], 'vcards': [_('Location of vcards'), 'dir', 'vcards'], 'event_log': [_('Location of event log'), 'dir', 'logs'], } ], 'lockdown': [_('Demo mode, disallow changes'), bool, False], 'login_banner': [_('A custom banner for the login page'), str, ''], }), 'prefs': p( _("User preferences"), False, { 'num_results': (_('Search results per page'), int, 20), 'rescan_interval': (_('New mail check frequency'), int, 900), 'open_in_browser': (_('Open in browser on startup'), bool, True), 'gpg_clearsign': X(_('Inline PGP signatures or attached'), bool, False), 'gpg_recipient': p(_('Encrypt local data to ...'), 'gpgkeyid', ''), 'gpg_email_key': (_('Attach public key to outgoing messages?'), bool, True), 'openpgp_header': X(_('Advertise GPG preferences in a header?'), ['', 'sign', 'encrypt', 'signencrypt'], 'signencrypt'), 'crypto_policy': X(_('Default encryption policy for outgoing mail'), str, 'none'), 'inline_pgp': (_('Use inline PGP when possible'), bool, True), 'default_order': (_('Default sort order'), str, 'rev-date'), 'obfuscate_index': X(_('Key to use to scramble the index'), str, ''), 'index_encrypted': X(_('Make encrypted content searchable'), bool, False),
'plugins': [_('Plugins to load on startup'), CONFIG_PLUGINS, []], 'path': [_('Locations of assorted data'), False, { 'html_theme': [_('Default theme'), 'dir', os.path.join('mailpile', 'www', 'default')], 'vcards': [_('Location of vcards'), 'dir', 'vcards'], 'event_log': [_('Location of event log'), 'dir', 'logs'], }], 'lockdown': [_('Demo mode, disallow changes'), bool, False], 'login_banner': [_('A custom banner for the login page'), str, ''], }), 'prefs': p(_("User preferences"), False, { 'num_results': (_('Search results per page'), int, 20), 'rescan_interval': (_('New mail check frequency'), int, 900), 'open_in_browser': (_('Open in browser on startup'), bool, True), 'gpg_clearsign': X(_('Inline PGP signatures or attached'), bool, False), 'gpg_recipient': p(_('Encrypt local data to ...'), 'gpgkeyid', ''), 'gpg_email_key': (_('Attach public key to outgoing messages?'), bool, True), 'openpgp_header': X(_('Advertise GPG preferences in a header?'), ['', 'sign', 'encrypt', 'signencrypt'], 'signencrypt'), 'crypto_policy': X(_('Default encryption policy for outgoing mail'), str, 'none'), 'inline_pgp': (_('Use inline PGP when possible'), bool, True), 'default_order': (_('Default sort order'), str, 'rev-date'), 'obfuscate_index': X(_('Key to use to scramble the index'), str, ''), 'index_encrypted': X(_('Make encrypted content searchable'), bool, False), 'encrypt_mail': X(_('Encrypt locally stored mail'), bool, True), 'encrypt_index': X(_('Encrypt the local search index'), bool, False),