def onDropOnItem( book, item ): if not isrunebook( book ): return False if not isrune( item ): return False if( item.hastag( "marked" ) != 1 ): return False # initialize rune serials to -1 if there's no rune # should not occur - will be removed later for i in range( 0, 16 ): if not book.hastag( "rune %i" % i ): book.settag( "rune %i" % i, -1 ) # rune serials runes = [ -1 ] * 16 for i in range( 0, 16 ): runes[ i ] = int( book.gettag( "rune %i" % i ) ) i = 0 while( runes[ i ] > -1 and i < 16 ): i = i + 1 # runebook is full if( i > 15 ): # can we access the char.socket ? # "This runebook is full." #char.socket.clilocmessage( 502401 ) return False book.settag( "rune %i" % i, int( item.serial ) ) # insert rune - is runebook a container ? if book.type == 1: wolfpack.utilities.tocontainer( item, book ) item.update() return True
def sendGump( char, item ): char.socket.closegump( 0x87654322 ) char.soundeffect( 0x55 ) runebook = cGump( 0, 0, 0, 100, 120 ) runebook.startPage( 0 ) runebook.addGump( 100, 10, 2200 ) # decoration bar n = 125 m = 0 for i in range( 0, 16 ): if( i == 8 ): n = 170 if( i % 8 == 0 ): m = 57 elif( i % 8 == 7 ): m = 59 else: m = 58 runebook.addGump( n + i * 15, 50, m ) # page number button at the bottom of the book for i in range( 0, 8 ): j = i / 4 runebook.addPageButton( 130 + i * 35 + j * 30, 187, i + 2225, i + 2225, i + 2 ) # charge / max charge if not item.hastag( "charges" ): item.settag( "charges", 0 ) charges = item.gettag( "charges" ) if not item.hastag( "maxcharges" ): item.settag( "maxcharges", 5 ) maxcharges = item.gettag( "maxcharges" ) runebook.addText( 160, 40, "Charges: %i" % charges ) runebook.addText( 300, 40, "Max Charges: %i" % maxcharges ) runebook.startPage( 1 ) # rename button return code = 1000 runebook.addButton( 130, 20, 2472, 2473, 1000 ) runebook.addText( 158, 22, "Rename Book" ) # next page - top right corner runebook.addPageButton( 393, 14, 2206, 2206, 2 ) # get rune serials and names runes = [ -1 ] * 16 for i in range( 0, 16 ): if not item.hastag( "rune %i" % i ): item.settag( "rune %i" % i, int( runes[ i ] ) ) else: runes[ i ] = int( item.gettag( "rune %i" % i ) ) runenum = 0 while( runes[ runenum ] > -1 ): runenum = runenum + 1 runenames = [ "Empty" ] * 16 for i in range( 0, runenum ): rune = wolfpack.finditem( int( runes[ i ] ) ) if rune and isrune( rune ): runenames[ i ] = # blue button and rune name for i in range( 0, 16 ): if( i < 8 ): x = 130 else: x = 290 y = 60 + ( i % 8 ) * 15 # blue button return code = rune number + 1 # tramel color : 115, feluca color : ??? namecolor = 115 runebook.addButton( x, y + 5, 2103, 2104, i + 1 ) if i < runenum: runebook.addText( x + 15, y, "%s" % runenames[ i ], namecolor ) else: # no color - black runebook.addText( x + 15, y, "Empty" ) if item.hastag( "default" ): default = item.gettag( "default" ) else: item.settag( "default", 0 ) default = 0 # page 2 - 9 for i in range( 2, 10 ): runebook.startPage( i ) # next page - top right corner if( i < 9 ): runebook.addPageButton( 393, 14, 2206, 2206, i + 1 ) # previous page - top left corner runebook.addPageButton( 125, 14, 2205, 2205, i - 1 ) # for each sub-page for j in range( 0, 2 ): # rune number k = ( i - 2 ) * 2 + j # blue button return code = 1 + rune number runebook.addButton( 130 + j * 160, 65, 2103, 2104, 1 + k ) # recall button return code = 301 + rune number runebook.addButton( 135 + j * 160, 140, 2271, 2271, 301 + k ) # gate button return code = 401 + rune number runebook.addButton( 205 + j * 160, 140, 2291, 2291, 401 + k ) # there's a recall rune # tramel color : 115, feluca : ??? namecolor = 115 if( k < runenum ): runebook.addText( 145 + j * 160, 60, runenames[ k ], namecolor ) # set default button return code = 101 + rune number if( k == default ): runebook.addButton( 160 + j * 135, 20, 2360, 2360, 101 + k ) else: runebook.addButton( 160 + j * 135, 20, 2360, 2361, 101 + k ) runebook.addText( 175 + j * 135, 15, "Set default" ) # drop button return code = 201 + rune number runebook.addButton( 135 + j * 160, 115, 2437, 2438, 201 + k ) runebook.addText( 150 + j * 160, 115, "Drop rune" ) # empty - no color : black else: runebook.addText( 145 + j * 160, 60, runenames[ k ] ) runebook.setArgs( [ item ] ) runebook.setType( 0x87654322 ) runebook.setCallback( "magic.runebook.callback" ) # send it runebook.send( char )