def setup(): global lcd_brightness lcd.setRotation(1) axp.setLcdBrightness(lcd_brightness) lcd.clear(0x000000) lcd.set_bg(0x070707) year = time.localtime()[0] if year < 2001: wifi = connectToWifi() if updateRTC(toffset=3600) time.sleep(3) lcd.clear(0x000000)
stadevTObjecto = statistics.pstdev(listTObject) stadevTAmbient = statistics.pstdev(listTAmbient) #if( (max(listTObject) < meanTObjecto+0.5) and (min(listTObject) > meanTObjecto-0.5)): if (stadevTObjecto > 5): print("Tente de novo, fique parado a 3 cm") else: print("Media da temperatura = {} °C".format(meanTObjecto / 100)) # incerteza ??? if (meanTObjecto > 3700): print("FEBRE - procurar o sistema de saúde") # Saida no M5StickC lcd.clear() lcd.setRotation(3) tempfield = M5TextBox(40, 20, "35.23", lcd.FONT_DejaVu40, 0xfee203) clabel = M5TextBox(54, 64, "+/- 0.5 Celsius", lcd.FONT_Default, 0xfee203) titlelabel = M5TextBox(0, 0, "M5StickC MLX90615", lcd.FONT_Small, 0xFFFFFF) tempfield.setText(str(meanTObjecto)) clabel.setText("+/- " + str(stadevTObjecto) + " Celsius") print('(' + str(meanTObjecto) + " +/- " + str(stadevTObjecto) + ") Celsius") sleep_ms(TIME_MS_AFTER_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENTS) print( "mensagem para se afastar do medidor, tal que a temperatura do objeto volte a ser próxima da temperatura ambiente" )
def clrscrn(rot=1): lcd.setRotation(rot) lcd.clear() lcd.font(lcd.FONT_DejaVu24) lcd.setTextColor(lcd.WHITE) lcd.setCursor(0,0)
def run(): seed(ticks_cpu()) lcd.setRotation(3) Snake.timer.init(period=Snake.speed, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=Snake.move)
def Demo(): lcd.setRotation(3) lcd.clear() lcd.font(lcd.FONT_UNICODE) t = Ticker("This is a very long text", 0xffffff, sliding=False, delay=2) tt = Ticker("The line can be longer and can go faster and can even have unicodэ symbols", 0x85fa92, y=20, speed=100, delay=10)