def minimize(self, max_dpns = 0.01, samples = 10, h_max = 1e-5, h_min = 1e-16):
        Minimizes the energy with a direct minimization strategy.
        counter = 0
        # TODO make use of stephandlers for logging
        h        = self.state.h
        dpnslist = []
        log      = ScreenLogMinimizer()

        # Reset step
        self.state.step = 0

        while len(dpnslist) < samples or max(dpnslist) > max_dpns:
            # Calculate next M and dM for minimization step
            M_next = self.state.minimizer_M(h)
            dM = self.state.minimizer_dM
            counter += 2

            # Get s^n-1 for step-size calculation
            M_diff = VectorField(self.mesh)
            M_diff.add(self.state.M, -1.0)

            # Set next M
            self.state.y = M_next
            self.state.finish_step() # normalize, TODO really need to do this every step?

            # Calculate deg per ns
            # TODO M.absMax might be the wrong choice if different materials are in use
            dp_timestep = (180.0 / math.pi) * math.atan2(M_diff.absMax(), self.state.M.absMax())
            dpns = abs(1e-9 * dp_timestep / h)
            if len(dpnslist) > samples: dpnslist.pop(0)
            self.state.deg_per_ns_minimizer = dpns

            # Get y^n-1 for step-size calculation
            dM_diff = VectorField(self.mesh)
            dM_diff.add(dM, -1.0)

            # Next stepsize (Alternate h1 and h2)
              if (self.state.step % 2 == 0):
                h = M_diff.dotSum(M_diff) / M_diff.dotSum(dM_diff)
                h = M_diff.dotSum(dM_diff) / dM_diff.dotSum(dM_diff)
            except ZeroDivisionError, ex:
              h = h_max

            h_sign = math.copysign(1, h)
            h = max(min(abs(h), h_max), h_min) * h_sign

            if (self.state.step % 100 == 0):

            # Update step
            self.state.step += 1
    def minimize(self, max_dpns = 0.01, samples = 10, h_max = 1e-5, h_min = 1e-16):
        Minimizes the energy with a direct minimization strategy.
        # TODO make use of stephandlers for logging
        h        = self.state.h
        dpnslist = []
        log      = ScreenLogMinimizer()

        # Reset step
        self.state.step = 0

        while len(dpnslist) < samples or max(dpnslist) > max_dpns:
            # Calculate next M and dM for minimization step
            M_next = self.state.minimizer_M(h)
            dM = self.state.minimizer_dM

            # Get s^n-1 for step-size calculation
            M_diff = VectorField(self.mesh)
            M_diff.add(self.state.M, -1.0)

            # Set next M
            self.state.y = M_next
            self.state.finish_step() # normalize, TODO really need to do this every step?

            # Calculate deg per ns
            # TODO M.absMax might be the wrong choice if different materials are in use
            dp_timestep = (180.0 / math.pi) * math.atan2(M_diff.absMax(), self.state.M.absMax())
            dpns = abs(1e-9 * dp_timestep / h)
            if len(dpnslist) > samples: dpnslist.pop(0)
            self.state.deg_per_ns_minimizer = dpns

            # Get y^n-1 for step-size calculation
            dM_diff = VectorField(self.mesh)
            dM_diff.add(dM, -1.0)

            # Next stepsize (Alternate h1 and h2)
              if (self.state.step % 2 == 0):
                h = M_diff.dotSum(M_diff) / M_diff.dotSum(dM_diff)
                h = M_diff.dotSum(dM_diff) / dM_diff.dotSum(dM_diff)
            except ZeroDivisionError, ex:
              h = h_max

            h_sign = math.copysign(1, h)
            h = max(min(abs(h), h_max), h_min) * h_sign

            if (self.state.step % 100 == 0):

            # Update step
            self.state.step += 1
예제 #3
def calculate_strayfield(mesh, M, object_list):
  # mesh number of nodes and node size
  nx, ny, nz = mesh.num_nodes
  dx, dy, dz =

  # Calculate stray field for one object
  def calculate(obj, cub_M):
    cub_size   = (10e-9, 10e-9, 10e-9)
    cub_center = (0,0,0)
    cub_inf    = magneto.INFINITY_NONE
    return CalculateStrayfieldForCuboid(nx, ny, nz, dx, dy, dz, cub_M, cub_center, cub_size, cub_inf)

  # Return the sum of the stray fields of all objects.
  H = VectorField(mesh)
  for obj in object_list:
    H.add(calculate(obj, M))
  return H
예제 #4
def calculate_strayfield(mesh, M, object_list):
    # mesh number of nodes and node size
    nx, ny, nz = mesh.num_nodes
    dx, dy, dz =

    # Calculate stray field for one object
    def calculate(obj, cub_M):
        cub_size = (10e-9, 10e-9, 10e-9)
        cub_center = (0, 0, 0)
        cub_inf = magneto.INFINITY_NONE
        return CalculateStrayfieldForCuboid(nx, ny, nz, dx, dy, dz, cub_M,
                                            cub_center, cub_size, cub_inf)

    # Return the sum of the stray fields of all objects.
    H = VectorField(mesh)
    for obj in object_list:
        H.add(calculate(obj, M))
    return H