예제 #1
def get_stats_xml(db=None, whitelist=None, blacklist=None):
        '''return a header-only cobertura xml'''
        stats = get_stats(db=db, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist)
        # calculate overall rates
        good_stats = [result for result in stats if type(result) is FileStatus]
        branch_rates = [result.branch_rate for result in good_stats
                            if type(result.branch_rate) is Rate]
        line_rates = [result.line_rate for result in good_stats
                            if type(result.line_rate) is Rate]
        line_rate = None
        if line_rates:
            line_rate = reduce(lambda result, rate: result | rate,
                                    line_rates[1:], line_rates[0])
        branch_rate = None
        if branch_rates:
            branch_rate = reduce(lambda result, rate: result | rate,
                                    branch_rates[1:], branch_rates[0])
        # create module xml nodes
        import time
        import lxml.etree as ET
        from lxml.builder import E
        packages = []
        for result in good_stats:
            line_elements = []
            for line in result.lines:
                line_element = E.line(number=str(line), hits=line in result.hit_count and \
                                    str(result.hit_count[line]) or "0")
                if line in result.branches:
                    line_element.set('branch', 'true')
                    line_element.set('condition-coverage', "{0:}% ({1:})".format(
                                        int(result.conditions[line]*100), result.conditions[line]))
            class_element = E("class", E.methods(), E.lines(*line_elements), name=os.path.basename(result.filename),
                                complexity='0.00', filename=result.filename)
            class_element.set('branch-rate', "%1.4f" % (result.branch_rate or 0.0))
            class_element.set('line-rate', "%1.4f" % (result.line_rate or 0.0))
            package = E.package(E.classes(class_element), name="", complexity='0.00')
            package.set('branch-rate', "%1.4f" % (result.branch_rate or 0.0))
            package.set('line-rate', "%1.4f" % (result.line_rate or 0.0))
        tree = E.coverage(
        tree.set('branch-rate', '%1.4f' % (branch_rate or 0.0))
        tree.set('line-rate', '%1.4f' % (line_rate or 0.0))
        tree.set('lines-covered', line_rate and str(line_rate.numerator) or "0")
        tree.set('lines-valid', line_rate and str(line_rate.denominator) or "0")
        tree.set('branches-covered', branch_rate and str(branch_rate.numerator) or "0")
        tree.set('branches-valid', branch_rate and str(branch_rate.denominator) or "0")
        return ET.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True,
                            doctype="<!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM 'http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-04.dtd'>")
예제 #2
    (WHT, IFO): PUSH([IFO, WHT]),  # entering nested while statement from within if.orelse
    (WHB, FOT): PUSH([FOB]),  # entering while.body
    (WHB, WHT): PUSH([WHB]),  # entering while.body from within while.test
    (WHX, FOB): NOOP(),  # leaving while statement from within for.body
    (WHX, IFB): NOOP(),  # leaving while statement from within if.body
    (WHX, IFO): NOOP(),  # leaving while statement from within if.orelse
    (WHX, WHB): NOOP(),  # leaving while statement from within while.body
    (WHX, WHT): NOOP(),  # leaving while statement from within while.body

# get data from redis

# create xml skeleton
E = ElementMaker()
xml = E.coverage(E.sources(E.source(), E.source), E.packages())
xml_tree = etree.ElementTree(xml)
xml.insert(0, etree.Comment("Generated by pushdown_moncov.py: http://github.com/python-moncov/bla-bla"))

class PushDownAutomaton(object):

    # by default, use `lambda event, stack_event: None' callbacks for any event
    def __init__(self, stack=None, callbacks=collections.defaultdict(lambda: lambda event, stack_event: None)):
        if stack is None:
            stack = [BTT]
        self.callbacks = callbacks

    def reset(self, stack=None):
        if stack is None: