예제 #1
            def update_or_create():
                    m = Area.objects.get(id=code)
                except Area.DoesNotExist:
                    m = Area(
                        id = code,
                        name = name,
                        type = area_code,
                        country = country,
                        parent_area = parent_area,
                        generation_low = new_generation,
                        generation_high = new_generation,

                if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
                    raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
                m.generation_high = new_generation

                g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True)
                poly = [ g ]

                if options['commit']:
                    for k, v in kml_data.data[name].items():
                        if k in ('name:smi', 'name:fi'):
                    	    lang = 'N' + k[5:]
                    	    m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': lang }, { 'name': v })
                    m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': 'n5000' }, { 'code': code_str })
                    m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': 'osm' }, { 'code': int(kml_data.data[name]['osm']) })
                    save_polygons({ code : (m, poly) })
예제 #2
    def handle_label(self, filename, **options):
        print filename
        current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
        new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
        if not new_generation:
            raise Exception, "No new generation to be used for import!"

        short_filename = filename.split("/")[-1]
        filename_prefix = short_filename[:4]
        filename_suffix = short_filename.split(".")[0][-3:]

        # check shapefile type - we handle both LSOA and MSOA
        if filename_prefix=="LSOA":
            feat_name = 'LSOA04NM'
            feat_code = 'LSOA04CD'
            if filename_suffix=='BGC':
                area_type = 'OLG'
                area_type = 'OLF'
        elif filename_prefix=="MSOA":
            feat_name = 'MSOA04NM'
            feat_code = 'MSOA04CD'
            if filename_suffix=='BGC':
                area_type = 'OMG'
                area_type = 'OMF'
            raise Exception, "Sorry, this script only handles LSOA/MSOA shapefiles!"            
        ds = DataSource(filename)
        layer = ds[0]
        for feat in layer:
            # retrieve name and code, and set country
            name = feat[feat_name].value
            lsoa_code = feat[feat_code].value 
            country = lsoa_code[0]
            # check if the LOA already exists in db, create it if not
                m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=area_type, codes__code=lsoa_code)
            except Area.DoesNotExist:
                m = Area(
                    type = area_type,
                    country = country,
                    generation_low = new_generation,
                    generation_high = new_generation,
            # check the generation
            if m.generation_high and m.generation_high.id < current_generation:
                raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
            m.generation_high = new_generation
            poly = [ feat.geom ]
            # TODO: check, is this type correct? 
            m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': 'S' }, { 'name': name })
            self.lsoa_code_to_shape[lsoa_code] = (m, poly)
            m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': 'ons' }, { 'code': lsoa_code })

        # save all the polygons once done
예제 #3
    def handle_label(self,  filename, **options):
        current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
        new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
        if not new_generation:
            raise Exception, "No new generation to be used for import!"

        ds = DataSource(filename)
        layer = ds[0]
        for feat in layer:
            name = unicode(feat['NAVN'].value, 'iso-8859-1')
            name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)
            print " ", name

            code = feat['KOMM'].value
            code_str = '%04d' % code
            area_code = 'NKO'
            country = 'O'
                m = Area.objects.get(codes__type='n5000', codes__code=code_str)
            except Area.DoesNotExist:
                m = Area(
                    id = code,
                    type = area_code,
                    country = country,
                    generation_low = new_generation,
                    generation_high = new_generation,

            if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
                raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
            m.generation_high = new_generation

            g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True)
            poly = [ g ]

            if options['commit']:
                m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': 'M' }, { 'name': name })
                m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': 'n5000' }, { 'code': code_str })
                save_polygons({ code : (m, poly) })
예제 #4
    def handle_label(self,  filename, **options):
        if not options['control']:
            raise Exception, "You must specify a control file"
        control = sys.modules[options['control']]

        print filename
        current_generation = Generation.objects.current()
        new_generation = Generation.objects.new()
        if not new_generation:
            raise Exception, "No new generation to be used for import!"

        ds = DataSource(filename)
        layer = ds[0]
        for feat in layer:
            name = unicode(feat['NAME'].value, 'iso-8859-1')
            print " ", name

            name = re.sub('\s*\(DET( NO \d+|)\)\s*(?i)', '', name)
            name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name)

            ons_code = feat['CODE'].value if feat['CODE'].value not in ('999999', '999999999') else None
            unit_id = str(feat['UNIT_ID'].value)
            area_code = feat['AREA_CODE'].value
            if self.patch_boundary_line(ons_code, area_code):
                ons_code = None
            if area_code == 'NCP': continue # Ignore Non Parished Areas

            if ons_code in self.ons_code_to_shape:
                m, poly = self.ons_code_to_shape[ons_code]
                m_name = m.names.get(type='O').name
                if name != m_name:
                    raise Exception, "ONS code %s is used for %s and %s" % (ons_code, name, m_name)
                # Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
                print "    Adding subsequent shape to ONS code %s" % ons_code

            if unit_id in self.unit_id_to_shape:
                m, poly = self.unit_id_to_shape[unit_id]
                m_name = m.names.get(type='O').name
                if name != m_name:
                    raise Exception, "Unit ID code %s is used for %s and %s" % (unit_id, name, m_name)
                # Otherwise, combine the two shapes for one area
                print "    Adding subsequent shape to unit ID %s" % unit_id

            if control.code_version() == 'gss' and ons_code:
                country = ons_code[0] # Hooray!
            elif area_code in ('CED', 'CTY', 'DIW', 'DIS', 'MTW', 'MTD', 'LBW', 'LBO', 'LAC', 'GLA'):
                country = 'E'
            elif control.code_version() == 'gss':
                raise Exception, area_code
            elif (area_code == 'EUR' and 'Scotland' in name) or area_code in ('SPC', 'SPE') or (ons_code and ons_code[0:3] in ('00Q', '00R')):
                country = 'S'
            elif (area_code == 'EUR' and 'Wales' in name) or area_code in ('WAC', 'WAE') or (ons_code and ons_code[0:3] in ('00N', '00P')):
                country = 'W'
            elif area_code in ('EUR', 'UTA', 'UTE', 'UTW', 'CPC'):
                country = 'E'
            else: # WMC
                # Make sure WMC are loaded after all wards...
                area_within = Area.objects.filter(type__in=('UTW','UTE','MTW','COP','LBW','DIW'), polygons__polygon__contains=feat.geom.geos.point_on_surface)[0]
                country = area_within.country
            # Can't do the above ons_code checks with new GSS codes, will have to do more PinP checks
            # Do parents in separate P-in-P code after this is done.

                if control.check(name, area_code, country, feat.geom):
                    raise Area.DoesNotExist
                if ons_code:
                    m = Area.objects.get(codes__type=control.code_version(), codes__code=ons_code)
                elif unit_id:
                    m = Area.objects.get(codes__type='unit_id', codes__code=unit_id)
                    m_name = m.names.get(type='O').name
                    if name != m_name:
                        raise Exception, "Unit ID code %s is %s in DB but %s in SHP file" % (unit_id, m_name, name)
                    raise Exception, 'Area "%s" (%s) has neither ONS code nor unit ID' % (name, area_code)
            except Area.DoesNotExist:
                m = Area(
                    type = area_code,
                    country = country,
                    generation_low = new_generation,
                    generation_high = new_generation,

            if m.generation_high and current_generation and m.generation_high.id < current_generation.id:
                raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)
            m.generation_high = new_generation
            if options['commit']:

            poly = [ feat.geom ]

            if options['commit']:
                m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': 'O' }, { 'name': name })
            if ons_code:
                self.ons_code_to_shape[ons_code] = (m, poly)
                if options['commit']:
                    m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': control.code_version() }, { 'code': ons_code })
            if unit_id:
                self.unit_id_to_shape[unit_id] = (m, poly)
                if options['commit']:
                    m.codes.update_or_create({ 'type': 'unit_id' }, { 'code': unit_id })

        if options['commit']: