def deserialize(self, string): """ Add code to deserialize this step from disk. As with the serialize method the filename should use the step identifier. Obviously the filename used here should be the same as the one used by the serialize method. """ self._config.update(json.loads(string)) d = ConfigureDialog() d.setWorkflowLocation(self._location) d.identifierOccursCount = self._identifierOccursCount d.setConfig(self._config) self._configured = d.validate()
def configure(self): """ This function will be called when the configure icon on the step is clicked. It is appropriate to display a configuration dialog at this time. If the conditions for the configuration of this step are complete then set: self._configured = True """ dlg = ConfigureDialog(QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow().currentWidget()) dlg.setWorkflowLocation(self._location) dlg.identifierOccursCount = self._identifierOccursCount dlg.setConfig(self._config) dlg.validate() dlg.setModal(True) if dlg.exec_(): self._config = dlg.getConfig() self._configured = dlg.validate() self._configuredObserver()