def test_parse_txml_keys_values(stc):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("test_parse_txml_keys_values")

    attr1 = "Object.Property1"
    attr2 = "Object.Property2"
    attr3 = "Object.Property3"
    attr4 = "Object.Property4"

    val1 = 12
    val2 = "twelve"
    val3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
    val4 = "12"

    # Input XML
    input_xml = str(
        "<test>" +
        "<wizard displayName=\"Unit Test Parse Key Vals\" " +
        "description=\"test parsing key values in TXML\" " +
        "image=\"\">" +
        "<page displayName=\"stuff\" description=\"descript\" >" +
        "<group displayName=\"gbox\">" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr1 + "\" value=\"" + str(val1) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr1\" />" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr2 + "\" value=\"" + str(val2) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr2\" />" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr3 + "\" value=\"" + str(val3) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr3\" />" +
        "</group></page>" +
        "<page displayName=\"page2\" description=\"descript\">" +
        "<group displayName=\"gbox\">" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr4 + "\" value=\"" + str(val4) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr4\" />" +

    plLogger.LogInfo("input_xml: " + str(input_xml))
    root = etree.fromstring(input_xml)
    assert root is not None

    key_val_dict, gui_key_val_dict = RunCmd.parse_txml_keys_values(root)
    assert key_val_dict is not None
    assert gui_key_val_dict == {}
    plLogger.LogInfo("key_val_dict: " + str(key_val_dict))
    assert len(key_val_dict.keys()) == 4

    # Check the keys
    for kv_pair in zip([attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4],
                       [str(val1), str(val2), str(val3), str(val4)]):
        assert kv_pair[0] in key_val_dict.keys()
        assert key_val_dict[kv_pair[0]] == kv_pair[1]
def test_parse_txml_table_keys_values(stc):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("test_parse_table_txml_keys_values")

    attr1 = "Object.Property1"
    attr2 = "Object.Property2"
    attr3 = "Object.Property3"
    attr4 = "Object.Property4"

    val1 = 12
    val2 = "twelve"
    val3 = True
    val4 = "331"

    # Input XML
    input_xml = str(
        "<test>" +
        "<wizard displayName=\"Unit Test Parse Key Vals\" " +
        "description=\"test parsing key values in TXML\" " +
        "image=\"\">" +
        "<page displayName=\"stuff\" description=\"descript\" >" +
        "<group displayName=\"gbox\">" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr1 + "\" value=\"" + str(val1) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr1\">" +
        "<data>13</data>" +
        "<data>14</data>" +
        "<data>15.5</data>" +
        "</property>" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr2 + "\" value=\"" + str(val2) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr2\">" +
        "<data>thirteen</data>" +
        "<data>fourteen</data>" +
        "<data>fifteen and a half</data>" +
        "</property>" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr3 + "\" value=\"" + str(val3) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr3\">" +
        "<data>True</data>" +
        "<data>False</data>" +
        "<data>True</data>" +
        "</property>" +
        "<property id=\"" + attr4 + "\" value=\"" + str(val4) + "\" " +
        "displayName=\"attr4\" />" +

    plLogger.LogInfo("input_xml: " + str(input_xml))
    root = etree.fromstring(input_xml)
    assert root is not None

    key_val_dict, gui_key_val_dict = RunCmd.parse_txml_keys_values(root)
    assert key_val_dict is not None
    assert gui_key_val_dict == {}
    plLogger.LogInfo("key_val_dict: " + str(key_val_dict))
    assert len(key_val_dict.keys()) == 4

    # Check the key-value pairs (single property)
    assert attr4 in key_val_dict.keys()
    assert key_val_dict[attr4] == val4

    # Check the key-value pairs (table)
    for exp_kv_pair in zip([attr1, attr2, attr3],
                           [["13", "14", "15.5"],
                            ["thirteen", "fourteen",
                             "fifteen and a half"],
                            ["True", "False", "True"]]):
        assert exp_kv_pair[0] in key_val_dict.keys()
        assert key_val_dict[exp_kv_pair[0]] == exp_kv_pair[1]