def apply_function(self, function, added_anims=[], **kwargs): """ Applies the given function to each of the mobjects in self.transformable_mobjects, and plays the animation showing this. Parameters ---------- function (Function) The function that affects each point of each mobject in self.transformable_mobjects. added_anims (list) Any other animations that need to be played simulataneously with this. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of a call. """ if "run_time" not in kwargs: kwargs["run_time"] = 3 anims = [ ApplyPointwiseFunction(function, t_mob) for t_mob in self.transformable_mobjects ] + [ self.get_vector_movement(function), self.get_transformable_label_movement(), self.get_moving_mobject_movement(function), ] + [Animation(f_mob) for f_mob in self.foreground_mobjects] + added_anims*anims, **kwargs)
def apply_function(self, function, added_anims=[], **kwargs): if "run_time" not in kwargs: kwargs["run_time"] = 3 anims = [ ApplyPointwiseFunction(function, t_mob) for t_mob in self.transformable_mobjects ] + [ self.get_vector_movement(function), self.get_transformable_label_movement(), self.get_moving_mobject_movement(function), ] + [Animation(f_mob) for f_mob in self.submobjects] + added_anims*anims, **kwargs)
def construct(self): if 1 == 1: try: self.add_sound( "sidewayoutput\\basicmanim\\transform001b_01_01_02_01_01.wav", time_offset=18) self.add_sound( "sidewayoutput\\basicmanim\\transform001b_01_01_02_02_01.wav", time_offset=48) self.add_sound( "sidewayoutput\\basicmanim\\transform001b_01_01_02_02_02.wav", time_offset=93) self.add_sound( "sidewayoutput\\basicmanim\\transform001b_01_01_02_03_01.wav", time_offset=148) except: pass StartScreens01( [], [], [[r"\textbf{\textit{Basic-Manim from }\{Sideway\}}"], [r"\textbf{\textit{Transform}}\\{Part\ \textspA{I}b}"], [ r"\tiny{\textrm{basic-manim.210201951v0\_transform001b}}" ], [], [ r"\scriptsize{\textbf{Warning:\ The\ content\ may\ contain\ errors,\ mistakes\ and\ inaccuracies.\ Information\ must\ be\ verified\ and\ evaluated\ before\ use.}}" ]], )) if 1 == 1: GrowFromCenter( TextMobject( r"\textit{\textbf{\underline{Apply\ Transform}}}"). shift([0, 3.6, 0]))) rows, cols = (7, 3) x = 5. x0, y0 = axes_point([-2.5, x, cols - 1, -5], [2., -1.1, rows - 1, 3]) txtx = ["\\underline{state 1}", "\\underline{state 2}"] txty = ["Method", "ApplyMethod", "ApplyFunction"] a1 = [ "\\normalsize{sq[0]}", "\\normalsize{sq[1]}", "\\normalsize{sq[2]}" ] a2 = [ r"\normalsize{sq[0]\\.shift([" + str(x) + r",\,0,\,0])}", r"\normalsize{ApplyMethod(\\sq[1].shift,\,[" + str(x) + r",\,0,\,0])}", r"\normalsize{ApplyFunction(\\lambda\,mob:\,mob.shift([" + str(x) + r",\,0,\,0]),\,sq[2])}" ] sq = [GeomSquare(0.75) for i in range(3)] self.fadein( *[ TextMobject(txtx[i]).move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[1:], y0[0:1])) ], *[ TextMobject(txty[i]).move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[0:1], y0[1::2])) ], *[GeomPoint(each) for each in coord_grid(x0[1:3], y0[2::2])], *[ MobjectOrChars(np.ravel(list(zip(a1, a2)))[i]).move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[1:3], y0[1::2])) ], *[ sq[i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[1:2], y0[2::2])) ], run_time=5) ShowCreation(sq[0].shift([x, 0, 0]), run_time=0), ApplyMethod(sq[1].shift, [x, 0, 0]), ApplyFunction(lambda mob: mob.shift([x, 0, 0]), sq[2])), run_time=15) self.fadeout() if 1 == 1: GrowFromCenter( TextMobject( r"\textit{\textbf{\underline{Apply Method}}}").shift( [0, 3.6, 0]).add_as_foreground(self))) rows, cols = (8, 2) x0, y0 = axes_point([-1.5, 6, cols], [3, -0.9, rows]) txty = [ MobjectOrChars(each) for each in [ r"FadeToColor(sq[0],\,RED)", r"ScaleInPlace(sq[1],\,0.5))", "ShrinkToCenter(sq[2])", "Restore(sq[3])" ] ] a1 = [ MobjectOrChars("\\normalsize{sq[" + str(i) + "]}") for i in range(4) ] sq = [GeomSquare(0.75) for i in range(4)] self.fadein( *[ to_get_zlist(a1, sq)[i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[1:2], y0)) ], *[GeomPoint(each) for each in coord_grid(x0[1:2], y0[1::2])], ) self.wait() sq[3].save_state() IndicateThenFadeOut(TextMobject( r"Transform(sq[3], Circle().scale(0.375).\\move\_to(sq[3]).shift([1, 0, 0])))" ).move_to([x0[0], y0[7], 0]), scale_factor=1, ratio_array=[1, 0]), Transform( sq[3], Circle().scale(0.375).move_to(sq[3]).shift([1, 0, 0]))), run_time=5) self.wait() self.fadein( *[ txty[i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[0:1], y0[1::2])) ], ) FadeToColor(sq[0], RED), ScaleInPlace(sq[1], 0.5), ShrinkToCenter(sq[2]), Restore(sq[3]), ), run_time=35) self.fadeout(exclude_mobjs="foreground") if 1 == 1: rows, cols = (6, 2) x0, y0 = axes_point([-1.5, 6, cols], [3, -0.9, rows]) txty = [ MobjectOrChars(each) for each in [ r"ApplyPointwiseFunction(\\lambda\,pointarray:\,pointarray\,+\,[1,\,0,\,0],\,sq[0])", r"ApplyMatrix([[1.23,\,0.9],\,[0,\,1]],\,sq[1])", r"ApplyComplexFunction(lambda pointarray:\\pointarray\,+\,np.complex(1,\,0),\,sq[2])", ] ] a1 = [ MobjectOrChars("\\normalsize{sq[" + str(i) + "]}") for i in range(4) ] sq = [GeomSquare(0.75) for i in range(4)] self.fadein( *[ to_get_zlist(a1, sq)[i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[1:2], y0)) ], *[GeomPoint(each) for each in coord_grid(x0[1:2], y0[1::2])], ) self.wait() self.fadein( *[ txty[i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[0:1], y0[1::2])) ], ) ApplyPointwiseFunction( lambda pointarray: pointarray + [1, 0, 0], sq[0]), ApplyMatrix([[1.23, 0.9], [0, 1]], sq[1]), ApplyComplexFunction( lambda pointarray: pointarray + np.complex(1, 0), sq[2]), ), run_time=45) self.fadeout() if 1 == 1: GrowFromCenter( TextMobject( r"\textit{\textbf{\underline{Swap Method}}}").shift( [0, 3.6, 0]))) rows, cols = (2, 2) count = m, n = [2, 6] x0, y0 = axes_point([-3.5, 6, cols], [2.4, -3.7, rows]) geometrys = [GeomLine(), GeomRegularPolygon(n, radius=2)] txty = [ MobjectOrChars(each) for each in [ r"Swap(*sqs)\\ \tiny{(same as CyclicReplace)}", r"CyclicReplace(*sqs)", ] ] titles = [ [ MobjectOrChars("\\normalsize{sq[" + str(i) + "]}") for i in range(m) ], [ MobjectOrChars("\\normalsize{sq[" + str(i) + "]}") for i in range(n) ], ] sqs = [ [GeomSquare(1.) for i in range(m)], [GeomSquare(1.) for i in range(n)], ] [[ sq.add(title).add(GeomPoint()) for sq, title in zip(sqs[i], titles[i]) ] for i in range(len(count))] self.fadein(*[ geometrys[i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[1:], y0[0:])) ]) self.fadein(*[ Group(*[ sqs[j][i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate( geometrys[j].get_counting_points()) ]) for j in range(2) ]) self.fadein( *[ txty[i].move_to(each) for i, each in enumerate(coord_grid(x0[0:1], y0[0:])) ], ) Swap(*sqs[0]), CyclicReplace(*sqs[1]), ), run_time=35) self.fadeout() if 1 == 1: self.wait(5)