예제 #1
def asm(args):
    """Generate the ASM for string tables.

    This operation needs to be performed once, plus 

    Generated ASM will be printed to console. This portion of the script is
    intended to be piped into a file."""

    charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap)
    tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames)

    for table in tablenames:
        print('SECTION "' + table["symbol"] + ' Section", ' +
                  mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"])))
        print(table["symbol"] + '::')
        print('\tINCBIN "' +
              os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]).replace("\\", "/") +
        print(table["symbol"] + '_END')
예제 #2
def rip_msprite_mtable(rom, offset=0x094D, count=9):
    """Rip an entire ROM's metasprite data."""
    cloc = rom.tell()

    #The metasprite metatable is oddly organized here.
    #Banks in one place, pointers in the other.
    banks = []
    ptrs = []

    for i in range(0, count):

    for i in range(0, count):

    asmsrc = "SECTION \"MetaSprite metatable\", " + format_sectionaddr_rom(
        offset) + "\n"
    asmsrc += "MetaspriteBankMetatable::\n"

    for bank in banks:
        asmsrc += "    db BANK(MetaSprite_" + "{0:x}".format(bank) + ")\n"

    asmsrc += "MetaspriteAddressMetatable::\n"

    for bank, ptr in zip(banks, ptrs):
        asmsrc += "    dw MetaSprite_" + "{0:x}".format(bank) + "\n"

    asmsrc += "\n"

    files = {}
    for bank, ptr in zip(banks, ptrs):
        table_asmsrc, table_files = rip_msprite_table(rom, flat(bank, ptr))

        asmsrc += table_asmsrc + "\n"

    return (asmsrc, files)
예제 #3
def decompress_bank(rom, offset=None):
    """Decompress an entire table of compressed data.
    First return value is an array of data, individual data items match the
    return value of decompress_tilemap. Data is ordered in the same order that
    the ROM orders it. Second return value is the extracted table, represented
    as indexes into the data array.
    If offset is given, ROM will be read from that position. Your existing ROM
    position will be preserved."""

    if offset is None:
        offset = rom.tell()

    last = rom.tell()

    ret_dat = []
    order_dat = []

    ptr_table = []  #List of PTRs as specified in the table
    ptr_data = []  #List of PTRs containing data, some unused
    ptr_data_org = {}  #Decompressed data
    ptr_data_index = {}

    #The table consists of multiple pointers followed immediately by compressed
    #tilemap data. There is no explicit length, so we discover the length of
    #the pointer table by reading and decompressing pointers until we overrun
    #already-decompressed data. Oh, and they don't come in a specified order
    first_data_ptr = 0xFFFF
    last_data_ptr = 0x0000
    last_ptr = None
    start_ptr, this_bank = mainscript_text.banked(offset)

    #Extract the table first.
    while mainscript_text.banked(rom.tell())[0] < first_data_ptr:
        this_ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack(rom.read(2))[0]

        if this_ptr <= first_data_ptr:
            first_data_ptr = this_ptr

        if last_data_ptr <= this_ptr:
            last_data_ptr = this_ptr

    #Extract the data second
    this_ptr = first_data_ptr
    while this_ptr <= last_data_ptr:
        decomp_data, decomp_len = decompress_tilemap(
            rom, mainscript_text.flat(this_bank, this_ptr))
        ptr_data_org[this_ptr] = decomp_data

        this_ptr += decomp_len

    #Resolve PTRs into numerical indexes and return them.
    for data_index, data_ptr in enumerate(ptr_data):
        ptr_data_index[data_ptr] = data_index

    for table_index, table_ptr in enumerate(ptr_table):

    return ret_dat, order_dat
예제 #4
def make_tbl(args):
    charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap)
    tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames)
    for table in tablenames:
        #Indexes are compiled in a second pass
        if table["format"] == "index":
        #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there
        if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames:
        print("Compiling " + table["filename"])
        #Open and parse the data
        with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
            csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            headers = None
            rows = []
            for row in csvreader:
                if headers is None:
                    headers = row

        #Determine what column we want
        index_col = headers.index("#")
            str_col = headers.index(args.language)
        except ValueError:
            str_col = index_col
        #Pack our strings
        packed_strings = []
        baseaddr = table["baseaddr"]
        entries = []
        reverse_entries = {}
        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            if str_col >= len(row):
                print("WARNING: ROW {} IS MISSING IT'S TEXT!!!".format(i))
            packed = mainscript_text.pack_text(row[str_col], specials, charmap[0], None, args.window_width, 1, memory_widths, True)
            if "stride" in table:
                if len(packed) > table["stride"]:
                    print("WARNING: Row {} is too long for the current string table stride of {} in table {}.".format(i, table["stride"], table["filename"]))
                    packed = packed[0:table["stride"]]
                    #Pad the string out with E0s.
                    packed = packed + bytes([0xE0] * (table["stride"] - len(packed)))
            elif b"\xe0" not in packed:
                #Any data beyond an E0 is understood to be trash bytes; thus,
                #it does not recieve the implicit terminator.
                packed = packed + b"\xe0"
            reverse_entries[mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr)] = len(entries)
            entries.append(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr))
            baseaddr += len(packed)
        #Save these for later
        table["entries"] = entries
        table["reverse_entries"] = reverse_entries
        #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here!
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]))):
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"])))
        with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile:
            for line in packed_strings:
    for table in tablenames:
        #Now's the time to compile indexes
        if table["format"] != "index":
        #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there
        if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames:
        print("Compiling " + table["filename"])
        foreign_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["entries"]
        packed_strings = []
        entries = []
        reverse_entries = {}
        #Open and parse the data
        with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
            csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            for row in csvreader:
                for cell in row:
                    packed_strings.append(mainscript_text.PTR.pack(foreign_ptrs[int(cell, 10) - 1] % 0x4000 + 0x4000))
        #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here!
        with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile:
            for line in packed_strings:
예제 #5
def extract(args):
    charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap)
    tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames)

    with open(args.rom, 'rb') as rom:
        #Extract a list of pointers each index is expecting
        #This is used for trash byte detection later
        for table in tablenames:
            if table["format"] != "index":
                all_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["expected_ptrs"]
            except KeyError:
                all_ptrs = []
            rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"]))
            for i in range(table["count"]):
                ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack(rom.read(2))[0]
                addr = mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], ptr)
                if addr not in all_ptrs:
            tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["expected_ptrs"] = all_ptrs
        for table in tablenames:
            #Indexes are extracted in a second pass
            if table["format"] == "index":
            entries = []
            reverse_entries = {}
                expected_ptrs = table["expected_ptrs"]
            except KeyError:
                expected_ptrs = None

            csvdir = os.path.join(args.input, table["basedir"])
            csvpath = os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"])

            with open(csvpath, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as table_csvfile:
                csvwriter = csv.writer(table_csvfile)
                csvwriter.writerow(["#", args.language])

                if table["format"] == "table":
                    for i in range(table["count"]):
                        rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"] + i * table["stride"]))
                        reverse_entries[rom.tell()] = len(entries)
                        data = extract_string(rom, charmap, table["stride"], expected_ptrs).encode("utf-8")
                        idx = "{0}".format(i + 1).encode("utf-8")
                        csvwriter.writerow([idx, data])
                elif table["format"] == "block":
                    rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"]))
                    for i in range(table["count"]):
                        reverse_entries[rom.tell()] = len(entries)
                        data = extract_string(rom, charmap, None, expected_ptrs).encode("utf-8")
                        idx = "{0}".format(i + 1).encode("utf-8")
                        csvwriter.writerow([idx, data])

            #Save these for later
            table["entries"] = entries
            table["reverse_entries"] = reverse_entries

        #OK, now we can extract the indexes
        for table in tablenames:
            if table["format"] != "index":

            foreign_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["reverse_entries"]
            rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"]))
            csvdir = os.path.join(args.input, table["basedir"])
            csvpath = os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"])
            with open(csvpath, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as table_csvfile:
                csvwriter = csv.writer(table_csvfile)
                pretty_row_length = math.ceil(math.sqrt(table["count"]))
                cur_row = []

                for i in range(table["count"]):
                    ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack(rom.read(2))[0]
                    addr = mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], ptr)
                    cur_row.append("{0}".format(foreign_ptrs[addr] + 1).encode("utf-8"))
                    if len(cur_row) >= pretty_row_length:
                        cur_row = []

                if len(cur_row) > 0:
예제 #6
def rip_msprite_table(rom, offset=None):
    """Given a ROM and an offset, rip a metatable of metasprites. Ripped data
    will be returned as an array of ASM and a dict listing files to save."""

    cloc = rom.tell()
    if offset is not None:
        offset = cloc

    table_ptr, bank = banked(offset)

    ptrs = []
    end = 0x7FFF
    cur = table_ptr

    table_ptr_list = []
    ripped_sprites = {}

    while cur < end:
        offset_ptr = PTR.unpack(rom.read(2))[0]

        cur += 2
        end = min(offset_ptr, end)

        if offset_ptr not in list(ripped_sprites.keys()):
                ripped_sprites[offset_ptr] = rip_msprite(
                    rom, flat(bank, offset_ptr))
            except KeyError:
                #If a metasprite points at undecipherable data, assume it's a
                #dummy pointer and don't generate a metasprite for it, since
                #it's clearly run off the end of the table.

                ripped_sprites[offset_ptr] = []


    #Now that we have the tables and their data, generate the ASM for it...
    data_asmsrc = ""
    table_asmsrc = ""
    files = {}

    table_symbol = "MetaSprite_" + "{0:x}".format(bank)

    table_asmsrc += "SECTION \"" + table_symbol + "\", ROMX[$" + "{0:x}".format(
        table_ptr) + "], BANK[$" + "{0:x}".format(bank) + "]\n"
    table_asmsrc += table_symbol + "::\n"

    sorted_ptrs = list(ripped_sprites.keys())
    last_ptrkey_end = 0x0000

    for ptrkey in sorted_ptrs:
        val = ripped_sprites[ptrkey]

        symbol = table_symbol + "_" + "{0:x}".format(ptrkey)
        file = "gfx/unknown/metasprite_" + "{0:x}".format(
            bank) + "/" + "{0:x}".format(ptrkey) + ".sprite.csv"
        binfile = "gfx/unknown/metasprite_" + "{0:x}".format(
            bank) + "/" + "{0:x}".format(ptrkey) + ".sprite.bin"

        if last_ptrkey_end != ptrkey:
            data_asmsrc += "SECTION \"" + symbol + "\", ROMX[$" + "{0:x}".format(
                ptrkey) + "], BANK[$" + "{0:x}".format(bank) + "]\n"

        data_asmsrc += symbol + "::\n"

        #ASSUMPTION: All 0 size metasprites are dummy pointers
        if len(val) > 0:
            data_asmsrc += "    INCBIN \"" + binfile + "\"\n"
        data_asmsrc += symbol + "_END::\n"

        files[file] = "X,Y,Tile Offset,Attribute Mixing,Attributes\n"
        for spritecfg in val:
            files[file] += "{0:x},{1:x},{2:x},{3},{4:x}\n".format(
                spritecfg['x'], spritecfg['y'], spritecfg['tile'],
                spritecfg['attrib_mode'], spritecfg['attribs'])

        last_ptrkey_end = ptrkey + 1 + len(val) * 5

    for ptr in table_ptr_list:
        symbol = table_symbol + "_" + "{0:x}".format(ptr)

        table_asmsrc += "    dw " + symbol + "\n"

    asm_src = table_asmsrc + "\n" + data_asmsrc

    return (asm_src, files)
예제 #7
def make_tbl(args):
    charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap)
    tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames)
    for table in tablenames:
        #Indexes are compiled in a second pass
        if table["format"] == "index":
        #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there
        if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames:
        print("Compiling " + table["filename"])
        #Open and parse the data
        with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
            csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            headers = None
            rows = []
            for row in csvreader:
                if headers is None:
                    headers = row

        #Determine what column we want
        index_col = headers.index("#")
            str_col = headers.index(args.language)
        except ValueError:
            str_col = index_col
        #Pack our strings
        packed_strings = []
        baseaddr = table["baseaddr"]
        entries = []
        reverse_entries = {}
        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            if str_col >= len(row):
                print("WARNING: ROW {} IS MISSING IT'S TEXT!!!".format(i))
            packed = mainscript_text.pack_text(row[str_col], specials, charmap[0], None, args.window_width, 1, memory_widths, True)
            if "stride" in table:
                if len(packed) > table["stride"]:
                    print("WARNING: Row {} is too long for the current string table stride of {} in table {}.".format(i, table["stride"], table["filename"]))
                    packed = packed[0:table["stride"]]
                    #Pad the string out with E0s.
                    packed = packed + bytes([0xE0] * (table["stride"] - len(packed)))
            elif b"\xe0" not in packed:
                #Any data beyond an E0 is understood to be trash bytes; thus,
                #it does not recieve the implicit terminator.
                packed = packed + b"\xe0"
            reverse_entries[mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr)] = len(entries)
            entries.append(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr))
            baseaddr += len(packed)
        #Save these for later
        table["entries"] = entries
        table["reverse_entries"] = reverse_entries
        #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here!
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]))):
                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"])))
            except FileExistsError:
        with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile:
            for line in packed_strings:
    for table in tablenames:
        #Now's the time to compile indexes
        if table["format"] != "index":
        #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there
        if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames:
        print("Compiling " + table["filename"])
        foreign_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["entries"]
        packed_strings = []
        entries = []
        reverse_entries = {}
        #Open and parse the data
        with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
            csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            for row in csvreader:
                for cell in row:
                    packed_strings.append(mainscript_text.PTR.pack(foreign_ptrs[int(cell, 10) - 1] % 0x4000 + 0x4000))
        #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here!
        with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile:
            for line in packed_strings:
예제 #8
def asm(args):
    """Generate the ASM for string tables.

    This operation needs to be performed once, plus 

    Generated ASM will be printed to console. This portion of the script is
    intended to be piped into a file."""

    charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap)
    tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames)
    for table in tablenames:
        print('SECTION "' + table["symbol"] + ' Section", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"])))
        print(table["symbol"] + '::')
        print('\tINCBIN "' + os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]).replace("\\", "/") + '"')
        print(table["symbol"] + '_END')
예제 #9
def extract(args):
    charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap)
    tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames)

    with open(args.rom, 'rb') as rom:
        #Extract a list of pointers each index is expecting
        #This is used for trash byte detection later
        for table in tablenames:
            if table["format"] != "index":
                all_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["expected_ptrs"]
            except KeyError:
                all_ptrs = []
            rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"]))
            for i in range(table["count"]):
                ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack(rom.read(2))[0]
                addr = mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], ptr)
                if addr not in all_ptrs:
            tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["expected_ptrs"] = all_ptrs
        for table in tablenames:
            #Indexes are extracted in a second pass
            if table["format"] == "index":
            entries = []
            reverse_entries = {}
                expected_ptrs = table["expected_ptrs"]
            except KeyError:
                expected_ptrs = None

            csvdir = os.path.join(args.input, table["basedir"])
            csvpath = os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"])

            with open(csvpath, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as table_csvfile:
                csvwriter = csv.writer(table_csvfile)
                csvwriter.writerow(["#", args.language])

                if table["format"] == "table":
                    for i in range(table["count"]):
                        rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"] + i * table["stride"]))
                        reverse_entries[rom.tell()] = len(entries)
                        data = extract_string(rom, charmap, table["stride"], expected_ptrs).encode("utf-8")
                        idx = "{0}".format(i + 1).encode("utf-8")
                        csvwriter.writerow([idx, data])
                elif table["format"] == "block":
                    rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"]))
                    for i in range(table["count"]):
                        reverse_entries[rom.tell()] = len(entries)
                        data = extract_string(rom, charmap, None, expected_ptrs).encode("utf-8")
                        idx = "{0}".format(i + 1).encode("utf-8")
                        csvwriter.writerow([idx, data])

            #Save these for later
            table["entries"] = entries
            table["reverse_entries"] = reverse_entries

        #OK, now we can extract the indexes
        for table in tablenames:
            if table["format"] != "index":

            foreign_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["reverse_entries"]
            rom.seek(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"]))
            csvdir = os.path.join(args.input, table["basedir"])
            csvpath = os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"])
            with open(csvpath, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as table_csvfile:
                csvwriter = csv.writer(table_csvfile)
                pretty_row_length = math.ceil(math.sqrt(table["count"]))
                cur_row = []

                for i in range(table["count"]):
                    ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack(rom.read(2))[0]
                    addr = mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], ptr)
                    cur_row.append("{0}".format(foreign_ptrs[addr] + 1).encode("utf-8"))
                    if len(cur_row) >= pretty_row_length:
                        cur_row = []

                if len(cur_row) > 0:
예제 #10
def decompress_bank(rom, offset=None):
    """Decompress an entire table of compressed data.
    First return value is an array of data, individual data items match the
    return value of decompress_tilemap. Data is ordered in the same order that
    the ROM orders it. Second return value is the extracted table, represented
    as indexes into the data array.
    If offset is given, ROM will be read from that position. Your existing ROM
    position will be preserved."""
    if offset is None:
        offset = rom.tell()
    last = rom.tell()
    ret_dat = []
    order_dat = []
    ptr_table = [] #List of PTRs as specified in the table
    ptr_data = [] #List of PTRs containing data, some unused
    ptr_data_org = {} #Decompressed data
    ptr_data_index = {}
    #The table consists of multiple pointers followed immediately by compressed
    #tilemap data. There is no explicit length, so we discover the length of
    #the pointer table by reading and decompressing pointers until we overrun
    #already-decompressed data. Oh, and they don't come in a specified order
    first_data_ptr = 0xFFFF
    last_data_ptr = 0x0000
    last_ptr = None
    start_ptr, this_bank = mainscript_text.banked(offset)
    #Extract the table first.
    while mainscript_text.banked(rom.tell())[0] < first_data_ptr:
        this_ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack(rom.read(2))[0]
        if this_ptr <= first_data_ptr:
            first_data_ptr = this_ptr
        if last_data_ptr <= this_ptr:
            last_data_ptr = this_ptr
    #Extract the data second
    this_ptr = first_data_ptr
    while this_ptr <= last_data_ptr:
        decomp_data, decomp_len = decompress_tilemap(rom, mainscript_text.flat(this_bank, this_ptr))
        ptr_data_org[this_ptr] = decomp_data
        this_ptr += decomp_len
    #Resolve PTRs into numerical indexes and return them.
    for data_index, data_ptr in enumerate(ptr_data):
        ptr_data_index[data_ptr] = data_index
    for table_index, table_ptr in enumerate(ptr_table):
    return ret_dat, order_dat