axis[2])

        N = Vector.cross(Vector.cross(axis, eventaxis), eventaxis)
        DaN = Vector.dot(axis, N)
        Pba = eventpos - pos
        self._frac = Vector.dot(Pba, N) / DaN

        if self._frac < 0: self._frac = 0
        if self._frac > 1: self._frac = 1

        self._dirty = True
        self._moved = True
예제 #2
    def tool_down(self, event):
        self._handle = -1
        self._moved = False

        self._bones = self.get_current_bones()

        for i in range(len(self._bones)):
            bone = self._bones[i]

            pos, axis = self.get_world_bone_axis(bone)

            pos += axis * self._frac
            scale = Vector.magnitude(axis) / 10.0

            eventpos = Vector(event.posRaw[0], event.posRaw[1], event.posRaw[2])
            eventaxis = Vector(event.axis[0], event.axis[1], event.axis[2])

            # te.axis is normalized
            # d = |(x2-x1) x (x1-x0)| / |x2-x1|
            # x2 = eventpos, x1 = eventpos + axis, x0 = pos
            # (x2-x1) = -axis
            # (x1-x0) = eventpos+axis - pos
            # |(x2-x1)| = 1
            # (-axis) x (eventpos-pos+axis)
            d = Vector.magnitude(Vector.cross(-eventaxis, eventpos - pos + eventaxis))

            if d <= scale:
                self._handle = i
                return 1

        return 0
예제 #3
    def tool_draw(self, ca):
        self._bones = self.get_current_bones()
        cur_time = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().curTime

        for bone in self._bones:
            if bone.type == lwsdk.LWBONETYPE_ZAXIS:
                len = bone.restlength;
                dir = Vector(0,0,1)

                ca.setCSysItem(ca.dispData, bone.id);


                pos = self._item_info.param(bone.id, lwsdk.LWIP_POSITION, cur_time)
                len = Vector.magnitude(pos)
                dir = pos / len;

                ca.setCSysItem(ca.dispData, bone.parent);

            ca.setDrawMode(ca.dispData, 8 + 4)

            q1 = Vector(-0.1,-0.1,0)
            q2 = Vector( 0.1,-0.1,0)
            q3 = Vector( 0.1, 0.1,0)
            q4 = Vector(-0.1, 0.1,0)

            q1 += dir * self._frac
            q1 *= len
            q2 += dir * self._frac
            q2 *= len
            q3 += dir * self._frac
            q3 *= len
            q4 += dir * self._frac
            q4 *= len

            # color can be a lwsdk.Vector, lwsdk.Color or a Python sequence
            ca.setColor(ca.dispData, [1.0, 0.3, 0.1, 1.0])

            ca.line(ca.dispData, q1, q2, lwsdk.LWCSYS_OBJECT)
            ca.line(ca.dispData, q2, q3, lwsdk.LWCSYS_OBJECT)
            ca.line(ca.dispData, q3, q4, lwsdk.LWCSYS_OBJECT)
            ca.line(ca.dispData, q4, q1, lwsdk.LWCSYS_OBJECT)
            ca.line(ca.dispData, q1, q3, lwsdk.LWCSYS_OBJECT)
            ca.line(ca.dispData, q2, q4, lwsdk.LWCSYS_OBJECT)

            ca.setColor(ca.dispData, [1.0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2])
            ca.quad(ca.dispData, q1, q2, q3, q4, lwsdk.LWCSYS_OBJECT)
예제 #4
    def split_bone(self, bone, split):
        cur_time = lwsdk.LWTimeInfo().time;
        pos = self._item_info.param(bone.id, lwsdk.LWIP_W_POSITION, cur_time)
        rest_pos = Vector(self._bone_info.restParam(bone.id, lwsdk.LWIP_POSITION))
        rest_rot = Vector(self._bone_info.restParam(bone.id, lwsdk.LWIP_ROTATION))
        rest_rot *= math.pi / 180.0
        rest_len = bone.restlength

        # Clone the existing bone
        # Make the new bone the parent, existing bone the child

        lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(bone.id))
        lwsdk.command("Clone 1")

        selected_items = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items()
        new_bone = PyBone(selected_items[0],

        # Make new bone child of original parent
        lwsdk.command("ParentItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(bone.parent))

        # Motion options corrections:
        # - Don't copy over the goal
        lwsdk.command("GoalItem 0")

        if new_bone.type == lwsdk.LWBONETYPE_ZAXIS:
            temp_vector = Vector(0,0,1)
            split_pos = temp_vector * (rest_len * split)

            # Make new bone shorter to the split
            lwsdk.command("BoneRestLength %g" % (rest_len * split))

            # Make corrections to existing bone
            # - Parent it to the new bone
            # - Place at the split position
            # - Shorten it to the remainder of original length
            # - Reset scale and rotation (as those are now done by new bone)

            lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(bone.id))
            lwsdk.command("ParentItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(new_bone.id))

            # Set positions
            self.set_vec_chan_to_value(bone.id, 0, split_pos)
            lwsdk.command("PivotPosition 0 0 0")
            lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(split_pos))

            lwsdk.command("BoneRestLength %g" % (rest_len * (1-split)))

            # Set rotations
            self.set_vec_chan_to_value(bone.id, 3, Vector(0,0,0))
            lwsdk.command("PivotRotation 0 0 0")
            lwsdk.command("BoneRestRotation 0 0 0")

            # Set scales
            self.set_vec_chan_to_value(bone.id, 6, Vector(1,1,1));


            # Move children to take into account shortened bone
            child_id = self._item_info.firstChild(bone.id)
            while child_id:
                lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(child_id))
                self.add_value_to_vec_chan(child_id, 0, -split_pos);
                if self._item_info.type(child_id) == lwsdk.LWI_BONE:
                    child_pos = Vector(self._bone_info.restParam(child_id, lwsdk.LWIP_POSITION))
                    child_pos -= split_pos;
                    lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(child_pos))


                child_id = self._item_info.nextChild(bone.id, child_id)
            axispos, axis = self.get_world_bone_axis(bone)

            # Move new bone to split position
            new_rest_pos = rest_pos * split
            lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(new_rest_pos))
            # newPos = split * pos
            self.mul_value_to_vec_chan(new_bone.id, 0, split)
            lwsdk.command("BoneRestRotation 0 0 0")
            self.set_vec_chan_to_value(new_bone.id, 3, Vector(0,0,0))
            self.set_vec_chan_to_value(new_bone.id, 6, Vector(1,1,1))


            # Make corrections to existing bone
            # - Parent it to the new bone
            lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(bone.id))
            lwsdk.command("ParentItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(new_bone.id))

            # - Correct place to account for new bone parent
            #   New bone parent has no rotation and unit scale,
            #   so only difference is a position offset
            new_rest_pos = rest_pos * (1.0 - split)
            lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(new_rest_pos))
            # newPos = (1.0 - split) * pos
            self.mul_value_to_vec_chan(bone.id, 0, 1.0 - split)


        return new_bone