def poly(points): last=None poly_coords=[] for coord in points: merc=mapper.latlon2merc(mapper.from_str(coord),13) if merc==last: continue last=merc poly_coords.append(Vertex(int(merc[0]),int(merc[1]))) if len(poly_coords)>=3: return Polygon(vvector(poly_coords)) return None
def poly(points): last = None poly_coords = [] for coord in points: merc = mapper.latlon2merc(mapper.from_str(coord), 13) if merc == last: continue last = merc poly_coords.append(Vertex(int(merc[0]), int(merc[1]))) if len(poly_coords) >= 3: return Polygon(vvector(poly_coords)) return None
writeByte(0) """ Format is: (key [{'ends': [{'pos': '61.8552555556,24.7619638889', 'thr': u'08'}, {'pos': '61.8568416667,24.8112611111', 'thr': u'26'}]} """ if versionnum>=7: runways=point.get('runways',[]) writeByte(len(runways)) #if runways: print "Writing runways,",runways for runway in runways: runway=dict(runway) for end in runway['ends']: end=dict(end) writeUTF(end['thr']) lat,lon=mapper.from_str(end['pos']) writeFloat(lat) writeFloat(lon) if versionnum>=9: if runway.get('surface',''): writeByte(1) writeUTF(runway.get('surface','')) else: writeByte(0) if versionnum>=9: if point.get('remark',''): writeByte(1) writeUTF(point['remark']) else: writeByte(0)
class UserData(object): def have_any(self): return not self.empty def __init__(self, user, orders=None): #print "Loading userdata for ",user self.user = user self.log = [] self.points = dict() self.spaces = dict() self.pointslookup = dict() self.spaceslookup = dict() self.empty = True zoomlevel = 13 pointtypes = ['obstacles', 'airfields', 'sigpoints'] spacestypes = ['airspaces', 'firs'] for pointtype in pointtypes: self.points[pointtype] = [] for spacetype in spacestypes: self.spaces[spacetype] = [] if orders == None: orders = [] for csets in meta.Session.query(CustomSets).filter( CustomSets.user == user).all(): customs = list( meta.Session.query(CustomSet).filter( sa.and_(CustomSet.user == user, CustomSet.setname == csets.setname, CustomSet.version == orders.extend(customs) for custom in orders: try: #print "Found custom set:",custom.setname ##print "Found active custom set:",custom.setname,custom.version #print "Data:" #print "------------------" #print #print "Cont1" data = json.loads(u"".join([ x for x in"\n") if not x.strip().startswith("#") ]).encode('utf8')) if type(data) != dict: raise Exception( "Top level must be object, that is, file must start with '{'" ) #print "Cont2" for pointtype in pointtypes: if pointtype in data: out = [] for point in data[pointtype]: #print "val point" if validate_point(point, pointtype, self.log): out.append(point) #print "aft val point" if pointtype == 'airfields': #print "val airf" validate_airfield_space(point, self.log, self.spaces['airspaces']) #print "aft val airf" self.points[pointtype].extend(out) data.pop(pointtype) #print "Cont3" for spacetype in spacestypes: if spacetype in data: out = [] for space in data[spacetype]: if validate_space(space, spacetype, self.log): out.append(space) self.spaces[spacetype].extend(out) data.pop(spacetype) #print "Cont4" if len(data.keys()): for key in data.keys(): self.log.append("Unknown top-level key: %s" % (key, )) #print "Cont5" except Exception, cause: print "Problem parsing custom", traceback.format_exc() self.log.append(traceback.format_exc()) if len(self.log) == 0: #print "About to start bsptreein" for pointtype in pointtypes: bspitems = [] for item in self.points[pointtype]: #print "Adding BspTree item of type: ",pointtype,"item:",item bspitems.append( BspTree.Item( mapper.latlon2merc(mapper.from_str(item['pos']), 13), item)) self.pointslookup[pointtype] = BspTree(bspitems) if bspitems: self.empty = False airspaces = self.spaces.get('airspaces', []) firs = [space for space in airspaces if space['type'] == 'FIR'] regular_airspaces = [ space for space in airspaces if space['type'] != 'FIR' ] self.spaces['airspaces'] = regular_airspaces self.spaces['firs'] = firs if len(self.log) == 0: for spacetype in spacestypes: bbitems = [] for space in self.spaces[spacetype]: poly_coords = [] bb = BoundingBox(1e30, 1e30, -1e30, -1e30) for coord in space['points']: print "Coord:", coord x, y = mapper.latlon2merc(mapper.from_str(coord), zoomlevel) bb.x1 = min(bb.x1, x) bb.x2 = max(bb.x2, x) bb.y1 = min(bb.y1, y) bb.y2 = max(bb.y2, y) poly_coords.append(Vertex(int(x), int(y))) if len(poly_coords) < 3: continue poly = Polygon(vvector(poly_coords)) #print "Item:",space bbitems.append(BBTree.TItem(bb, (poly, space))) self.spaceslookup[spacetype] = BBTree(bbitems, 0.5) if bbitems: self.empty = False = datetime.utcnow()
writeByte(0) """ Format is: (key [{'ends': [{'pos': '61.8552555556,24.7619638889', 'thr': u'08'}, {'pos': '61.8568416667,24.8112611111', 'thr': u'26'}]} """ if versionnum >= 7: runways = point.get('runways', []) writeByte(len(runways)) #if runways: print "Writing runways,",runways for runway in runways: runway = dict(runway) for end in runway['ends']: end = dict(end) writeUTF(end['thr']) lat, lon = mapper.from_str(end['pos']) writeFloat(lat) writeFloat(lon) if versionnum >= 9: if runway.get('surface', ''): writeByte(1) writeUTF(runway.get('surface', '')) else: writeByte(0) if versionnum >= 9: if point.get('remark', ''): writeByte(1) writeUTF(point['remark']) else: writeByte(0)