def create_tile(self, tile_x, tile_y, zoom, style): m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256) m.append_style('data_style', style) lyr = mapnik2.Layer('Geometry from PostGIS') bounds = self.global_mercator.TileBounds(tile_x, tile_y, zoom) params = dict( host=str(self.db["host"]), user=str(self.db["user"]), password=str(self.db["password"]), dbname=str(self.db["database"]), table=str(self.geography["table"]), estimate_extent=False, extent=','.join(map(str, bounds)) #'-20037508,-19929239,20037508,19929239' ) lyr.datasource = mapnik2.PostGIS(**params) lyr.styles.append('data_style') m.layers.append(lyr) m.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope()) goog_x, goog_y = self.global_mercator.GoogleTile(tile_x, tile_y, zoom) file_name = '../tiles/%d_%d_%d.png' % (zoom, goog_x, goog_y) mapnik2.render_to_file(m, file_name, 'png')
def get(self): mapfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hazard', 'flood.shp') #mapfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'impact', 'impact.json') filename = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'pdf', 'report_map.pdf') filename2 = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'pdf', 'report_map.png') map = mapnik2.Map(600, 400) map.background = mapnik2.Color('steelblue') s = mapnik2.Style() r = mapnik2.Rule() polygon_symbolizer = mapnik2.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color('#f2eff9')) r.symbols.append(polygon_symbolizer) line_symbolizer = mapnik2.LineSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)'),0.1) r.symbols.append(line_symbolizer) s.rules.append(r) map.append_style('My Style',s) ds = mapnik2.Shapefile(file=mapfile) layer = mapnik2.Layer('world') layer.datasource = ds layer.styles.append('My Style') map.layers.append(layer) map.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(map, filename2, 'png') #bbox = mapnik.Envelope(-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0) #map.zoom_to_box(bbox) surface = cairo.PDFSurface(filename, map.width, map.height) mapnik2.render(map, surface) surface.finish() with open(filename) as data: pdf = data.close() self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/pdf") self.write(pdf)
def create_testmap_db_point(): map_out = "map_pi.png" m = mapnik2.Map(1024, 768) style = mapnik2.Style() rule = mapnik2.Rule() rs = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer() rule.symbols.append(rs) style.rules.append(rule) m.append_style('raster',style) lyr = mapnik2.Layer('raster') lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(base='..', file="world_one_mapCLIPPED.tif") lyr.styles.append('raster') m.layers.append(lyr) symbolizer = mapnik2.PointSymbolizer(mapnik2.PathExpression("draw_circle.png")) symbolizer.allow_overlap = True symbolizer.fill_opacity = 0.5 symbolizer.gamma = 0.0 rule.symbols.append(symbolizer) style2 = mapnik2.Style() style2.rules.append(rule) layer2 = mapnik2.Layer("mapLayer") layer2.datasource = mapnik2.SQLite(file="../test-2.3.sqlite", table='(SELECT * FROM Towns WHERE Peoples < 500) as data', key_field='PK_UID', geometry_field='GEOMETRY', wkb_format='spatialite', extent="319224,3934670,1308590,5214370") print layer2.datasource.describe() layer2.styles.append("mapStyle") m.background = mapnik2.Color("red") m.append_style("mapStyle", style2) m.layers.append(layer2) m.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(m, map_out, 'png')
def cache_map(self, minlat, minlng, maxlat, maxlng): print "Downloading map data." conn = urllib2.urlopen(',%f,%f,%f' % (minlng, minlat, maxlng, maxlat)) fn = self.mapdir + 'dat.osm' with open(fn, 'w') as f: s = while s: f.write(s) s = conn.close() print "Saving bounds." bounds_dictionary = { 'minlat': minlat, 'minlng': minlng, 'maxlat': maxlat, 'maxlng': maxlng } fn = self.mapdir + 'bounds.pkl' with open(fn, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(bounds_dictionary, f) for layer in self.mapn.layers: layer.datasource = mapnik2.Osm(file=os.path.join(self.mapdir, 'dat.osm')) self.mapn.resize(int(self.mapwidth * (maxlng - minlng) / self.dlat * sin((maxlat + minlat)/2)), int(self.mapheight * (maxlat - minlat) / self.dlat)) self.mapn.zoom_to_box(self.projection.forward(mapnik2.Envelope(minlng, minlat, maxlng, maxlat))) print "Saving base map image." filename = self.mapdir + self.map_output mapnik2.render_to_file(self.mapn, filename) self.largemapimg =
def create_testmap_db(): map_out = "map_from_db.png" m = mapnik2.Map(1024, 768) style = mapnik2.Style() rule = mapnik2.Rule() rs = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer() rule.symbols.append(rs) style.rules.append(rule) m.append_style('raster',style) lyr = mapnik2.Layer('raster') lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(base='..', file="world_one_mapCLIPPED.tif") lyr.styles.append('raster') m.layers.append(lyr) symbolizer = mapnik2.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color(255, 0, 0)) symbolizer.fill_opacity = 0.5 symbolizer.gamma = 0.0 rule.symbols.append(symbolizer) style2 = mapnik2.Style() style2.rules.append(rule) layer2 = mapnik2.Layer("mapLayer") layer2.datasource = mapnik2.SQLite(file="../border.sqlite", table='border', key_field='OGC_FID', geometry_field='GEOMETRY', wkb_format='spatialite', extent='-64.5721,31.0319,-4.50204,61.8924') layer2.styles.append("mapStyle") m.background = mapnik2.Color("steelblue") m.append_style("mapStyle", style2) m.layers.append(layer2) m.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(m, map_out, 'png')
def test_gen_map(): mapxmlfile = '../data/good_maps/raster_colorizer.xml' mapxmloutputfile = 'raster_colorizer_test_save.xml' outputfile = 'raster_colorizer_test.png' m = mapnik2.Map(800, 600) mapnik2.load_map(m, mapxmlfile) mapnik2.save_map(m, mapxmloutputfile) m.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(m, outputfile)
def run(image, stylesheet): #stylesheet = 'world_style.xml' #image = 'world_style.png' imgx = 600 imgy = 300 m = mapnik.Map(imgx, imgy) mapnik.load_map(m, stylesheet) m.zoom_all() mapnik.render_to_file(m, image) #print "rendered image to '%s'" % image return image
def async_get(self, mapnik_map): envelope = self.application._merc.xyz_to_envelope(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.tms_style) mapnik_map.zoom_to_box(envelope) mapnik_map.buffer_size = options.buffer_size try: if options.tile_cache: mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('tile_dir', self.application._tile_cache.local_dir(self.mapfile, '')) mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('z', str(self.z)) mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('x', str(self.x)) mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('y', str(self.y)) url = "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, self.filetype) self.application._tile_cache.prepare_dir(self.mapfile, url) mapnik.render_to_file(mapnik_map, self.application._tile_cache.local_url(self.mapfile, url)) if self.application._tile_cache.contains(self.mapfile, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, self.filetype)): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'image/png') self.write(self.application._tile_cache.get(self.mapfile, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, self.filetype))) if self.application._tile_cache.contains(self.mapfile, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, 'json')): code_string = self.fString(self.mapfile, self.z, self.x, self.y) jsonp_str = "%s(%s)" % (code_string, json_encode({ 'features': json_decode(str(self.application._tile_cache.get(self.mapfile, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, 'json')))), 'code_string': code_string})) self.application._tile_cache.set(self.mapfile, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, 'json'), jsonp_str) self.finish() return else: im = mapnik.Image(options.tilesize, options.tilesize) mapnik.render(mapnik_map, im) self.set_header('Content-Type', 'image/png') im_data = im.tostring('png') self.write(im_data) self.finish() return except RuntimeError: logging.error('Map for %s failed to render, cache reset', self.mapfile) self.application._map_cache.remove(self.mapfile) # Retry exactly once to re-render this tile. if not hasattr(self, 'retry'): self.retry = True self.get(self.mapfile, 'tms', self.z, self.x, self.y, self.filetype)
def test_gen_map(): mapxmlfile = '../data/good_maps/raster_colorizer.xml' mapxmloutputfile = 'raster_colorizer_test_save.xml' outputfile = 'raster_colorizer_test.png' m = mapnik2.Map(800, 600) try: mapnik2.load_map(m, mapxmlfile) mapnik2.save_map(m, mapxmloutputfile) m.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(m, outputfile) except RuntimeError,e: # only test datasources that we have installed if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e): raise RuntimeError(str(e))
def test_render_points(): if not mapnik2.has_cairo(): return # create and populate point datasource (WGS84 lat-lon coordinates) places_ds = mapnik2.PointDatasource() places_ds.add_point(142.48, -38.38, "Name", "Westernmost Point") # westernmost places_ds.add_point(143.10, -38.60, "Name", "Southernmost Point") # southernmost # create layer/rule/style s = mapnik2.Style() r = mapnik2.Rule() symb = mapnik2.PointSymbolizer() symb.allow_overlap = True r.symbols.append(symb) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik2.Layer("Places", "+proj=latlon +datum=WGS84") lyr.datasource = places_ds lyr.styles.append("places_labels") # latlon bounding box corners ul_lonlat = mapnik2.Coord(142.30, -38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik2.Coord(143.40, -38.80) # render for different projections projs = { "latlon": "+proj=latlon +datum=WGS84", "merc": "+proj=merc +datum=WGS84 +k=1.0 +units=m +over +no_defs", "google": "+proj=merc +ellps=sphere +R=6378137 +a=6378137 +units=m", "utm": "+proj=utm +zone=54 +datum=WGS84", } for projdescr in projs.iterkeys(): m = mapnik2.Map(1000, 500, projs[projdescr]) m.append_style("places_labels", s) m.layers.append(lyr) p = mapnik2.Projection(projs[projdescr]) m.zoom_to_box(p.forward(mapnik2.Box2d(ul_lonlat, lr_lonlat))) # Render to SVG so that it can be checked how many points are there with string comparison svg_file = "/tmp/%s.svg" mapnik2.render_to_file(m, svg_file) num_points_present = len(places_ds.all_features()) svg = open(svg_file, "r").read() num_points_rendered = svg.count("<image ") eq_( num_points_present, num_points_rendered, "Not all points were rendered (%d instead of %d) at projection %s" % (num_points_rendered, num_points_present, projdescr), )
def render_to_file(mapnik_map,output,format): # get the full path for a users directory if '~' in output: output = os.path.expanduser(output) # mapnik won't create directories so # we have to make sure they exist first... dirname = os.path.dirname(output) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) # render out to the desired format if format in ('png','png256','jpeg') or (hasattr(mapnik,'mapnik_version') and mapnik.mapnik_version() >= 700): try: mapnik.render_to_file(mapnik_map,output,format) except Exception, e: return (False,e)
def test_render_points(): if not mapnik2.has_cairo(): return # create and populate point datasource (WGS84 lat-lon coordinates) places_ds = mapnik2.PointDatasource() places_ds.add_point(142.48, -38.38, 'Name', 'Westernmost Point') # westernmost places_ds.add_point(143.10, -38.60, 'Name', 'Southernmost Point') # southernmost # create layer/rule/style s = mapnik2.Style() r = mapnik2.Rule() symb = mapnik2.PointSymbolizer() symb.allow_overlap = True r.symbols.append(symb) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik2.Layer('Places', '+proj=latlon +datum=WGS84') lyr.datasource = places_ds lyr.styles.append('places_labels') # latlon bounding box corners ul_lonlat = mapnik2.Coord(142.30, -38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik2.Coord(143.40, -38.80) # render for different projections projs = { 'latlon': '+proj=latlon +datum=WGS84', 'merc': '+proj=merc +datum=WGS84 +k=1.0 +units=m +over +no_defs', 'google': '+proj=merc +ellps=sphere +R=6378137 +a=6378137 +units=m', 'utm': '+proj=utm +zone=54 +datum=WGS84' } for projdescr in projs.iterkeys(): m = mapnik2.Map(1000, 500, projs[projdescr]) m.append_style('places_labels', s) m.layers.append(lyr) p = mapnik2.Projection(projs[projdescr]) m.zoom_to_box(p.forward(mapnik2.Box2d(ul_lonlat, lr_lonlat))) # Render to SVG so that it can be checked how many points are there with string comparison svg_file = '/tmp/%s.svg' mapnik2.render_to_file(m, svg_file) num_points_present = len(places_ds.all_features()) svg = open(svg_file, 'r').read() num_points_rendered = svg.count('<image ') eq_( num_points_present, num_points_rendered, "Not all points were rendered (%d instead of %d) at projection %s" % (num_points_rendered, num_points_present, projdescr))
def async_get(self, mapnik_map): envelope = self.application._merc.xyz_to_envelope(self.x, self.y, self.z) mapnik_map.zoom_to_box(envelope) mapnik_map.buffer_size = options.buffer_size try: # TODO: this makes dangerous assumptions about the content of the file string mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('tile_dir', self.application._tile_cache.local_dir(self.mapfile, '')) mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('z', str(self.z)) mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('x', str(self.x)) mapnik_map.set_metawriter_property('y', str(self.y)) url = "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, 'png') self.application._tile_cache.prepare_dir(self.mapfile, url) code_string = self.fString(self.mapfile_64, self.z, self.x, self.y) mapnik.render_to_file(mapnik_map, self.application._tile_cache.local_url(self.mapfile, url)) self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/javascript') code_string = self.fString(self.mapfile, self.z, self.x, self.y) jsonp_str = "%s(%s)" % (code_string, json_encode({ 'features': json_decode(str(self.application._tile_cache.get(self.mapfile, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, 'json')))), 'code_string': code_string})) self.application._tile_cache.set(self.mapfile, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, 'json'), jsonp_str) self.write(self.application._tile_cache.get(self.mapfile_64, "%d/%d/%d.%s" % (self.z, self.x, self.y, self.filetype))) self.finish() except RuntimeError: logging.error('Map for %s failed to render, cache reset', self.mapfile) self.application._map_cache.remove(self.mapfile) # Retry exactly once to re-render this tile. if not hasattr(self, 'retry'): self.retry = True self.get(self.mapfile, self.z, self.x, self.y, self.filetype)
def get(self): mapfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hazard', 'flood.shp') #mapfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'impact', 'impact.json') filename = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'pdf', 'report_map.pdf') filename2 = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'pdf', 'report_map.png') map = mapnik2.Map(600, 400) map.background = mapnik2.Color('steelblue') s = mapnik2.Style() r = mapnik2.Rule() polygon_symbolizer = mapnik2.PolygonSymbolizer( mapnik2.Color('#f2eff9')) r.symbols.append(polygon_symbolizer) line_symbolizer = mapnik2.LineSymbolizer( mapnik2.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)'), 0.1) r.symbols.append(line_symbolizer) s.rules.append(r) map.append_style('My Style', s) ds = mapnik2.Shapefile(file=mapfile) layer = mapnik2.Layer('world') layer.datasource = ds layer.styles.append('My Style') map.layers.append(layer) map.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(map, filename2, 'png') #bbox = mapnik.Envelope(-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0) #map.zoom_to_box(bbox) surface = cairo.PDFSurface(filename, map.width, map.height) mapnik2.render(map, surface) surface.finish() with open(filename) as data: pdf = data.close() self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/pdf") self.write(pdf)
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # import mapnik2 mapfile = 'tutorial2.xml' map_output = '~/geodata/raster/world/hello_world_using_xml_config.png' map_output = 'hello_world_using_xml_config.png' # Instantiate a map object with given width, height and spatial reference system #m = mapnik.Map(600,300,"+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84") m = mapnik2.Map(600, 300) mapnik2.load_map(m, mapfile) bbox = mapnik2.Envelope(mapnik2.Coord(-180.0, -90.0), mapnik2.Coord(180.0, 90.0)) m.zoom_to_box(bbox) # Write the data to a png image called world.png in the base directory of your user mapnik2.render_to_file(m, map_output) # Exit the python interpreter exit()
def mapnik_rendering(f_pct, f_vct, f_render): import mapnik2 as mapnik ref_pct = proj = ref_pct.projection tr = ref_pct.geo_transform width = ref_pct.width height = ref_pct.height size_p = tr[1] minx = tr[0] maxy = tr[3] miny = tr[3] - height * size_p maxx = tr[0] + width * size_p bbox = (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) #---- init _map = mapnik.Map(width, height) _map.background = mapnik.Color('black') #''' #----==== shape style_vct = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_vct = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_vct = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('#f2eff9')) symbol_vct.opacity = 0.8 rule_vct.symbols.append( symbol_vct) # add the symbolizer to the rule object line_symbolizer = mapnik.LineSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)'), 0.1) rule_vct.symbols.append( line_symbolizer) # add the symbolizer to the rule object style_vct.rules.append( rule_vct) # now add the rule to the style and we're done _map.append_style( 'vector', style_vct ) # Styles are given names only as they are applied to the map ds_shp = mapnik.Shapefile(file=f_vct) mlyr_shp = mapnik.Layer('lakes') mlyr_shp.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_shp.datasource = ds_shp mlyr_shp.styles.append('vector') _map.layers.append(mlyr_shp) #''' #----==== raster style_gdal = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_gdal = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_gdal = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer() #symbol_gdal.mode = 'multiply' symbol_gdal.opacity = 0.5 #symbol_gdal.colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_INHERIT, mapnik.Color(0,255,255)) c = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color(255, 0, 0)) c.epsilon = 0.001 c.add_stop(0) c.add_stop(255, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("red")) c.get_color(255) c.stops[1].color #''' symbol_gdal.colorizer = c rule_gdal.symbols.append(symbol_gdal) style_gdal.rules.append(rule_gdal) _map.append_style("Raster Style", style_gdal) mlyr_gdal = mapnik.Layer('TM_images') mlyr_gdal.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(file=f_pct, band=1, bbox=bbox) mlyr_gdal.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_gdal.styles.append('Raster Style') _map.layers.append(mlyr_gdal) #==== style_gdal1 = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_gdal1 = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_gdal1 = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer() #symbol_gdal.mode = 'multiply' symbol_gdal1.opacity = 0.5 #symbol_gdal.colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_INHERIT, mapnik.Color(0,255,255)) c1 = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color(0, 255, 0)) c1.epsilon = 0.001 c1.add_stop(0) c1.add_stop(255, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("green")) c1.get_color(255) c1.stops[1].color #''' symbol_gdal1.colorizer = c1 rule_gdal1.symbols.append(symbol_gdal1) style_gdal1.rules.append(rule_gdal1) _map.append_style("Raster Style2", style_gdal1) mlyr_gdal1 = mapnik.Layer('TM_images2') mlyr_gdal1.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(file=f_pct, band=2, bbox=bbox) mlyr_gdal1.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_gdal1.styles.append('Raster Style2') _map.layers.append(mlyr_gdal1) #==== #==== style_gdal_b = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_gdal_b = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_gdal_b = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer() #symbol_gdal.mode = 'multiply' symbol_gdal_b.opacity = 0.5 #symbol_gdal.colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_INHERIT, mapnik.Color(0,255,255)) c_b = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color(0, 0, 255)) c_b.epsilon = 0.001 c_b.add_stop(0) c_b.add_stop(255, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("blue")) c_b.get_color(255) c_b.stops[1].color #''' symbol_gdal_b.colorizer = c_b rule_gdal_b.symbols.append(symbol_gdal_b) style_gdal_b.rules.append(rule_gdal_b) _map.append_style("Raster Style3", style_gdal_b) mlyr_gdal_b = mapnik.Layer('TM_images3') mlyr_gdal_b.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(file=f_pct, band=3, bbox=bbox) mlyr_gdal_b.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_gdal_b.styles.append('Raster Style3') _map.layers.append(mlyr_gdal_b) #==== _map.zoom_all() # Write the data to a png image called world.png the current directory mapnik.render_to_file(_map, f_render, 'png')
def mapnik_rendering(f_pct,f_vct,f_render): import mapnik2 as mapnik ref_pct = proj = ref_pct.projection tr = ref_pct.geo_transform width = ref_pct.width height = ref_pct.height size_p = tr[1] minx = tr[0] maxy = tr[3] miny = tr[3] - height * size_p maxx = tr[0] + width * size_p bbox = (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) #---- init _map = mapnik.Map(width,height) _map.background = mapnik.Color('black') #''' #----==== shape style_vct = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_vct = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_vct = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('#f2eff9')) symbol_vct.opacity = 0.8 rule_vct.symbols.append(symbol_vct) # add the symbolizer to the rule object line_symbolizer = mapnik.LineSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)'),0.1) rule_vct.symbols.append(line_symbolizer) # add the symbolizer to the rule object style_vct.rules.append(rule_vct) # now add the rule to the style and we're done _map.append_style('vector',style_vct) # Styles are given names only as they are applied to the map ds_shp = mapnik.Shapefile(file=f_vct) mlyr_shp = mapnik.Layer('lakes') mlyr_shp.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_shp.datasource = ds_shp mlyr_shp.styles.append('vector') _map.layers.append(mlyr_shp) #''' #----==== raster style_gdal = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_gdal = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_gdal = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer() #symbol_gdal.mode = 'multiply' symbol_gdal.opacity = 0.5 #symbol_gdal.colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_INHERIT, mapnik.Color(0,255,255)) c = mapnik.RasterColorizer( mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR , mapnik.Color(255,0,0) ) c.epsilon = 0.001 c.add_stop(0) c.add_stop(255, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("red")) c.get_color(255) c.stops[1].color #''' symbol_gdal.colorizer = c rule_gdal.symbols.append(symbol_gdal) style_gdal.rules.append(rule_gdal) _map.append_style("Raster Style", style_gdal) mlyr_gdal = mapnik.Layer('TM_images') mlyr_gdal.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(file=f_pct,band=1,bbox=bbox) mlyr_gdal.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_gdal.styles.append('Raster Style') _map.layers.append(mlyr_gdal) #==== style_gdal1 = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_gdal1 = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_gdal1 = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer() #symbol_gdal.mode = 'multiply' symbol_gdal1.opacity = 0.5 #symbol_gdal.colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_INHERIT, mapnik.Color(0,255,255)) c1 = mapnik.RasterColorizer( mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR , mapnik.Color(0,255,0) ) c1.epsilon = 0.001 c1.add_stop(0) c1.add_stop(255, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("green")) c1.get_color(255) c1.stops[1].color #''' symbol_gdal1.colorizer = c1 rule_gdal1.symbols.append(symbol_gdal1) style_gdal1.rules.append(rule_gdal1) _map.append_style("Raster Style2", style_gdal1) mlyr_gdal1 = mapnik.Layer('TM_images2') mlyr_gdal1.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(file=f_pct,band=2,bbox=bbox) mlyr_gdal1.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_gdal1.styles.append('Raster Style2') _map.layers.append(mlyr_gdal1) #==== #==== style_gdal_b = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_gdal_b = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_gdal_b = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer() #symbol_gdal.mode = 'multiply' symbol_gdal_b.opacity = 0.5 #symbol_gdal.colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_INHERIT, mapnik.Color(0,255,255)) c_b = mapnik.RasterColorizer( mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR , mapnik.Color(0,0,255) ) c_b.epsilon = 0.001 c_b.add_stop(0) c_b.add_stop(255, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("blue")) c_b.get_color(255) c_b.stops[1].color #''' symbol_gdal_b.colorizer = c_b rule_gdal_b.symbols.append(symbol_gdal_b) style_gdal_b.rules.append(rule_gdal_b) _map.append_style("Raster Style3", style_gdal_b) mlyr_gdal_b = mapnik.Layer('TM_images3') mlyr_gdal_b.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(file=f_pct,band=3,bbox=bbox) mlyr_gdal_b.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_gdal_b.styles.append('Raster Style3') _map.layers.append(mlyr_gdal_b) #==== _map.zoom_all() # Write the data to a png image called world.png the current directory mapnik.render_to_file(_map,f_render, 'png')
# MaxScaleDenominator = INF # Lets keep things simple and use default value, but to create a map we # we still must provide at least one Symbolizer. Here we want to fill countries polygons with # greyish colour and draw outlines with a bit darker stroke. r = mapnik2.Rule() r.symbols.append(mapnik2.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color('#f2eff9'))) r.symbols.append(mapnik2.LineSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)'), 0.1)) s.rules.append(r) # Here we have to add our style to the Map, giving it a name. m.append_style('My Style', s) # Here we instantiate our data layer, first by giving it a name and srs (proj4 projections string), and then by giving it a datasource. lyr = mapnik2.Layer('world', "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84") # Then provide the full filesystem path to a shapefile in WGS84 or EPSG 4326 projection without the .shp extension # A sample shapefile can be downloaded from lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile( file='/home/garel/geodata/vecteur/world/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp') lyr.styles.append('My Style') m.layers.append(lyr) m.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope()) # Write the data to a png image called world.png in the base directory of your user mapnik2.render_to_file(m, '/home/garel/geodata/raster/world/world.png', 'png') # Exit the python interpreter exit()
pdf_surface = cairo.PDFSurface('demo.pdf', m.width, m.height) mapnik2.render(m, pdf_surface) images_.append('demo.pdf') pdf_surface.finish() postscript_surface = cairo.PSSurface('', m.width, m.height) mapnik2.render(m, postscript_surface) images_.append('') postscript_surface.finish() else: print '\n\nPycairo not available...', if mapnik2.has_cairo(): print ' will render Cairo formats using alternative method' mapnik2.render_to_file(m, 'demo.pdf') images_.append('demo.pdf') mapnik2.render_to_file(m, '') images_.append('') mapnik2.render_to_file(m, 'demo.svg') images_.append('demo.svg') mapnik2.render_to_file(m, 'demo_cairo_rgb.png', 'RGB24') images_.append('demo_cairo_rgb.png') mapnik2.render_to_file(m, 'demo_cairo_argb.png', 'ARGB32') images_.append('demo_cairo_argb.png') print "\n\n", len(images_), "maps have been rendered in the current directory:" for im_ in images_: print "-", im_
# uses mapnik 2 import mapnik2 symbolizer = mapnik2.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color("darkgrey")) rule = mapnik2.Rule() rule.symbols.append(symbolizer) style = mapnik2.Style() style.rules.append(rule) layer = mapnik2.Layer("mapLayer") layer.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file="/data/82945364-10m-admin-0-countries.shp") layer.styles.append("mapStyle") map = mapnik2.Map(2400, 1200) map.background = mapnik2.Color("black") map.append_style("mapStyle", style) map.layers.append(layer) map.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(map, "map.png", "png")
# uses mapnik 2 import mapnik2 symbolizer = mapnik2.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color("darkgrey")) rule = mapnik2.Rule() rule.symbols.append(symbolizer) style = mapnik2.Style() style.rules.append(rule) layer = mapnik2.Layer("mapLayer") layer.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile( file="/data/82945364-10m-admin-0-countries.shp") layer.styles.append("mapStyle") map = mapnik2.Map(2400, 1200) map.background = mapnik2.Color("black") map.append_style("mapStyle", style) map.layers.append(layer) map.zoom_all() mapnik2.render_to_file(map, "map.png", "png")
pdf_surface = cairo.PDFSurface('demo.pdf', m.width,m.height) mapnik2.render(m, pdf_surface) images_.append('demo.pdf') pdf_surface.finish() postscript_surface = cairo.PSSurface('', m.width,m.height) mapnik2.render(m, postscript_surface) images_.append('') postscript_surface.finish() else: print '\n\nPycairo not available...', if mapnik2.has_cairo(): print ' will render Cairo formats using alternative method' mapnik2.render_to_file(m,'demo.pdf') images_.append('demo.pdf') mapnik2.render_to_file(m,'') images_.append('') mapnik2.render_to_file(m,'demo.svg') images_.append('demo.svg') mapnik2.render_to_file(m,'demo_cairo_rgb.png','RGB24') images_.append('demo_cairo_rgb.png') mapnik2.render_to_file(m,'demo_cairo_argb.png','ARGB32') images_.append('demo_cairo_argb.png') print "\n\n", len(images_), "maps have been rendered in the current directory:" for im_ in images_: print "-", im_
# merc_bbox=(mapnik.Envelope( 1095383,7066673,1103176,7074154)) #merc_bbox= (mapnik.Envelope( 1079799,7062935,1135458,7107904)) #proj +to +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over # 9.83 53.46 # 10.1 53.62 # 1094270.59 7068542.91 # 1124326.86 7098514.81 #merc_bbox= (mapnik.Box2d( 1094270,7068542,1124326,7098514)) m.zoom_to_box(merc_bbox) #m.zoom_all() #imgx=zielgroeze_in_cm/2.54*dpi # render the map to an image sys.stdout.write('Map scale denominator: %s\n' % m.scale_denominator()) im = mapnik.Image(imgx,imgy) mapnik.render(m, im)".png",'png') sys.stdout.write('output image to %s.png!\n' % map_name) # Note: instead of creating an image, rendering to it, and then # saving, we can also do this in one step like: # mapnik.render_to_file(m, map_uri,'pdf') # And in Mapnik >= 0.7.0 you can also use `render_to_file()` to output # to Cairo supported formats if you have Mapnik built with Cairo support # For example, to render to pdf or svg do: mapnik.render_to_file(m, map_name+".pdf") mapnik.render_to_file(m, map_name+".svg")
border_rule.symbols.append(lines) district_style.rules.append(border_rule) m.append_style('district', district_style) district_lyr.styles.append('district') m.layers.append(district_lyr) ll_start = (-126.7332, 22.544, -64.9499, 51.3844) ll_finish = (-73.967004000000102, 40.670499999999997, -73.860851000000096, 40.739339000000001) ll = list(ll_start) num_frames = 6000 z = 15 f = 1.0 for i in range(1, num_frames + 1): for j in range(0, 4): if i > 1: ll[j] = ll_finish[j] + ((ll[j]-ll_finish[j])*f) if f > 0.998: f = f - 0.00002 c0 = prj.forward(mapnik2.Coord(ll[0], ll[1])) c1 = prj.forward(mapnik2.Coord(ll[2], ll[3])) bbox = mapnik2.Box2d(c0.x, c0.y, c1.x, c1.y) m.zoom_to_box(bbox) print "Rendering frame %d/%d" % (i, num_frames) mapnik2.render_to_file(m, 'frames/frame_%d.png' % i, 'png')
def main(argv): b = "-180,-90,180,90" i = "" o = "" l = "-1" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hb:i:o:l:",["bbox","inputXml","output","layerGrid"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -b <bbox> -i <inputXml> -o <output> -l <layerGrid>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' -b <bbox> -i <inputXml> -o <output> -l <layerGrid>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-b", "--bbox"): b = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--inputXml"): i = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): o = arg elif opt in ("-l", "--layerGrid"): l = arg box = [] for s in b.split(",") : box.append(float(s)) geo_extent = Box2d(box[0],box[1],box[2],box[3]) geo_proj = Projection('+init=epsg:4326') merc_proj = Projection('+init=epsg:3857') transform = ProjTransform(geo_proj,merc_proj) merc_extent = transform.forward(geo_extent) mp = mapnik2.Map(256,256) #sys.exit(i) if i.find('http') >= 0: xmlurl=urllib2.urlopen(i) mapnik2.load_map_from_string(mp,xmlstr) xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmlstr) else: mapnik2.load_map(mp, i) xmldoc = minidom.parse(i) mp.zoom_to_box(merc_extent) printed = 0 if o == 'png': im = Image(mp.width,mp.height) mapnik2.render(mp,im) fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(fd,im.tostring('png')) os.fsync(fd) print path elif o == 'json': printed = 1 else: image = o+".png" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(image)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(image)) except: pass mapnik2.render_to_file(mp, image) if l == '-1': print image lgrids = [] if l != '-1': for s in l.split(",") : lgrids.append(int(s)) else: sys.exit() itemlist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Layer') fields = [] resolution = 4 #Pixel resolution of output. printed = 0 for ly in lgrids : dat = itemlist[ly].getElementsByTagName('Datasource')[0] par = dat.getElementsByTagName('Parameter') for s in par : if s.attributes['name'].value == 'fields': text = s.childNodes[0].nodeValue.encode("utf-8") #print "fields "+text fields = text.split(",") if s.attributes['name'].value == 'resolution': res = s.childNodes[0].nodeValue.encode("utf-8") #print "resolution "+res resolution = int(res) layer_index = ly #First layer on the map - index in m.layers key = "__id__" #Field used for the key in mapnik2 (should probably be unique) enfix = "" if ly > 0: enfix = "_"+str(ly) d = mapnik2.render_grid(mp, layer_index, key, resolution, fields) #returns a dictionary d = "grid("+json.dumps(d)+")" if o == 'json' and printed == 0: print d printed = 1 elif o == 'png': printed = 1 else: print d f = open(o+enfix+".json",'wb') f.write(d) f.close()
# we still must provide at least one Symbolizer. Here we want to fill countries polygons with # greyish colour and draw outlines with a bit darker stroke. r=mapnik2.Rule() r.symbols.append(mapnik2.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color('#f2eff9'))) r.symbols.append(mapnik2.LineSymbolizer(mapnik2.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)'),0.1)) s.rules.append(r) # Here we have to add our style to the Map, giving it a name. m.append_style('My Style',s) # Here we instantiate our data layer, first by giving it a name and srs (proj4 projections string), and then by giving it a datasource. lyr = mapnik2.Layer('world',"+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84") # Then provide the full filesystem path to a shapefile in WGS84 or EPSG 4326 projection without the .shp extension # A sample shapefile can be downloaded from lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='/home/garel/geodata/vecteur/world/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp') lyr.styles.append('My Style') m.layers.append(lyr) m.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope()) # Write the data to a png image called world.png in the base directory of your user mapnik2.render_to_file(m,'/home/garel/geodata/raster/world/world.png', 'png') # Exit the python interpreter exit()
import mapnik2 as mapnik mapnik.register_plugins('../') # get mongo.input m = mapnik.Map(600,400) m.background = mapnik.Color('white') s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() r.symbols.append(mapnik.PointSymbolizer()) t = mapnik.TextSymbolizer(mapnik.Expression("[key]"),"DejaVu Sans Book",10,mapnik.Color('black')) t.displacement = (15,15) r.symbols.append(t) s.rules.append(r) m.append_style('style',s) ds = mapnik.Datasource(type="mongo") l = mapnik.Layer('test') l.styles.append('style') l.datasource = ds m.layers.append(l) m.zoom_all() mapnik.render_to_file(m,'test.png')
def mapnik_rendering(f_pct,f_vct,f_render): import mapnik2 as mapnik ref_pct = proj = ref_pct.projection tr = ref_pct.geo_transform width = ref_pct.width height = ref_pct.height size_p = tr[1] minx = tr[0] maxy = tr[3] miny = tr[3] - height * size_p maxx = tr[0] + width * size_p bbox = (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) #---- init _map = mapnik.Map(width,height) _map.background = mapnik.Color('black') #----==== raster style_gdal = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_gdal = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers symbol_gdal = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer() #symbol_gdal.opacity = 0.5 #$symbol_gdal.colorizer = mapnik.RasterColorizer(mapnik.COLORIZER_INHERIT, mapnik.Color(255,255,255)) c = mapnik.RasterColorizer( mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR , mapnik.Color(0,0,0) ) c.epsilon = 0.001 c.add_stop(0) c.add_stop(900, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("#F3DDB4")) c.add_stop(1300, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("cyan")) c.add_stop(2000, mapnik.COLORIZER_LINEAR, mapnik.Color("white")) #c.get_color(2000) #c.stops[1].color #''' symbol_gdal.colorizer = c rule_gdal.symbols.append(symbol_gdal) style_gdal.rules.append(rule_gdal) _map.append_style("Raster Style", style_gdal) mlyr_gdal = mapnik.Layer('TM_images') mlyr_gdal.datasource = mapnik.Gdal(file=f_pct,band=1,bbox=bbox) #mlyr_gdal.srs = '+proj=utm +zone=46 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' mlyr_gdal.styles.append('Raster Style') _map.layers.append(mlyr_gdal) #''' #----==== shape style_vct = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules rule_vct = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers #==== ==== add labels symbol_text = mapnik.TextSymbolizer(mapnik.Expression('[Code_uniq]'), 'DejaVu Sans Book', 20, mapnik.Color('black')) symbol_text.halo_fill = mapnik.Color('white') symbol_text.halo_radius = 1 symbol_text.avoid_edges = True #symbol_text.allow_overlap = False symbol_text.vertical_alignment = mapnik.vertical_alignment.TOP symbol_text.label_placement = mapnik.label_placement.POINT_PLACEMENT #LINE_PLACEMENT # is default rule_vct.symbols.append(symbol_text) #==== ==== 1.add polygon symbol_vct = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('#059BFF')) symbol_vct.opacity = 1#0.6 rule_vct.symbols.append(symbol_vct) # add the symbolizer to the rule object #==== ==== 2.add outlines line_symbolizer = mapnik.LineSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('black'),0.3) rule_vct.symbols.append(line_symbolizer) # add the symbolizer to the rule object style_vct.rules.append(rule_vct) # now add the rule to the style and we're done _map.append_style('vector',style_vct) # Styles are given names only as they are applied to the map ds_shp = mapnik.Shapefile(file=f_vct) mlyr_shp = mapnik.Layer('lakes') mlyr_shp.datasource = ds_shp mlyr_shp.styles.append('vector') _map.layers.append(mlyr_shp) #''' _map.zoom_all() # Write the data to a png image called world.png the current directory mapnik.render_to_file(_map,f_render, 'png') print f_render
#!/usr/bin/env python try: import mapnik2 as mapnik except: import mapnik NUM_THREADS = 4 stylesheet = 'hh_density.xml' image = 'hh_density.png' m = mapnik.Map(1800,1200) mapnik.load_map(m, stylesheet) m.zoom_all() mapnik.render_to_file(m, image) print "Rendered map to '%s'." % (image)
pds = mapnik2.PointDatasource() # place scale at the bottom-center of the map pds.add_point(label_x, label_y, 'Name', "Scale: 1:" + str(m.scale_denominator())) # create label symbolizers if mapnik2.mapnik_version() >= 800: text = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer(mapnik2.Expression('[Name]'),'DejaVu Sans Bold',12,mapnik2.Color('black')) else: text = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer('Name','DejaVu Sans Bold',12,mapnik2.Color('black')) s3 = mapnik2.Style() r3 = mapnik2.Rule() r3.symbols.append(text) s3.rules.append(r3) lyr3 = mapnik2.Layer('Memory Datasource') lyr3.datasource = pds lyr3.styles.append('Style') m.layers.append(lyr3) m.append_style('Style',s3) ### ### END scale ### # Render Mapnik-map to png-file mapnik2.render_to_file(m, pic_output_name, pic_output_format) del m
#!/usr/bin/env python import mapnik2 as mapnik m = mapnik.Map(6000,3000,"+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84") m.background = mapnik.Color('steelblue') s = mapnik.Style() r=mapnik.Rule() r.symbols.append(mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('#f2eff9'))) r.symbols.append(mapnik.LineSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)'),0.1)) s.rules.append(r) m.append_style('My Style',s) lyr = mapnik.Layer('world',"+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84") lyr.datasource = mapnik.Shapefile(file='/opt/gdata/world_borders.shp') lyr.styles.append('My Style') m.layers.append(lyr) m.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope()) mapnik.render_to_file(m,'world.png', 'png')
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # import mapnik2 mapfile = "tutorial2.xml" map_output = "~/geodata/raster/world/hello_world_using_xml_config.png" map_output = "hello_world_using_xml_config.png" # Instantiate a map object with given width, height and spatial reference system # m = mapnik.Map(600,300,"+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84") m = mapnik2.Map(600, 300) mapnik2.load_map(m, mapfile) bbox = mapnik2.Envelope(mapnik2.Coord(-180.0, -90.0), mapnik2.Coord(180.0, 90.0)) m.zoom_to_box(bbox) # Write the data to a png image called world.png in the base directory of your user mapnik2.render_to_file(m, map_output) # Exit the python interpreter exit()
m = mapnik.Map(width, height) mapnik.load_map(m, mapfile) # ensure the target map projection is mercator m.srs = merc.params() # transform the centre point into the target coord sys centre = mapnik.Coord(centrex, centrey) transform = mapnik.ProjTransform(longlat, merc) merc_centre = transform.forward(centre) # 360/(2**zoom) degrees = 256 px # so in merc 1px = (20037508.34*2) / (256 * 2**zoom) # hence to find the bounds of our rectangle in projected coordinates + and - half the image width worth of projected coord units dx = ((20037508.34 * 2 * (width / 2))) / (256 * (2**(zoom))) minx = merc_centre.x - dx maxx = merc_centre.x + dx # grow the height bbox, as we only accurately set the width bbox m.aspect_fix_mode = mapnik.aspect_fix_mode.ADJUST_BBOX_HEIGHT bounds = mapnik.Box2d( minx, merc_centre.y - 10, maxx, merc_centre.y + 10) # the y bounds will be fixed by mapnik due to ADJUST_BBOX_HEIGHT m.zoom_to_box(bounds) # render the map image to a file mapnik.render_to_file(m, output) sys.stdout.write('output image to %s!\n' % output)
"Scale: 1:" + str(m.scale_denominator())) # create label symbolizers if mapnik2.mapnik_version() >= 800: text = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer(mapnik2.Expression('[Name]'), 'DejaVu Sans Bold', 12, mapnik2.Color('black')) else: text = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer('Name', 'DejaVu Sans Bold', 12, mapnik2.Color('black')) s3 = mapnik2.Style() r3 = mapnik2.Rule() r3.symbols.append(text) s3.rules.append(r3) lyr3 = mapnik2.Layer('Memory Datasource') lyr3.datasource = pds lyr3.styles.append('Style') m.layers.append(lyr3) m.append_style('Style', s3) ### ### END scale ### # Render Mapnik-map to png-file mapnik2.render_to_file(m, pic_output_name, pic_output_format) del m
def render_map(self, lat, lon, angle=None, angle_offset=0, zoom=None, overwrite=False, img_width=None, img_height=None, zoom_to_layer=False, layer_padding=10): """Renders map with help of mapnik If maps_cache is used it is first checked if image already exists in cache. Image name is created with self._make_name which creates name from lat_lon rounded to 5 decimals and width height if they are provided. If image exists and overwrite is False image is returned as ImageClip. If overwrite is True image is deleted and image is rendered and also returned as ImageClip. Parameters --------- lat : float Latitude in WGS84 - center point of a map (around 46 in Europe) lon : float Longitude in WGS84 - center point of a map (around 15 in Europe) angle : float If we want to rotate map. It should show where up is. AKA bearing angle_offset : int How much offset is between camera and forward direction so that map is correctly oriented zoom : float Mapnik zoom from 0-19 (higher number higher zoom) If we want different zoom then what was set in constructor overwrite : bool If we are using map cache do we want to overwrite existing images img_width : int If we want different size of map then what was set in constructor img_height : int If we want different size of map then what was set in constructor zoom_to_layer: bool If true it shows whole gpx layer in a map. lat, lon, zoom, angle are ignored layer_padding: int How much padding to add between edges of layer and image Returns -------, tuple Rendered image as clip, and tuple with x and y coordinate of center in pixel units. (Used to add point on current location) """ map_uri = None width = self.map_width if img_width is None else img_width height = self.map_height if img_height is None else img_height if zoom is None: if self.map_zoom is None: raise Exception("One of map_zoom or zoom needs to be set!") zoom = self.map_zoom if angle is None: # spherical mercator (most common target map projection of osm data imported with osm2pgsql) merc = self.mercator_projection else: #Map rotation merc = mapnik.Projection( '+proj=aeqd +ellps=sphere +lat_0=90 +lon_0=-' + str(angle + angle_offset)) self._lazy_init_map() # ensure the target map projection is mercator self.m.srs = merc.params() centre = mapnik.Coord(lon, lat) transform = mapnik.ProjTransform(MapnikRenderer.longlat, merc) merc_centre = transform.forward(centre) if img_width is not None and img_height is not None: self.m.resize(width, height) if not zoom_to_layer: # 360/(2**zoom) degrees = 256 px # so in merc 1px = (20037508.34*2) / (256 * 2**zoom) # hence to find the bounds of our rectangle in projected coordinates + and - half the image width worth of projected coord units dx = ((20037508.34 * 2 * (width / 2))) / (256 * (2**(zoom))) minx = merc_centre.x - dx maxx = merc_centre.x + dx # grow the height bbox, as we only accurately set the width bbox self.m.aspect_fix_mode = mapnik.aspect_fix_mode.ADJUST_BBOX_HEIGHT bounds = mapnik.Box2d( minx, merc_centre.y - 10, maxx, merc_centre.y + 10 ) # the y bounds will be fixed by mapnik due to ADJUST_BBOX_HEIGHT else: names = ["gpx"] ppmm = 90.7 / 25.4 self.m.aspect_fix_mode = mapnik.aspect_fix_mode.GROW_BBOX #Next for loop is from Zverik/Nik4 app #Calculate extent of given layers and bbox for layer in (l for l in self.m.layers if in names): # it may as well be a GPX layer in WGS84 proj = mapnik.Projection(layer.srs) bbox = layer.envelope() \ .inverse(proj).forward(self.mercator_projection) tscale = min((bbox.maxx - bbox.minx) / max(width, 0.01), (bbox.maxy - bbox.miny) / max(height, 0.01)) bbox.pad(layer_padding * ppmm * tscale) bounds = bbox # Note: aspect_fix_mode is only available in Mapnik >= 0.6.0 self.m.zoom_to_box(bounds) center_pixel_coord = self.m.view_transform().forward(merc_centre) #print ("img_width: {} map_width:{} width:{}".format(img_width, self.map_width, width)) if self.maps_cache is not None: zoom_name = zoom if self.zoom_changeable else None fn = self._make_name(lat, lon, width, height, zoom_name, zoom_to_layer) #print ("Rendering " + fn) map_uri = os.path.join(self.maps_cache, "{}.png".format(fn)) #If we don't want to overwrite and file already exists skip map rendering if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(map_uri): return ImageClip(map_uri), (center_pixel_coord.x, center_pixel_coord.y) #If we want to overwrite and file exists we remove file if overwrite and os.path.isfile(map_uri): os.remove(map_uri) #start = time.perf_counter() if self.maps_cache is not None: mapnik.render_to_file(self.m, map_uri) map_data = map_uri else: #Renders map to image in memory saves it to buffer and reads in numpy im = mapnik.Image(self.m.width, self.m.height) mapnik.render(self.m, im)"/tmp/tmp.png", 'png256') #Saving image to bytes buffer needs to be nonpalletted image otherwise it needs #to be converted to RGB when reading in numpy anyways string_image = im.tostring('png32') buffer = BytesIO(string_image) #with open("/tmp/tmp1.png", "wb") as o: #o.write(buffer.getvalue()) pil_image = #print (pil_image.format, pil_image.mode, pil_image.size, #pil_image.palette) map_data = np.asarray(pil_image) #map_data = "/tmp/tmp.png" if img_width is not None and img_height is not None: self.m.resize(self.map_width, self.map_height) #print ("render took %r s" % (time.perf_counter()-start,)) return ImageClip(map_data), (center_pixel_coord.x, center_pixel_coord.y)