예제 #1
def list_models(args):
    :param args: The command line argument once parsed
    :type args: :class:`argparse.Namespace` object
    :return: a string representation of all models and submodels installed.
    :rtype: str
    config = Config(MacsyDefaults(), args)
    registry = ModelRegistry()
    models_loc_available = scan_models_dir(
    for model_loc in models_loc_available:
    return str(registry)
예제 #2
def _find_all_installed_packages(models_dir=None) -> ModelRegistry:
    :return: all models installed
    defaults = MacsyDefaults()
    args = argparse.Namespace()
    if models_dir is not None:
        args.models_dir = models_dir
    config = Config(defaults, args)
    model_dirs = config.models_dir()
    registry = ModelRegistry()
    for model_dir in model_dirs:
            for model_loc in scan_models_dir(
                    model_dir, profile_suffix=config.profile_suffix()):
        except PermissionError as err:
            _log.warning(f"{model_dir} is not readable: {err} : skip it.")
    return registry
예제 #3
def main(args=None, log_level=None) -> None:
    main entry point to macsyprofile

    :param args: the arguments passed on the command line without the program name
    :type args: List of string
    :param log_level: the output verbosity
    :type log_level: a positive int or a string among 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'
    global _log
    args = sys.argv[1:] if args is None else args
    parsed_args = parse_args(args)

    if log_level is None:
        log_level = verbosity_to_log_level(parsed_args.verbosity)
    _log = init_logger(log_level, out=(not parsed_args.mute))

    if not os.path.exists(parsed_args.previous_run):
        _log.critical(f"{parsed_args.previous_run}: No such directory.")
        sys.tracebacklimit = 0
        raise FileNotFoundError() from None
    elif not os.path.isdir(parsed_args.previous_run):
        _log.critical(f"{parsed_args.previous_run} is not a directory.")
        sys.tracebacklimit = 0
        raise ValueError() from None

    defaults = MacsyDefaults(i_evalue_sel=1.0e9, coverage_profile=-1.0)
    cfg = Config(defaults, parsed_args)

    msf_run_path = cfg.previous_run()
    hmmer_results = os.path.join(msf_run_path, cfg.hmmer_dir())
    hmm_suffix = cfg.res_search_suffix()
    profile_suffix = cfg.profile_suffix()
    if parsed_args.out:
        profile_report_path = os.path.normpath(parsed_args.out)
        dirname = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(parsed_args.out))
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            _log.critical(f"The {dirname} directory is not writable")
            sys.tracebacklimit = 0
            raise ValueError() from None
        profile_report_path = os.path.join(cfg.previous_run(),

    if os.path.exists(profile_report_path) and not parsed_args.force:
            f"The file {profile_report_path} already exists. "
            f"Remove it or specify a new output name --out or use --force option"
        sys.tracebacklimit = 0
        raise ValueError() from None

    hmmer_files = sorted(
            os.path.join(hmmer_results, f"{parsed_args.pattern}{hmm_suffix}")))
        model_familly_name = cfg.models()[0]
        model_dir = [
            p for p in
            [os.path.join(p, model_familly_name) for p in cfg.models_dir()]
            if os.path.exists(p)
        profiles_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, 'profiles')
    except IndexError:
            f"Cannot find models in conf file {msf_run_path}. "
            f"May be these results have been generated with an old version of macsyfinder."
        sys.tracebacklimit = 0
        raise ValueError() from None

    _log.debug(f"hmmer_files: {hmmer_files}")
    all_hits = []
    with open(profile_report_path, 'w') as prof_out:
        print(header(args), file=prof_out)
        for hmmer_out_path in hmmer_files:
            _log.info(f"parsing {hmmer_out_path}")
            gene_name = get_gene_name(hmmer_out_path, hmm_suffix)
            profile_path = os.path.join(profiles_dir,
            gene_profile_len = get_profile_len(profile_path)
            hmm = HmmProfile(gene_name, gene_profile_len, hmmer_out_path, cfg)
            hits = hmm.parse()
            all_hits += hits
        if len(all_hits) > 0:
            if parsed_args.best_hits:
                # It's important to keep this sorting to have in last all_hits version
                # the hits with the same replicon_name and position sorted by score
                # the best score in first
                hits_by_replicon = {}
                for hit in all_hits:
                    if hit.replicon_name in hits_by_replicon:
                        hits_by_replicon[hit.replicon_name] = [hit]
                all_hits = []
                for rep_name in hits_by_replicon:
                    hits_by_replicon[rep_name] = get_best_hits(
                        hits_by_replicon[rep_name], key=parsed_args.best_hits)
                    all_hits += sorted(hits_by_replicon[rep_name],
                                       key=lambda h: h.position)

            all_hits = sorted(
                key=lambda h:
                (h.gene_name, h.replicon_name, h.position, h.score))
            _log.info(f"found {len(all_hits)} hits")
            for hit in all_hits:
                print(hit, file=prof_out)
            _log.info(f"result is in '{profile_report_path}'")
            _log.info("No hit found")