예제 #1
Performs automatic picking of a surface from a semblance-like volume.
Input is semblance volume, also needs vo= starting model, dsemb= partial derivative of semblance with respect to v

# key imports
import m8r
import numpy as np

    import varitools as vt
    import rsf.user.varitools as vt

# the actual program...
par = m8r.Par()

# files
Fsemb = m8r.Input()
# semblance volume
Fvel = m8r.Input("vo")
# starting model
Fdsemb = m8r.Input("dsemb")
# partial derivative of semblance volume with respect to v

assert 'float' == Fsemb.type
assert 'float' == Fvel.type
assert 'float' == Fdsemb.type

# get axis sampling
o1, d1, n1 = vt.get_axis(Fsemb, 1)
예제 #2
파일: 7ab.py 프로젝트: jcapriot/src
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    nt = 300
    nx = 64
    nz = 300
    nb = 50
    v = 1.0
    top = 3.2
    c1 = 0.9
    c2 = 6.8
    d1 = 0.02
    d2 = 0.12

    par = m8r.Par(argv)

    top = par.float('top', 5.0)
    c1 = par.float('c1', 0.5)
    c2 = par.float('c2', 5.0)

    vp = vplot.Vplot()

    vp.uorig(-c1, -.5)
    vp.uclip(0., top - 3., 4., top)
    vp.umove(0., top - 0.)
    vp.udraw(0., top - 4.)
    vp.umove(0., top - 0.)
    vp.udraw(4., top - 0.)

    z = 0.4
    while z < 4:
        x0 = z * math.tan(math.pi * 45. / 180.)
        x = 0
        while x < 4:
            t = math.hypot(z, x - x0) / v
            vp.upendn(x, top - t)
            x += 0.01
        z += 0.4

    b = numpy.zeros(nb, 'f')
    for ib in xrange(nb):
        b[ib] = math.exp(-3. * (ib + 1.) / 20.) * math.sin(math.pi *
                                                           (ib + 1) / 10)

    cs = par.string('c')
    if cs:
        c = m8r.Output('c')
        c.put('n1', nt)
        c.put('n2', nx)
        c.put('d1', d1)
        c.put('d2', d2)

        tdat = numpy.zeros((nx, nt), 'f')

        for iz in range(12):
            z = (iz + 1.) * nt / 12.
            x0 = z * math.tan(math.pi * 45. / 180.)
            for ix in xrange(nx):
                x = (ix + 1.) * d2 / d1
                t = math.hypot(z, x - x0) / v
                for ib in xrange(nb):
                    it = t + ib - 1
                    if it < nt:
                        tdat[ix, it] += b[ib]

    vp.uorig(-c2, -.5)
    vp.uclip(0., top - 3., 4., top)
    vp.umove(0., top - 0.)
    vp.udraw(0., top - 4.)
    vp.umove(0., top - 0.)
    vp.udraw(4., top - 0.)

    t = 0.4
    while t < 6:
        x0 = t / math.sin(math.pi * 45. / 180.)
        theta = -89.5
        while theta < 89.5:
            z = t * math.cos(math.pi * theta / 180)
            x = x0 + t * math.sin(math.pi * theta / 180)
            vp.upendn(x, top - z)
            theta += 1
        t += 0.4

    ds = par.string('d')
    if ds:
        d = m8r.Output('d')
        d.put('n1', nz)
        d.put('n2', nx)
        d.put('d1', d1)
        d.put('d1', d2)

        zdat = numpy.zeros([nx, nz], 'f')

        for it in range(20):
            t = (it + 1.) * nz / 20.
            x0 = t / math.sin(math.pi * 45. / 180.)
            theta = -89.5
            while theta < 89.5:
                z = t * math.cos(math.pi * theta / 180.)
                x = x0 + t * math.sin(math.pi * theta / 180.)
                ix = x * d1 / d2
                r = math.hypot(z, x - x0)
                for ib in xrange(nb):
                    iz = z + ib - 1
                    if iz >= 0 and iz < nz and ix >= 0 and ix < nx:
                        zdat[ix, iz] += b[ib] * r
                theta += 1
