예제 #1
    def xpath(self, selector: str, *, clean: bool = False, first: bool = False, _encoding: str = None) -> _XPath:
        """Given an XPath selector, returns a list of
        :class:`Element <Element>` objects or a single one.
        :param selector: XPath Selector to use.
        :param clean: Whether or not to sanitize the found HTML of ``<script>`` and ``<style>`` tags.
        :param first: Whether or not to return just the first result.
        :param _encoding: The encoding format.
        If a sub-selector is specified (e.g. ``//a/@href``), a simple
        list of results is returned.
        See W3School's `XPath Examples
        for more details.
        If ``first`` is ``True``, only returns the first
        :class:`Element <Element>` found.
        selected = self.lxml.xpath(selector)

        elements = [
            Element(element=selection, url=self.url, default_encoding=_encoding or self.encoding)
            if not isinstance(selection, etree._ElementUnicodeResult) else str(selection)
            for selection in selected

        # Sanitize the found HTML.
        if clean:
            elements_copy = elements.copy()
            elements = []

            for element in elements_copy:
                element.raw_html = lxml_html_tostring(cleaner.clean_html(element.lxml))

        return _get_first_or_list(elements, first)
예제 #2
def html_tostring(tree):
    html to string
    return lxml_html_tostring(
        # method="html",
    def find(self, selector: str = "*", *, containing: _Containing = None, clean: bool = False, first: bool = False, _encoding: str = None) -> _Find:
        """Given a CSS Selector, returns a list of
        :class:`Element <Element>` objects or a single one.

        :param selector: CSS Selector to use.
        :param clean: Whether or not to sanitize the found HTML of ``<script>`` and ``<style>`` tags.
        :param containing: If specified, only return elements that contain the provided text.
        :param first: Whether or not to return just the first result.
        :param _encoding: The encoding format.

        Example CSS Selectors:

        - ``a``
        - ``a.someClass``
        - ``a#someID``
        - ``a[target=_blank]``

        See W3School's `CSS Selectors Reference
        for more details.

        If ``first`` is ``True``, only returns the first
        :class:`Element <Element>` found.

        # Convert a single containing into a list.
        if isinstance(containing, str):
            containing = [containing]

        encoding = _encoding or self.encoding
        elements = [
            Element(element=found, url=self.url, default_encoding=encoding)
            for found in self.pq(selector)

        if containing:
            elements_copy = elements.copy()
            elements = []

            for element in elements_copy:
                if any([c.lower() in element.full_text.lower() for c in containing]):


        # Sanitize the found HTML.
        if clean:
            elements_copy = elements.copy()
            elements = []

            for element in elements_copy:
                element.raw_html = lxml_html_tostring(cleaner.clean_html(element.lxml))

        return _get_first_or_list(elements, first)