def modeleval_window(timed_templates, window_size=60, remove_junk_drawer=False): windows = window(timed_templates, window_size, remove_junk_drawer, template_ids_only=False) modeleval_windows = [] for window_id, timed_templates in windows.iteritems(): # It doesn't matter which TimedTemplate we take since all in the same window will resolve to the same start/end times. m = timed_templates[0].ts % window_size start_time = timed_templates[0].ts - m end_time = start_time + window_size modeleval_windows.append(ModelEvalWindow(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, timed_templates=timed_templates)) return modeleval_windows
def modelgen_window(timed_templates, window_size=60, remove_junk_drawer=False): """ This function was written to take in the output of the apply_template function. It groups template occurrences into "windows" (aka transactions) that will be passed on to a market basket analysis algorithm in events/ By default the window size is 60 seconds. Args: timed_templates: iterable of timed_templates Kwargs: window_size: # of seconds to allow for each window size (default: 60) Returns: windows: list of sets containing TimedTemplate named tuples """ windows = window(timed_templates, window_size, remove_junk_drawer, template_ids_only=True) modelgen_windows = [ModelGenWindow(template_ids=template_ids) for window_id, template_ids in windows.iteritems()] return modelgen_windows