예제 #1
파일: index.py 프로젝트: alexdiao/3805
def itemlist(request,page=1):
    #itemlists = ItemList.objects.raw('select i.* from main_itemlist as i, main_user_user as uu\
    #            where uu.follower_id=%s and uu.followed_id=i.creator_id' % request.user.pk)
    itemlists = list(ItemList.objects.all())
    itemlists.sort(key=lambda x: ((x.follower_count + x.item_count) / 
                    (abs(datetime.now() -x.create_date).days *24 + abs(datetime.now() -x.create_date).seconds/3600 + 2) ** 1.8), reverse=True )
    itemlists_id = ''
    for i in itemlists:
        itemlists_id += str(i.id) + ','
    topics_of_itemlist_dict = get_topics_of_itemlist(itemlists_id[:-1])
    return render_to_response('main/index_itemlist.html', {'page_type':'index_itemlist',
                              'itemlists':itemlists, 'topics_of_itemlist_dict':topics_of_itemlist_dict},
예제 #2
파일: discover.py 프로젝트: alexdiao/3805
def discover(request):
    Displays top 10 tags and top items
    topics = Topic.objects.all().order_by('-follower_count')[:17]
    items = Item.objects.all().order_by('-share_count')[:70]
    top_70_item_list = []
    len_items = len(items)
    for i in range(10, len_items):
        if i < len_items:
    feeds_id_10 = ''
    for f in items[:10]:
        feeds_id_10 += str(f.id) + ','
    feeds_id_10 = feeds_id_10[:-1]
    topics_of_item_dict = get_topics_of_item(feeds_id_10, request.user.pk)
    friends_of_item_dict = get_friends_of_item(feeds_id_10, request.user.pk)
    user_item_status_dict = get_user_items(feeds_id_10, request.user.pk)
    itemlists = ItemList.objects.all().order_by('-follower_count')
    itemlists_id = ''
    for i in itemlists:
        itemlists_id += str(i.id) + ','
    topics_of_itemlist_dict = get_topics_of_itemlist(itemlists_id[:-1])
    return render_to_response('main/discover/discover.html', {'topics':topics,'items':items[:10],
                                                  'itemlists':itemlists, 'topics_of_itemlist_dict':topics_of_itemlist_dict },    
예제 #3
파일: topic.py 프로젝트: alexdiao/3805
def topic(request, topic_id, type=0, redirect_from_id=0):
    Renders topic page
      type =
        0: Display all recent items
        1: Display hot items under this topic
    type = int(type)
    if type != 0 and type != 1 and type != 2:
        raise Http404
    topic = Topic.objects.get(pk=topic_id)
    if topic.merged_to_id:
        return redirect("main.views.topic.topic", topic.merged_to_id, 0, topic.pk)
    if redirect_from_id:
        redirect_from_topic = Topic.objects.get(pk=redirect_from_id)
        redirect_from_topic = None          
    topic_childs = Topic.objects.raw('select t.* from main_topic as t, main_topic_parent as tp where\
                                     tp.parent_id= %s and tp.topic_id=t.id' % topic_id)
    topic_parents = Topic_Parent.objects.filter(topic__id=topic_id, parent_deleted=False)
    #topic_experts = Profile.objects.raw('select p.* from main_profile as p, main_user_topic_fame as utf \
    #                                    where score>0 and utf.topic_id=%s and p.user_id=utf.user_id \
    #                                    order by score desc limit 0,5' % topic.pk)
    user_topic = User_Topic.objects.filter(user__pk=request.user.pk, topic__pk=topic_id)
        topic_bio = user_topic[0].topic_bio
        already_followed = True
        topic_bio = ''
        already_followed = False
    deleted = topic.deleted
    merged_to_id = topic.merged_to_id
    image_form = ImageForm()
    if type == 0:
        items = Item.objects.raw('select i.* \
                                  from main_item as i inner join \
                                  (select * from main_item_topic where topic_id= %s ) as it \
                                  on i.id=it.item_id and i.deleted=0 \
                                  order by create_date desc limit 0,20' % topic_id)
        #Not used for now: Use memcached; RawQuerySet must be converted to list before stored in memcached
#        cache_key = 't_' + topic_id + '_recent_items'
#        cache_time = 1800 # 30 min to live
#        items = cache.get(cache_key)
#        if not items:
#            items = Item.objects.raw('select i.* \
#                                  from main_item as i inner join \
#                                  (select * from main_item_topic where topic_id= %s ) as it \
#                                  on i.id=it.item_id and i.deleted=0 \
#                                  order by create_date desc limit 0,20' % topic_id )
#            cache.set(cache_key, list(items), cache_time)
    elif type == 1:
        items = Item.objects.raw('select i.* \
                                      from main_item as i inner join \
                                      (select * from main_topic_hot_item where topic_id= %s ) as thi \
                                      on i.id=thi.item_id and i.deleted=0 \
                                      order by share_count desc' % topic_id)
    else: #type=2, display itemlists under this topic
        itemlists = ItemList.objects.raw('select i.* \
                                  from main_itemlist as i inner join \
                                  (select * from main_itemlist_topic where topic_id= %s ) as it \
                                  on i.id=it.itemlist_id \
                                  order by i.follower_count desc limit 0,20' % topic_id)
    context_dict = {'topic':topic, 'type':type, 'redirect_from_id':redirect_from_id,
                    'redirect_from_topic':redirect_from_topic, 'topic_parents':topic_parents, 
                    'topic_childs':topic_childs, 'image_form':image_form,
                    'deleted':deleted, 'merged_to_id':merged_to_id,
    if type == 0 or type == 1:
        items = list(items)
        feeds_id_10 = ','.join([str(i.id) for i in items[:10]])
        topics_of_item_dict = get_topics_of_item(feeds_id_10, request.user.pk)
        friends_of_item_dict = get_friends_of_item(feeds_id_10, request.user.pk)
        user_item_status_dict = get_user_items(feeds_id_10, request.user.pk)
        top_70_item_list = []
        for i in range(10, 69):
            if i < len(items):
        #        cache_key = 't_' + topic_id + '_hot_items'
        #        cache_time = 1800 # 30 min to live
        #        items = cache.get(cache_key)
        #        if not items:
        #            items = Item.objects.raw('select i.* \
        #                                      from main_item as i inner join \
        #                                      (select * from main_topic_hot_item where topic_id= %s ) as thi \
        #                                      on i.id=thi.item_id and i.deleted=0 \
        #                                      order by share_count desc limit 0,20' % topic_id )
        #            cache.set(cache_key, list(items), cache_time)
        context_dict['items'] = items[:10]
        context_dict['topics_of_item_dict'] = topics_of_item_dict
        context_dict['friends_of_item_dict'] = friends_of_item_dict
        context_dict['user_item_status_dict'] = user_item_status_dict
        context_dict['top_70_item_list'] = top_70_item_list
    else: #for itemlist    
        context_dict['itemlists'] = itemlists
        itemlists_id = ''
        for i in itemlists:
            itemlists_id += str(i.id) + ','
        topics_of_itemlist_dict = get_topics_of_itemlist(itemlists_id[:-1])
        context_dict['topics_of_itemlist_dict'] = topics_of_itemlist_dict    
    return render_to_response('main/topic/topic.html', context_dict,