def findAllLabs(self, accessLevel="", oper="="): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() labs = {} # labID, labName if accessLevel != "": cursor.execute( "SELECT labID, lab_name FROM LabInfo_tbl l, UserCategories_tbl c WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + ` category_Name_ID_Map[accessLevel] ` + " AND l.default_access_level=c.categoryID AND l.status='ACTIVE' ORDER BY lab_name" ) else: cursor.execute( "SELECT labID, lab_name FROM LabInfo_tbl WHERE status='ACTIVE'" ) results = cursor.fetchall() for result in results: labID = int(result[0]) labName = result[1] labs[labID] = labName return labs
def findLabByID(self, labID): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_ID_Name_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryIDToName() cursor.execute( "SELECT lab_name, description, default_access_level, location, lab_head, labCode FROM LabInfo_tbl WHERE labID=" + ` labID ` + " AND status='ACTIVE'") result = cursor.fetchone() if result: labName = result[0] labDescr = result[1] accessLevel = int(result[2]) address = result[3] labHead = result[4] labCode = result[5].upper() newLab = Laboratory(labID, labName, labDescr, category_ID_Name_Map[accessLevel], address, labHead, labCode) return newLab
def setUserPropertyValue(self, uid, propName, propValue): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() if propName == "password": cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = MD5(" + `propValue` + ") WHERE userID=" + `uid`) elif propName == "username": # Watch out again for duplicate username entries if not self.existsUsername(propValue, 'ACTIVE') and not self.existsUsername(propValue, 'DEP'): cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = " + `propValue` + " WHERE userID=" + `uid`) elif not self.existsUsername(propValue, 'ACTIVE') and self.existsUsername(propValue, 'DEP'): raise DeletedUserException("The username provided exists in the system but is inactive") else: raise DuplicateUsernameException("The username provided already exists in the system") elif propName == "category": cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = " + `category_Name_ID_Map[propValue]` + " WHERE userID=" + `uid`) else: cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = " + `propValue` + " WHERE userID=" + `uid`)
def addLab(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() # print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! # print # DITTO # print `form` # Get form values labName = form.getvalue("labName") labHeadTitle = form.getvalue("titles") labHeadName = form.getvalue("labHead") labHead = labHeadTitle + " " + labHeadName labCode = form.getvalue("labCode").upper() labDescr = form.getvalue("labDescription") labAddress = form.getvalue("labAddress") labAccess = form.getvalue("system_access_level") defaultLabAccessLevel = category_Name_ID_Map[labAccess] # map to database ID try: newLabID = lHandler.insertLab(labName, labDescr, labAddress, defaultLabAccessLevel, labHead, labCode) # print `newLabID` newLab = Laboratory(newLabID, labName, labDescr, labAccess, labAddress, labHead, labCode) self.printLabInfo("view", newLab) except DuplicateLabCodeException: d = DuplicateLabCodeException() utils.redirect( hostname + "User.php?View=3&labName=" + labName + "&title=" + labHeadTitle + "&labHead=" + labHeadName + "&labCode=" + labCode + "&labDescr=" + labDescr + "&locn=" + labAddress + "&access=" + labAccess + "&ErrCode=" + ` d.err_code() ` )
def findAllMembersInCategory(self, category, active, oper = '=', labID = 0): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) # for category name/id mapping category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() members = [] # list of User **objects** # When we include 'status=ACTIVE' restriction in the query, a DEP owner of an active project is not shown in project view. However, we should not add DEP members to a project. # Therefore, the calling function should specify whether it wants to restrict query by status. # If 'active' parameter is True, add 'status=ACTIVE' clause # In any case, **remember to fill in 'category' column for DEP users before the launch** if labID == 0: if active: cursor.execute("SELECT userID, firstname, lastname, description FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + `category_Name_ID_Map[category]` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.description <>'' AND u.status='ACTIVE'") else: cursor.execute("SELECT userID, firstname, lastname, description FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + `category_Name_ID_Map[category]` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.description <>''") else: if active: cursor.execute("SELECT u.userID, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.description, l.lab_name FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c, LabInfo_tbl l WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + `category_Name_ID_Map[category]` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.labID=" + `labID` + " AND l.labID=u.labID AND u.status='ACTIVE'") else: cursor.execute("SELECT u.userID, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.description, l.lab_name FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c, LabInfo_tbl l WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + `category_Name_ID_Map[category]` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.description <>'' AND u.labID=" + `labID` + " AND l.labID=u.labID") results = cursor.fetchall() for result in results: userID = int(result[0]) firstName = result[1] lastName = result[2] description = result[3] tmpLab = Laboratory(labID) if len(result) == 5: labName = result[4] tmpLab.setName(labName) # create a User object tmpUser = User(userID, "", firstName, lastName, description, tmpLab, category, "", "") members.append(tmpUser) return members
def setUserPropertyValue(self, uid, propName, propValue): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() if propName == "password": cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = MD5(" + ` propValue ` + ") WHERE userID=" + ` uid `) elif propName == "username": # Watch out again for duplicate username entries if not self.existsUsername(propValue, 'ACTIVE') and not self.existsUsername( propValue, 'DEP'): cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = " + ` propValue ` + " WHERE userID=" + ` uid `) elif not self.existsUsername(propValue, 'ACTIVE') and self.existsUsername( propValue, 'DEP'): raise DeletedUserException( "The username provided exists in the system but is inactive" ) else: raise DuplicateUsernameException( "The username provided already exists in the system") elif propName == "category": cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = " + ` category_Name_ID_Map[propValue] ` + " WHERE userID=" + ` uid `) else: cursor.execute("UPDATE Users_tbl SET " + propName + " = " + ` propValue ` + " WHERE userID=" + ` uid `)
def addLab(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `form` # Get form values labName = form.getvalue("labName") labHeadTitle = form.getvalue("titles") labHeadName = form.getvalue("labHead") labHead = labHeadTitle + " " + labHeadName labCode = form.getvalue("labCode").upper() labDescr = form.getvalue("labDescription") labAddress = form.getvalue("labAddress") labAccess = form.getvalue("system_access_level") defaultLabAccessLevel = category_Name_ID_Map[ labAccess] # map to database ID try: newLabID = lHandler.insertLab(labName, labDescr, labAddress, defaultLabAccessLevel, labHead, labCode) #print `newLabID` newLab = Laboratory(newLabID, labName, labDescr, labAccess, labAddress, labHead, labCode) self.printLabInfo('view', newLab) except DuplicateLabCodeException: d = DuplicateLabCodeException() utils.redirect(hostname + "User.php?View=3&labName=" + labName + "&title=" + labHeadTitle + "&labHead=" + labHeadName + "&labCode=" + labCode + "&labDescr=" + labDescr + "&locn=" + labAddress + "&access=" + labAccess + "&ErrCode=" + ` d.err_code() `)
def modifyUser(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() # print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! # print # DITTO # print `form` # Get form values userID = int(form.getvalue("userID")) newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) """ labID = int(form.getvalue("labID")) username = form.getvalue("username") firstName = form.getvalue("firstName") lastName = form.getvalue("lastName") description = firstName + " " + lastName email = form.getvalue("email") passwd = form.getvalue("password") """ readProjects = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, "Reader") newUser.setReadProjects(readProjects) writeProjects = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, "Writer") newUser.setWriteProjects(writeProjects) self.printUserInfo("edit", newUser)
def modifyUser(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `form` # Get form values userID = int(form.getvalue("userID")) newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) ''' labID = int(form.getvalue("labID")) username = form.getvalue("username") firstName = form.getvalue("firstName") lastName = form.getvalue("lastName") description = firstName + " " + lastName email = form.getvalue("email") passwd = form.getvalue("password") ''' readProjects = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader') newUser.setReadProjects(readProjects) writeProjects = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer') newUser.setWriteProjects(writeProjects) self.printUserInfo('edit', newUser)
def findLabByID(self, labID): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_ID_Name_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryIDToName() cursor.execute("SELECT lab_name, description, default_access_level, location, lab_head, labCode FROM LabInfo_tbl WHERE labID=" + `labID` + " AND status='ACTIVE'") result = cursor.fetchone() if result: labName = result[0] labDescr = result[1] accessLevel = int(result[2]) address = result[3] labHead = result[4] labCode = result[5].upper() newLab = Laboratory(labID, labName, labDescr, category_ID_Name_Map[accessLevel], address, labHead, labCode) return newLab
def findAllLabs(self, accessLevel="", oper="="): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() labs = {} # labID, labName if accessLevel != "": cursor.execute("SELECT labID, lab_name FROM LabInfo_tbl l, UserCategories_tbl c WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + `category_Name_ID_Map[accessLevel]` + " AND l.default_access_level=c.categoryID AND l.status='ACTIVE' ORDER BY lab_name") else: cursor.execute("SELECT labID, lab_name FROM LabInfo_tbl WHERE status='ACTIVE'") results = cursor.fetchall() for result in results: labID = int(result[0]) labName = result[1] labs[labID] = labName return labs
def printUserInfo(self, cmd, user, errCode=""): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_ID_Name_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryIDToName() category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUser = Session.getUser() gOut = GeneralOutputClass() if cmd =='create': username = user.getUsername() firstname = user.getFirstName() lastname = user.getLastName() email = user.getEmail() passwd = user.getPassword() lab = user.getLab() uLabID = lab.getID() uLabName = lab.getName() labs = lHandler.findAllLabs() # changed Aug. 18/08 - new format #content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() content = gOut.printHeader() content += ''' <FORM NAME="create_user_form" METHOD="POST" ACTION="%s" onSubmit="return verifyAddUser();"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"> <TH colspan="4" style="color:#0000FF; border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom: 1px groove black; padding-top: 10px; padding-top:5px;"> ADD NEW USER <P style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt; margin-top:5px;">Fields in red marked with an asterisk (<span style="font-size:9pt; color:#FF0000;">*</span>) are mandatory</P> </TH> <TR> <TD style="width:150px; vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px; color:#FF0000;"> Laboratory: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px"> <SELECT id="labList" name="labs"> <OPTION>Select Lab</OPTION> ''' # sort labs by name labSortedDict = {} # will store (labName, labID) tuples labNames = [] # just hold lab names for labID in labs.keys(): labName = labs[labID] labNames.append(labName) labSortedDict[labName] = labID labNames.sort() #for labID in labs.keys(): for labName in labNames: labID = labSortedDict[labName] labName = labs[labID] content += "<OPTION ID=\"" + `labID` + "\" NAME=\"lab_optn\" VALUE=\"" + `labID` + "\"" if labID == uLabID: content += " SELECTED>" + labName else: content += ">" + labName content += "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <P id="lab_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:none">Please select a laboratory name from the dropdown list above.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> Username: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="user_name" NAME="username" VALUE="%s"/> <BR/> <!-- Warning anchor --> <a name="w1" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt"> <P id="dup_uname_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:inline">This username already exists. Please specify a different username.</P> </a> </TD> <TD style="font-size:8pt"> Alphanumeric string up to 10 characters used to log into the system. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> Password: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" SIZE="35px" id="passwd" NAME="password" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> First name: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="first_name" NAME="firstName" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> Last name: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColName"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="last_name" NAME="lastName" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName"> Email: </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="e_mail" NAME="email" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Access Level: </TD> <TD class="createViewColName" colspan="3"> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Reader" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Reader<BR/> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Writer" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Writer<BR/> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Creator" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Creator<BR/> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Admin" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Admin<BR/> </TD> </TR> <TR id="project_access"> <TD colspan="4"> <TABLE width="100%%"> <TR> <TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black; padding-top:8px; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold"> Grant project access permissions to this user: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="width:210px"> <SELECT id="packetList" name="packets" multiple size="15"> ''' # PRINT PROJECT LIST projects = pHandler.findAllProjects() for project in projects: projectNumber = project.getNumber() projectName = project.getName() tmpProject = `projectNumber` + ": " + projectName content += "<OPTION value=\"" + `projectNumber` + "\">" + tmpProject + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="selectAll(, 'packetList')" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top" colspan="3"> <span style="font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">User's access level to selected projects:<BR/></span> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Read-Only <BR/> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write" style="margin-top:5px; font-size:9pt">Write <BR/> <input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Go" type="button"></INPUT> <P style="font-size:8pt; border-top:1px groove black; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:5px; margin-top:10px"> Access levels: <BR/> <span style="font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 9px; font-weight:bold; ">- Read-Only:</span> May view reagents in a project but may NOT modify them or add new reagents<BR/> <span style="font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 9px; font-weight:bold;">- Write:</span> May create and modify reagents in a project but may NOT change project details or add/remove members to/from the project<BR/> </P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold"> User's current project access privileges: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="border-right:1px solid black; font-size:8pt"> <B>Read-Only</B><BR/> <SELECT id="user_projects_readonly" name="userProjectsReadonly" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"> ''' # August 10/07: Default reader access to all on public projects publicProjects = pHandler.findAllProjects('FALSE') for proj in publicProjects: pID = proj.getNumber() pName = proj.getName(); # concatenate project ID and name in the form '1:parent' tmpDescr = `pID` + ": " + pName content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `pID` + "\">" + tmpDescr + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT><BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_readonly')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> <TD style="text-align:center; width:100px; border-right: 1px solid black; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px;"> <input onclick="addProjects('user_projects_readonly', 'write')" value=" Make Writeable >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write', 'read')" value="<< Make Read-Only" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write'); addProjects('user_projects_readonly')" value="Remove Selected" type="button"></INPUT> </TD> <TD style="padding-left:50px; font-size:8pt"> <B>Write</B><BR/> <SELECT id="user_projects_write" name="userProjectsWrite" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"></SELECT><BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_write')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black"> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" id="addUser" NAME="add_user" VALUE="Add User" onClick="selectAllElements('user_projects_readonly'); selectAllElements('user_projects_write');"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", username, passwd, firstname, lastname, email) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content elif cmd == 'view': userID = user.getUserID() username = user.getUsername() firstname = user.getFirstName() lastname = user.getLastName() email = user.getEmail() userCat = user.getCategory() lab = user.getLab() labID = lab.getID() labName = lab.getName() # Only allow modification by admin modify_disabled = True if (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin'): modify_disabled = False content = gOut.printHeader() #content += gOut.printMainMenu() content += ''' <FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="767px" style="margin-left:2px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl" border="1" frame="box" rules="none"> <TR> <TD colspan="6" class="detailedView_heading" style="padding-left:265px"> USER DETAILS PAGE ''' content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:50px;\" name=\"modify_user\" value=\"Change User Details\"" if modify_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_user\" value=\"Delete User\" onClick=\"return verifyDeleteUser();\"" if modify_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Username: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="username" value="%s"> <!-- user ID a hidden value --> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="userID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> First Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="firstName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Last Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="lastName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Laboratory: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> ''' if modify_disabled: content += labName else: content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToLabView(" + `labID` + ");\">" + labName + "</span>" content += ''' <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labID" value="%d"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_lab_hidden" name="view_lab"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Email: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="email" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Access Level: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="system_access_level" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Projects: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; width:250px" colspan="2"> Read-Only: </TD> <TD style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt"> Write: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="vertical-align:top;" colspan="2"> <UL> ''' # show projects for the user publicProj = pHandler.findAllProjects("FALSE") readOnlyProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader') readProj = utils.merge(publicProj, readOnlyProj) writeProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer') # sort read projects readKeys = [] readSorted = {} for r in readProj: rProjectID = r.getNumber() readKeys.append(rProjectID) readSorted[rProjectID] = r readKeys = utils.unique(readKeys) readKeys.sort() #for r in readProj: for rProjectID in readKeys: #rProjectID = r.getNumber() r = readSorted[rProjectID] rProjectName = r.getName() rProjectOwner = r.getOwner() try: rOwnerName = rProjectOwner.getLastName() except AttributeError: rOwnerName = "" #content += "<LI>" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rOwnerName + ": " + rProjectName content += "<LI>" content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToProjectDetailedView(" + `rProjectID` + ");\">" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rOwnerName + ": " + rProjectName + "</span>" content += "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top;"> <UL> ''' # sort write projects writeKeys = [] writeSorted = {} for w in writeProj: wProjectID = w.getNumber() writeKeys.append(wProjectID) writeSorted[wProjectID] = w writeKeys = utils.unique(writeKeys) writeKeys.sort() #for w in writeProj: for wProjectID in writeKeys: #wProjectID = w.getNumber() w = writeSorted[wProjectID] wProjectName = w.getName() wProjectOwner = w.getOwner() wOwnerName = wProjectOwner.getLastName() #content += "<LI>" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wProjectName content += "<LI>" content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToProjectDetailedView(" + `wProjectID` + ");\">" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wOwnerName + ": " + wProjectName + "</span>" content += "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <FORM id="viewProjectForm" method="POST" action="%s"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_packet_hidden" name="view_packet"> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d"> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", username, username, userID, firstname, firstname, lastname, lastname, labID, email, email, userCat, category_Name_ID_Map[userCat], hostname + "cgi/", currUser.getUserID()) print "Content-type:text/html" # print # DITTO print page_content elif cmd == 'edit': userID = user.getUserID() username = user.getUsername() firstname = user.getFirstName() lastname = user.getLastName() email = user.getEmail() passwd = user.getPassword() userCat = user.getCategory() lab = user.getLab() uLabID = lab.getID() labName = lab.getName() labs = lHandler.findAllLabs() if errCode == "Dup_un": un_warn_display = "inline" else: un_warn_display = "none" content = gOut.printHeader() #content += gOut.printMainMenu() content += ''' <FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s" onSubmit="return verifyWriteProjects();"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows"> <TR> <TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:200px; text-align:center"> <span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">CHANGE USER INFORMATION</span> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:50px;" name="save_user" value="Save" onClick="selectAllElements('user_projects_readonly'); selectAllElements('user_projects_write');"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_user" value="Cancel"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Username: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="username" value="%s"> <BR/> <!-- Warning anchor --> <a name="w1" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt"> <P id="dup_uname_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:%s">This username already exists. Please specify a different username.</P> </a> <!-- user ID hidden value --> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="userID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Laboratory: </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px"> <SELECT id="labList" name="labs"> ''' # sort labs by name labSortedDict = {} # will store (labName, labID) tuples labNames = [] # just hold lab names for labID in labs.keys(): labName = labs[labID] labNames.append(labName) labSortedDict[labName] = labID labNames.sort() #for labID in labs.keys(): for labName in labNames: labID = labSortedDict[labName] labName = labs[labID] content += "<OPTION ID=\"" + `labID` + "\" NAME=\"lab_optn\" VALUE=\"" + `labID` + "\"" if labID == uLabID: content += " SELECTED>" + labName else: content += ">" + labName content += "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> First Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="firstName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Last Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="lastName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Email: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="email" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Access Level: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <SELECT ID="user_category" NAME="system_access_level"> ''' ucHandler = UserCategoryHandler(db, cursor) categories = ucHandler.findAllCategories() for cID in categories.keys(): if categories[cID] == userCat: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `cID` + "\" SELECTED>" + categories[cID] + "</OPTION>" else: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `cID` + "\">" + categories[cID] + "</OPTION>" # Don't allow addition of Writeable projects to Readers thru Modify view if userCat == 'Reader': write_disabled = True else: write_disabled = False content += ''' </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Projects user has access to: </TD> </TR> <TR> <td colspan="3"> <table width="700px"> <tr> <TD colspan="2" style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top""> Read-Only </TD> <TD style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top"> ''' if not write_disabled: content += "Write" else: content += " " content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style=""> <SELECT id="user_projects_readonly" name="userProjectsReadonly" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"> ''' # show projects for the user readProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader') writeProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer') for r in readProj: rProjectID = r.getNumber() rProjectName = r.getName() content += "<OPTION name=\"project_read\" value=\"" + `rProjectID` + "\">" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rProjectName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px;" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_readonly')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> ''' if not write_disabled: content += ''' </TD> <TD style="text-align:center; padding-right:15px;"> <input onclick="addProjects('user_projects_readonly', 'write')" value=" Make Writeable >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write', 'read')" value="<< Make Read-Only" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input type="button" style="margin-top:30px;" value="Remove" onclick="removeUserProjects();"></INPUT> </TD> ''' else: content += ''' <input type="button" value="Remove Selected" onclick="removeUserProjects();"></INPUT> ''' if not write_disabled: content += ''' <TD style="font-size:8pt"> <SELECT id="user_projects_write" name="userProjectsWrite" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"> ''' for w in writeProj: wProjectID = w.getNumber() wProjectName = w.getName() content += "<OPTION name=\"project_write\" value=\"" + `wProjectID` + "\">" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wProjectName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT><BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_write')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> ''' content += ''' </TR> </table> </td> </tr> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Add new projects: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> <SELECT multiple ID="packetList"> ''' # Fetch the list of read and write projects for this user and extract their IDs readProjID = [] # list of numerical IDs of read projects for r in readProj: rNum = r.getNumber() readProjID.append(rNum) writeProjID = [] for w in writeProjID: wNum = w.getNumber() writeProjID.append(wNum) allPackets = pHandler.findAllProjects() for p in allPackets: pID = p.getNumber() pName = p.getName() pOwner = p.getOwner() #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `pOwner` # update March 11, 2011 try: lastName = pOwner.getLastName() except AttributeError: lastName = "" #pDesc = `pID` + " : " + pOwner + " : " + pName pDesc = `pID` + " : " + lastName + " : " + pName if not pID in readProjID and not pID in writeProjID: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `pID` + "\">" + pDesc content += ''' </SELECT> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="selectAll(, 'packetList')" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> ''' if not write_disabled: content += ''' </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top"> <span style="font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">User's access level to selected projects:<BR/></span> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Read-Only <BR/> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write" style="margin-top:5px; font-size:9pt">Write <BR/> <input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Add project" type="button"></INPUT> </TD> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> ''' else: content += ''' <input style="margin-left:5px; margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', 'read')" value="Add project" type="button"></INPUT> ''' content += ''' </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", username, un_warn_display, userID, firstname, lastname, email) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content
def findAllMembersInCategory(self, category, active, oper='=', labID=0): db = self.db cursor = self.cursor #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) # for category name/id mapping category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() members = [] # list of User **objects** # When we include 'status=ACTIVE' restriction in the query, a DEP owner of an active project is not shown in project view. However, we should not add DEP members to a project. # Therefore, the calling function should specify whether it wants to restrict query by status. # If 'active' parameter is True, add 'status=ACTIVE' clause # In any case, **remember to fill in 'category' column for DEP users before the launch** if labID == 0: if active: cursor.execute( "SELECT userID, firstname, lastname, description FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + ` category_Name_ID_Map[category] ` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.description <>'' AND u.status='ACTIVE'" ) else: cursor.execute( "SELECT userID, firstname, lastname, description FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + ` category_Name_ID_Map[category] ` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.description <>''" ) else: if active: cursor.execute( "SELECT u.userID, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.description, l.lab_name FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c, LabInfo_tbl l WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + ` category_Name_ID_Map[category] ` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.labID=" + ` labID ` + " AND l.labID=u.labID AND u.status='ACTIVE'") else: cursor.execute( "SELECT u.userID, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.description, l.lab_name FROM Users_tbl u, UserCategories_tbl c, LabInfo_tbl l WHERE c.categoryID " + oper + " " + ` category_Name_ID_Map[category] ` + " AND c.categoryID=u.category AND u.firstname <> '' AND u.lastname <> '' AND u.description <>'' AND u.labID=" + ` labID ` + " AND l.labID=u.labID") results = cursor.fetchall() for result in results: userID = int(result[0]) firstName = result[1] lastName = result[2] description = result[3] tmpLab = Laboratory(labID) if len(result) == 5: labName = result[4] tmpLab.setName(labName) # create a User object tmpUser = User(userID, "", firstName, lastName, description, tmpLab, category, "", "") members.append(tmpUser) return members
def saveLab(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname # print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! # print # DITTO # print `form` # Handlers and mappers lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() # Get form values labID = int(form.getvalue("labID")) lab = Laboratory( labID ) # here need to use the default constructor and not findLabByID, because lab is being updated and need a fresh instance and set its attributes to new values newName = form.getvalue("labName") newLabHead = form.getvalue("labHead") newLabCode = form.getvalue("labCode").upper() newDescr = form.getvalue("description") newAddr = form.getvalue("address") newAccess = form.getvalue("system_access_level") newAccLev = category_Name_ID_Map[newAccess] # change database values try: lHandler.setLabName(labID, newName) lHandler.setLabHead(labID, newLabHead) lHandler.setLabCode(labID, newLabCode) lHandler.setLabDescription(labID, newDescr) lHandler.setLabAccessLevel(labID, newAccLev) lHandler.setLocation(labID, newAddr) ####################### # update members! ####################### newMembers = form.getlist("labMembers") lHandler.updateLabMembers(labID, newMembers) # change object values lab.setName(newName) lab.setLabHead(newLabHead) lab.setLabCode(newLabCode) lab.setDescription(newDescr) lab.setAddress(newAddr) lab.setDefaultAccessLevel(newAccess) # return to detailed view self.printLabInfo("view", lab) # utils.redirect(hostname + "User.php?View=5&Lab=" + `labID` + "&fd=" + filename) except DuplicateLabCodeException: newLab = Laboratory(labID, newName, newDescr, newAccess, newAddr, newLabHead, newLabCode) d = DuplicateLabCodeException() self.printLabInfo("edit", newLab, d.err_code())
def saveUser(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `form` uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_ID_Name_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryIDToName() newProps = {} # Get form values userID = int(form.getvalue("userID")) newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) labID = int(form.getvalue("labs")) tmpLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) # rest of user properties username = form.getvalue("username") firstName = form.getvalue("firstName") lastName = form.getvalue("lastName") description = firstName + " " + lastName email = form.getvalue("email") category = category_ID_Name_Map[int( form.getvalue("system_access_level"))] newProps["labID"] = labID newProps["username"] = username newProps["firstname"] = firstName newProps["lastname"] = lastName newProps["description"] = description newProps["email"] = email newProps["category"] = category try: # Now do an update on database level AND on class level: uHandler.updateUserProperties(userID, newProps) # database update # Interface level newUser.setUsername(username) newUser.setFirstName(firstName) newUser.setLastName(lastName) newUser.setDescription(description) newUser.setEmail(email) newUser.setLab(tmpLab) newUser.setCategory(category) # update list of user's projects if form.has_key("userProjectsReadonly"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = utils.unique( form.getlist("userProjectsReadonly")) pHandler.updateUserProjects(userID, readonlyProjects, 'Reader') else: # safe to assume should delete projects? pHandler.deleteMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader') if form.has_key("userProjectsWrite"): writeProjects = utils.unique(form.getlist("userProjectsWrite")) pHandler.updateUserProjects(userID, writeProjects, 'Writer') else: # safe to assume should delete projects? pHandler.deleteMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer') # think about this #newUser.setReadProjects(readProjects) #newUser.setWriteProjects(writeProjects) # return to detailed view self.printUserInfo('view', newUser) #utils.redirect(hostname + "User.php?View=3&fd=" + filename) except DuplicateUsernameException: # return to the view with input values and error message # Need to construct a dummy User instance to save form values for error output on the next page (otherwise they're lost as soon as Submit is pressed and creation view is exited) newLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) newUser = User(userID, username, firstName, lastName, description, newLab, category, email, "") self.printUserInfo('edit', newUser, "Dup_un")
def saveUser(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname # print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! # print # DITTO # print `form` uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_ID_Name_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryIDToName() newProps = {} # Get form values userID = int(form.getvalue("userID")) newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) labID = int(form.getvalue("labs")) tmpLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) # rest of user properties username = form.getvalue("username") firstName = form.getvalue("firstName") lastName = form.getvalue("lastName") description = firstName + " " + lastName email = form.getvalue("email") category = category_ID_Name_Map[int(form.getvalue("system_access_level"))] newProps["labID"] = labID newProps["username"] = username newProps["firstname"] = firstName newProps["lastname"] = lastName newProps["description"] = description newProps["email"] = email newProps["category"] = category try: # Now do an update on database level AND on class level: uHandler.updateUserProperties(userID, newProps) # database update # Interface level newUser.setUsername(username) newUser.setFirstName(firstName) newUser.setLastName(lastName) newUser.setDescription(description) newUser.setEmail(email) newUser.setLab(tmpLab) newUser.setCategory(category) # update list of user's projects if form.has_key("userProjectsReadonly"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = utils.unique(form.getlist("userProjectsReadonly")) pHandler.updateUserProjects(userID, readonlyProjects, "Reader") else: # safe to assume should delete projects? pHandler.deleteMemberProjects(userID, "Reader") if form.has_key("userProjectsWrite"): writeProjects = utils.unique(form.getlist("userProjectsWrite")) pHandler.updateUserProjects(userID, writeProjects, "Writer") else: # safe to assume should delete projects? pHandler.deleteMemberProjects(userID, "Writer") # think about this # newUser.setReadProjects(readProjects) # newUser.setWriteProjects(writeProjects) # return to detailed view self.printUserInfo("view", newUser) # utils.redirect(hostname + "User.php?View=3&fd=" + filename) except DuplicateUsernameException: # return to the view with input values and error message # Need to construct a dummy User instance to save form values for error output on the next page (otherwise they're lost as soon as Submit is pressed and creation view is exited) newLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) newUser = User(userID, username, firstName, lastName, description, newLab, category, email, "") self.printUserInfo("edit", newUser, "Dup_un")
def saveLab(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `form` # Handlers and mappers lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() # Get form values labID = int(form.getvalue("labID")) lab = Laboratory( labID ) # here need to use the default constructor and not findLabByID, because lab is being updated and need a fresh instance and set its attributes to new values newName = form.getvalue("labName") newLabHead = form.getvalue("labHead") newLabCode = form.getvalue("labCode").upper() newDescr = form.getvalue("description") newAddr = form.getvalue("address") newAccess = form.getvalue("system_access_level") newAccLev = category_Name_ID_Map[newAccess] # change database values try: lHandler.setLabName(labID, newName) lHandler.setLabHead(labID, newLabHead) lHandler.setLabCode(labID, newLabCode) lHandler.setLabDescription(labID, newDescr) lHandler.setLabAccessLevel(labID, newAccLev) lHandler.setLocation(labID, newAddr) ####################### # update members! ####################### newMembers = form.getlist("labMembers") lHandler.updateLabMembers(labID, newMembers) # change object values lab.setName(newName) lab.setLabHead(newLabHead) lab.setLabCode(newLabCode) lab.setDescription(newDescr) lab.setAddress(newAddr) lab.setDefaultAccessLevel(newAccess) # return to detailed view self.printLabInfo('view', lab) #utils.redirect(hostname + "User.php?View=5&Lab=" + `labID` + "&fd=" + filename) except DuplicateLabCodeException: newLab = Laboratory(labID, newName, newDescr, newAccess, newAddr, newLabHead, newLabCode) d = DuplicateLabCodeException() self.printLabInfo('edit', newLab, d.err_code())
def addUser(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname mail_server = self.__mail_server # August 19, 2011 mail_programmer = self.__mail_programmer # July 30, 2010 mail_biologist = self.__mail_biologist mail_admin = self.__mail_admin # print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! # print # DITTO # print `form` uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() # Get form values labID = int(form.getvalue("labs")) username = form.getvalue("username") firstName = form.getvalue("firstName") lastName = form.getvalue("lastName") description = firstName + " " + lastName to_email = form.getvalue("email") from_email = mail_admin # Change July 30, 2010 - random password generator # passwd = form.getvalue("password") chars = string.letters + string.digits passwd = "" for i in range(10): passwd += choice(chars) # System access level: Lab default or override? # if form.getvalue("privChoiceRadio") == 'override': accessLevel = category_Name_ID_Map[form.getvalue("system_access_level")] # else: # accessLevel = lHandler.findDefaultAccessLevel(labID) newProps = {} try: # Insert User information userID = uHandler.insertUser( username, firstName, lastName, description, accessLevel, to_email, passwd, labID ) # newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) tmpLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) # print tmpLab.getName() # Insert Project info # Sept. 11/07: Differentiate between user categories Reader and Writer - different field names if form.has_key("userProjectsReadonly"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = utils.unique(form.getlist("userProjectsReadonly")) # print `readonlyProjects` pHandler.insertMemberProjects(userID, readonlyProjects, "Reader") elif form.has_key("userProjectsReadonlyWrite"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = utils.unique(form.getlist("userProjectsReadonlyWrite")) # print `readonlyProjects` pHandler.insertMemberProjects(userID, readonlyProjects, "Reader") # Write projects exist only for Writers if form.has_key("userProjectsWrite"): writeProjects = utils.unique(form.getlist("userProjectsWrite")) pHandler.insertMemberProjects(userID, writeProjects, "Writer") # don't assign projects to a User instance - will retrieve them from db in output function newUser = User( userID, username, firstName, lastName, description, tmpLab, form.getvalue("system_access_level"), to_email, passwd, [], [], ) email_subject = "OpenFreezer User Account" msg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart("alternative") msg["Subject"] = email_subject msg["To"] = to_email msgText = ( "Hi " + firstName + ",<BR><BR>An OpenFreezer account has been created for you. Your access level is " + form.getvalue("system_access_level") + ", so you can " ) if form.getvalue("system_access_level") == "Reader": msgText += "search for clones. If you wish to add/modify reagents or create projects, please contact the administrator to upgrade your access level.<BR>" elif form.getvalue("system_access_level") == "Writer": msgText += "search, add, and modify reagents. If you wish to create projects, please contact the administrator to upgrade your access level.<BR>" elif form.getvalue("system_access_level") == "Creator": msgText += "search for clones, add and modify reagents, as well as create your own projects.<BR>" ##################################################### # CHANGE TEXT AS NEEDED ##################################################### msgText += ( "<BR>The URL to access the system is <a href='" + hostname + "'>" + hostname + "</a>. Your username is <b>" + username + "</b>, and your temporary password is <b>" + passwd + "</b>. Please <u>change the temporary password as soon as you log into the website</u> - you can do it through the 'Change your password' link under the 'User Management' menu section.<BR><BR>Please refer to for additional support.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>OpenFreezer support team.<BR><BR><span style='font-family:Courier; font-size:10pt;'><HR>This is an automatically generated e-mail message. Please do not reply to this e-mail. All questions should be directed to your local administrator.</span>" ) msgText = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(msgText, "html") msg.attach(msgText) server = smtplib.SMTP(mail_server) server.set_debuglevel(1) server.sendmail(from_email, [to_email], msg.as_string()) server.quit() self.printUserInfo("view", newUser) except DeletedUserException: # Without asking too many questions, reactivate the deleted user and overwrite his/her attributes with the form input values userID = uHandler.findUserIDByUsername(username) newProps["firstname"] = firstName newProps["lastname"] = lastName newProps["description"] = description newProps["email"] = email newProps["status"] = "ACTIVE" newProps["password"] = passwd # Insert new database values and create new object uHandler.updateUserProperties(userID, newProps) # database update newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) # Insert Project info readProjects = [] writeProjects = [] if form.has_key("userProjectsReadonly"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = form.getlist("userProjectsReadonly") for r in readonlyProjects: pHandler.addProjectMember(r, userID, "Reader") # tmpReadProject = pHandler.findPacket(r) # readProjects.append(tmpReadProject) # newUser.addProject(tmpReadProject, 'read') if form.has_key("userProjectsWrite"): writeProjects = form.getlist("userProjectsWrite") for w in writeProjects: pHandler.addProjectMember(w, userID, "Writer") # tmpWriteProject = pHandler.findPacket(w) # writeProjects.append(tmpWriteProject) # newUser.addProject(tmpWriteProject, 'write') # newUser.setReadProjects(readProjects) # newUser.setWriteProjects(writeProjects) self.printUserInfo("view", newUser) # utils.redirect(hostname + "User.php?View=3&fd=" + filename) except DuplicateUsernameException: # return to the view with input values and error message # Need to construct a dummy User instance to save form values for error output on the next page (otherwise they're lost as soon as Submit is pressed and creation view is exited) newLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) newUser = User(0, username, firstName, lastName, description, newLab, "", email, passwd) self.printUserInfo("create", newUser)
def printSubmenuHeader(self, submenu_type): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) current_selection_names = [] # plain list of section names current_selection_links = {} # dictionary, where section names are keys and their URLs are values if submenu_type == "Location": location_submenu_names = [] location_submenu_links = {} location_submenu_names.append("Add container types") location_submenu_links["Add container types"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Add container sizes") location_submenu_links["Add container sizes"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" location_submenu_names.append("Add containers") location_submenu_links["Add containers"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Search containers") location_submenu_links["Search containers"] = "../Location.php?View=2" current_selection_names = location_submenu_names current_selection_links = location_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Reagent": reagent_submenu_names = [] reagent_submenu_links = {} reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagents"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagents"] = "../search.php?View=1" # June 3/09 reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" current_selection_names = reagent_submenu_names current_selection_links = reagent_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Chemical": chemical_submenu_names = [] chemical_submenu_links = {} chemical_submenu_names.append("Add Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Add Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" chemical_submenu_names.append("Search Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Search Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" current_selection_names = chemical_submenu_names current_selection_links = chemical_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Prediction": prediction_submenu_names = [] prediction_submenu_links = {} prediction_submenu_names.append("Search predictions") prediction_submenu_links["Search predictions"] = "../Prediction.php?View=1" current_selection_names = prediction_submenu_names current_selection_links = prediction_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Project": project_submenu_names = [] project_submenu_links = {} project_submenu_names.append("Add projects") project_submenu_links["Add projects"] = "../Project.php?View=1" project_submenu_names.append("Search projects") project_submenu_links["Search projects"] = "../Project.php?View=2" current_selection_names = project_submenu_names current_selection_links = project_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "User": user_submenu_names = [] user_submenu_links = {} user_submenu_names.append("Add users") user_submenu_links["Add users"] = "../User.php?View=1" user_submenu_names.append("Search users") user_submenu_links["Search users"] = "../User.php?View=2" user_submenu_names.append("Change your password") user_submenu_links["Change your password"] = "******" user_submenu_names.append("Personal page") user_submenu_links["Personal page"] = "User.php?View=7" user_submenu_names.append("View your orders") user_submenu_links["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" current_selection_names = user_submenu_names current_selection_links = user_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Lab": lab_submenu_names = [] lab_submenu_links = {} lab_submenu_names.append("Add laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Add laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=3" lab_submenu_names.append("Search laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Search laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=4" current_selection_names = lab_submenu_names current_selection_links = lab_submenu_links # There can be permission differentiations within a menu section as well (e.g. Projects - only Creators can create, buit Writers can view) currUser = Session.getUser() ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `allowedSections` content = "" for name in current_selection_names: if name in allowedSections: if name == 'Personal page': content += "<LI class=\"submenu\">" content += "<IMG SRC=\"../pictures/star_bullet.gif\" WIDTH=\"10\" HEIGHT=\"10\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"plus\" class=\"menu-leaf\">" content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"font-size:9pt\" onClick=\"redirectToCurrentUserDetailedView(" + `currUser.getUserID()` + ");\">" + name + "</span>" content += "</LI>" content += "<form name=\"curr_user_form\" style=\"display:none\" method=\"post\" action=\"\">" content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ID=\"curr_username_hidden\" NAME=\"curr_username\" VALUE=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" id=\"curr_user_hidden\" name=\"view_user\">" content += "</FORM>" else: content += "<LI class=\"submenu\">" content += "<IMG SRC=\"../pictures/star_bullet.gif\" WIDTH=\"10\" HEIGHT=\"10\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"plus\" class=\"menu-leaf\">" content += "<a class=\"submenu\" href=\"" + current_selection_links[name] + "\">" + name + "</a>" content += "</LI>" return content
def printMainMenu(self): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) # Aug. 20, 2010 pageMapper = SystemModuleMapper(db, cursor) pageLinkMap = pageMapper.mapPageNameLink() # Array of section names currentSectionNames = [] # Dictionary of links to names, with names as dictionary keys and links as values currentSectionLinks = {} # Added Nov. 10/06 by Marina - Classify each header as to what OF section it belongs menuTypes = {} # June 04/07 - Differentiate between 'public' and 'private' pages publicSectionNames = [] publicSectionLinks = [] publicSections = {} # Feb. 2, 2010: change menu layout (reflect HeaderFunctions.php code changes Jan. 12/10) submenu_links = {} submenu_types = {} menuitems = {} # Home currentSectionNames.append("Home") currentSectionLinks["Home"] = "../index.php" publicSections["Home"] = "index.php" # Reagent currentSectionNames.append("Reagent Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" menuTypes["Reagent Tracker"] = "Reagent" publicSections["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Reagents") tmp_list.append("Reagent Types") submenu_types["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Statistics" submenu_order = {} submenu_order["Reagents"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../search.php?View=1" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "../Reagent.php?View=4" submenu_links["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagents" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagents" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "Statistics" menuitems["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Reagent Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" submenu_links["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagent types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagent types" menuitems["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list # Locations currentSectionNames.append("Location Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" menuTypes["Location Tracker"] = "Location" publicSections["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Containers") tmp_list.append("Container Sizes") tmp_list.append("Container Types") submenu_types["Location Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" #tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Sizes"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Containers"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=4" submenu_links["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container types" menuitems["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=5" submenu_links["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container sizes" #tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container sizes" menuitems["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=2" submenu_links["Containers"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add containers" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search containers" menuitems["Containers"] = tmp_list # Projects currentSectionNames.append("Project Management") currentSectionLinks["Project Management"] = "../Project.php?View=1" menuTypes["Project Management"] = "Project" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Projects") submenu_types["Project Management"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Projects"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Project.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Project.php?View=2" submenu_links["Projects"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add projects" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search projects" menuitems["Projects"] = tmp_list # Users and Labs currentSectionNames.append("User Management") currentSectionLinks["User Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["User Management"] = "User" currentSectionNames.append("Lab Management") currentSectionLinks["Lab Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["Lab Management"] = "Laboratories" tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list # Jan. 7/09: Chemicals currentSectionNames.append("Chemical Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Chemical Tracker"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" menuTypes["Chemical Tracker"] = "Chemical" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Chemicals") submenu_types["Chemical Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Chemicals"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" submenu_links["Chemicals"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add Chemicals" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search Chemicals" menuitems["Chemicals"] = tmp_list # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Users") submenu_types["User Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=2" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "../User.php?View=7" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" submenu_links["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Change your password" tmp_order_list[3] = "Personal page" tmp_order_list[4] = "View your orders" submenu_order["Users"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add users" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search users" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "Personal page" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "View your orders" menuitems["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Laboratories") submenu_types["Lab Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=4" submenu_links["Laboratories"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add laboratories" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search laboratories" menuitems["Laboratories"] = tmp_list currentSectionNames.append("Documentation") currentSectionLinks["Documentation"] = "../docs.php" publicSections["Documentation"] = "docs.php" currentSectionNames.append("Terms and Conditions") currentSectionLinks["Terms and Conditions"] = "../copyright.php" publicSections["Terms and Conditions"] = "copyright.php" currentSectionNames.append("Help and Support") currentSectionLinks["Help and Support"] = "../bugreport.php" publicSections["Help and Support"] = "bugreport.php" currentSectionNames.append("Contact Us") currentSectionLinks["Contact Us"] = "../contacts.php" publicSections["Contact Us"] = "contacts.php" # Aug. 20/10: Quick links tmp_ql = [] quickLinks = {} tmp_ql.append("Add reagents") tmp_ql.append("Search reagents") quickLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add containers") tmp_ql.append("Search containers") quickLinks["Location Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add projects") tmp_ql.append("Search projects") quickLinks["Project Management"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Change your password") tmp_ql.append("View your orders") quickLinks["User Management"] = tmp_ql content = ''' <div class="sidemenu" ID="mainMenu"> <div class="menu-content"> <ul class="menulist"> <!-- menu goes here --> ''' # Output the menu link IFF the user is authorized to access that page currUser = Session.getUser() if currUser: ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] #print "Content-type:text/html" #print allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) #print `allowedSections` for name in currentSectionNames: if name in allowedSections: # added Jan. 7/09 if name in menuTypes: #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print name content += "<DIV style=\"border-top:3px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; border-bottom:3px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; margin-top:2px; width:162px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:0;\">" content += "<DIV style=\"background-image:url('../pictures/small_bg.png'); width:166px; height:30px;\">" content += "<select style=\"cursor:pointer; width:150px; background:#FFF8DC; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; margin-top:3px; margin-left:2px; font-family:Helvetica; border:0;\" onChange=\"openPage(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex]);\">" content += "<option selected style=\"cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;\" value=\"\"> " + name + "</option>" for st_val in submenu_types[name]: numDisallowed = 0 # Jan. 13, 2010: Don't print category heading if user has no access to any of its subitems for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] if not menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: numDisallowed += 1 if numDisallowed == len(submenu_links[st_val]): continue #print st_val.upper() content += "<option style=\"cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; background:#EFEFEF; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;\" onclick\"\"> " + st_val.upper() + "</option>" # Now: since Python dictionaries are not ordered, arrays with > 2 items (e.g. Users - has more than 'add' and 'search') would appear scrambled. Use an 'order' array instead for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] #print st_val #print linkName if menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: content += "<option style=\"padding-left:15px; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:8pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica; cursor:pointer;\" value=\"" + linkURL + "\"> " + linkName + "</option>" content += "</SELECT>" content += "</DIV>" # Quick links if quickLinks.has_key(name): content += "<div id=\"quick_links_" + name + "\" style=\"font-family:Helvetica; width:166px; padding-bottom:0; margin-top:0; padding-top:0; padding-left:2px;\">" content += "<UL style=\"padding-bottom:2px; padding-top:2px; padding-left:10px; position:relative;\">" for qlName in quickLinks[name]: if qlName in allowedSections: content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none;\"><img src=\"../pictures/silvermenubullet.png\" width=\"7\" height=\"6\" style=\"padding-bottom:2px;\"> <a style=\"font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; color:#555; margin-left:2px;\" href=\"../" + pageLinkMap[qlName] + "\">" + qlName + "</a></LI>" content += "</UL>" content += "</DIV>" content += "</DIV>" else: if name == "Home": content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:0; width:162px; border-top:6px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" else: content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:2px; width:162px; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" content += "<img src=\"../pictures/silvermenubullet.png\" style=\"width:11px; height:9px; margin-left:5px;\">" content += "<a style=\"font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; padding-left:3px; text-decoration:none;\" href=\"" + currentSectionLinks[name] + "\">" + name + "</a>" content += "</DIV>" else: # WRITE THIS FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!! #content += self.printGeneralMenu(publicSections) print "Content-type:text/html" print print "Unknown user" content += ''' </UL> <!-- moved form down here on Aug. 20, 2010 --> <form name="curr_user_form" style="display:none" method="post" action="">" ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ID=\"curr_username_hidden\" NAME=\"curr_username\" VALUE=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" id=\"curr_user_hidden\" name=\"view_user\" VALUE=\"" + `currUser.getUserID()` + "\">" content += ''' </FORM> <div class="login"> ''' content += self.printLoginBlock() content += ''' </div> </div> </div> ''' return content
def printSubmenuHeader(self, submenu_type): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) current_selection_names = [] # plain list of section names current_selection_links = {} # dictionary, where section names are keys and their URLs are values if submenu_type == "Location": location_submenu_names = [] location_submenu_links = {} location_submenu_names.append("Add container types") location_submenu_links["Add container types"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Add container sizes") location_submenu_links["Add container sizes"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" location_submenu_names.append("Add containers") location_submenu_links["Add containers"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Search containers") location_submenu_links["Search containers"] = "../Location.php?View=2" current_selection_names = location_submenu_names current_selection_links = location_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Reagent": reagent_submenu_names = [] reagent_submenu_links = {} reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagents"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagents"] = "../search.php?View=1" # June 3/09 reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" current_selection_names = reagent_submenu_names current_selection_links = reagent_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Chemical": chemical_submenu_names = [] chemical_submenu_links = {} chemical_submenu_names.append("Add Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Add Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" chemical_submenu_names.append("Search Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Search Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" current_selection_names = chemical_submenu_names current_selection_links = chemical_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Prediction": prediction_submenu_names = [] prediction_submenu_links = {} prediction_submenu_names.append("Search predictions") prediction_submenu_links["Search predictions"] = "../Prediction.php?View=1" current_selection_names = prediction_submenu_names current_selection_links = prediction_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Project": project_submenu_names = [] project_submenu_links = {} project_submenu_names.append("Add projects") project_submenu_links["Add projects"] = "../Project.php?View=1" project_submenu_names.append("Search projects") project_submenu_links["Search projects"] = "../Project.php?View=2" current_selection_names = project_submenu_names current_selection_links = project_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "User": user_submenu_names = [] user_submenu_links = {} user_submenu_names.append("Add users") user_submenu_links["Add users"] = "../User.php?View=1" user_submenu_names.append("Search users") user_submenu_links["Search users"] = "../User.php?View=2" user_submenu_names.append("Change your password") user_submenu_links["Change your password"] = "******" user_submenu_names.append("Personal page") user_submenu_links["Personal page"] = "User.php?View=7" user_submenu_names.append("View your orders") user_submenu_links["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" current_selection_names = user_submenu_names current_selection_links = user_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Lab": lab_submenu_names = [] lab_submenu_links = {} lab_submenu_names.append("Add laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Add laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=3" lab_submenu_names.append("Search laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Search laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=4" current_selection_names = lab_submenu_names current_selection_links = lab_submenu_links # There can be permission differentiations within a menu section as well (e.g. Projects - only Creators can create, buit Writers can view) currUser = Session.getUser() ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) # print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! # print # DITTO # print `allowedSections` content = "" for name in current_selection_names: if name in allowedSections: if name == "Personal page": content += '<LI class="submenu">' content += '<IMG SRC="../pictures/star_bullet.gif" WIDTH="10" HEIGHT="10" BORDER="0" ALT="plus" class="menu-leaf">' content += ( '<span class="linkShow" style="font-size:9pt" onClick="redirectToCurrentUserDetailedView(' + ` currUser.getUserID() ` + ');">' + name + "</span>" ) content += "</LI>" content += '<form name="curr_user_form" style="display:none" method="post" action="">' content += ( '<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username" VALUE="' + currUser.getFullName() + '">' ) content += '<INPUT type="hidden" id="curr_user_hidden" name="view_user">' content += "</FORM>" else: content += '<LI class="submenu">' content += '<IMG SRC="../pictures/star_bullet.gif" WIDTH="10" HEIGHT="10" BORDER="0" ALT="plus" class="menu-leaf">' content += '<a class="submenu" href="' + current_selection_links[name] + '">' + name + "</a>" content += "</LI>" return content
def printMainMenu(self): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) # Aug. 20, 2010 pageMapper = SystemModuleMapper(db, cursor) pageLinkMap = pageMapper.mapPageNameLink() # Array of section names currentSectionNames = [] # Dictionary of links to names, with names as dictionary keys and links as values currentSectionLinks = {} # Added Nov. 10/06 by Marina - Classify each header as to what OF section it belongs menuTypes = {} # June 04/07 - Differentiate between 'public' and 'private' pages publicSectionNames = [] publicSectionLinks = [] publicSections = {} # Feb. 2, 2010: change menu layout (reflect HeaderFunctions.php code changes Jan. 12/10) submenu_links = {} submenu_types = {} menuitems = {} # Home currentSectionNames.append("Home") currentSectionLinks["Home"] = "../index.php" publicSections["Home"] = "index.php" # Reagent currentSectionNames.append("Reagent Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" menuTypes["Reagent Tracker"] = "Reagent" publicSections["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Reagents") tmp_list.append("Reagent Types") submenu_types["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Statistics" submenu_order = {} submenu_order["Reagents"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../search.php?View=1" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "../Reagent.php?View=4" submenu_links["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagents" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagents" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "Statistics" menuitems["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Reagent Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" submenu_links["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagent types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagent types" menuitems["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list # Locations currentSectionNames.append("Location Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" menuTypes["Location Tracker"] = "Location" publicSections["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Containers") tmp_list.append("Container Sizes") tmp_list.append("Container Types") submenu_types["Location Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" # tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Sizes"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Containers"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=4" submenu_links["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container types" menuitems["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=5" submenu_links["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container sizes" # tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container sizes" menuitems["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=2" submenu_links["Containers"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add containers" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search containers" menuitems["Containers"] = tmp_list # Projects currentSectionNames.append("Project Management") currentSectionLinks["Project Management"] = "../Project.php?View=1" menuTypes["Project Management"] = "Project" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Projects") submenu_types["Project Management"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Projects"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Project.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Project.php?View=2" submenu_links["Projects"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add projects" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search projects" menuitems["Projects"] = tmp_list # Users and Labs currentSectionNames.append("User Management") currentSectionLinks["User Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["User Management"] = "User" currentSectionNames.append("Lab Management") currentSectionLinks["Lab Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["Lab Management"] = "Laboratories" tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list # Jan. 7/09: Chemicals currentSectionNames.append("Chemical Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Chemical Tracker"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" menuTypes["Chemical Tracker"] = "Chemical" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Chemicals") submenu_types["Chemical Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Chemicals"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" submenu_links["Chemicals"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add Chemicals" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search Chemicals" menuitems["Chemicals"] = tmp_list # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Users") submenu_types["User Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=2" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "../User.php?View=7" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" submenu_links["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Change your password" tmp_order_list[3] = "Personal page" tmp_order_list[4] = "View your orders" submenu_order["Users"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add users" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search users" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "Personal page" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "View your orders" menuitems["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Laboratories") submenu_types["Lab Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=4" submenu_links["Laboratories"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add laboratories" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search laboratories" menuitems["Laboratories"] = tmp_list currentSectionNames.append("Documentation") currentSectionLinks["Documentation"] = "../docs.php" publicSections["Documentation"] = "docs.php" currentSectionNames.append("Terms and Conditions") currentSectionLinks["Terms and Conditions"] = "../copyright.php" publicSections["Terms and Conditions"] = "copyright.php" currentSectionNames.append("Help and Support") currentSectionLinks["Help and Support"] = "../bugreport.php" publicSections["Help and Support"] = "bugreport.php" currentSectionNames.append("Contact Us") currentSectionLinks["Contact Us"] = "../contacts.php" publicSections["Contact Us"] = "contacts.php" # Aug. 20/10: Quick links tmp_ql = [] quickLinks = {} tmp_ql.append("Add reagents") tmp_ql.append("Search reagents") quickLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add containers") tmp_ql.append("Search containers") quickLinks["Location Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add projects") tmp_ql.append("Search projects") quickLinks["Project Management"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Change your password") tmp_ql.append("View your orders") quickLinks["User Management"] = tmp_ql content = """ <div class="sidemenu" ID="mainMenu"> <div class="menu-content"> <ul class="menulist"> <!-- menu goes here --> """ # Output the menu link IFF the user is authorized to access that page currUser = Session.getUser() if currUser: ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] # print "Content-type:text/html" # print allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) # print `allowedSections` for name in currentSectionNames: if name in allowedSections: # added Jan. 7/09 if name in menuTypes: # print "Content-type:text/html" # print # print name content += '<DIV style="border-top:3px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; border-bottom:3px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; margin-top:2px; width:162px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:0;">' content += "<DIV style=\"background-image:url('../pictures/small_bg.png'); width:166px; height:30px;\">" content += '<select style="cursor:pointer; width:150px; background:#FFF8DC; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; margin-top:3px; margin-left:2px; font-family:Helvetica; border:0;" onChange="openPage(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex]);">' content += ( '<option selected style="cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;" value=""> ' + name + "</option>" ) for st_val in submenu_types[name]: numDisallowed = 0 # Jan. 13, 2010: Don't print category heading if user has no access to any of its subitems for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] if not menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: numDisallowed += 1 if numDisallowed == len(submenu_links[st_val]): continue # print st_val.upper() content += ( '<option style="cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; background:#EFEFEF; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;" onclick""> ' + st_val.upper() + "</option>" ) # Now: since Python dictionaries are not ordered, arrays with > 2 items (e.g. Users - has more than 'add' and 'search') would appear scrambled. Use an 'order' array instead for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] # print st_val # print linkName if menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: content += ( '<option style="padding-left:15px; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:8pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica; cursor:pointer;" value="' + linkURL + '"> ' + linkName + "</option>" ) content += "</SELECT>" content += "</DIV>" # Quick links if quickLinks.has_key(name): content += ( '<div id="quick_links_' + name + '" style="font-family:Helvetica; width:166px; padding-bottom:0; margin-top:0; padding-top:0; padding-left:2px;">' ) content += '<UL style="padding-bottom:2px; padding-top:2px; padding-left:10px; position:relative;">' for qlName in quickLinks[name]: if qlName in allowedSections: content += ( '<LI style="list-style:none;"><img src="../pictures/silvermenubullet.png" width="7" height="6" style="padding-bottom:2px;"> <a style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; color:#555; margin-left:2px;" href="../' + pageLinkMap[qlName] + '">' + qlName + "</a></LI>" ) content += "</UL>" content += "</DIV>" content += "</DIV>" else: if name == "Home": content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:0; width:162px; border-top:6px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" else: content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:2px; width:162px; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" content += '<img src="../pictures/silvermenubullet.png" style="width:11px; height:9px; margin-left:5px;">' content += ( '<a style="font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; padding-left:3px; text-decoration:none;" href="' + currentSectionLinks[name] + '">' + name + "</a>" ) content += "</DIV>" else: # WRITE THIS FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!! # content += self.printGeneralMenu(publicSections) print "Content-type:text/html" print print "Unknown user" content += """ </UL> <!-- moved form down here on Aug. 20, 2010 --> <form name="curr_user_form" style="display:none" method="post" action="">" """ content += ( '<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username" VALUE="' + currUser.getFullName() + '">' ) content += ( '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" id="curr_user_hidden" name="view_user" VALUE="' + ` currUser.getUserID() ` + '">' ) content += """ </FORM> <div class="login"> """ content += self.printLoginBlock() content += """ </div> </div> </div> """ return content
def addUser(self, form): db = self.__db cursor = self.__cursor hostname = self.__hostname mail_server = self.__mail_server # August 19, 2011 mail_programmer = self.__mail_programmer # July 30, 2010 mail_biologist = self.__mail_biologist mail_admin = self.__mail_admin #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `form` uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() # Get form values labID = int(form.getvalue("labs")) username = form.getvalue("username") firstName = form.getvalue("firstName") lastName = form.getvalue("lastName") description = firstName + " " + lastName to_email = form.getvalue("email") from_email = mail_admin # Change July 30, 2010 - random password generator #passwd = form.getvalue("password") chars = string.letters + string.digits passwd = "" for i in range(10): passwd += choice(chars) # System access level: Lab default or override? #if form.getvalue("privChoiceRadio") == 'override': accessLevel = category_Name_ID_Map[form.getvalue( "system_access_level")] #else: #accessLevel = lHandler.findDefaultAccessLevel(labID) newProps = {} try: # Insert User information userID = uHandler.insertUser(username, firstName, lastName, description, accessLevel, to_email, passwd, labID) #newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) tmpLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) #print tmpLab.getName() # Insert Project info # Sept. 11/07: Differentiate between user categories Reader and Writer - different field names if form.has_key("userProjectsReadonly"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = utils.unique( form.getlist("userProjectsReadonly")) #print `readonlyProjects` pHandler.insertMemberProjects(userID, readonlyProjects, 'Reader') elif form.has_key("userProjectsReadonlyWrite"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = utils.unique( form.getlist("userProjectsReadonlyWrite")) #print `readonlyProjects` pHandler.insertMemberProjects(userID, readonlyProjects, 'Reader') # Write projects exist only for Writers if form.has_key("userProjectsWrite"): writeProjects = utils.unique(form.getlist("userProjectsWrite")) pHandler.insertMemberProjects(userID, writeProjects, 'Writer') # don't assign projects to a User instance - will retrieve them from db in output function newUser = User(userID, username, firstName, lastName, description, tmpLab, form.getvalue("system_access_level"), to_email, passwd, [], []) email_subject = "OpenFreezer User Account" msg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg['Subject'] = email_subject msg['To'] = to_email msgText = "Hi " + firstName + ",<BR><BR>An OpenFreezer account has been created for you. Your access level is " + form.getvalue( "system_access_level") + ", so you can " if form.getvalue("system_access_level") == 'Reader': msgText += "search for clones. If you wish to add/modify reagents or create projects, please contact the administrator to upgrade your access level.<BR>" elif form.getvalue("system_access_level") == 'Writer': msgText += "search, add, and modify reagents. If you wish to create projects, please contact the administrator to upgrade your access level.<BR>" elif form.getvalue("system_access_level") == 'Creator': msgText += "search for clones, add and modify reagents, as well as create your own projects.<BR>" ##################################################### # CHANGE TEXT AS NEEDED ##################################################### msgText += "<BR>The URL to access the system is <a href='" + hostname + "'>" + hostname + "</a>. Your username is <b>" + username + "</b>, and your temporary password is <b>" + passwd + "</b>. Please <u>change the temporary password as soon as you log into the website</u> - you can do it through the 'Change your password' link under the 'User Management' menu section.<BR><BR>Please refer to for additional support.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>OpenFreezer support team.<BR><BR><span style='font-family:Courier; font-size:10pt;'><HR>This is an automatically generated e-mail message. Please do not reply to this e-mail. All questions should be directed to your local administrator.</span>" msgText = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(msgText, 'html') msg.attach(msgText) server = smtplib.SMTP(mail_server) server.set_debuglevel(1) server.sendmail(from_email, [to_email], msg.as_string()) server.quit() self.printUserInfo('view', newUser) except DeletedUserException: # Without asking too many questions, reactivate the deleted user and overwrite his/her attributes with the form input values userID = uHandler.findUserIDByUsername(username) newProps["firstname"] = firstName newProps["lastname"] = lastName newProps["description"] = description newProps["email"] = email newProps["status"] = "ACTIVE" newProps["password"] = passwd # Insert new database values and create new object uHandler.updateUserProperties(userID, newProps) # database update newUser = uHandler.getUserByID(userID) # Insert Project info readProjects = [] writeProjects = [] if form.has_key("userProjectsReadonly"): # list of IDs readonlyProjects = form.getlist("userProjectsReadonly") for r in readonlyProjects: pHandler.addProjectMember(r, userID, 'Reader') #tmpReadProject = pHandler.findPacket(r) #readProjects.append(tmpReadProject) #newUser.addProject(tmpReadProject, 'read') if form.has_key("userProjectsWrite"): writeProjects = form.getlist("userProjectsWrite") for w in writeProjects: pHandler.addProjectMember(w, userID, 'Writer') #tmpWriteProject = pHandler.findPacket(w) #writeProjects.append(tmpWriteProject) #newUser.addProject(tmpWriteProject, 'write') #newUser.setReadProjects(readProjects) #newUser.setWriteProjects(writeProjects) self.printUserInfo('view', newUser) #utils.redirect(hostname + "User.php?View=3&fd=" + filename) except DuplicateUsernameException: # return to the view with input values and error message # Need to construct a dummy User instance to save form values for error output on the next page (otherwise they're lost as soon as Submit is pressed and creation view is exited) newLab = lHandler.findLabByID(labID) newUser = User(0, username, firstName, lastName, description, newLab, "", email, passwd) self.printUserInfo('create', newUser)