예제 #1
def copyBitSettings():
    Copies the bit shape settings (OpenGL stuff) from the second object to the
    first (in selection order).
    selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
    depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode()
    if len(selList) == 2:
        # First object is target.
        targetShape = cmds.listRelatives( selList[0], shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
        targetShapeMObj = NodeUtility.getDependNode( targetShape )
        depFn.setObject( targetShapeMObj )
        targetShapeType = depFn.typeName()
        # Second object is source.
        sourceShape = cmds.listRelatives( selList[1], shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
        sourceShapeMObj = NodeUtility.getDependNode( sourceShape )
        depFn.setObject( sourceShapeMObj )
        sourceShapeType = depFn.typeName()
        if targetShapeType == sourceShapeType:        
            # The types match. Do the copy of attribute settings.
            for attr in cmds.listAttr( sourceShape, multi=True, keyable=True ):
                # Get the plugs.
                sourcePlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( sourceShape, attr )
                targetPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetShape, attr )
                # Get the source plug value.
                sourcePlugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( sourcePlug )
                # Set the target's plug value.
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetPlug, sourcePlugValue )
            raise ValueError( '{0} and {1} do not match.'.format( selList[0], selList[1] ) )
예제 #2
def createCompoundCurve(inCurves):
    Merges all the controls into one transform node.
    @param inCurves: List of Strings. Names of curves to combine under one transform node.
                        The first curve in the list is considered the parent of all the others.
    @return: MObject. Compound curve transform node.
    # List for creating the compound.
    compoundList = []

    # Get the nurbs curves of all curves in the list.
    for index in range(1, len(inCurves)):
        curve = NodeUtility.getDagPath(inCurves[index])
        for child in xrange(curve.childCount()):
            nurb = curve.child(child)
            nurbDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo(nurb)
            if nurb.apiType() == OpenMaya.MFn.kNurbsCurve:

    # Add the transform of the parent curve. This is the first curve passed into
    # the function.
    parent = NodeUtility.getDagPath(inCurves[0])

    # Now parent the shapes to the first curve's transform node.
    cmds.parent(compoundList, shape=True, relative=True)

    # Delete the remaining transform nodes of the other curves.
    for index in range(1, len(inCurves)):

    # Returns a MObject.
    return NodeUtility.getDependNode(parent.fullPathName())
예제 #3
def addPlug( inBit, inPlugName, inAttrType, inAttrDataType ):
    Adds a plug to the frame bit.
    @param inBit: String. Name of the bit to add the attribute to.
    @param inPlugName: String. Name of the plug to add.
    @param inAttrType: String. Type of attribute to add.
    @param inAttrDataType: String. The attribute data type.
    if inAttrType == 'attributeType':
        if inAttrDataType == 'float3':
            cmds.addAttr( inBit, longName=inPlugName, attributeType=inAttrDataType )
            cmds.addAttr( longName='{0}X'.format( inPlugName ), attributeType='float', parent=inPlugName )
            cmds.addAttr( longName='{0}Y'.format( inPlugName ), attributeType='float', parent=inPlugName )
            cmds.addAttr( longName='{0}Z'.format( inPlugName ), attributeType='float', parent=inPlugName )
            cmds.addAttr( inBit, longName=inPlugName, attributeType=inAttrDataType )
    elif inAttrType == 'dataType':
        if inAttrDataType == 'typed':
            # Make it a string.
            inAttrDataType = 'string'
        cmds.addAttr( inBit, longName=inPlugName, dataType=inAttrDataType )
    elif inAttrType == 'matrixType':
        mObj = NodeUtility.getDependNode( inBit )
        dgModifier = OpenMaya.MDGModifier()
        mAttr = OpenMaya.MFnMatrixAttribute()
        controlMatrix = mAttr.create( inPlugName, inPlugName, OpenMaya.MFnMatrixAttribute.kDouble )
        dgModifier.addAttribute( mObj, controlMatrix )
예제 #4
def createCurveCircle(inName, inNormal=[0, 1, 0], inRadius=1):
    @param inName: String. Name of curve circle.
    @param inNormal: List. Direction the curve faces.
    @param inRadius: Int. Radius of the circle.
    @return. MObject. Curve circle.
    node = cmds.circle(name=inName, normal=inNormal, radius=inRadius)
    return NodeUtility.getDependNode(node[0])