예제 #1
 def charge_particle_content(self):
     """ find the ingoing and outgoing particles for this Subprocess
         store this information in self.particles=[list of PID]
         return the dictionary
     self.particles = Cards.read_leshouches_file(self.dir+'/leshouche.inc')
     return self.particles
예제 #2
    def import_ext_part(self, dir_file):
        """ read leshouches.inc information """

        pid_list = Cards.read_leshouches_file(dir_file + '/' + 'leshouche.inc')

        #create the particle object and put them in the content of the diag
        #add the mass corresponding to the card
        for i in range(1, len(pid_list) + 1):  #MG start at one
            a = external_part(i, pid_list[i - 1])
            self.add_content(i, a)
예제 #3
    def import_ext_part(self,dir_file):
        """ read leshouches.inc information """

        pid_list = Cards.read_leshouches_file(dir_file+'/'+'leshouche.inc')

        #create the particle object and put them in the content of the diag
        #add the mass corresponding to the card
        for i in range(1,len(pid_list)+1):#MG start at one