def Function(msg, cmd, ln): if "botadded" in cmd[0]: api.sendAdmin(text=lang('alertbotadded', 'service', sudo=True).format( json.dumps(msg['chat'], indent=1), json.dumps(msg['adder'], indent=1)), parse_mode="HTML") return utils.msg_replace_(msg, lang('newGroup', ln)) elif "botremoved" in cmd[0]: api.sendAdmin(text=lang('alertbotremoved', 'service', sudo=True).format( json.dumps(msg['chat'], indent=1), json.dumps(msg['adder'], indent=1)), parse_mode="HTML")
def Function(msg, cmd): if 'sudo' in cmd[0]: if (cmd[1] == 'update'): _all, admin, utility, entertainment = plugins.loadplugins() info = "📟 Updated Plugins: {}".format(_all) return api.sendMessage(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text=info) elif (cmd[1] == 'reboot'): import os, sys, time try: api.sendMessage(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text='Done') finally: time.sleep(0.8) os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv) elif cmd[0] == 'resp': if not msg["reply"]: return "Respond directly to feedback" if not cmd[1]: return 'Write something to respond to feedback' else: input_text = "\n{}\n<b>________________________<\b>\n<b>Sincerely, Support Team.<\b>".format( cmd[1]) msg = msg["reply_to_message"] receiver = msg["forward_from"]["id"] res = api.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], '<b>Reply sent:<\b>{}\n\n'.format(input_text), "HTML") try: api.sendMessage(receiver, input_text, "HTML") except: api.sendMessage( msg["chat"]["id"], 'Oops, the following error occurred: Markdown was used incorrectly!' ) elif 'debug' in cmd[0]: format_ = "<code>{}</code>" if len(cmd) == 2 and cmd[1] == "user" and "reply" in msg: api.sendMessage(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text=format_.format( json.dumps(msg['reply']['from'], indent=1)), parse_mode="HTML") else: api.sendMessage(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text=format_.format(json.dumps(msg, indent=1)), parse_mode="HTML")
def polling(): from methods.methods import METHOD as api api.deleteWebhook() resp = None if 'result' in resp: temp = 0 resp = api.getUpdates(offset=temp, timeout=1000 + l_, allowed_updates='message') temp = resp['result'][0]['update_id'] + 1 resp ="http://localhost:3000/webhook", data=json.dumps(resp['result'][0])) return resp
def Function(msg, cmd, ln): global maintenance if 'sudo' in cmd[0]: if (cmd[1] == 'update'): return api.sendAdmin(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text=lang('updatecommand', 'plugin', sudo=True).format(plugins_())) elif (cmd[1] == 'manut'): config['MAINTENACE'] = True api.sendAdmin(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text="Done") return config['MAINTENACE'] elif (cmd[1] == 'notmanut'): config['MAINTENACE'] = False api.sendAdmin(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text="Done") return config['MAINTENACE'] elif ('shell' in cmd[0]) or ('git' in cmd[0]): text = cmd[1].replace('—', '--') if ('git' in cmd[0]): text = "git {}".format(text) r = utils.bash_(text) if len(r) == 0: r = lang('Shell_Not', 'tools', sudo=True) api.sendAdmin(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text=r) elif 'debug' in cmd[0]: if len(cmd) == 2 and cmd[1] == "user" and "reply" in msg: api.sendAdmin(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text="<code>{}</code>".format( json.dumps(msg['reply']['from'], indent=1)), parse_mode="HTML") else: api.sendAdmin(chat_id=msg['chat']['id'], text="<code>{}</code>".format( json.dumps(msg, indent=1)), parse_mode="HTML")
def handler_(): if request.method == 'GET' and request.path == "/webhook_int": allowed = ["message", "edited_message", "callback_query"] r = api.setWebhook("{}/webhook".format(, max_connections=int(1), allowed_updates=json.dumps(allowed)) resp = lang('started_webhook', 'main', sudo='True').format(r['description']) return Response(response=resp,status=200) elif request.method == 'POST' and request.path == "/webhook": msg = request.get_json(silent=True, force=True) if config['DEBUG_REQUEST'] == True: print(json.dumps(msg, indent=1)) if ('message' in msg) or ('callback_query' in msg) or ('edited_message' in msg): if ('callback_query' in msg): msg = msg['callback_query'] msg['text'] = '###cb: {}'.format(msg['data']) msg['old_text'] = msg['message']['text'] msg['date'] = msg['message']['date'] msg['cb'] = True msg['cb_id'] = msg['id'] msg['message_id'] = msg['message']['message_id'] msg['chat'] = msg['message']['chat'] msg['message'] = None return msg_receive_(msg) elif ('edited_message' in msg): msg['message'] = msg['edited_message'] msg['edited_message'] = None elif ('message' in msg): msg = msg['message'] msg['action'] = True msg['text_action'] = True if 'text' in msg: msg['action'] = "###text" if ("migrate_to_chat_id" in msg) or ('migrate_from_chat_id' in msg): msg['action'] = '###migrate' if ("migrate_from_chat_id" in msg): msg['migrate_to_chat_id'] = msg['migrate_from_chat_id'] msg['old'] = msg['migrate_to_chat_id'] msg['new'] = msg['chat']['id'] return msg_receive_(msg) elif ('new_chat_member' in msg) or ('left_chat_member' in msg) or ('group_chat_created' in msg): msg['service'] = True if ("new_chat_member" in msg): if str(msg['new_chat_member']['id']) == str(config['IDBOT']): msg['action'] = '###botadded' else: msg['action'] = '###added' msg['adder'] = msg['from'] msg['added'] = msg['new_chat_member'] elif ("left_chat_member" in msg): if str(msg['left_chat_member']['id']) == str(config['IDBOT']): msg['action'] = '###botremoved' else: msg['action'] = '###removed' msg['remover'] = msg['from'] msg['removed'] = msg['left_chat_member'] elif ("group_chat_created" in msg): msg['chat_created'] = True msg['adder'] = msg['from'] msg['action'] = '###botadded' return msg_receive_(msg) elif ('forward_from' in msg): if (msg['forward_from']["is_bot"] == True): msg['action'] = '###forwardbot' msg['action'] = '###forward' return msg_receive_(msg) elif ('reply_to_message' in msg): msg['action'] = "###reply" msg['reply'] = msg["reply_to_message"] if ("caption" in msg['reply']): msg['text'] = msg['reply']['caption'] return msg_receive_(msg) elif ('pinned_message' in msg): msg['action'] = "###pinned_message" msg['text'] = msg['pinned_message']['text'] return msg_receive_(msg) elif ('photo' in msg) or ('video' in msg) or ('document' in msg) or ('voice' in msg) or ('audio' in msg) or ('sticker' in msg) or ('entities' in msg): if ('photo' in msg):msg['action'] = "###Photo" elif ('sticker' in msg):msg['action'] = "###Sticker" elif ('voice' in msg):msg['action'] = "###Voice" elif ('audio' in msg):msg['action'] = "###Audio" elif ('video' in msg):msg['action'] = "###Video" elif ('contact' in msg):msg['action'] = "###contact" elif ('document' in msg and msg['document']['mime_type']): document = msg['document']['mime_type'] if (document == "video/mp4"):msg['action'] = "###gif" elif (document == "application/x-bittorrent"):msg['action'] = "###pdf_file" elif (document == "application/"):msg['action'] = "###app" elif (document == "application/x-rar"):msg['action'] = "###rar_file" elif (document == "application/x-zip"):msg['action'] = "###zip_file" elif (document == "text/x-python"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_python" elif (document == "text/plain"):msg['action'] = "###text_file" elif (document == "application/x-shellscript"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_shell" elif (document == "text/x-lua"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_lua" elif (document == "text/html"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_HTML" elif (document == "application/json"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_JSON" elif (document == "application/javascript"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_JavaScript" elif (document == "application/octet-stream"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_octet-stream" elif (document == "text/markdown"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_Markdown" elif (document == "application/x-yaml"):msg['action'] = "###script_in_yaml." else:msg['action'] = "###file" elif ('entities' in msg): if (msg['entities'][0]['type'] == "url"): msg['action'] = '###url' elif (msg['entities'][0]['type'] == "mention"): msg['action'] = '###mention' elif (msg['entities'][0]['type'] == "bot_command"): msg['action'] = '###bot_command' msg['text'] = msg['text'].replace("@{}".format(config['USERNAMEBOT']),'') return msg_receive_(msg) else: msg_receive_(msg)