예제 #1
def test_protocol_create():
    proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass)
    request = FakeRequest({})
    request.body = '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}, {"type": "Feature", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}]}'
    response = FakeResponse()
    proto.create(request, response, execute=False)
    assert response.status ==  201
    assert len(Session.new) == 2
    for obj in Session.new:
        assert obj["text"] == "foo"
        assert obj.geometry.x == 45
        assert obj.geometry.y == 5
예제 #2
class PointsController(BaseController):
    readonly = False # if set to True, only GET is supported

    def __init__(self):
        self.protocol = Protocol(Session, Point, self.readonly)

    def index(self, format='json'):
        """GET /: return all features."""
        # If no filter argument is passed to the protocol index method
        # then the default MapFish filter is used. This default filter
        # is constructed based on the box, lon, lat, tolerance GET
        # params.
        # If you need your own filter with application-specific params 
        # taken into acount, create your own filter and pass it to the
        # protocol index method.
        # E.g.
        # default_filter = create_default_filter(
        #     request, Point
        # )
        # compare_filter = comparison.Comparison(
        #     comparison.Comparison.ILIKE,
        #     Point.mycolumnname,
        #     value=myvalue
        # )
        # filter = logical.Logical(logical.Logical.AND, [default_filter, compare_filter])
        # return self.protocol.index(request, response, format=format, filter=filter)
        return self.protocol.index(request, response, format=format)

    def show(self, id, format='json'):
        """GET /id: Show a specific feature."""
        return self.protocol.show(request, response, id, format=format)

    def create(self):
        """POST /: Create a new feature."""
        return self.protocol.create(request, response)

    def update(self, id):
        """PUT /id: Update an existing feature."""
        return self.protocol.update(request, response, id)

    def delete(self, id):
        """DELETE /id: Delete an existing feature."""
        return self.protocol.delete(request, response, id)
예제 #3
def test_protocol_query():
    proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass)

    request = FakeRequest({})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "SELECT" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"queryable": "id", "id__eq": "1"})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "WHERE" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"queryable": "id", "id__eq": "1"})
    filter = create_attr_filter(request, MappedClass)
    query = proto._query(FakeRequest({}), filter=filter, execute=False)
    assert "WHERE" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"limit": "2"})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "LIMIT 2" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"maxfeatures": "2"})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "LIMIT 2" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"limit": "2", "offset": "10"})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "OFFSET 10" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"order_by": "text"})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "ORDER BY" in str(query)
    assert "ASC" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"sort": "text"})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "ORDER BY" in str(query)
    assert "ASC" in str(query)

    request = FakeRequest({"order_by": "text", "dir": "DESC"})
    query = proto._query(request, execute=False)
    assert "ORDER BY" in str(query)
    assert "DESC" in str(query)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.protocol = Protocol(Session,
예제 #5
class AddressesController(BaseController):
    readonly = False  # if set to True, only GET is supported

    def __init__(self):
        self.protocol = Protocol(Session,

    def __before__(self):
        rootUrl = config['root_path']

    def index(self, format='json'):
        """GET /: return all features."""
        # If no filter argument is passed to the protocol index method
        # then the default MapFish filter is used. This default filter
        # is constructed based on the box, lon, lat, tolerance GET
        # params.
        # If you need your own filter with application-specific params
        # taken into acount, create your own filter and pass it to the
        # protocol index method.
        # E.g.
        # default_filter = create_default_filter(
        #     request, Address
        # )
        # compare_filter = comparison.Comparison(
        #     comparison.Comparison.ILIKE,
        #     Address.mycolumnname,
        #     value=myvalue
        # )
        # filter = logical.Logical(logical.Logical.AND, [default_filter, compare_filter])
        # return self.protocol.index(request, response, format=format, filter=filter)
        # You can also create filters using sqlalchemy syntax.
        # It is possible for example to mix a custom sqlalchemy filter
        # with the default mapfish filter.
        # E.g.
        # from sqlalchemy.sql import and_
        # default_filter = create_default_filter(
        #     request, Address
        # )
        # compare_filter = Address.mycolumnname.ilike('%myvalue%')
        # if default_filter is not None:
        #     filter = and_(default_filter.to_sql_expr(), compare_filter)
        # else:
        #     filter = compare_filter
        # return self.protocol.index(request, response, format=format, filter=filter)
        default_filter = create_default_filter(request, Address)

        # Convert attribute KVP to filter
        for column in Address.__table__.columns:
            if column.name in request.params:
                column_name = column.name
                column_value = request.params[column.name]
                # PGString, PGInteger are supported
                # PGDateTime, Geometry, NullType are not supported
                if str(column.type).find('PGInteger') > -1:
                    compareFilter = comparison.Comparison(
                    if default_filter is not None:
                        default_filter = and_(default_filter.to_sql_expr(),
                        default_filter = compareFilter
                if str(column.type).find('PGString') > -1:
                    compareFilter = comparison.Comparison(
                    if default_filter is not None:
                        default_filter = and_(default_filter.to_sql_expr(),
                        default_filter = compareFilter
        # Check query for full text search
        if 'query' in request.params:
            # http://lowmanio.co.uk/blog/entries/postgresql-full-text-search-and-sqlalchemy/
            terms = request.params.get('query').split()
            terms = ' & '.join(
                [term + ('' if term.isdigit() else ':*') for term in terms])

            if 'attrs' in request.params:
                attributes = request.params.get('attrs').split(',')
                if (len(attributes) == 3) and (
                        'street' in request.params.get('attrs')) and (
                            'city' in request.params.get('attrs')) and (
                                'housenumber' in request.params.get('attrs')):
                    tsvector = 'tsvector_street_housenumber_city'
                elif (len(attributes)
                      == 1) and ('street' in request.params.get('attrs')):
                    tsvector = 'tsvector_street'
                    attributes = " || ' ' ||".join(
                        [attribute for attribute in attributes])
                    tsvector = attributes
                tsvector = 'tsvector_street_housenumber_city'

            ftsFilter = "%(tsvector)s @@ to_tsquery('english', '%(terms)s')" % {
                'tsvector': tsvector,
                'terms': terms
            if default_filter is not None:
                filter = and_(default_filter.to_sql_expr(), ftsFilter)
                filter = ftsFilter

            if format == 'csv':
                return self.exportCsv(request, filter)
            if format == 'zip':
                return self.exportZip(request, filter)

            json = self.protocol.index(request,
            if 'callback' in request.params:
                    'Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8'
                return request.params['callback'] + '(' + json + ');'
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
                return json
            if format == 'csv':
                return self.exportCsv(request, default_filter)
            if format == 'zip':
                return self.exportZip(request, default_filter)
            return self.protocol.index(request,

    def createCsvFile(self, request, filter):
        io = StringIO.StringIO()
        writer = csv.writer(io, delimiter=';')
        objs = self.protocol._query(request, filter=filter)

        def removeNone(value):
            if len(value) == 4 and value == 'None':
                return ''
                return value

        for f in [
                self.protocol._filter_attrs(o.toFeature(), request)
                for o in objs if o.geometry
            row = map(lambda v: removeNone(str(v)), f.properties.values())
            row.insert(0, str(f.id))
            if (f.geometry is not None):
        output = io.getvalue()
        return output

    def exportCsv(self, request, filter):
        response.content_type = 'text/csv; charset=utf-8'
        response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename="addresses.csv"'
        return self.createCsvFile(request, filter)

    def exportZip(self, request, filter):
        imz = InMemoryZip()
        imz.append("addresses.csv", self.createCsvFile(request, filter))
        response.content_type = 'application/zip; charset=utf-8'
        response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename="addresses.zip"'
        return imz.read()

    def show(self, id, format='json'):
        """GET /id: Show a specific feature."""
        if (id == 'count'):
            return self.protocol.count(request)
        elif (id == 'countCreatedToday'):
            return self.countCreatedToday(request)
        elif (id == 'countUpdatedToday'):
            return self.countUpdatedToday(request)
        elif (id == 'statistic'):
            return self.statistic(request)
        elif (id == 'weekstatistic'):
            return self.weekstatistic(request)
        elif (id == 'generalstatistics'):
            return self.generalstatistics(request)
        elif (id == 'checkSession'):
            return self.checkSession()
        elif (id == 'createSession'):
            return self.createSession()
            return self.protocol.show(request, response, id, format=format)

    def create(self):
        """POST /: Create a new feature."""
        return self.protocol.create(request, response)

    def update(self, id):
        """PUT /id: Update an existing feature."""
        return self.protocol.update(request, response, id)

    def delete(self, id):
        """DELETE /id: Delete an existing feature."""
        return self.protocol.delete(request, response, id)

    def before_create(self, request, feature):
        feature.properties['ipaddress'] = request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
        if isinstance(feature.id, int):
            feature.properties['time_updated'] = datetime.now()
            feature.properties['time_updated'] = None

    def checkSession(self):
        return 'True'

    def createSession(self):
        return 'True'

    def countCreatedToday(self, request):

        # Create SQL Query
        sqlQuery = "select count(1) from address where time_created::date=now()::date"

        # Execute query
        result = Session.execute(sqlQuery)

        for row in result:
            for column in row:
                return str(column)

    def countUpdatedToday(self, request):

        # Create SQL Query
        sqlQuery = "select count(*) from address where time_updated::date=now()::date"

        # Execute query
        result = Session.execute(sqlQuery)

        for row in result:
            for column in row:
                return str(column)

    def statistic(self, request):
        if 'lang' in request.params:
            c.lang = request.params.get('lang')
            c.lang = 'en'
        c.charset = 'utf-8'

        # Create SQL Query
        sqlQuery = "select created_by, count(1) as numberAddresses " \
           " from address where extract(week from time_created) = extract(week from now()) "\
           " and extract(year from time_created) = extract (year from now()) "\
           " group by created_by "\
           " order by numberAddresses DESC "\
           " LIMIT 20"

        # Execute query
        result = Session.execute(sqlQuery)

        weekCreator = []
        for row in result:
            weekRow = []
            for column in row:

        c.weekCreator = weekCreator
        c.count = locale.format("%s", self.protocol.count(request), True)
        return render('/statistic.mako')

    def weekstatistic(self, request):
        if 'lang' in request.params:
            c.lang = request.params.get('lang')
            c.lang = 'en'
        c.charset = 'utf-8'

        # Create SQL Query
        sqlQuery = "select extract(year from time_created) || '/' || to_char(extract(week from time_created),'00'), count(1) as numberAddresses "\
           " from address "\
           " group by 1 "\
           " order by 1 desc"

        # Execute query
        result = Session.execute(sqlQuery)

        weekCreator = []
        for row in result:
            weekRow = []
            for column in row:

        c.weekCreator = weekCreator
        c.count = locale.format("%s", self.protocol.count(request), True)
        return render('/weekstatistic.mako')

    def generalstatistics(self, request):
        condition = ''
        user = ''
        if 'limit' in request.params:
            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
            limit = 100
        if 'orderby' in request.params:
            orderby = request.params.get('orderby')
            orderby = 'address.time_updated, address.time_created desc'
        if 'user' in request.params:
            user = request.params.get('user')
            condition = " AND created_by='%s'" % user
        if 'street' in request.params:
            street = request.params.get('street')
            condition += " AND street='%s'" % street
        if 'zip' in request.params:
            zip = request.params.get('zip')
            condition += " AND postcode='%s'" % zip
        if 'city' in request.params:
            city = request.params.get('city')
            condition += " AND city='%s'" % city
        if 'country' in request.params:
            country = request.params.get('country')
            condition += " AND country='%s'" % country
        if 'date' in request.params:
            date = request.params.get('date')
            condition += " AND (to_char(time_created,'YYYYMMDD')='%s' OR to_char(time_updated,'YYYYMMDD')='%s')" % (
                date, date)
        if 'datesince' in request.params:
            datesince = int(request.params.get('datesince'))
            condition += " AND (to_number(to_char(time_created,'YYYYMMDD'),'99999999')>=%s OR to_number(to_char(time_updated,'YYYYMMDD'),'99999999')>=%s)" % (
                datesince, datesince)
        if 'qmname' in request.params:
            tables2use = ", qm_regions"
            qmname = request.params.get('qmname')
            condition += " AND contains(qm_regions.geom,address.geom) and qm_regions.qmname='%s'" % qmname
            tables2use = ""

        c.charset = 'utf-8'
        # Create SQL Query
        sqlQuery = "SELECT address.id, address.created_by,address.street, address.housenumber, address.housename, address.postcode, address.city, address.country,"\
           " address.time_created, address.time_updated, ST_y(ST_Transform(address.geom,900913)) AS lat, ST_x(ST_Transform(address.geom,900913)) as lng "\
           " FROM address %s"\
           " WHERE address.quality='Digitized' %s "\
           " ORDER BY %s "\
           " limit %i " % (tables2use, condition, orderby, limit)

        # Execute query
        result = Session.execute(sqlQuery)

        statCreator = []

        for row in result:
            statRow = []
            for column in row:
                if str(type(column)).find(
                        'float') == 7:  #this means a float value
                    statRow.append(round(column, 4))

        c.count = len(statCreator)
        c.statCreator = statCreator
        return render('/statreport.mako')
예제 #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.protocol = Protocol(Session, Point, self.readonly)
예제 #7
파일: tiles.py 프로젝트: fvanderbiest/osmqa
 def __init__(self):
     self.protocol = Protocol(Session, Tile, self.readonly)
예제 #8
파일: tiles.py 프로젝트: fvanderbiest/osmqa
class TilesController(BaseController):
    readonly = False # if set to True, only GET is supported

    def __init__(self):
        self.protocol = Protocol(Session, Tile, self.readonly)

    def index(self, format='json'):
        """GET /: return all features."""
        # If no filter argument is passed to the protocol index method
        # then the default MapFish filter is used. This default filter
        # is constructed based on the box, lon, lat, tolerance GET
        # params.
        # If you need your own filter with application-specific params 
        # taken into acount, create your own filter and pass it to the
        # protocol index method.
        # E.g.
        # default_filter = create_default_filter(
        #     request, Tile
        # )
        # compare_filter = comparison.Comparison(
        #     comparison.Comparison.ILIKE,
        #     Tile.mycolumnname,
        #     value=myvalue
        # )
        # filter = logical.Logical(logical.Logical.AND, [default_filter, compare_filter])
        # return self.protocol.index(request, response, format=format, filter=filter)
        # You can also create filters using sqlalchemy syntax.
        # It is possible for example to mix a custom sqlalchemy filter
        # with the default mapfish filter.
        # E.g.
        # from sqlalchemy.sql import and_
        # default_filter = create_default_filter(
        #     request, Tile
        # )
        # compare_filter = Tile.mycolumnname.ilike('%myvalue%')
        # if default_filter is not None:
        #     filter = and_(default_filter.to_sql_expr(), compare_filter)
        # else:
        #     filter = compare_filter
        # return self.protocol.index(request, response, format=format, filter=filter)

        return self.protocol.index(request, response, format=format)

    def show(self, id, format='json'):
        """GET /id: Show a specific feature."""
        return self.protocol.show(request, response, id, format=format)

    def create(self):
        """POST /: Create a new feature."""
        return self.protocol.create(request, response)

    def update(self, id):
        """PUT /id: Update an existing feature."""
        return self.protocol.update(request, response, id)

    def delete(self, id):
        """DELETE /id: Delete an existing feature."""
        return self.protocol.delete(request, response, id)
예제 #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.protocol = Protocol(Session, Country, self.readonly)
예제 #10
 def __init__(self):
     self.protocol = Protocol(Session, self.readonly)