예제 #1
def _PythonToCtype(data, c_type):
    """Populate a ctypes data type with a Python structure."""
    if c_type is actuator_util.Vec3:
        # Handle Vec3.
        assert len(data) == 3
        c_data = c_type()
        c_data.x = data[0]
        c_data.y = data[1]
        c_data.z = data[2]
        return c_data
    elif hasattr(c_type, '_length_'):
        # Handle arrays.
        length = getattr(c_type, '_length_')
        assert len(data) == length

        c_data = c_type()
        for i in range(length):
            c_data[i] = _PythonToCtype(data[i], getattr(c_type, '_type_'))

    elif hasattr(c_type, '_fields_'):
        # Handle structures.
        fields = autogen_util.GetCFields(c_type)
        assert set(data.keys()) == {field for field, _ in fields}

        c_data = c_type()
        for field, field_type in fields:
            setattr(c_data, field, _PythonToCtype(data[field], field_type))

        c_data = c_type(data)

    return c_data
예제 #2
파일: pack.py 프로젝트: yhppark902/makani
def FindChildTypes(parent):
  """Return name of all the substructures on which a parent struct depends."""
  struct_lst = []
  ctype_lst = []
  for _, field_type in autogen_util.GetCFields(parent):
    if isinstance(field_type, type(ctypes.Array)):
      t = field_type()._type_
      t = field_type
    if isinstance(t, type(ctypes.Structure)):
      slst, clst = FindChildTypes(t)
      struct_lst += slst
      ctype_lst += clst
    # Matches any of the fundamental c types
    elif isinstance(t, type(ctypes.c_double)):
  return struct_lst, ctype_lst
예제 #3
파일: pack.py 프로젝트: yhppark902/makani
def WritePackFunc(f, s, is_static, name=None):
  """Writes a pack function."""
  if not name:
    name = ConvTypeToStr(s)[0]
          '\n%ssize_t %s(const %s *in, size_t num, uint8_t *out) {'
          '\n  size_t byte_ind = 0U, elmt_ind;'
          '\n  for (elmt_ind = 0U; elmt_ind < num; ++elmt_ind) {'
          % (GetStaticStr(is_static), GenPackFuncName(name),
  for field_name, field_type in autogen_util.GetCFields(s):
    type_str, num, dim = ConvTypeToStr(field_type)
    if field_name in s._enums_:
      type_str = s._enums_[field_name]
    f.write('\n    byte_ind += %s(&in[elmt_ind].%s%s, %d, &out[byte_ind]);'
            % (GenPackFuncName(type_str), field_name, '[0]'*dim, num))
  f.write('\n  }'
          '\n  return byte_ind;'
예제 #4
파일: pack.py 프로젝트: yhppark902/makani
def GetTypePackedSize(t):
  if isinstance(t, type(ctypes.c_double)):
    if t == ctypes.c_double:
      return 8
    elif t == ctypes.c_float:
      return 4
    elif t == ctypes.c_int8:
      return 1
    elif t == ctypes.c_int16:
      return 2
    elif t == ctypes.c_int32:
      return 4
    elif t == ctypes.c_int64:
      return 8
    elif t == ctypes.c_int:
      return 4
    elif t == ctypes.c_uint8:
      return 1
    elif t == ctypes.c_uint16:
      return 2
    elif t == ctypes.c_uint32:
      return 4
    elif t == ctypes.c_uint64:
      return 8
    elif t == ctypes.c_uint:
      return 4
    elif t == ctypes.c_char:
      return 1
    elif t == ctypes.c_bool:
      return 1
      raise ValueError('Unrecognized type: %s' % t)
  elif isinstance(t, type(ctypes.Structure)):
    num_bytes = 0
    for (_, field_type) in autogen_util.GetCFields(t):
      num_bytes += GetTypePackedSize(field_type)
    return num_bytes
  elif isinstance(t, type(ctypes.Array)):
    return GetTypePackedSize(t()._type_) * len(t())
    raise ValueError('Unrecognized type: %s' % t)
예제 #5
def GetRequiredTypes(t):
    """Get types whose loading functions are required to load a given type.

    t: A type.

    A set of types whose loading functions are required to implement
    the loading function for t.
    types = set()
    if _IsArrayType(t):
        scalar_type = _ArrayCTypeScalarType(t)
        types = {scalar_type}
        types = types.union(GetRequiredTypes(scalar_type))
    elif _IsStructType(t):
        fields = autogen_util.GetCFields(t)
        types = {f_type for (_, f_type) in fields}
        types = types.union(
            *[GetRequiredTypes(f_type) for (_, f_type) in fields])

    return types
예제 #6
  def _MessageStructToDtype(ctype):
    """Construct a numpy dtype from a ctypes type.

    This function exists because numpy's dtype constructor squeezes
    multidimensional arrays and converts ctypes.c_char to length one
    strings (see see b/26933384).

    This function does not respect the underlying ctype's alignment.
    In the context of _MessageStructToH5T this is fine, as we later
    pack the structure.

      ctype: Type to convert.

      A numpy.dtype.  This type may not have the correct offsets.

      InvalidCtypeException: if a type is encountered that isn't a
          Structure, Array, c_char, or a member of the _ALLOWED_BASIC_CTYPES.
    if isinstance(ctype, type(ctypes.Structure)):
      names, fields = zip(*autogen_util.GetCFields(ctype))
      field_dtypes = [_MessageStructToDtype(f) for f in fields]
      return numpy.dtype(zip(names, field_dtypes))
    elif type(ctype) is type(ctypes.Array):
      return numpy.dtype((_MessageStructToDtype(getattr(ctype, '_type_')),
                          (getattr(ctype, '_length_'),)))
    elif ctype == ctypes.c_char:
      # Numpy converts ctypes.c_char to 'S1', i.e. a string of length
      # one.  This is generally not desired, and in particular, causes
      # MATLAB to expect scalar characters to be null-terminated strings
      # (see b/26933384).  This branch is added to force character
      # arrays to be regarded as byte arrays.
      return 'u1'
    elif ctype in _ALLOWED_BASIC_CTYPES:
      return numpy.dtype(ctype)
      raise InvalidCtypeException('Invalid ctypes type.', ctype)
예제 #7
def _NativeStructToH5T(ctype):
  """Creates an HDF5 Type object from a ctypes type.

  This function exists as h5t.py_create does not respect field
  alignment, and the conversion of ctypes.c_char to length one strings
  is undesired.

    ctype: Type to convert.

    HDF5 type object with correct size and offsets.

    InvalidCtypeException: if a type is encountered that isn't a
        Structure, Array, c_char, or a member of the _ALLOWED_BASIC_CTYPES.
  if isinstance(ctype, type(ctypes.Structure)):
    t = h5py.h5t.create(h5py.h5t.COMPOUND, ctypes.sizeof(ctype))
    for (field_name, field_type) in autogen_util.GetCFields(ctype):
      t.insert(field_name, getattr(ctype, field_name).offset,
    return t
  elif type(ctype) is type(ctypes.Array):
    return h5py.h5t.array_create(
        _NativeStructToH5T(getattr(ctype, '_type_')),
        (getattr(ctype, '_length_'),))
  elif ctype == ctypes.c_char:
    # The py_create function, like numpy's dtype constructor, converts
    # characters into strings. This branch is added to force
    # character arrays to be regarded as byte arrays.
    return h5py.h5t.py_create(ctypes.c_uint8)
  elif ctype in _ALLOWED_BASIC_CTYPES:
    return h5py.h5t.py_create(ctype)
    raise InvalidCtypeException('Invalid ctypes type.', ctype)
예제 #8
def MatchesCStruct(pytype, pyclass, parent=''):
    """Checks if the Python type matches an equivalent C type.

  This will display in bold any fields that are in one of pytype and
  pyclass but not the other.

    pytype: Python dictionary to be compared to a C struct.
    pyclass: ctypes Python class equivalent to a C struct.
    parent: A string used in recursive calls to the function to keep
        track of the parent fields so they may be displayed.

    True if the dictionary and ctypes Python class match,
    otherwise False.
    def Bold(s):
        return '\033[1m' + s + '\033[0m'

    if hasattr(pyclass, '_fields_'):
        fields = autogen_util.GetCFields(pyclass)
        # If we are at a leaf struct (like Vec3 or Quat), the pytype can
        # use an array rather than a dictionary.
        if (isinstance(pytype, list) and len(pytype) == len(fields)
                and all([c == ctypes.c_double for (_, c) in fields])):
            all_floats = True
            for i in range(len(pytype)):
                if not isinstance(pytype[i], float):
                    print Bold('%s[%d] must be a float.' % (parent, i))
                    all_floats = False
            return all_floats

        diff = set(pytype) ^ {k for (k, _) in fields}
        if diff:
            print Bold(parent + '.{' + ', '.join(diff) +
                       '}') + ' are different.'
            return False
        for k, c in fields:
            if not MatchesCStruct(pytype[k], c, parent + '.' + k):
                return False
        return True

    elif hasattr(pyclass, '_length_'):
        if isinstance(pytype, str):
            if getattr(pyclass, '_type_') is not ctypes.c_char:
                print Bold(parent) + ' should not be a string.\n'
                return False
            elif len(pytype) + 1 > getattr(pyclass, '_length_'):
                # Strings can be shorter than the allotted array (but require
                # room for null termination).
                print Bold(parent) + ' has the wrong length.\n'
                return False
                return True
            expected_length = getattr(pyclass, '_length_')
                actual_length = len(pytype)
            except TypeError:
                    Bold(parent) +
                    ' is expected to be an array of length %d.' %
                return False
            if actual_length != expected_length:
                    Bold(parent) +
                    ' has the wrong length (expected %d, actual %d).\n' %
                    (expected_length, actual_length))
                return False
                expected_type = getattr(pyclass, '_type_')
                return all([
                    MatchesCStruct(pytype[i], expected_type,
                                   '%s[%d]' % (parent, i))
                    for i in xrange(len(pytype))

        # Check that scalar types are properly specified.
        if pyclass == ctypes.c_double and not isinstance(pytype, float):
            print Bold(parent + ' must be a float.')
            return False
        elif pyclass == ctypes.c_int and not isinstance(pytype, int):
            print Bold(parent + ' must be an int.')
            return False
        elif pyclass == ctypes.c_bool and not isinstance(pytype, bool):
            print Bold(parent + ' must be a bool.')
            return False
        return True
예제 #9
def _GetStruct(type_id, path):
  """Recursively parse a ctypes structure to build a (path, type) list."""
  out = []
  for field_name, field_type in autogen_util.GetCFields(type_id):
    out.extend(_GetType(field_type, path + '.' + field_name))
  return out
예제 #10
def GetLoadFunc(t):
    """Generate the JSON loading implementation for a given type.

    t: A type.

    A pair containing C code.  The first element is a string with the prototype
    of the function and the second element is a list of strings giving the lines
    of C code.

    TypeError: The given type is a string type, a fundamental type, or unknown.
    prototype = _GetLoadFunctionPrototype(t)
    body = []  # This will be an array strings corresponding to lines of code.

    if _IsArrayType(t):
        (_, _, args) = _GetTypeInfo(t)
        body = [
            'if (JSONLoadArrayCheck(obj, len0) < 0) return -1;',
            'int32_t status;'

        sub_dim = ['len%d' % d for d in range(1, len(args))]
        if sub_dim:
            # TODO: Check for overflow?
            body += ['uint32_t stride = %s;' % ' * '.join(sub_dim)]
            dst = '&s[i*stride]'
            dst = 's[i]'

        scalar_type = _ArrayCTypeScalarType(t)
        body += [
            'for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < len0; ++i) {', '  ' + _GetLoadFuncCall(
                scalar_type, 'json_array_get(obj, i)', dst, 'status', sub_dim),
            '  if (status == -1) {', '    JSONLoadPrintIndexError(i);',
            '    return -1;', '  }', '}', 'return 0;'

    elif _IsStructType(t):
        fields = autogen_util.GetCFields(t)
        body = [
            'if (s == NULL) return -1;',
            'if (JSONLoadStructCheck(obj, %uU) < 0) return -1;' % len(fields),
            'json_t *value;', 'int32_t status;', ''
        for (f_name, f_type) in fields:
            body += [
                'value = JSONLoadStructGet(obj, "%s");' % f_name,
                'if (value == NULL) return -1;',
                _GetLoadFuncCall(f_type, 'value', 's->%s' % f_name,
                                 'status'), 'if (status == -1) {',
                '  JSONLoadPrintKeyError("%s");' % f_name, '  return -1;', '}',
        body += ['return 0;']

    # These functions are hand written in the files json_load_basic.{c,h}.
    elif _IsFundamentalType(t) or _IsStringType(t):
        raise TypeError('Cannot generate load function for type %s.' % str(t))

        raise TypeError('Unknown type: %s.' % str(t))

    return (prototype, ['' if not line else '  ' + line for line in body])