예제 #1
def test_Bfield_inside():
    # Fundamental Positions in every 8 Octants, but inside
    errMsg = "Field sample inside of Cylinder is unexpected"
    mockResults = [
        [-6488.54459, 12977.08918, -277349.820763],
        [-15392.748076, 350.405436, -269171.80507],
        [2099.31683, 199.530241, -268598.798536],
        [-15091.053488, 25985.080376, -270890.824672],
        [1797.602656, 26135.931534, -270317.818138],
        [2099.297244, 199.554278, -268598.798536],
        [-15091.033902, 25985.056339, -270890.824672],
        [1797.599514, 26135.911134, -270317.818138],
        [-15392.751218, 350.385036, -269171.80507],

    mag = array([-11111, 22222, -333333])
    a, b, c = 2, 3, 4
    dim = a, b
    testPosIn = array([[0, 0, 0], [a, b, c], [-a, b, c], [a, -b, c], [
        a, b, -c
    ], [a, -b, -c], [-a, b, -c], [-a, -b, c], [-a, -b, -c]]) / (2 * pi)
    iterDia = 50  #  Iterations calculating B-field from non-axial magnetization
    results = [Bfield_Cylinder(mag, pos, dim, iterDia) for pos in testPosIn]
    rounding = 4

    for i in range(0, len(mockResults)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            assert round(mockResults[i][j],
                         rounding) == round(results[i][j], rounding), errMsg
예제 #2
def test_Bfield_outside():
    # Fundamental Positions in every 8 Octants
    errMsg = "Field sample outside of Cylinder is unexpected"
    mockResults = [
        [-189.256324, -227.431954, -43.180409],
        [141.959926, 151.027113, -43.199818],
        [-94.766897, 105.650499, -32.010555],
        [60.407258, -69.865622, -7.040305],
        [184.386143, -166.307916, 90.330253],
        [-143.126907, 120.076143, 27.304572],
        [95.526535, 75.994148, 20.934673],
        [-59.166487, -59.557521, 16.283876],

    testPosOut = array([[5.5, 6, 7], [6, 7, -8], [7, -8, 9], [-8, 9, 10],
                        [7, -6, -5], [-8, 7, -6], [-9, -8, 7], [-10, -9, -8]])

    #check field values to be within [1,100] adjust magnetization

    mag = array([-11111, 22222, -333333])

    a, b = 2, 3
    dim = array([a, b])
    iterDia = 50  #  Iterations calculating B-field from non-axial magnetization
    results = [Bfield_Cylinder(mag, pos, dim, iterDia) for pos in testPosOut]
    rounding = 4
    for i in range(0, len(mockResults)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            assert round(mockResults[i][j],
                         rounding) == round(results[i][j], rounding), errMsg
예제 #3
    def getB(self, pos):  # Particular Cylinder B field calculation. Check RCS for getB() interface
        # vectorized code if input is an Nx3 array
        if type(pos) == ndarray:
            if len(np.shape(pos))==2: # list of positions - use vectorized code
                # vector size
                NN = np.shape(pos)[0] 
                # prepare vector inputs
                POSREL = pos - self.position
                ANG = np.ones(NN)*self.angle
                AX = np.tile(self.axis,(NN,1))
                MAG = np.tile(self.magnetization,(NN,1))
                DIM = np.tile(self.dimension,(NN,1))
                # compute rotations and field
                ROTATEDPOS = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, -AX, POSREL)
                BB = Bfield_CylinderV(MAG,ROTATEDPOS,DIM,self.iterDia)
                BCM = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, AX, BB)

                return BCM
        # secure input type and check input format
        p1 = array(pos, dtype=float64, copy=False)
        # relative position between mag and obs
        posRel = p1 - self.position
        # rotate this vector into the CS of the magnet (inverse rotation)
        rotatedPos = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, -self.axis, posRel) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
        # rotate field vector back
        BCm = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, self.axis, Bfield_Cylinder(self.magnetization, rotatedPos, self.dimension, self.iterDia))
        # BCm is the obtained magnetic field in Cm
        # the field is well known in the magnet coordinates.
        return BCm
예제 #4
 def getB(
     self, pos
 ):  # Particular Cylinder B field calculation. Check RCS for getB() interface
     rotatedPos = rotateToCS(pos, self)
     return getBField(
         Bfield_Cylinder(self.magnetization, rotatedPos, self.dimension,
                         self.iterDia),  # The B field
         self)  # Object Angle/Axis properties
예제 #5
def test_Bfield_singularity():
    # Test the result for a field sample on the Cylinder
    # Circular top face, Circular lower face, Side face
    # Expected: [nan,nan,nan]

    # Definitions
    iterDia = 50
    mag = [1, 2, 3]
    dim = [5, 2]
    sideSurface = [0, 2.5, 0]
    upperSurface = [0, 1.5, 1]
    lowerSurface = [0, 1.5, -1]
    edge = [0, 2.5, 1]
    testPos = [sideSurface, upperSurface, lowerSurface, edge]

    # Run
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning):
        results = [Bfield_Cylinder(mag, pos, dim, iterDia) for pos in testPos]
        assert all(all(isnan(axis) for axis in result) for result in results)
예제 #6
def test_Bfield_OuterPlanes():
    # Field samples that are coplanar with samples that lead to singularity
    # These should be fine
    errMsg = "Unexpected Results for Cylinder getB in Outer Lines"
    mockResults = [
        [253.334094, -4272.910608, 5590.91282],
        [253.334094, 5986.100534, 4906.984899],
        [253.334094, 5986.100534, 4906.984899],
        [253.334094, -4272.910608, 5590.91282],
        [1111.337474, 45438.762267, 3550.174662],
        [1111.337474, -40140.199172, 9255.362182],
        [283.635853, 1039.317535, 7080.751148],
        [344.814448, -9923.631738, 4923.14504],
        [344.814448, 11862.477551, 3470.750825],

    sideSurface = [0, 3, 0]
    upperSurface = [0, 1.5, 1.5]
    lowerSurface = [0, 1.5, -1.5]
    edge = [0, 3, 1]
    edge2 = [0, -3, 1]
    edge3 = [0, 3, -1]
    edge4 = [0, -3, -1]
    edgeBot = [0, 2.5, 1.5]
    edgeTop = [0, 2.5, -1.5]

    testPosOut = array([
        edge, edge2, edge3, edge4, lowerSurface, upperSurface, sideSurface,
        edgeBot, edgeTop

    mag = array([-11111, 22222, -333333])

    a, b = 2, 3
    dim = array([a, b])
    iterDia = 50  #  Iterations calculating B-field from non-axial magnetization
    rounding = 4
    results = [Bfield_Cylinder(mag, pos, dim, iterDia) for pos in testPosOut]
    for i in range(0, len(mockResults)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            assert round(mockResults[i][j],
                         rounding) == round(results[i][j], rounding), errMsg
예제 #7
def test_Bfield_singularity():
    # Test the result for a field sample on the Cylinder
    # Circular top face, Circular lower face, Side face
    # Expected: [nan,nan,nan]
    from magpylib import source, Collection
    from numpy import array

    # Definitions
    iterDia = 50
    mag = [1, 2, 3]
    dim = [5, 2]
    sideSurface = [0, 2.5, 0]
    upperSurface = [0, 1.5, 1]
    lowerSurface = [0, 1.5, -1]
    edge = [0, 2.5, 1]
    testPos = [sideSurface, upperSurface, lowerSurface, edge]

    # Run
    results = [Bfield_Cylinder(mag, pos, dim, iterDia) for pos in testPos]

    assert all(all(isnan(axis) for axis in result) for result in results)