def __init__(self, light, **kwargs): if (not isinstance(light, AmbientLight) and not isinstance(light, Spotlight)): raise Exception( "Only AmbientLights and Spotlights can be switched off") light.submobjects = light.submobjects[::-1] LaggedStart.__init__(self, FadeOut, light, **kwargs) light.submobjects = light.submobjects[::-1]
def construct(self): number_line = NumberLine(x_min=-2, x_max=2) text_1 = TextMobject("Theorem of") \ .next_to(number_line, DOWN) text_2 = TextMobject("Beethoven") \ .next_to(number_line, DOWN) dashed_line = DashedLine( number_line.get_left(), number_line.get_right(), color=YELLOW, ).set_stroke(width=11) self.add(number_line, text_1) LaggedStart(*[ ShowCreationThenDestruction(dashed_segment) for dashed_segment in dashed_line ], run_time=5), AnimationGroup(Animation(Mobject(), run_time=2.1), ReplacementTransform(text_1, text_2), lag_ratio=1)) self.wait()
def __init__(self, focal_point, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) circles = VGroup() for x in range(self.n_circles): circle = Circle( radius=self.big_radius, stroke_color=BLACK, stroke_width=0, ) circle.move_to(focal_point) circle.save_state() circle.set_width(self.small_radius * 2) circle.set_stroke(self.color, self.start_stroke_width) circles.add(circle) LaggedStart.__init__(self, ApplyMethod, circles, lambda c: (c.restore, ), **kwargs)
def get_student_changes(self, *modes, **kwargs): pairs = list(zip(self.get_students(), modes)) pairs = [(s, m) for s, m in pairs if m is not None] start = VGroup(*[s for s, m in pairs]) target = VGroup(*[s.copy().change_mode(m) for s, m in pairs]) if "look_at_arg" in kwargs: for pi in target: pi.look_at(kwargs["look_at_arg"]) anims = [Transform(s, t) for s, t in zip(start, target)] return LaggedStart( *anims, lag_ratio=kwargs.get("lag_ratio", 0.5), run_time=1, )
def construct(self): morty = Mortimer() morty.next_to(ORIGIN, DOWN) patreon_logo = PatreonLogo() patreon_logo.to_edge(UP) patrons = list(map(TextMobject, self.specific_patrons)) num_groups = float(len(patrons)) / self.max_patron_group_size proportion_range = np.linspace(0, 1, num_groups + 1) indices = (len(patrons) * proportion_range).astype('int') patron_groups = [ VGroup(*patrons[i:j]) for i, j in zip(indices, indices[1:]) ] for i, group in enumerate(patron_groups): left_group = VGroup(*group[:len(group) / 2]) right_group = VGroup(*group[len(group) / 2:]) for subgroup, vect in (left_group, LEFT), (right_group, RIGHT): subgroup.arrange_submobjects(DOWN, aligned_edge=LEFT) subgroup.scale(self.patron_scale_val) subgroup.to_edge(vect) last_group = None for i, group in enumerate(patron_groups): anims = [] if last_group is not None:, morty.look, UP + LEFT) else: anims += [ DrawBorderThenFill(patreon_logo), ] FadeIn, group, run_time=2, ), morty.change, "gracious", group.get_corner(UP + LEFT), *anims), group.get_corner(DOWN + LEFT)), group.get_corner(UP + RIGHT)), group.get_corner(DOWN + RIGHT)) last_group = group
def construct(self): number_line = NumberLine(x_min=-2, x_max=2) text = TextMobject("Text") \ .next_to(number_line, DOWN) dashed_line = DashedLine( number_line.get_left(), number_line.get_right(), color=YELLOW, ).set_stroke(width=11) self.add(number_line) self.wait(0.3) LaggedStart(*[ ShowCreationThenDestruction(dashed_segment) for dashed_segment in dashed_line ], run_time=5), AnimationGroup(Animation(Mobject(), run_time=2.1), Write(text), lag_ratio=1)) self.wait()
def __init__(self, light, **kwargs): if (not isinstance(light, AmbientLight) and not isinstance(light, Spotlight)): raise Exception( "Only AmbientLights and Spotlights can be switched on") LaggedStart.__init__(self, FadeIn, light, **kwargs)