def duelstatus(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): """Handle the on/off state of duels in the chat. 1 for turned on, 0 for turned off. If no argument, get the current status. """ # Check command validity if not admin_priv(update, context): raise ResetError reply = 'Ошибка. /adminmenu для справки.' if len(update.message.text.split()) < 3: try: arg = update.message.text.lower().split()[1] except IndexError: arg = None else: update.message.reply_text(reply) return # Work with database status = None if arg in ['on', 'off']: status = 1 if arg == 'on' else 0 Options[Chats[]].duel_active = status elif arg is None: status = Options[Chats[]].duel_active # Generate reply if status == 1: reply = 'Дуэли включены для этого чата.' elif status == 0: reply = 'Дуэли выключены для этого чата.' update.message.reply_text(reply)
def adminmenu(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): """Send the admin menu commands.""" if admin_priv(update, context): from thebot import ONLYADMINCOMMANDS reply = ONLYADMINCOMMANDS[0] + '\n' for command in ONLYADMINCOMMANDS[1:]: reply += f'/{command[0]} - {command[2]};\n' update.message.reply_text(reply) else: raise ResetError
def immunelist(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): """Get the exceptions list.""" # Check command validity if not admin_priv(update, context): raise ResetError query = select( q.user_id.full_name for q in User_Stats if q.chat_id == Chats[] and q.exception == 1)[:] if query: reply = '\n'.join([f'{u[0]}. {u[1]}' for u in enumerate(query, 1)]) else: reply = 'Список пуст.' update.message.reply_text(reply)
def immune(update: Update, context: CallbackContext, reverse: bool = False): """Add user to exceptions.""" # Check command validity if not admin_priv(update, context): raise ResetError if update.message.reply_to_message is not None: tar = update.message.reply_to_message.from_user add = 0 if reverse else 1 User_Stats[Users[], Chats[]].exception = add if add: reply = f'Готово. {tar.full_name} теперь под иммунитетом от задержек!' else: reply = f'Готово. {tar.full_name} теперь не под иммунитетом от задержек!' else: reply = 'Не выбрана цель.' update.message.reply_text(reply)
def leave(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): """Make the bot leave the group, usable only by the admin/dev/creator.""" if admin_priv(update, context): update.message.reply_text("Ну ладно, ухожу \U0001F61E")