예제 #1
def test_low_level_api():
    html = TestHTML(string="<body>")
    css = CSS(
        @page { margin: 2px; size: 8px; background: #fff }
        html { background: #00f; }
        body { background: #f00; width: 1px; height: 1px }
    pdf_bytes = html.write_pdf(stylesheets=[css])
    assert pdf_bytes.startswith(b"%PDF")
    assert html.render([css]).write_pdf() == pdf_bytes

    png_bytes = html.write_png(stylesheets=[css])
    document = html.render([css], enable_hinting=True)
    page, = document.pages
    assert page.width == 8
    assert page.height == 8
    assert document.write_png() == (png_bytes, 8, 8)
    assert document.copy([page]).write_png() == (png_bytes, 8, 8)

    surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 8, 8)
    file_obj = io.BytesIO()

    surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 8, 8)
    context = cairo.Context(surface)
    # Rotate at the center
    context.translate(4, 4)
    context.rotate(-math.pi / 2)
    context.translate(-4, -4)
    file_obj = io.BytesIO()
    check_png_pattern(file_obj.getvalue(), rotated=True)

    document = html.render([css], enable_hinting=True)
    page, = document.pages
    assert (page.width, page.height) == (8, 8)
    png_bytes, width, height = document.write_png(resolution=192)
    assert (width, height) == (16, 16)
    check_png_pattern(png_bytes, x2=True)

    def png_size(result):
        png_bytes, width, height = result
        surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(io.BytesIO(png_bytes))
        assert (surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()) == (width, height)
        return width, height

    document = html.render([css], enable_hinting=True)
    page, = document.pages
    assert (page.width, page.height) == (8, 8)
    # A resolution that is not multiple of 96:
    assert png_size(document.write_png(resolution=145.2)) == (13, 13)

    document = TestHTML(
            @page:first { size: 5px 10px } @page { size: 6px 4px }
            p { page-break-before: always }
    page_1, page_2 = document.pages
    assert (page_1.width, page_1.height) == (5, 10)
    assert (page_2.width, page_2.height) == (6, 4)

    result = document.write_png()
    # (Max of both widths, Sum of both heights)
    assert png_size(result) == (6, 14)
    assert document.copy([page_1, page_2]).write_png() == result
    assert png_size(document.copy([page_1]).write_png()) == (5, 10)
    assert png_size(document.copy([page_2]).write_png()) == (6, 4)
예제 #2
def test_low_level_api():
    html = TestHTML(string='<body>')
    css = CSS(string='''
        @page { margin: 2px; size: 8px; background: #fff }
        html { background: #00f; }
        body { background: #f00; width: 1px; height: 1px }
    pdf_bytes = html.write_pdf(stylesheets=[css])
    assert pdf_bytes.startswith(b'%PDF')
    assert html.render([css]).write_pdf() == pdf_bytes

    png_bytes = html.write_png(stylesheets=[css])
    document = html.render([css], enable_hinting=True)
    page, = document.pages
    assert page.width == 8
    assert page.height == 8
    assert document.write_png() == (png_bytes, 8, 8)
    assert document.copy([page]).write_png() == (png_bytes, 8, 8)

    surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 8, 8)
    file_obj = io.BytesIO()

    surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 8, 8)
    context = cairo.Context(surface)
    # Rotate at the center
    context.translate(4, 4)
    context.rotate(-math.pi / 2)
    context.translate(-4, -4)
    file_obj = io.BytesIO()
    check_png_pattern(file_obj.getvalue(), rotated=True)

    document = html.render([css], enable_hinting=True)
    page, = document.pages
    assert (page.width, page.height) == (8, 8)
    png_bytes, width, height = document.write_png(resolution=192)
    assert (width, height) == (16, 16)
    check_png_pattern(png_bytes, x2=True)

    def png_size(result):
        png_bytes, width, height = result
        surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(io.BytesIO(png_bytes))
        assert (surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()) == (width, height)
        return width, height

    document = html.render([css], enable_hinting=True)
    page, = document.pages
    assert (page.width, page.height) == (8, 8)
    # A resolution that is not multiple of 96:
    assert png_size(document.write_png(resolution=145.2)) == (13, 13)

    document = TestHTML(string='''
            @page:first { size: 5px 10px } @page { size: 6px 4px }
            p { page-break-before: always }
    page_1, page_2 = document.pages
    assert (page_1.width, page_1.height) == (5, 10)
    assert (page_2.width, page_2.height) == (6, 4)

    result = document.write_png()
    # (Max of both widths, Sum of both heights)
    assert png_size(result) == (6, 14)
    assert document.copy([page_1, page_2]).write_png() == result
    assert png_size(document.copy([page_1]).write_png()) == (5, 10)
    assert png_size(document.copy([page_2]).write_png()) == (6, 4)