class LupioTTY(BasicPioDevice): type = 'LupioTTY' cxx_class = 'gem5::LupioTTY' cxx_header = "dev/lupio/lupio_tty.hh" terminal = Param.SerialDevice(Parent.any, "The terminal") pio_size = Param.Addr(0x1000, "PIO size") platform = Param.Platform(Parent.any, "Platform this device is part of.") int_id = Param.Int("Interrupt ID for the PIC to use")
class LupioRNG(BasicPioDevice): type = 'LupioRNG' cxx_class='gem5::LupioRNG' cxx_header = 'dev/lupio/lupio_rng.hh' pio_size = Param.Addr(0x1000, "PIO Size") seed = Param.Int(0, "Initial seed for the random number generator") platform = Param.Platform(Parent.any, "Platform this device is part of.") int_id = Param.Int("Interrupt ID to be used by the PIC")
class LupioBLK(DmaDevice): type = 'LupioBLK' cxx_class = 'gem5::LupioBLK' cxx_header = 'dev/lupio/lupio_blk.hh' pio_size = Param.Addr(0x1000, "PIO Size") image = Param.DiskImage("Disk image") pio_addr = Param.Addr("Device Address") latency = Param.Latency('0ns', "DMA Device Latency") platform = Param.Platform(Parent.any, "Platform this device is part of.") int_id = Param.Int("Interrupt ID for the PIC to use")