def est_do_update(self): self.u.do_update() st = self.u.gather_status() print() print(xmltools.pstring(st))
def do_update(self): """Perform an update cycle""" self.results = None if context.desired_status.getroot().get("autoconstructed"): raise ValueError("Refusing to use autoconstructed status.") l.dmsg("desired:\n%s" % pstring(self.desired_status()), 10) l.dmsg("initial:\n%s" % pstring(self.initial_status()), 10) comp = XMLCompare(copy.deepcopy(self.initial_status()), self.desired_status()) l.dmsg("xpaths by state:\n" + pprint.pformat(comp.bystate), 10) # See if we have to do a self update iv_mrx = MRXpath('/status/worker[@id="__machination__"]/installedVersion') selfupdate = False selfupdate_bundles = set() if iv_mrx.to_xpath() in comp.find_work(): # installedVersion has changed somehow wus, working = generate_wus({iv_mrx.to_xpath()}, comp) wu = wus[0] if wus else etree.Element("wu", op="nothing") if wu.get("op") == "add" or wu.get("op") == "deepmod": # Definitely updating l.lmsg("{} on {}: need to self update".format(wu.get("op"), iv_mrx.to_xpath()), 3) selfupdate = True # Check for bundles and add to selfupdate_bundles for ivb_elt in wu[0].xpath("machinationFetcherBundle"): bid = MRXpath.quote_id(MRXpath, ivb_elt.get("id")) bundle_xp = MRXpath("/status/worker[@id='fetcher']/bundle['{}']".format(bid)).to_xpath() selfupdate_bundles.add(bundle_xp) # only interested in bundles with a work unit to do selfupdate_bundles = selfupdate_bundles & comp.find_work() # fetcher_wus, working = generate_wus(todo, comp) # # use the fetcher worker to get bundles # worker = self.worker('fetcher') # for wu in fetcher_wus: try: deps = self.desired_status().xpath("/status/deps")[0] except IndexError: deps = etree.fromstring("<status><deps/></status>")[0] wudeps = comp.wudeps(deps.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element)) # Track success/failure of work units. # # Before a work unit is attempted work_status[wu] should not # exist. # # Afterward, work_status[wu] should contain an array with a # status (True = succeeded, False = failed) and either the wu # element or an error message as appropriate: # # { # wu1: [True, wu_elt], # wu2: [False, "Worker 'splat' not available"] # wu3: [False, "Dependency 'wu2' failed"] # } work_status = {} # set up a dictionary: # { work_unit: [list, of, units, work_unit, depends, on] } work_depends = {} if selfupdate: # installedVersion depends on all bundles wudeps.extend([[x, iv_mrx.to_xpath()] for x in selfupdate_bundles]) # Everything else apart from selfupdate bundles depends on # installedVersion wudeps.extend( [[iv_mrx.to_xpath(), x] for x in (comp.find_work() - selfupdate_bundles - {iv_mrx.to_xpath()})] ) for dep in wudeps: if work_depends.get(dep[1]): # entry for dep[1] already exists, add to it work_depends.get(dep[1]).append(dep[0]) else: # entry for dep[1] does not exist, create it work_depends[dep[1]] = [dep[0]] # l.dmsg('work_depends = {}'.format(pprint.pformat(work_depends))) # we need to make all workunits depend on something for # topsort to work if selfupdate: # selfupdate_bundles should be done first wudeps.extend([["", x] for x in selfupdate_bundles]) else: wudeps.extend([["", x] for x in comp.find_work()]) # l.dmsg('wudeps = {}'.format(pprint.pformat(wudeps))) wu_updated_status = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_status()) i = 0 # failures = [] for lev in iter(topsort.topsort_levels(wudeps)): i += 1 if i == 1: # this is the fake workunit '' we put in above continue l.dmsg("xpaths for level {}:\n".format(i) + pprint.pformat(lev), 10) wus, working_elt = generate_wus(set(lev), comp) # l.dmsg(pstring(self.initial_status(),10)) # l.dmsg(pstring(self.desired_status(),10)) for wu in wus: l.dmsg(pstring(wu), 10) add_map = {} for wu in wus: # If it's an add for a worker, add the worker element wu_mrx = MRXpath(wu.get("id")) if wu_mrx.to_noid_path() == "/status/worker" and wu.get("op") == "add": l.lmsg("Adding worker element " + wu_mrx.to_xpath()) wu_updated_status.xpath("/status")[0].append(etree.Element("worker", continue # If it's an add, we need to add it to the add_map so # that adds still function properly if they get out of # order or previous adds have failed. if wu.get("op") == "add": add_map[wu.get("id")] = get_fullpos(wu.get("pos"), MRXpath(wu.get("id")).parent()) # check to make sure any dependencies have been done check = self.check_deps(wu, work_depends, work_status) if not check[0]: l.wmsg("Failing {}: dep {} failed".format(wu.get("id"), check[1])) work_status[wu.get("id")] = [False, "Dependency '{}' failed".format(check[1])] # don't include this wu in work to be done continue wname = MRXpath(wu.get("id")).workername(prefix="/status") worker = self.worker(wname) l.lmsg("dispatching to " + wname) l.dmsg("work:\n" + pstring(wu)) if worker: # need to wrap the wu in a wus element workelt = etree.Element("wus", worker=wname) workelt.append(copy.deepcopy(wu)) try: results = worker.do_work(workelt) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() # There's only one, but in future there might # be more - loop over them. for curwu in workelt: work_status[curwu.get("id")] = [False, "Exception in worker {}\n{}".format(wname, str(e))] l.emsg( "Exception during {} - failing it\n{}".format( curwu.get("id"), "".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_tb)) + repr(e) ) ) else: self.process_results(results, workelt, work_status) wid = wu.get("id") completed = work_status.get(wid) if completed[0]: # Apply successes to wu_updated_status l.dmsg("Marking {} succeeded.".format(wid)) wu_updated_status = apply_wu(completed[1], wu_updated_status, add_map=add_map) else: l.dmsg("Marking {} failed.".format(wid)) # failures.append([wid, completed[1]]) else: # No worker: fail this set of work work_status[wu.get("id")] = [False, "No worker '{}'".format(wname)] # TODO(colin): parallelise downloads and other work # Report successes l.lmsg( "The following work units reported success:\n{}".format( pprint.pformat([k for k, v in work_status.items() if v[0]]) ) ) # Report failures. l.wmsg( "The following work units reported failure:\n{}".format( pprint.pformat([[k, v[1]] for k, v in work_status.items() if not v[0]]) ) ) # write calculated status to file fname = os.path.join(context.status_dir(), "previous-status.xml") with open(fname, "w") as prev: prev.write(etree.tostring(wu_updated_status, pretty_print=True).decode()) # see how the status has changed including calls to generate_status() new_status = self.gather_status() # write this status out as previous_status.xml with open(fname, "w") as prev: prev.write(etree.tostring(new_status, pretty_print=True).decode())