def larmor(self, fid_SE=1, # 0=FID, 1=SE lo_freq=0.5, step=0.1, # MHz bw2=0.2): # BW/2 of search (MHz) freqPeak=lo_freq peak_f = 0 # peakIdx=0 n = (2*bw2/step)+1 f = np.linspace(freqPeak-bw2, freqPeak+bw2, n) for ff in f: if fid_SE==0: self.rxd, self.msgs=fid(lo_freq=ff) # use fid or spin_echo else: self.rxd, self.msgs=spin_echo(lo_freq=ff) dataobject:DataManager=DataManager(self.rxd, ff, len(self.rxd)) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject.get_peakparameters(self) if (f_signalValue > peak_f): peak_f=f_signalValue # peak_t=t_signalValue # peakIdx=f_signalIdx freqPeak=f_signalFrequency return(freqPeak, peak_f)
def button_clicked(self): # if self.button.isChecked(): self.parent.clearPlotviewLayout() im = self.kspace im2 = np.moveaxis(im, 0, -1) im3 = np.reshape( im2, (self.sequence.n_sl * self.sequence.n_ph * self.sequence.n_rd)) self.sequence.ns = self.sequence.ns[1:] + self.sequence.ns[:1] self.dataobject: DataManager = DataManager(im3, self.sequence.lo_freq, len(im3), self.sequence.ns, self.sequence.BW) self.button.setChecked(False) self.plot_3Dresult()
if __name__ == "__main__": lo_freq = 3.041 N_amp = 10 BW = 31 rxd = flipAngle(N_amp=N_amp, lo_freq=lo_freq, BW=BW) values = rxd samples = np.int32(len(values) / N_amp) i = 0 s = 0 peakValsf = [] while i < N_amp: d_cropped = values[s:s + samples] dataobject: DataManager = DataManager(d_cropped, lo_freq, len(d_cropped), [], BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject.get_peakparameters( ) peakValsf.append(f_signalValue) s = s + samples i = i + 1 # plt.plot(dataobject.f_fftMagnitude) # plt.plot(peakValsf)
def save_data(self): dataobject: DataManager = DataManager( self.data_avg, self.sequence.lo_freq, len(self.data_avg), [self.sequence.n_rd, self.sequence.n_ph, self.sequence.n_sl], self.sequence.BW) dict1 = vars(defaultsessions[self.session]) dict2 = vars(self.sequence) dict = self.merge_two_dicts(dict1, dict2) dt = dt_string = dt.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H:%M") dt2 = dt2_string = dt2.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") dict["rawdata"] = self.rxd dict["fft"] = dataobject.f_fftData if not os.path.exists('experiments/acquisitions/%s' % (dt2_string)): os.makedirs('experiments/acquisitions/%s' % (dt2_string)) if not os.path.exists('experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s' % (dt2_string, dt_string)): os.makedirs('experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s' % (dt2_string, dt_string)) if not os.path.exists( '/media/physiomri/TOSHIBA\ EXT/experiments/acquisitions/%s' % (dt2_string)): os.makedirs('/media/physiomri/TOSHIBA\ EXT/%s' % (dt2_string)) if not os.path.exists( '/media/physiomri/TOSHIBA\ EXT/experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s' % (dt2_string, dt_string)): os.makedirs('/media/physiomri/TOSHIBA\ EXT/%s/%s' % (dt2_string, dt_string)) savemat( "experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s/%s.mat" % (dt2_string, dt_string, self.sequence), dict) savemat( "/media/physiomri/TOSHIBA\ EXT/%s/%s/%s.mat" % (dt2_string, dt_string, self.sequence), dict) self.messages("Data saved") # if hasattr(self.dataobject, 'f_fft2Magnitude'): # nifti_file=nib.Nifti1Image(self.dataobject.f_fft2Magnitude, affine=np.eye(4)) #, 'experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s/%s.%s.nii'% (dt2_string, dt_string, dict["seq"],dt_string)) if hasattr(self.parent, 'f_plotview'): exporter1 = pyqtgraph.exporters.ImageExporter( self.f_plotview.scene()) exporter1.export("experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s/Freq%s.png" % (dt2_string, dt_string, self.sequence)) if hasattr(self.parent, 't_plotview'): exporter2 = pyqtgraph.exporters.ImageExporter( self.t_plotview.scene()) exporter2.export("experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s/Temp%s.png" % (dt2_string, dt_string, self.sequence)) from controller.WorkerXNAT import Worker if self.xnat_active == 'TRUE': # Step 2: Create a QThread object self.thread = QThread() # Step 3: Create a worker object self.worker = Worker() # Step 4: Move worker to the thread self.worker.moveToThread(self.thread) # Step 5: Connect signals and slots self.thread.started.connect( partial(, 'experiments/acquisitions/%s/%s' % (dt2_string, dt_string))) self.worker.finished.connect(self.thread.quit) self.worker.finished.connect(self.worker.deleteLater) self.thread.finished.connect(self.thread.deleteLater) # Step 6: Start the thread self.thread.start()
def startCalibAcq(self): self.layout.setParent(None) self.parent.clearPlotviewLayout() self.calibfunction = defaultcalibfunctions[ self.calibfunctionslist.getCurrentCalibfunction()] if self.calibfunction.cfn == 'Rabi Flops': self.rxd, self.msgs = rabi_flops(self.calibfunction) values = self.rxd samples = np.int32(len(values) / self.calibfunction.N) i = 0 s = 0 peakValsf = [] peakValst = [] while i < self.calibfunction.N: d_cropped = values[s:s + samples] dataobject: DataManager = DataManager( d_cropped, self.calibfunction.lo_freq, len(d_cropped), [], self.calibfunction.BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject.get_peakparameters( ) peakValsf.append(f_signalValue) peakValst.append(dataobject.t_magnitude[0]) s = s + samples i = i + 1 f_plotview = SpectrumPlot( dataobject.f_axis, dataobject.f_fftMagnitude, [], [], 'Frequency (kHz)', "Amplitude", "%s Spectrum (last pulse)" % (self.calibfunction.cfn)) t_plotview = SpectrumPlot( np.linspace(self.calibfunction.rf_pi2_duration0, self.calibfunction.rf_pi2_durationEnd, self.calibfunction.N), peakValst, [], [], 'Excitation duration (us)', "pi2 pulse duration", "%s" % (self.calibfunction.cfn)) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(t_plotview) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(f_plotview) elif self.calibfunction.cfn == 'Inversion Recovery': self.rxd, self.msgs = inversionRecovery(self.calibfunction) values = self.rxd samples = np.int32(len(values) / self.calibfunction.N) i = 0 s = 0 peakValsf = [] peakValst = [] while i < self.calibfunction.N: d_cropped = values[s:s + samples] dataobject: DataManager = DataManager( d_cropped, self.calibfunction.lo_freq, len(d_cropped), [], self.calibfunction.BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject.get_peakparameters( ) peakValsf.append(f_signalValue) peakValst.append(dataobject.t_magnitude[0]) s = s + samples i = i + 1 f_plotview = SpectrumPlot( dataobject.f_axis, dataobject.f_fftMagnitude, [], [], 'Frequency (kHz)', "Amplitude", "%s Spectrum (last pulse)" % (self.calibfunction.cfn)) t_plotview = SpectrumPlot( np.linspace( self.calibfunction.echo_duration / 2 - self.calibfunction.rf_duration * 1e-3, self.calibfunction.echo_duration / 2 - self.calibfunction.rf_duration * 1e-3 + self.calibfunction.N * self.calibfunction.step - self.calibfunction.step, self.calibfunction.N), peakValst, [], [], 'Time between pulses (ms)', "Amplitude", "%s" % (self.calibfunction.cfn)) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(t_plotview) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(f_plotview) elif self.calibfunction.cfn == 'Shimming': self.rxd, self.msgs = shimming(self.calibfunction, 'x') values_x = self.rxd self.rxd, self.msgs = shimming(self.calibfunction, 'y') values_y = self.rxd self.rxd, self.msgs = shimming(self.calibfunction, 'z') values_z = self.rxd samples = np.int32(len(values_x) / self.calibfunction.N) i = 0 s = 0 self.peakValsf_x = [] self.fwhmf_x = [] self.peakValsf_y = [] self.fwhmf_y = [] self.peakValsf_z = [] self.fwhmf_z = [] while i < self.calibfunction.N: ############################# d_cropped_x = values_x[s:s + samples] d_cropped_y = values_y[s:s + samples] d_cropped_z = values_z[s:s + samples] ############################# dataobject_x: DataManager = DataManager( d_cropped_x, self.calibfunction.lo_freq, len(d_cropped_x), [], self.calibfunction.BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject_x.get_peakparameters( ) self.peakValsf_x.append(f_signalValue) fwhm, fwhm_hz, fwhm_ppm = dataobject_x.get_fwhm() self.fwhmf_x.append(fwhm_hz) ############################# dataobject_y: DataManager = DataManager( d_cropped_y, self.calibfunction.lo_freq, len(d_cropped_y), [], self.calibfunction.BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject_y.get_peakparameters( ) self.peakValsf_y.append(f_signalValue) fwhm, fwhm_hz, fwhm_ppm = dataobject_y.get_fwhm() self.fwhmf_y.append(fwhm_hz) ############################# dataobject_z: DataManager = DataManager( d_cropped_z, self.calibfunction.lo_freq, len(d_cropped_z), [], self.calibfunction.BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject_z.get_peakparameters( ) self.peakValsf_z.append(f_signalValue) fwhm, fwhm_hz, fwhm_ppm = dataobject_z.get_fwhm() self.fwhmf_z.append(fwhm_hz) ############################## s = s + samples i = i + 1 self.plot_shim(axis='x') elif self.calibfunction.cfn == 'Larmor Frequency': repetitions = np.int32(self.calibfunction.step / self.calibfunction.resolution) while i < repetitions: self.peakVals, self.freqs = larmorFreq(self.calibfunction) t_plotview = SpectrumPlot(self.freqs, self.peakVals, [], [], 'Larmor Frequency variation (MHz)', "Amplitude (mV)", "%s" % (self.calibfunction.cfn)) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(t_plotview) self.calibfunction.step = self.calibfunction.step / 2 f_signalValue: float = round(np.max(self.peakVals), 4) f_signalIdx: int = np.argmax(self.f_signalValue) self.calibfunction.lo_freq = self.freqs[f_signalIdx] i = i + 1 elif self.calibfunction.cfn == 'Amplitude': self.rxd, self.msgs, self.amps = flipAngle(self.calibfunction) values = self.rxd samples = np.int32(len(values) / self.calibfunction.N) i = 0 s = 0 peakValsf = [] while i < self.calibfunction.N: d_cropped = values[s:s + samples] dataobject: DataManager = DataManager( d_cropped, self.calibfunction.lo_freq, len(d_cropped), [], self.calibfunction.BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject.get_peakparameters( ) peakValsf.append(f_signalValue) s = s + samples i = i + 1 # t_plotview = SpectrumPlot(np.linspace(-self.calibfunction.N/2*self.calibfunction.step, self.calibfunction.N/2*self.calibfunction.step, self.calibfunction.N), peakValsf, [],[],'Flip Angle value', "Amplitude (mV)", "%s" %(self.calibfunction.cfn)) t_plotview = SpectrumPlot(self.amps, peakValsf, [], [], 'Flip Angle value', "Amplitude (mV)", "%s" % (self.calibfunction.cfn)) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(t_plotview)
def larmor(lo_freq=3.023, # MHz rf_amp=0.62, # 1 = full-scale rf_pi2_duration=50, N_larmor=5, # Number of points step=1e-3, # Step in Khz rx_wait = 100, #us BW=31, # us, 3.333us, 300 kHz rate readout_duration=5000, echo_duration=4, #ms ): rx_period = 1/(BW*1e-3) echo_duration = echo_duration*1e3 rf_pi_duration = 2*rf_pi2_duration BW = 1e-3 ## All times are in the context of a single TR, starting at time 0 init_gpa = False tx_gate_pre = 2 # us, time to start the TX gate before the RF pulse begins tx_gate_post = 1 # us, time to keep the TX gate on after the RF pulse ends tstart = 0 pi2_phase = 1 # x pi_phase = 1j # y i=0 peakValsf = [] freqs = np.linspace(lo_freq-N_larmor/2*step, lo_freq+N_larmor/2*step, N_larmor) while i<N_larmor: expt = ex.Experiment(lo_freq=freqs[i], rx_t=rx_period, init_gpa=init_gpa, gpa_fhdo_offset_time=(1 / 0.2 / 3.1)) rf_tend = tstart+echo_duration+rf_pi_duration/2 # us rx_tstart = rf_tend+rx_wait # us rx_tend = rx_tstart + readout_duration # us expt.add_flodict({ # second tx0 pulse purely for loopback debugging 'tx0': (np.array([tstart + (echo_duration - rf_pi2_duration)/2, tstart + (echo_duration + rf_pi2_duration)/2, tstart + echo_duration - rf_pi_duration/2, rf_tend]), np.array([pi2_phase*rf_amp, 0, pi_phase*rf_amp, 0])), 'rx0_en': ( np.array([rx_tstart, rx_tend]), np.array([1, 0]) ), 'tx_gate': (np.array([tstart + (echo_duration - rf_pi2_duration)/2- tx_gate_pre, tstart + (echo_duration + rf_pi2_duration)/2 + tx_gate_post, tstart + echo_duration - rf_pi_duration/2- tx_gate_pre, rf_tend+ tx_gate_post]), np.array([1, 0, 1, 0])), 'rx_gate': ( np.array([rx_tstart, rx_tend]), np.array([1, 0]) ) }) rxd, msg = dataobject:DataManager=DataManager(rxd['rx0'], freqs[i], len(rxd['rx0']), [], BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject.get_peakparameters() peakValsf.append(f_signalValue) expt.__del__() print(i) i = i+1 return(peakValsf)
def startAcquisition(self): if hasattr(self.parent, 'clearPlotviewLayout'): self.parent.clearPlotviewLayout() self.sequence = defaultsequences[ self.sequencelist.getCurrentSequence()] self.sequence.oversampling_factor = 6 plotSeq = 0 if self.sequence.seq == 'RARE': print('Start sequence') self.rxd, self.msgs, self.data_avg, self.sequence.BW = rare( self.sequence, plotSeq) print('End sequence') elif self.sequence.seq == 'HASTE': print('Start sequence') self.rxd, self.msgs, self.data_avg, self.sequence.BW = haste( self.sequence, plotSeq) print('End sequence') elif self.sequence.seq == 'GRE3D': print('Start sequence') self.rxd, self.msgs, self.data_avg, self.sequence.BW = gre3d( self.sequence, plotSeq) print('End sequence') [self.sequence.n_rd, self.sequence.n_ph, self.sequence.n_sl] = self.sequence.nPoints self.dataobject: DataManager = DataManager(self.data_avg, self.sequence.larmorFreq, len(self.data_avg), self.sequence.nPoints, self.sequence.BW) self.sequence.ns = self.sequence.nPoints if not hasattr(self.parent, 'batch'): if (self.sequence.n_ph == 1 and self.sequence.n_sl == 1): f_plotview = SpectrumPlot( self.dataobject.f_axis, self.dataobject.f_fftMagnitude, [], [], "Frequency (kHz)", "Amplitude", "%s Spectrum" % (self.sequence.seq), ) t_plotview = SpectrumPlot( self.dataobject.t_axis, self.dataobject.t_magnitude, self.dataobject.t_real, self.dataobject.t_imag, 'Time (ms)', "Amplitude (mV)", "%s Raw data" % (self.sequence.seq), ) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(t_plotview) self.parent.plotview_layout.addWidget(f_plotview) self.parent.f_plotview = f_plotview self.parent.t_plotview = t_plotview [f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency] = self.dataobject.get_peakparameters() print('Peak Value = %0.3f' % (f_signalValue)) # snr=self.dataobject.get_snr() # print('SNR:%0.3f' %(snr)) # elif(self.sequence.seq=='CPMG'): # self.plot_cpmg() else: self.plot_3Dresult() self.parent.rxd = self.rxd self.parent.data_avg = self.data_avg self.parent.sequence = self.sequence print(self.msgs) #self.parent.save_data() self.save_data()
def larmorFreq(self): lo_freq=self.lo_freq # MHz rf_amp=self.rf_amp # 1 = full-scale N=self.N step=self.step rf_pi2_duration = self.rf_pi2_duration echo_duration = self.echo_duration*1e3 BW=self.BW # us, 3.333us, 300 kHz rate rx_wait=self.rx_wait*1e3 readout_duration=self.readout_duration*1e3 nScans=self.nScans rx_period = 1/(BW*1e-3) step = step*1e-3 rf_pi_duration = 2*rf_pi2_duration # BW = BW*1e3 ## All times are in the context of a single TR, starting at time 0 init_gpa = False tx_gate_pre = 2 # us, time to start the TX gate before the RF pulse begins tx_gate_post = 1 # us, time to keep the TX gate on after the RF pulse ends tstart = 0 pi2_phase = 1 # x pi_phase = 1j # y i=0 peakValsf = [] freqs = np.linspace(lo_freq-N/2*step, lo_freq+N/2*step, N) while i<N: expt = ex.Experiment(lo_freq=freqs[i], rx_t=rx_period, init_gpa=init_gpa, gpa_fhdo_offset_time=(1 / 0.2 / 3.1)) rf_tend = tstart+echo_duration+rf_pi_duration/2 # us rx_tstart = rf_tend+rx_wait # us rx_tend = rx_tstart + readout_duration # us expt.add_flodict({ # second tx0 pulse purely for loopback debugging 'tx0': (np.array([tstart + (echo_duration - rf_pi2_duration)/2, tstart + (echo_duration + rf_pi2_duration)/2, tstart + echo_duration - rf_pi_duration/2, rf_tend]), np.array([pi2_phase*rf_amp, 0, pi_phase*rf_amp, 0])), 'rx0_en': ( np.array([rx_tstart, rx_tend]), np.array([1, 0]) ), 'tx_gate': (np.array([tstart + (echo_duration - rf_pi2_duration)/2- tx_gate_pre, tstart + (echo_duration + rf_pi2_duration)/2 + tx_gate_post, tstart + echo_duration - rf_pi_duration/2- tx_gate_pre, rf_tend+ tx_gate_post]), np.array([1, 0, 1, 0])), 'rx_gate': ( np.array([rx_tstart, rx_tend]), np.array([1, 0]) ) }) rxd, msg = for nS in range(nScans): print('nScan=%s'%(nS)) rxd, msgs = if nS ==0: n_rxd = rxd['rx0'] else: n_rxd = np.concatenate((n_rxd, rxd['rx0']), axis=0) n_rxd = np.reshape(n_rxd, (nScans, len(rxd['rx0']))) n_rxd = np.average(n_rxd, axis=0) dataobject:DataManager=DataManager(n_rxd, freqs[i], len(n_rxd), [], BW) f_signalValue, t_signalValue, f_signalIdx, f_signalFrequency = dataobject.get_peakparameters() peakValsf.append(f_signalValue) expt.__del__() print(i) i = i+1 return(peakValsf, freqs)