def testAgainstSecondMoveHeuristikAgentIn100Testgames(self): heuristicSearchAgentWins = 0 tdqAgent1000Wins = 0 for testGameCount in range(100): ttt = TicTacToe(4) tdqAgent1000 = TicTacToeTDQLearningAgent( TICTACTOE_4x4_TDQ_AGENT_1000_NAME, 4) while not ttt.is_terminal(): action = tdqAgent1000.suggestAction(ttt) print action ttt.make_move(action) if not ttt.is_terminal(): HeuristicSearchAgentTicTacToe.processAction(ttt) print ttt.printable_game_matrix() if ttt.is_victory() and ttt.get_player_which_moved_last() == 'X': tdqAgent1000Wins += 1 elif ttt.is_victory() and ttt.get_player_which_moved_last() == 'O': heuristicSearchAgentWins += 1 print 'Second move heuristic search agent wins: ' + str( heuristicSearchAgentWins ) + ' games against TD-Q-Agent-1000 in 16 field Tic Tac Toe!' print 'First move TD-Q-Agent-1000 wins: ' + str( tdqAgent1000Wins ) + ' games against heuristic search agent in 16 field Tic Tac Toe!' self.assertTrue(tdqAgent1000Wins >= 50)
def testAgainstFirstMoveRandomAgentIn100Testgames(self): randomAgentWins = 0 tdqAgent1000Wins = 0 for testGameCount in range(100): ttt = TicTacToe(3) tdqAgent1000 = TicTacToeTDQLearningAgent(TICTACTOE_3x3_TDQ_AGENT_1000_NAME, 3) while not ttt.is_terminal(): RandomAgent.processTicTacToeAction(ttt) if not ttt.is_terminal(): ttt.make_move(tdqAgent1000.suggestAction(ttt)) print ttt.printable_game_matrix() if ttt.is_victory() and ttt.get_player_which_moved_last() == 'X': randomAgentWins += 1 elif ttt.is_victory() and ttt.get_player_which_moved_last() == 'O': tdqAgent1000Wins += 1 print 'First Move random agent wins: ' + str( randomAgentWins) + ' games against TD-Q-Agent-1000 in 9 field Tic Tac Toe!' print 'Second Move TD-Q-Agent-1000 wins: ' + str( tdqAgent1000Wins) + ' games against random agent in 9 field Tic Tac Toe!' self.assertTrue(tdqAgent1000Wins >= 50)
def learnTictactoe(self, gamesToPlay): """Represents the self play and learning mode of the TD-Q-Agent. Parameters ---------- gamesToPlay : int The amount of training games to play against itself.""" for gameCount in range(gamesToPlay): ttt = TicTacToe(self.__dimension)'Learning against itself game: ' + str(gameCount)) while not ttt.is_terminal(): suggestedAction = self.qLearnIteration(ttt, ttt.getReward(), 0.4, 1) ttt.make_move(suggestedAction) if ttt.is_terminal(): self.qLearnIteration(ttt, ttt.getReward(), 0.4, 1) self.__s = None self.__a = None self.__r = None if gameCount % 100 == 0: self.__random_factor += 1
def testAgainstFirstMoveRandomAgentIn9FieldTicTacToe(self): randomAgentWins = 0 heuristicSearchAgentWins = 0 for testGameCount in range(100): ttt = TicTacToe(3) while not ttt.is_terminal(): RandomAgent.processTicTacToeAction(ttt) if not ttt.is_terminal(): HeuristicSearchAgentTicTacToe.processAction(ttt) print ttt.printable_game_matrix() if ttt.is_victory() and ttt.get_player_which_moved_last() == 'X': randomAgentWins += 1 elif ttt.is_victory() and ttt.get_player_which_moved_last() == 'O': heuristicSearchAgentWins += 1 print 'First Move random agent wins: ' + str( randomAgentWins ) + ' games against heuristic search agent in 9 field Tic Tac Toe!' print 'Second Move heuristic search agent wins: ' + str( heuristicSearchAgentWins ) + ' games against random agent in 9 field Tic Tac Toe!' self.assertTrue(heuristicSearchAgentWins >= 60)