예제 #1
def test_run_distance(image, module, image_set, workspace):
    module.operation.value = "Distance"

    module.x_name.value = "binary"

    module.y_name.value = "watershed"

    module.connectivity.value = 3

    data = image.pixel_data

    if image.multichannel:
        data = skimage.color.rgb2gray(data)

    threshold = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(data)

    binary = data > threshold



    original_shape = binary.shape

    distance = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(binary)

    distance = mahotas.stretch(distance)

    surface = distance.max() - distance

    if image.volumetric:
        footprint = numpy.ones((3, 3, 3))
        footprint = numpy.ones((3, 3))

    peaks = mahotas.regmax(distance, footprint)

    if image.volumetric:
        markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16, 16)))
        markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16)))

    expected = mahotas.cwatershed(surface, markers)

    expected = expected * binary

    expected = skimage.measure.label(expected)

    actual = workspace.get_objects("watershed")

    actual = actual.segmented

    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
예제 #2
파일: watershed.py 프로젝트: afcarl/flywing
def get_seeds(boundary, method='grid', next_id=1):

    if method == 'grid':

        height = boundary.shape[0]
        width = boundary.shape[1]

        seed_positions = np.ogrid[0:height:seed_distance,
        num_seeds_y = seed_positions[0].size
        num_seeds_x = seed_positions[1].size
        num_seeds = num_seeds_x * num_seeds_y

        seeds = np.zeros_like(boundary).astype(np.int32)
        seeds[seed_positions] = np.arange(next_id,
                                          next_id + num_seeds).reshape(
                                              (num_seeds_y, num_seeds_x))

    if method == 'minima':

        minima = mahotas.regmin(boundary)
        seeds, num_seeds = mahotas.label(minima)
        seeds += next_id
        seeds[seeds == next_id] = 0

    if method == 'maxima_distance':

        distance = mahotas.distance(boundary < 0.5)
        maxima = mahotas.regmax(distance)
        seeds, num_seeds = mahotas.label(maxima)
        seeds += next_id
        seeds[seeds == next_id] = 0

    return seeds, num_seeds
예제 #3
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: dvischi/TissueMAPS
def label(im, n=4):
    '''Labels connected components in an image.

    im: numpy.ndarray[numpy.bool]
        binary image that should be labeled
    n: int, optional
        neighbourhood (default: ``4``, choices: ``{4, 8}``)

        labeled image

        when `n` is not ``4`` or ``8``

    if n not in {4, 8}:
        raise ValueError('Neighbourhood must be 4 or 8.')
    if n == 8:
        strel = np.ones((3, 3), bool)
        labeled_image, n_objects = mh.label(im>0, strel)
        labeled_image, n_objects = mh.label(im>0)
    return labeled_image
예제 #4
def label(im, n=4):
    '''Labels connected components in an image.

    im: numpy.ndarray[numpy.bool]
        binary image that should be labeled
    n: int, optional
        neighbourhood (default: ``4``, choices: ``{4, 8}``)

        labeled image

        when `n` is not ``4`` or ``8``

    if n not in {4, 8}:
        raise ValueError('Neighbourhood must be 4 or 8.')
    if n == 8:
        strel = np.ones((3, 3), bool)
        labeled_image, n_objects = mh.label(im > 0, strel)
        labeled_image, n_objects = mh.label(im > 0)
    return labeled_image
예제 #5
파일: algo.py 프로젝트: idosch/ee-4761
    def start(self):
        """Segment the frame.

        The returned value is a labeled uint16 image.
        background = np.bincount(self._frame.ravel()).argmax()  # Most common value.
        I_label = measure.label(self._frame, background=background)
        I_label += 1  # Background is labeled as -1, make it 0.
        I_bin = I_label > 0

        # Remove cells which are too small (leftovers).
        if self._a_min:
            I_label = mh.label(I_bin)[0]
            sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(I_label)
            too_small = np.where(sizes < self._a_min)
            I_cleanup = mh.labeled.remove_regions(I_label, too_small)
            I_bin = I_cleanup > 0

        # Fill holes.
        if self._fill:
            I_bin = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(I_bin)  # Small holes.
            # Bigger holes.
            labels = measure.label(I_bin)
            label_count = np.bincount(labels.ravel())
            background = np.argmax(label_count)
            I_bin[labels != background] = True

        I_label = mh.label(I_bin)[0].astype('uint16')
        return I_label
def as_labeled(fname):
    '''Load the image as a labeled image'''
    # Read the image
    im = mh.imread(fname)
    # borders are saved as red lines
    borders = (im[:, :, 0] > im[:, :, 1])

    # first labeling
    labeled, N = mh.label(~borders)

    # with modern mahotas, this would be done with mh.labeled.labeled_size()
    # but this function did not exist when the paper was written
    bg = 0
    bg_size = (labeled == bg).sum()
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        i_size = (labeled == i).sum()
        if i_size > bg_size:
            bg_size = i_size
            bg = i
        if i_size < _min_obj_size:
            labeled[labeled == i] = 0
    labeled[labeled == bg] = 0
    labeled, _ = mh.label(labeled != 0)
    assert labeled.max() < 256
    return labeled.astype(np.uint8)
예제 #7
def test_run_distance(image, module, image_set, workspace):
    module.use_advanced.value = False

    module.operation.value = "Distance"

    module.x_name.value = "binary"

    module.y_name.value = "watershed"

    module.footprint.value = 3

    data = image.pixel_data

    if image.multichannel:
        data = skimage.color.rgb2gray(data)

    threshold = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(data)

    binary = data > threshold

            image=binary, convert=False, dimensions=image.dimensions


    original_shape = binary.shape

    distance = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(binary)

    distance = mahotas.stretch(distance)

    surface = distance.max() - distance

    if image.volumetric:
        footprint = numpy.ones((3, 3, 3))
        footprint = numpy.ones((3, 3))

    peaks = mahotas.regmax(distance, footprint)

    if image.volumetric:
        markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16, 16)))
        markers, _ = mahotas.label(peaks, numpy.ones((16, 16)))

    expected = mahotas.cwatershed(surface, markers)

    expected = expected * binary

    expected = skimage.measure.label(expected)

    actual = workspace.get_objects("watershed")

    actual = actual.segmented

    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
예제 #8
def eliminate_vessel_neighbors(self):
        # first get the regions to be masked
        drusen = self.get_predicted_region(Labels.Drusen)
        blood = self.get_predicted_region(Labels.Haemorage)

        # and the vessel region
        vessels = self.get_predicted_region(Labels.BloodVessel)
        combined = drusen + blood + vessels

        # mark regions of interest
        combined[combined == Labels.Drusen] = Labels.Masked
        combined[combined == Labels.Haemorage] = Labels.Masked

        # label them - we don't care about the labels.
        Bc = np.ones((9, 9))
        regions, n_regions = mh.label(vessels, Bc)
        vessel_regions, n_vessels = mh.label(vessels, Bc)

        seeds = []
        # find vessel seeds
        for vessel in range(1, vessel_regions.max() + 1):
            nonz = np.nonzero(vessel_regions == vessel)

            # for OpenCV it's (x, y) i.e. (col, row)
            seeds.append((nonz[1][0], nonz[0][0]))

        # flood-fill all the regions with the BloodVessel mask
        for seed in seeds:
            self._flood_fill(seed, self._prediction, Labels.BloodVessel, deltaHigh = Labels.Masked - Labels.BloodVessel)
예제 #9
 def countCones(self):
     if self.params['min_cone_size'] > 0:
         mask = np.ones((self.params['min_cone_size'],self.params['min_cone_size']))
         s,ncones = mh.label(self.ConeCounts.RegionalMaxima)
예제 #10
def Watershed_MRF(Iin, I_MM):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    #                                                                                      #
    # This algorithm is implemented by Oren Kraus on July 2013                             #
    #                                                                                      #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    Fgm = (I_MM > 0)
    SdsLab = mh.label(I_MM == 2)[0]
    SdsSizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(SdsLab)
    too_small_Sds = np.where(SdsSizes < 30)
    SdsLab = mh.labeled.remove_regions(SdsLab, too_small_Sds)
    Sds = SdsLab > 0

    se2 = nd.generate_binary_structure(2, 2).astype(np.int)
    dilatedNuc = nd.binary_dilation(Sds, se2)
    Fgm = (dilatedNuc.astype(np.int) + Fgm.astype(np.int)) > 0

    FgmLab = mh.label(Fgm)[0]
    FgmSizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(FgmLab)
    too_small_Fgm = np.where(FgmSizes < 30)
    FgmLab = mh.labeled.remove_regions(FgmLab, too_small_Fgm)
    Fgm = FgmLab > 0

    se3 = nd.generate_binary_structure(2, 1).astype(np.int)
    Fgm = nd.binary_erosion(Fgm, structure=se3)

    Fgm_Lab, Fgm_num = nd.measurements.label(Fgm)

    Nuc_Loc_1d = np.where(np.ravel(Sds == 1))[0]
    for Lab in range(Fgm_num):
        Fgm_Loc_1d = np.where(np.ravel(Fgm_Lab == Lab))[0]
        if not bool((np.intersect1d(Fgm_Loc_1d, Nuc_Loc_1d)).any()):
            Fgm[Fgm_Lab == Lab] = 0

    Im_ad = (np.double(Iin) * 2 ** 16 / Iin.max()).round()
    Im_ad = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(Im_ad, .5, mode='constant')

    Im_ad_comp = np.ones(Im_ad.shape)
    Im_ad_comp = Im_ad_comp * Im_ad.max()
    Im_ad_comp = Im_ad_comp - Im_ad
    mask = ((Sds == 1).astype(np.int) + (Fgm == 0).astype(np.int))
    mask = nd.label(mask)[0]
    LabWater = mh.cwatershed(np.uint16(Im_ad_comp), mask)
    back_loc_1d = np.where(np.ravel(Fgm == 0))[0]
    for Lab in range(2, LabWater.max()):
        cell_Loc_1d = np.where(np.ravel(LabWater == Lab))[0]
        if bool((np.intersect1d(cell_Loc_1d, back_loc_1d)).any()):
            LabWater[LabWater == Lab] = 1

    return LabWater
예제 #11
def test_label():
    A = np.zeros((128,128), np.int)
    L,n = label(A)
    assert not L.max()
    assert n == 0

    A[2:5, 2:5] = 34
    A[10:50, 10:50] = 34
    L,n = label(A)
    assert L.max() == 2
    assert L.max() == n
    assert np.sum(L > 0) == (40*40 + 3*3)
    assert np.all( (L > 0) == (A > 0) )
    assert set(L.ravel()) == set([0,1,2])
예제 #12
def test_label():
    A = np.zeros((128, 128), np.int_)
    L, n = label(A)
    assert not L.max()
    assert n == 0

    A[2:5, 2:5] = 34
    A[10:50, 10:50] = 34
    L, n = label(A)
    assert L.max() == 2
    assert L.max() == n
    assert np.sum(L > 0) == (40 * 40 + 3 * 3)
    assert np.all((L > 0) == (A > 0))
    assert set(L.ravel()) == set([0, 1, 2])
예제 #13
def _minima_seeds(pmap, start_id):

    minima = mahotas.regmin(pmap)
    seeds, num_seeds = mahotas.label(minima)
    seeds += start_id
    #seeds[seeds==start_id] = 0 # TODO I don't get this
    return seeds, num_seeds
예제 #14
def get_orientation(image, debug=False):
    bin_image = (image > threshold_li(image)) * 1
    dilated = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(bin_image,
    labeled, num_regions = mh.label(dilated)
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)

    if len(sizes) > 2:
        too_small = np.where(sizes < np.flip(np.sort(sizes))[1])
        labeled = mh.labeled.remove_regions(labeled, too_small)
        labeled = (labeled / np.max(np.unique(labeled))).astype(np.int)
    skeleton = skeletonize(labeled)
    h, theta, d = hough_line(skeleton)
    origin = np.array((0, skeleton.shape[1]))
    for _, angle, dist in zip(*hough_line_peaks(h, theta, d)):
        y0, y1 = (dist - origin * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle)
    gradient = (y0 - y1) / origin[1]
    if debug == False:
        return math.degrees(np.arctan(gradient))
    elif debug == True:
        f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(40, 20))
        f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(40, 20))
        f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(40, 20))
        return math.degrees(np.arctan(gradient))
예제 #15
def label(images):
    T = mh.thresholding.otsu(images)  # calculate a threshold value
    dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(
        images, 8)  # apply a gaussian filter that smoothen the image
    dnat = dnaf > T  # do threshold
    labelled = mh.label(dnat)[0]  #labelling thereshold image
    return labelled
예제 #16
    def analyze_edu(self, file):
        Calculates the number of counted cells and their coordinates with Gaussian
        filter preprocessing.

        file : str
            The path to the image.

            The number of cells counted in the image.
            Coordinates of all the cell "centers" in the EdU channel.

        img = mh.imread(file)
        imgg = mh.colors.rgb2gray(img)
        imggf = mh.gaussian_filter(imgg,11).astype(np.uint8)
        rmax = mh.regmax(imggf)
        edu_seeds, edu_nuclei = mh.label(rmax)
        edu_coords = mh.center_of_mass(imgg,labels=edu_seeds)
        return edu_nuclei,edu_coords
예제 #17
    def analyze_edu_hist_eps(self, file, dapi_coords, checked):
        Calculates the number of counted cells and their coordinates with histogram
        equalization and Gaussian filter preprocessing and epsilon quality control.

        file : str
            The path to the image.
        dapi_coords : list
            Coordinates of all the cell "centers" in the DAPI channel. Used as a reference.
        checked : list
            Keeps track of which cells have already been counted in other channels.

            Coordinates of all the cell "centers" in the EdU channel.
            The number of cells counted in the image.
            Keeps track of which cells have already been counted in other channels.

        img = mh.imread(file)
        imgg = mh.colors.rgb2gray(img)
        imgg = eq.hist_eq(imgg)
        imggf = mh.gaussian_filter(imgg,15.3).astype(np.uint8)
        rmax = mh.regmax(imggf)
        edu_seeds, edu_nuclei = mh.label(rmax)
        edu_coords = mh.center_of_mass(imgg,labels=edu_seeds)
        count, checked = self.epsilon(edu_coords,dapi_coords,checked)
        return edu_coords, count, checked
def check_img_status(image_edge):
    #after finding edge check the image to see if it is ok to fit the circle
    labeled, n_nucleus = mh.label(image_edge)
    if n_nucleus > 10:
        return 0
        return 1
예제 #19
 def voi(self, prob, label):
     prob = np.int64(1 - prob)
     f_image, n_labels = mahotas.label(prob)
     f_image = np.int64(f_image.flatten())
     f_label = np.int64(label.flatten())
     return n_labels, partition_comparison.variation_of_information(
         f_image, f_label)
    def _process_image(self, im):
        thresh = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(im)

        labeled, seeds = mahotas.label(im > thresh)
        labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)

        features = []
        for seed in range(1, seeds):
            precipitates = (labeled == seed).astype('int')

            m00 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 0)
            m01 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 1)
            m10 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 0)
            m11 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 1)
            m02 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 2)
            m20 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 0)

            xm = m10 / m00
            ym = m01 / m00

            u00 = 1.0
            u11 = m11 / m00 - xm * ym
            u20 = m20 / m00 - xm ** 2
            u02 = m02 / m00 - ym ** 2

            w1 = u00**2 / (2.0 * numpy.pi * (u20 + u02))
            w2 = u00**4 / (16.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.pi * (u20 * u02 - u11**2))

            if numpy.isnan(w1) or numpy.isnan(w2) or numpy.isinf(w1) or numpy.isinf(w2):

            features.append(((xm, ym), [numpy.sqrt(m00), w1, w2, u20, u02]))#

        return features
예제 #21
    def launchSearch(self):
            Move the cell around to try to cover the most ground
        for move in range(0, self.MAX_MOVES):

        # the score is the mean value of the image
        #score = np.mean(self.canvas)

        # score is number of pixels with value > 5
        T = 5
        labeled, objNb = mh.label(self.canvas > T)
        regions = regionprops(labeled)
        score = regions[0].area

        #if self.SHOW_LOOPS and self.currentLoop == 0:
        if self.SHOW_LOOPS:
            # draw image
            fig = plt.figure()
            plt.imshow(self.canvas, cmap='terrain')
            plt.title("Score: " + str(score))
            loopDir = "results" + os.sep + 'persistance-' + str(self.PERSISTANCE_INDEX)
            if not os.path.exists(loopDir):
            fig.savefig(loopDir + os.sep + "loop-" + str(self.currentLoop) + ".png", dpi=200)

        return score
예제 #22
def find_ice(image, sobel_gradient_threshold, size_threshold):
    #size threshold=100
    shape = np.shape(image)
    image1 = preprocessing_for_icefinder(image)
    image2 = minimum_filter(image1, 4, mode='reflect')
    sobel1 = sobel(image2)
    image3 = sobel1 > sobel_gradient_threshold
    image4 = binary_fill_holes(mh.morph.dilate(image3))
    #label and clear the image
    labeled, n_nucleus = mh.label(image4)
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
    too_small = np.where(sizes < size_threshold)
    labeled = mh.labeled.remove_regions(labeled, too_small)
    relabeled, n_left = mh.labeled.relabel(labeled)
    if n_left > 20:
        print("can not locate ice in the image")
        image5 = relabeled > 0  #make the binary image
        image6 = resize(image5,
        return image6
예제 #23
def filter_profiles_connected_components(img, min_seg_size):

    # Find 2D connected components (non-branching profiles)
    segments = mahotas.labeled.borders(img) == 0
    segments[img == 0] = 0
    profiles, nprofiles = mahotas.label(segments)

    profile_sizes = mahotas.labeled.labeled_size(profiles)
    too_small = np.nonzero(profile_sizes < min_seg_size)[0]

    too_small_area = np.sum(profile_sizes[too_small])
    ok_area = np.sum(profile_sizes) - too_small_area

    zero_segments = np.unique(profiles[img == 0])
    ignore_segments = np.union1d(zero_segments, too_small)

    if len(ignore_segments > 0):
        #print "Ignoring {0} zero-segments and {1} small segments.".format(len(zero_segments), len(too_small))
        profiles, nprofiles = mahotas.labeled.relabel(
        profile_sizes = mahotas.labeled.labeled_size(profiles)

    return profiles, nprofiles, len(
        too_small), profile_sizes, too_small_area, ok_area
예제 #24
def count_holes(dir_name, extension='.tif', plotting = False, dpi = 300, transparent=True):
    total_holes = []
    i = 0
    for files in sorted(os.listdir(dir_name)):
        if files.endswith(extension):
            scan = os.path.join(dir_name,files)
            img = tf.imread(scan)
            img[img > 0] = -1
            skel = mh.thin(img)
            noholes = mh.morph.close_holes(skel)
            cskel = np.logical_not(skel)
            choles = np.logical_not(noholes)
            holes = np.logical_and(cskel,noholes)
            lab, n = mh.label(holes)
            if plotting:
                fig = plt.figure()
                fig.savefig(dir_name + '/binary_{}_{:03d}.png'.format(dir_name,i+1), dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent)
                fig = plt.figure()
                fig.savefig(dir_name + '/skel_{}_{:03d}.png'.format(dir_name,i+1), dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent)
                fig = plt.figure()
                fig.savefig(dir_name + '/labels_{}_{:03d}.png'.format(dir_name,i+1), dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent)
            i += 1

    return total_holes
예제 #25
def find_concave_regions(mask, max_dist):
    '''Finds convace regions along the contour of `mask`.

    mask: numpy.ndarray[numpy.bool]
        mask image
    max_dist: int
        maximally tolerated distance between concave point on object contour
        and the convex hull
    contour_img = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    contour_img[mask] = 255
    contour_img, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
        contour_img, mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
    concave_img = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    for cnt in contours:
        hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt, returnPoints=False)
        defects = cv2.convexityDefects(cnt, hull)
        if defects is not None:
            defect_pts = np.array([
                cnt[defects[j, 0][2]][0]
                for j in xrange(defects.shape[0])
                if defects[j, 0][3]/float(256) > max_dist
            if defect_pts.size != 0:
                concave_img[defect_pts[:, 1], defect_pts[:, 0]] = True
    return mh.label(concave_img)
예제 #26
    def _finalize_split_(self, input):

        #for c in i_js:
        #  s_tile[c[1]-offset_y, c[0]-offset_x] = 0
        tmp = np.array(i_js) - np.array([offset_x, offset_y])
        s_tile_split = cv2.polylines(s_tile, [tmp], False, 0,
                                     1)  # lineType=cv2.LINE_8

        label_image, n = mh.label(s_tile_split)

        # check which label was unselected
        selected_label = label_image[click[1] - offset_y, click[0] - offset_x]
        unselected_image = s_tile - (label_image == selected_label)

        self.__largest_id += 1
        new_id = self.__largest_id

        full_coords = np.where(label_image > 0)
        full_bb = [

        unselected_image = unselected_image * (
            new_id - self.lookup_label(self.label_id))
        tile = np.add(row_val, unselected_image).astype(np.uint32)
예제 #27
def chromatids_elements(TopHatedChromosome):
    '''Take a High pass filtered (or top hat) image of a chromosome and label the chromatids elements
    threshed = TopHatedChromosome > 0
    #threshed = mh.open(threshed)
    labthres, _ = mh.label(threshed)
    labsz = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labthres)
    mh.labeled.remove_regions_where(labthres, labsz < 2, inplace=True)
    threshed = labthres > 0

    skel2 = mh.thin(threshed)
    bp2 = branchedPoints(skel2, showSE=False) > 0
    rem = np.logical_and(skel2, np.logical_not(bp2))
    labskel, _ = mh.labeled.label(rem)
    #print labskel.dtype
    size_sk = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labskel)
    #print size_sk
    skelem = mh.labeled.remove_regions_where(labskel, size_sk < 4)

    distances = mh.stretch(mh.distance(threshed))
    surface = (distances.max() - distances)
    chr_label = mh.cwatershed(surface, skelem)
    #print chr_label.dtype, type(chr_label)
    chr_label *= threshed

    #This convertion is important !!
    chr_label = chr_label.astype(np.intc)
    mh.labeled.relabel(chr_label, inplace=True)
    labsize2 = mh.labeled.labeled_size(chr_label)
    cleaned = mh.labeled.remove_regions_where(chr_label, labsize2 < 8)
    mh.labeled.relabel(cleaned, inplace=True)
    return cleaned
예제 #28
    def perform_watershed(threshed, maxima):

        distances = mh.stretch(mh.distance(threshed))
        spots, n_spots = mh.label(maxima, Bc=np.ones((3, 3)))
        surface = (distances.max() - distances)

        return sk.morphology.watershed(surface, spots, mask=threshed)
예제 #29
파일: evaluation.py 프로젝트: Rhoana/icon
def run_evaluation_boundary_predictions(network_name):
    pathPrefix = './AC4_small/'
    img_gt_search_string = pathPrefix + 'labels/*.tif'
    img_pred_search_string = pathPrefix + 'boundaryProbabilities/'+network_name+'/*.tif'

    img_files_gt = sorted( glob.glob( img_gt_search_string ) )
    img_files_pred = sorted( glob.glob( img_pred_search_string ) )

    allVI = []
    allVI_split = []
    allVI_merge = []

    allRand = []
    allRand_split = []
    allRand_merge = []

    for i in xrange(np.shape(img_files_pred)[0]):
        print img_files_pred[i]
        im_gt = mahotas.imread(img_files_gt[i])
        im_pred = mahotas.imread(img_files_pred[i])
        im_pred = im_pred / 255.0

        VI_score = []
        VI_score_split = []
        VI_score_merge = []

        Rand_score = []
        Rand_score_split = []
        Rand_score_merge = []
        start_time = time.clock()

        for thresh in np.arange(0,1,0.05):
            # white regions, black boundaries
            im_seg = im_pred>thresh
            # connected components
            seeds, nr_regions = mahotas.label(im_seg)
            result = segmentation_metrics(im_gt, seeds, seq=False)   


        print "This took in seconds: ", time.clock() - start_time


    with open(pathPrefix+network_name+'.pkl', 'wb') as file:
        cPickle.dump((allVI, allVI_split, allVI_merge, allRand, allRand_split, allRand_merge), file)
예제 #30
    def analyze_dapi_hist(self, file):
        Calculates the number of counted cells and their coordinates with histogram
        equalization and Gaussian filter preprocessing.

        file : str
            The path to the image.

            The coordinates of all the cell "centers."
            The number of cells counted in the image.

        img = mh.imread(file)
        imgg = mh.colors.rgb2gray(img)
        imgg = eq.hist_eq(imgg)
        imggf = mh.gaussian_filter(imgg, 7.5).astype(np.uint8)
        rmax = mh.regmax(imggf)
        dapi_seeds, dapi_nuclei = mh.label(rmax)
        dapi_coords = mh.center_of_mass(imgg, labels=dapi_seeds)
        return dapi_coords, dapi_nuclei
예제 #31
def find_concave_regions(mask, max_dist):
    '''Finds convace regions along the contour of `mask`.

    mask: numpy.ndarray[numpy.bool]
        mask image
    max_dist: int
        maximally tolerated distance between concave point on object contour
        and the convex hull
    contour_img = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    contour_img[mask] = 255
    contour_img, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
        contour_img, mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
    concave_img = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    for cnt in contours:
        hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt, returnPoints=False)
        defects = cv2.convexityDefects(cnt, hull)
        if defects is not None:
            defect_pts = np.array([
                cnt[defects[j, 0][2]][0]
                for j in xrange(defects.shape[0])
                if defects[j, 0][3]/float(256) > max_dist
            if defect_pts.size != 0:
                concave_img[defect_pts[:, 1], defect_pts[:, 0]] = True
    return mh.label(concave_img)
예제 #32
def scan(inputfile, verbose, threshold):
   image = mh.imread(inputfile)

   labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(image > threshold) 
   #print "%s has %d blobs" % (inputfile, nr_objects)
   size = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
   # keeping track of total pixels and blob count. 
   # and create a list of blob sizes
   c = 1
   total = 0
   list = []
   while c <= nr_objects:
      total = total + size[c] 
      c = c + 1
   # sort the list of sizes
   # print out the list of sizes
   if verbose == 1:
         i = 1
         for item in list:
            print "[blob %d] %d pixels" % (i, item)  
            i = i + 1
   if verbose == 1:
      print "%s has a total of %d pixels" % (inputfile, total)
   return (nr_objects, total, threshold);
예제 #33
def method2(image, sigma):
    image = mh.imread(image)[:, :, 0]
    image = mh.gaussian_filter(image, sigma)
    image = mh.stretch(image)
    binimage = (image > mh.otsu(image))
    labeled, _ = mh.label(binimage)
    return labeled
예제 #34
def method2(image, sigma):
    image = mh.imread(image)[:, :, 0]
    image = mh.gaussian_filter(image, sigma)
    image = mh.stretch(image)
    binimage = image > mh.otsu(image)
    labeled, _ = mh.label(binimage)
    return labeled
예제 #35
def watershed_adjusted_membranes(img_file_name, img_membrane_file_name):
    print 'reading image ' + img_file_name
    img = mahotas.imread(img_file_name)
    label_img = mahotas.imread(img_membrane_file_name)        
    blur_img = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, 1)

    #put boundaries as either extracellular/unlabeled space or gradient between two labeled regions into one image
    boundaries = label_img==0
    boundaries[0:-1,:] = np.logical_or(boundaries[0:-1,:], np.diff(label_img, axis=0)!=0)
    boundaries[:,0:-1] = np.logical_or(boundaries[:,0:-1], np.diff(label_img, axis=1)!=0)
    #erode to be sure we include at least one membrane
    y,x = np.ogrid[-shrink_radius:shrink_radius+1, -shrink_radius:shrink_radius+1]
    shrink_disc = x*x + y*y <= (shrink_radius ** 2)
    inside = mahotas.dilate(boundaries ==0, shrink_disc)

    #use watersheds to find the actual membranes (sort of)
    seeds = label_img.copy()
    seeds[np.nonzero(inside==0)] = 0
    seeds,_ = mahotas.label(seeds == 0)
    wsImage = 255-np.uint8(scale_to_unit_interval(blur_img)*255)
    grow = mahotas.cwatershed(wsImage, seeds)
    membrane = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    membrane[0:-1,:] = np.diff(grow, axis=0) != 0
    membrane[:,0:-1] = np.logical_or(membrane[:,0:-1], np.diff(grow,axis=1) != 0)

    return np.uint8(membrane*255)
예제 #36
def rm_smallparts(image, celldiam, pmin):
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(image)
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
    too_small = np.where(sizes < (celldiam * celldiam * pmin))
    labeled = mh.labeled.remove_regions(labeled, too_small)
    Image_Current_T = labeled != 0
    return Image_Current_T
예제 #37
    def watershed(self, Ta=0):
        Identification of particles through inverted slope comparisons
        Ta : int
            Threshold value in which the particles will be identified by
        self.Ta = Ta
        dist = mh.distance(self.image > 0.05 * self.Ta)
        dist1 = dist
        dist = dist.max() - dist
        dist -= dist.min()  # inverting color
        dist = dist / float(dist.ptp()) * 255
        dist = dist.astype(np.uint8)
        self.dist = mh.stretch(dist, 0, 255)
        self.labels, self.n_particles = mh.label(self.image > 0.7 * self.Ta)

        thr = np.median(dist)

        # not accurate to particles detected(?)
        # but matches dist graph well
        thresh = (dist < thr)
        areas = 0.9 * mh.cwatershed(dist, self.labels)
        self.areas = areas * thresh
예제 #38
def _distance_transform_seeds(pmap, threshold, start_id):

    distance = mahotas.distance(pmap < threshold)
    maxima = mahotas.regmax(distance)
    seeds, num_seeds = mahotas.label(maxima)
    seeds += start_id
    #seeds[seeds==start_id] = 0 # TODO I don't get this
    return seeds, num_seeds
def _segment(histone):
    markers = np.zeros_like(histone)
    markers[16::32, 16::32] = 1
    markers, _ = mh.label(markers)
    regions = mh.cwatershed(histone.max() - mh.gaussian_filter(histone, 1.2).astype(int), markers)
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(regions.astype(np.intc))
    invalid, = np.where(sizes < 512)
    return mh.labeled.relabel(mh.labeled.remove_regions(regions.astype(np.intc), invalid))
예제 #40
    def maskFromROINumber(self, ROI_number=None):
        if ROI_number is None:
            ROI_mask = self.lastROI()
            ROI_mask = mahotas.label(self.currentMask)[0] == ROI_number

        assert np.any(ROI_mask)
        return ROI_mask
def perfomance_measure(gt_mask, estimated_seed_mask):

    :param gt_mask: ground truth mask
    :param estimated_seed_mask: seed mask generated using any algorithm
    :return: precision and recall values
    est = estimated_seed_mask.reshape(-1,)
    detected_nucleus = collections.Counter(est)
    gt = gt_mask.reshape(-1,)
    groundtruth_nucleus = collections.Counter(gt)
    total_nucleus_pixels = groundtruth_nucleus[50]+groundtruth_nucleus[100]+groundtruth_nucleus[150]+\
    correctly_segmented = float(np.sum(np.logical_and(est > 0, gt > 0)))
    Precision = correctly_segmented/float(detected_nucleus[1])
    Recall = correctly_segmented/float(total_nucleus_pixels)

    est_labeled, est_nr_objects = mh.label(estimated_seed_mask)
    gt_labeled, gt_nr_objects = mh.label(gt_mask)

    property_list = regionprops(gt_labeled)
    for region in property_list:
        area = region.area
        perimeter = region.perimeter
        major_axis_length = region.major_axis_length
        minor_axis_length = region.minor_axis_length
        roundness = ((float(major_axis_length)/2)**2 * math.pi)/area
        solidity = region.solidity
        elongation = minor_axis_length/major_axis_length
        euler_number = region.euler_number
        print '_________________________________'
        print 'solidity', solidity
        print 'euler_number', euler_number
        print 'roundness', roundness
        print 'area', area
        print 'perimeter', perimeter
        print 'major_axis_length', major_axis_length
        print 'minor_axis_length', minor_axis_length
        print 'elongation', elongation
        print 'precision', Precision
        print '_________________________________'
        # bbox = region.bbox
        # temp = estimated_seed_mask[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]]
        # plt.imshow(temp)
        # plt.show()
        return Precision, Recall
예제 #42
def evaluate_classifier_vi_old(imName,
    if classification == None:
        classification = classifyImage_MLP(imName,

    #read the ground truth image
    imTrue = mahotas.imread(imTrueName)

    #compute variation of information
    imTrue = numpy.int32(imTrue.ravel())

    vi = []
    for thresh in thresholds:
        membraneLabels = classification > thresh

        #draw frame to to connect around image border
        membraneLabels = draw_frame(membraneLabels, 11, 1)

        #delete false postive detections inside cells
        membraneLabels, _ = mahotas.label(membraneLabels)
        membraneLabels = remove_small_regions(membraneLabels, 5000)

        #shrink membrane label
        labelImg, nrObjects = mahotas.label(membraneLabels == 0)
        labelImg = region_growing(labelImg)

        #delete regions that are too small
        labelImg = remove_small_regions(labelImg, 30)
        labelImg = region_growing(labelImg)
        labelImg = draw_frame(labelImg, 11, 0)

        if numpy.median(labelImg) == 0:
            print 'Too bad to be evaluated!'
            return numpy.inf

        labelImg = labelImg.ravel()
        vi.append(variation_of_information(imTrue, labelImg))

    return numpy.min(vi)
예제 #43
def watershed(probs, radius):
    if probs.ndim == 3:
        shed = np.zeros(probs.shape)

        for n in xrange(probs.shape[0]):
            sel = disk(radius)
            minima = mh.regmin(probs[n], Bc=sel)
            markers, nr_markers = mh.label(minima)
            shed[n] = mh.cwatershed(probs[n], markers)

        sel = disk(radius)
        minima = mh.regmin(probs, Bc=sel)
        markers, nr_markers = mh.label(minima)
        shed = mh.cwatershed(probs, markers)

    return shed
예제 #44
    def excludePixels(self, image, size_cutoff=1):
        labeled_image = mahotas.label(image)[0]

        for label_id in range(labeled_image.max() + 1):
            label_id_index = labeled_image == label_id
            if label_id_index.sum() <= size_cutoff:
                labeled_image[label_id_index] = 0

        return labeled_image > 0
예제 #45
def segment(fname):
    dna = mh.imread(fname)
    dna = dna[:,:,0]

    sigma = 12.
    dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, sigma)

    T_mean = dnaf.mean()
    bin_image = dnaf > T_mean
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(bin_image)

    maxima = mh.regmax(mh.stretch(dnaf))
    maxima = mh.dilate(maxima, np.ones((5,5)))
    maxima,_ = mh.label(maxima)
    dist = mh.distance(bin_image)
    dist = 255 - mh.stretch(dist)
    watershed = mh.cwatershed(dist, maxima)
    watershed *= bin_image
    return watershed
예제 #46
def test_float_input():
    "[watershed]: Compare floating point input with integer input"
    f = np.random.random((128,64))
    f = mh.gaussian_filter(f, 8.)
    f = mh.gaussian_filter(f, 8.)
    markers,_ = mh.label(mh.regmin(f))
    f = np.round(f * 2**30)
    wf = mh.cwatershed(f / 2**30., markers)
    w32 = mh.cwatershed(f.astype(np.int32), markers)
    assert (wf == w32).mean() > .999
예제 #47
def moment_feats(im):
    thresh = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(im)

    #plt.imshow(im > thresh)

    labeled, seeds = mahotas.label(im > thresh)
    labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)

    features = []
    for seed in range(1, seeds):
        precipitates = (labeled == seed).astype('int')

        m00 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 0)
        m01 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 1)
        m10 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 0)
        m11 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 1)
        m02 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 2)
        m20 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 0)
        #m12 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 2)
        #m21 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 1)
        #m22 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 2)


        xm = m10 / m00
        ym = m01 / m00

        #if m00 < 1e-5:
        #    continue

        #u00 = m00
        u00 = 1.0
        u11 = m11 / m00 - xm * ym
        u20 = m20 / m00 - xm ** 2
        u02 = m02 / m00 - ym ** 2

        w1 = u00**2 / (2.0 * numpy.pi * (u20 + u02))
        w2 = u00**4 / (16.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.pi * (u20 * u02 - u11**2))

        if w1 < 0.0 or w1 > 1.0 or w2 < 0.0 or w2 > 1.0 or numpy.isnan(w1) or numpy.isnan(w2):
            print m00, m01, m10, m11, m02, m20
            print xm
            print ym
            print u00, u11, u20, u02
            print w1, w2

        features.append([numpy.sqrt(m00)])#w1, w2, , u20, u02

    features = numpy.array(features)

    return features
예제 #48
파일: evaluation.py 프로젝트: Rhoana/icon
def Rand_membrane_prob(im_pred, im_gt):
    Rand_score = []
    for thresh in np.arange(0,1,0.05):
        # white regions, black boundaries
        im_seg = im_pred>thresh
        # connected components
        seeds, nr_regions = mahotas.label(im_seg)
        result = quick_Rand(im_gt, seeds)        

    return np.max(Rand_score)
예제 #49
def get_areal_features(root, features_path, masks_dir, n_bins = 100):
    files = os.listdir(root)

    df = pd.DataFrame(columns = range(n_bins * 2) + ['name', 'level'])
    names = pd.read_csv(labels_file)
    print "Starting extraction: ", time_now_str()

    for j, f in enumerate(files):
        label = names.loc[names['image'] == path.splitext(f)[0]]
        start = time.time()
        imr = ImageReader(root, f, masks_dir, gray_scale = True)

        drusen = get_predicted_region(imr.image, Labels.Drusen)
        blood = get_predicted_region(imr.image, Labels.Haemorage)

        Bc = np.ones((5, 5))
        labels_drusen, n_drusen = mh.label(drusen, Bc)
        labels_blood, n_blood = mh.label(blood, Bc)

        area = float(cv2.countNonZero(imr.mask))

        outp = np.array([], dtype = np.int)

        # sizes excluding background
        sizes_drusen = mhl.labeled_size(labels_drusen)[1:] / area
        sizes_blood = mhl.labeled_size(labels_blood)[1:] / area

        hist_druzen, _ = np.histogram(sizes_drusen, n_bins, (0, 1e-3))
        hist_blood, _ = np.histogram(sizes_blood, n_bins, (0, 1e-3))

        outp = np.r_[outp, hist_druzen]
        outp = np.r_[outp, hist_blood]
        outp = np.r_[outp, label.values[0]]
        df.loc[j] = outp
        print "Extracted: {0}, took {1:02.2f} sec ".format(f, time.time() - start)
    # write out the csv
    df.to_csv(path.join(features_path, prefix + ".csv"), index = False, header=True)    
    print "Extracted: ", prefix, "@", time_now_str()
예제 #50
def test_labeled_bbox():
    f = np.random.random((128,128))
    f = f > .8
    f,n = mh.label(f)

    result = mh.labeled.bbox(f)
    result_as = mh.labeled.bbox(f, as_slice=True)
    for _ in range(32):
        ix = np.random.randint(n+1)
        assert np.all(result[ix] == mh.bbox(f == ix))
        assert np.all(result_as[ix] == mh.bbox(f == ix, as_slice=True))
예제 #51
파일: imcore.py 프로젝트: thanasi/imaging
def get_largest_component(im):
    ''' return the largest component of a binary image '''
    assert im.dtype==bool, \
     'need to pass a binary image in (received %s)' % str(im.dtype)
    la = mahotas.label(im)[0]
    sums = ndimage.measurements.sum(la>0, la, range(1,la.max() + 1))
    big_value = np.argmax(sums)+1
    largest = la == big_value
    return largest
예제 #52
def watershedSegment(image, diskSize=20):
    gradmag = gradientMagnitudue(image)

    ## compute foreground markers

    # open image to create flat regions at cell centers
    se_disk = pymorph.sedisk(diskSize) 
    image_opened = mahotas.open(image, se_disk);

    # define foreground markers as regional maxes of cells
    # this step is slow!
    foreground_markers = mahotas.regmax(image_opened)

    ## compute background markers

    # Threshold the image, cast it to the right datatype, and then calculate the distance image
    image_black_white = image_opened > mahotas.otsu(image_opened)
    image_black_white = image_black_white.astype('uint16')

    # note the inversion here- a key difference from the matlab algorithm
    # matlab distance is to nearest non-zero pixel
    # python distance is to nearest 0 pixel
    image_distance = pymorph.to_uint16(nd.distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(image_black_white)))
    eight_conn = pymorph.sebox()

    distance_markers = mahotas.label(mahotas.regmin(image_distance, eight_conn))[0]
    image_dist_wshed, image_dist_wshed_lines =mahotas.cwatershed(image_distance, distance_markers, eight_conn, return_lines=True)
    background_markers = image_distance_watershed_lines - image_black_white

    all_markers = np.logical_or(foreground_markers, background_markers)

    # impose a min on the gradient image.  assumes int64
    gradmag2 = imimposemin(gradmag.astype(int), all_markers, eight_conn)

    # call watershed
    segmented_cells, segmented_cell_lines = mahotas.cwatershed(gradmag2, mahotas.label(all_markers)[0], eight_conn, return_lines=True)

    # seperate watershed regions
    segmented_cells[gradientMagnitudue(segmented_cells) > 0] = 0
    return segmented_cells > 0, segmented_cells
예제 #53
def imagepreprocesslabel(pplimg, pplmangaoptype, pplotsuon, pplsamplethreshold, pplshapeinvertpic):

	#### if whitepores = True, invert the picture
	if ((pplmangaoptype==1) or (pplshapeinvertpic)):
		imgneg = pymorph.neg(pplimg)
		pplimg = imgneg
	####conversion to bin via Otsu
	if (pplotsuon == 1):	
		thresh = threshold_otsu(pplimg)
		imgotsu = pplimg > thresh
		imgtosaveotsu = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(imgotsu*255))

	####conversion to bin via threshad
	if (pplotsuon == 0):
		imgneg = pymorph.neg(pplimg)
		imgbinneg = pymorph.threshad(imgneg, pplsamplethreshold, 255)
		imgbin = pymorph.neg(imgbinneg)
		imgotsu = imgbin
		imgtosaveotsu = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(imgotsu*255))
		imgotsuneg = imgbinneg

	####labeling the Otsu output via mahotas or threshad
	if (pplotsuon == 1):
		imgneg = pymorph.neg(pplimg)
		imgotsuneg = pymorph.neg(imgotsu)
		imglabel, labelnum = mahotas.label(imgotsuneg)
		imgbin = imgotsuneg 
		imgbinneg = imgotsu

	if (pplotsuon == 0):
		imglabel, labelnum = mahotas.label(imgbinneg)

	#print imglabel[974], labelnum
	# print other lines for debugging purposes

	return imglabel, labelnum, imgbin, imgbinneg, pplimg, imgneg, imgotsu, imgtosaveotsu, imgotsuneg
예제 #54
def nuclei_regions(comp_map):
    NUCLEI_REGIONS: extract "support regions" for nuclei. This function
    expects as input a "tissue components map" (as returned, for example,
    by segm.tissue_components) where values of 1 indicate pixels having
    a color corresponding to nuclei.
    It returns a set of compact support regions corresponding to the

    :param comp_map: numpy.ndarray
       A mask identifying different tissue components, as obtained
       by classification in RGB space. The value 0

       See segm.tissue.tissue_components()

    # Deprecated:...
    # img_hem, _ = rgb2he(img0, normalize=True)

    # img_hem = denoise_tv_bregman(img_hem, HE_OPTS['bregm'])

    # Get a mask of nuclei regions by unsupervised clustering:
    # Vector Quantization: background, mid-intensity Hem and high intensity Hem
    # -train the quantizer for 3 levels
    # vq = KMeans(n_clusters=3)
    # vq.fit(img_hem.reshape((-1,1)))
    # -the level of interest is the brightest:
    # k = np.argsort(vq.cluster_centers_.squeeze())[2]
    # mask_hem = (vq.labels_ == k).reshape(img_hem.shape)
    # ...end deprecated

    # Final mask:
    mask = (comp_map == 1)   # use the components classified by color

    # mask = morph.closing(mask, selem=HE_OPTS['strel1'])
    # mask = morph.opening(mask, selem=HE_OPTS['strel1'])
    # morph.remove_small_objects(mask, in_place=True)
    # mask = (mask > 0)

    mask = mahotas.close_holes(mask)
    morph.remove_small_objects(mask, in_place=True)

    dst  = mahotas.stretch(mahotas.distance(mask))
    lmax = mahotas.regmax(dst, Bc=Bc)
    spots, _ = mahotas.label(lmax, Bc=Bc)
    regions = mahotas.cwatershed(lmax.max() - lmax, spots) * mask

    return regions
예제 #55
파일: vsk_utils.py 프로젝트: thouis/icon
def evaluate_classifier_vi_old(imName, imTrueName, thresholds=[0.5], classifier=None, classification=None):
    if classification==None:
        classification = classifyImage_MLP(imName, classifier, None, None, doThresh=False)

    #read the ground truth image
    imTrue = mahotas.imread(imTrueName)

    #compute variation of information
    imTrue = numpy.int32(imTrue.ravel())

    vi = []
    for thresh in thresholds:
        membraneLabels = classification>thresh

    #draw frame to to connect around image border
        membraneLabels = draw_frame(membraneLabels, 11, 1)

    #delete false postive detections inside cells
        membraneLabels, _ = mahotas.label(membraneLabels)
        membraneLabels = remove_small_regions(membraneLabels, 5000)

    #shrink membrane label
        labelImg, nrObjects = mahotas.label(membraneLabels==0)
        labelImg = region_growing(labelImg)
    #delete regions that are too small
        labelImg = remove_small_regions(labelImg, 30)
        labelImg = region_growing(labelImg)
        labelImg = draw_frame(labelImg,11,0)

        if numpy.median(labelImg) == 0:
            print 'Too bad to be evaluated!'
            return numpy.inf

        labelImg = labelImg.ravel()
        vi.append(variation_of_information(imTrue, labelImg))

    return numpy.min(vi)
예제 #56
def peppers():
    # This last image is the peppers.png file
    my_image = mh.imread(filename3)
    T = mh.otsu(my_image)
    b_image = (my_image > T)
    g_image = mh.gaussian_filter(b_image, 15)
    rmax = mh.regmax(g_image)
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(rmax)
    centers = mh.center_of_mass(my_image, labeled)[1:]
    print "The peppers.png file contains ", nr_objects, " objects."
    o = 1
    for center in centers:
        print "Object %s center: [ %s, %s ]"               %(o, round(center[1], 0), round(center[0], 0))
        o = o + 1
예제 #57
 def GetConeCounts(self,region):
     """returns two values, total number of cones and number of cones in current region
     region = (xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin)"""
     if self.ConeCounts.Seeds is None:
         return (None,None)
     seeds = self.ConeCounts.Seeds
     mask = np.ones(self.orgImage.shape,np.bool)
     mask[region[3]:region[2],region[0]:region[1]] = 0
     at_border = np.unique(seeds[mask]) #select seeds falling outside of the borders
     for obj in at_border:
         seeds[seeds == obj] = 0
     [seeds,ncones] = mh.label(seeds)
     return (self.ConeCounts.nPoints,ncones)
예제 #58
    def find_bright_regions(self, thresh = 0.005):
        Finds suspicious bright regions, refines the prediction by:
        - Removing areas of large size: >= image * thresh
        assert( 0 < thresh < 1), "Threshold is in (0, 1)"
        if self._prediction.size == 0:
            self._prediction = self.analyze_image().astype('uint8')

        # mask off OD - assumed to be the largest bright area
        drusen = self.get_predicted_region(Labels.Drusen).astype('uint8')
        drusen [drusen != 0] = 255

        # get blood
        self._blood_vessel_markers = self._blood.detect_vessels(drusen)

        # need to rescale the mask back to original size
        # the mask gets scaled down during haar transform of ExtractBloodVessels
        self._blood_markers = ImageReader.rescale_mask(self.image, self._blood_vessel_markers)

        # mask off blood vessels
        self._prediction [self._blood_markers != 0] = Labels.BloodVessel

        # cutoff area
        area = cv2.countNonZero(self._mask) * thresh

        # get bright regions and combine them
        ods = self.get_predicted_region(Labels.OD)
        drusen = self.get_predicted_region(Labels.Drusen)
        blood = self.get_predicted_region(Labels.Haemorage)
        combined = ods + drusen + blood
        # relabel the combined regions & calculate large removable regions
        # this will remove OD and related effects
        labelled, n = mh.label(combined, Bc = np.ones((5, 5)))
        sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labelled)[1:]
        to_remove = np.argwhere(sizes >= area) + 1        
        # remove large areas from prediction matrix
        for i in to_remove:
            self._prediction [labelled == i] = Labels.Masked

        # morphological opening to remove spurious labels areas
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5))
        self._prediction = cv2.morphologyEx(self._prediction, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

        return self._prediction
예제 #59
def split_profiles_connected_components(img, size_mask=None):

    # Find 2D connected components (non-branching profiles)
    segments = mahotas.labeled.borders(img)==0
    segments[img==0] = 0
    profiles, nprofiles = mahotas.label(segments)

    if size_mask is None:
        profile_sizes = mahotas.labeled.labeled_size(profiles)
        masked_profiles = profiles
        masked_profiles[size_mask] = 0
        profile_sizes = mahotas.labeled.labeled_size(masked_profiles)

    return profiles, nprofiles, profile_sizes