예제 #1
 def buildScript(self, parent, eq_id, tex):
     Create the KaTeX script element.
     script = etree.SubElement(parent, 'script')
     text = 'var element = document.getElementById("{}");'.format(eq_id)
     text += 'try{katex.render("%s", element, {displayMode:%s});}' % (
         tex, self.DISPLAY_MODE)
     text += 'catch (exception){'
     text += 'console.log("KaTeX render failed: {}");'.format(tex)
     text += 'var err=document.createElement("span");'
     text += 'err.setAttribute("class", "moose-katex-error");'
     text += 'err.textContent = "LaTeX Error: {}";'.format(tex)
     text += 'element.appendChild(err);'
     text += '}'
     script.text = self.markdown.htmlStash.store(text)
예제 #2
    def handleMatch(self, m):
        line = m.group(2)

        # row column
        el1 = etree.Element("div")
        el1.set('class', 'instruction bg-info row')

        # create the columns.
        for idx, column in enumerate(self.cols):
            width, content = column
            _col = etree.SubElement(el1, "div")
            _col.set('class', 'col-sm-{} col{}'.format(width, idx))
            _col.text = content

        return el1
예제 #3
 def subsystemsElement(self, sys_name, settings):
     Create table of sub-systems.
     collection = MooseDocs.extensions.create_system_collection(
         sys_name, self._syntax)
     if collection:
         el = self.applyElementSettings(etree.Element('div'), settings)
         if settings['title']:
             h2 = etree.SubElement(el,
             h2.text = settings['title']
         el = etree.Element('p')
     return el
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        print ''
        print 'running'
        print ''
        sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
        block = blocks.pop(0)
        m = GUIDE_RE.search(block)
        print m
        if m:
            block = block[m.end() + 1:]  # removes the first line
            div = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div')
            div.set('class', '%s' % "powpow")
            div = sibling

        self.parser.parseChunk(div, block)
예제 #5
    def createCarousel(self, options, top_div, files):
        Creates the actual HTML required for the carousel to work.
          options[dict]: Set on the slideshow line of the markdown
          top_div: div element that will be the carousel
          files[list]: List of dicts with filename paths and associated captions
        carousel_options = {
            "interval": options.get("interval", "5000"),
            "pause": options.get("pause", "hover"),
            "wrap": options.get("wrap", "true"),
            "keyboard": options.get("keyboard", "true"),

        cid = "carousel%s" % self.MATCHES_FOUND
        top_div.set("id", cid)
        top_div.set("class", "carousel slide")
        top_div.set("data-ride", "carousel")
        top_div.set("data-interval", carousel_options["interval"])
        top_div.set("data-pause", carousel_options["pause"])
        top_div.set("data-wrap", carousel_options["wrap"])
        top_div.set("data-keyboard", carousel_options["keyboard"])
        ol = etree.SubElement(top_div, 'ol')
        ol.set("class", "carousel-indicators")
        default_caption = options.get("caption", "")
        for i in range(len(files)):
            li = etree.SubElement(ol, 'li')
            li.set("data-target", "#%s" % cid)
            if i == 0:
                li.set("class", "active")
            li.set("data-slide-to", str(i))
        inner_div = etree.SubElement(top_div, 'div')
        inner_div.set("class", "carousel-inner")
        inner_div.set("role", "listbox")
        for i, f in enumerate(files):
            item_div = etree.SubElement(inner_div, "div")
            active = ""
            if i == 0:
                active = "active"
            item_div.set("class", "item %s" % active)
            img = etree.SubElement(item_div, "img")
            img.set("src", os.path.join('/media', os.path.basename(f["path"])))
            caption = f["caption"]
            if not caption:
                caption = default_caption

            if caption:
                cap_div = etree.SubElement(item_div, "div")
                cap_div.set("class", "carousel-caption")
                cap_div.text = caption
        self.addControl(top_div, cid, "prev", "Previous")
        self.addControl(top_div, cid, "next", "Next")
        self.MATCHES_FOUND += 1
        return top_div
예제 #6
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        block = blocks.pop(0)
        m = self.RE.search(block)

        before, block, theRest = self.extractBlock(m, block)

        if before:
            self.parser.parseBlocks(parent, [before])

        div = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div')
        div.set('class', '%s' % (self.classType, ))

        self.parser.parseChunk(div, block)

        if theRest:
            blocks.insert(0, theRest)
예제 #7
    def _create_video(self, m, vtype, width, height, url):
        vid = m.group('%s_vid' % vtype)
        url = url % vid
        url = url.replace('&', '&')

        div = etree.Element('div')
        div.set('class', 'video %s' % vtype)
        iframe = etree.SubElement(div, 'iframe')
        iframe.set('allowfullscreen', 'true')
        iframe.set('frameborder', '0')
        iframe.set('width', str(width))
        iframe.set('height', str(height))
        iframe.set('scrolling', 'no')
        iframe.set('src', url)

        return etree.tostring(div)
예제 #8
 def handleMatch(self, m):
     id = m.group(2)
     if id in self.footnotes.footnotes.keys():
         sup = etree.Element("sup")
         a = etree.SubElement(sup, "a")
         sup.set('id', self.footnotes.makeFootnoteRefId(id))
         a.set('href', '#' + self.footnotes.makeFootnoteId(id))
         a.set('rel', 'footnote')
         a.text = unicode(self.footnotes.footnotes.index(id) + 1)
         # Add the first 50 characters to the title attribute plus an ellipsis if necessary
         footnote_text = self.footnotes.footnotes[id]
         ellipsis = '...' if len(footnote_text) > 50 else ''
         a.set('title', footnote_text[:50] + ellipsis)
         return sup
         return None
예제 #9
    def run(self, root):

        rss = etree.Element("rss")
        rss.set("version", "2.0")

        channel = etree.SubElement(rss, "channel")

        for tag, text in (
            ("title", self.ext.getConfig("TITLE")),
            ("link", self.ext.getConfig("URL")),
            ("description", None),

            element = etree.SubElement(channel, tag)
            element.text = text

        for child in root:

            if child.tag in ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5"]:

                heading = child.text.strip()
                item = etree.SubElement(channel, "item")
                link = etree.SubElement(item, "link")
                link.text = self.ext.getConfig("URL")
                title = etree.SubElement(item, "title")
                title.text = heading

                guid = "".join([x for x in heading if x.isalnum()])
                guidElem = etree.SubElement(item, "guid")
                guidElem.text = guid
                guidElem.set("isPermaLink", "false")

            elif child.tag in ["p"]:
                    description = etree.SubElement(item, "description")
                except UnboundLocalError:
                    # Item not defined - moving on
                    if len(child):
                        content = "\n".join(
                            [etree.tostring(node) for node in child])
                        content = child.text
                    pholder = self.markdown.htmlStash.store("<![CDATA[ %s]]>" %
                    description.text = pholder

        return rss
예제 #10
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        block = blocks.pop(0)

        # Replace relevant pipes to protect wikilinks
        block = self.RE_PIPE_SELECTION.sub(self.pipe_replacement, block)

        rows = block.split('\n')
        table = etree.SubElement(parent, 'table')
        table.set('class', 'ltag')
        tbody = etree.SubElement(table, 'tbody')
        max_col_number = 0
        text_in_the_middle_td = None
        for row in rows:
            # Text in the middle case
            if self.is_line_ltag(row):
                text_in_the_middle_td = None

            if text_in_the_middle_td is not None:
                text_in_the_middle_td.text = text_in_the_middle_td.text \
                    + "<br/>" + row

            if self.is_line_ltag_for_text_in_the_middle(row):
                tr = etree.SubElement(tbody, 'tr')
                text_in_the_middle_td = etree.SubElement(tr, 'td')
                text_in_the_middle_td.set('colspan', str(max_col_number - 1))
                text_in_the_middle_td.text \
                    = self.RE_LTAG_FOR_TEXT_IN_THE_MIDDLE.sub('', row)

            tr = etree.SubElement(tbody, 'tr')
            cols = row.split(self.pipe_replacement)
            col_number = 1

            # Pitch / Relay cell
            td = etree.SubElement(tr, 'td')

            td.text = self.process_ltag(cols[0], col_number)
            col_number += 1

            # Others cells
            for col in cols[1:]:
                td = etree.SubElement(tr, 'td')
                td.text = self.process_ltag(col, col_number)
                col_number += 1

            max_col_number = max(col_number, max_col_number)

예제 #11
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        Starts parsing the block of text which contains the table. It first
        finds the header (if one exists) as ended by a row of '=' characters.
        It then gets all the cells in the body (as a separate table from the
        header; this needs to be changed). If getting either the header or the
        body fails, the table is instead rendered as a block of text.
        Otherwise, it is rendered as a table with the appropriate row and
        column spans.
        block = blocks.pop(0)
        before = []
        rows = []
        after = []
        Started = False
        InTable = True
        for r in block.split('\n'):
            if not Started:
                if (r.startswith('+') or r.startswith('|')):
                    Started = True
            if Started and InTable and (r.startswith('+')
                                        or r.startswith('|')):
            elif Started:
                InTable = False

        if len(before) > 0:
            self.parser.parseBlocks(parent, ["\n".join(before)])

            orig_block = rows
            body_block = orig_block[:]
            success, body = self._get_all_cells(body_block)
            if not success:
                self._render_as_block(parent, '\n'.join(orig_block))
            table = etree.SubElement(parent, 'table')
            self._render_rows(body, table)
            if len(after) > 0:
                blocks.insert(0, "\n".join(after))
            blocks.insert(0, block)
            return False
예제 #12
    def run(self, parent: etree.Element, blocks: List[str]) -> None:
        sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
        block = blocks.pop(0)
        m = PLACEHOLDER_RE.search(block)
        if m:
            index = int(m.group(1))
            block = getattr(self.md, 'bootstrap_stash')[index]
                tree = etree.fromstring(block)

            except etree.ParseError as e:
                pre = etree.SubElement(parent, 'pre')
                pre.text = f'{e}\n{escape(block)}'
                self._parse(parent, tree)
        elif sibling:
            self.parser.parseChunk(sibling, block)
예제 #13
    def _replace_block(self, text):
        # Parse configuration params
        m = self.FENCED_BLOCK_RE.search(text)
        if not m:
            m = self.BLOCK_RE.search(text)
            if not m:
                return text, False

        # Parse configuration params
        img_format = m.group('format') if m.group(
            'format') else self.config['format']
        classes = m.group('classes') if m.group(
            'classes') else self.config['classes']
        alt = m.group('alt') if m.group('alt') else self.config['alt']
        title = m.group('title') if m.group('title') else self.config['title']

        # Extract diagram source end convert it
        code = m.group('code')
        diagram = self.generate_uml_image(code, img_format)

        if img_format == 'png':
            data = 'data:image/png;base64,{0}'.format(
            img = etree.Element('img')
            img.attrib['src'] = data
            img.attrib['classes'] = classes
            img.attrib['alt'] = alt
            img.attrib['title'] = title
        elif img_format == 'svg':
            # Firefox handles only base64 encoded SVGs
            data = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,{0}'.format(
            img = etree.Element('img')
            img.attrib['src'] = data
            img.attrib['classes'] = classes
            img.attrib['alt'] = alt
            img.attrib['title'] = title
        elif img_format == 'txt':
            # logger.debug(diagram)
            img = etree.Element('pre')
            code = etree.SubElement(img, 'code')
            code.attrib['class'] = 'text'
            code.text = AtomicString(diagram.decode('UTF-8'))

        return text[:m.start()] + etree.tostring(
            img).decode() + text[m.end():], True
예제 #14
    def handleMatch(self, match):
        Creates chart from a chart template.
        # Extract settings and template
        template = match.group('template') + '.js'
        settings = self.getSettings(match.group('settings'),

        # Create a float element
        div = self.createFloatElement(settings)

        # Create 'chart_id' for linking JS with <div>
        settings['chart_id'] = 'moose-google-{}-chart-{}'.format(
            self.TEMPLATE, int(self._count))
        self._count += 1

        # Paths to Google Chart template
        paths = [
            os.path.join(MooseDocs.MOOSE_DIR, 'docs', 'templates', 'gchart'),
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'templates', 'gchart')

        # Apply the arguments to the template
        env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(paths))
        template = env.get_template(template)
        complete = template.render(**self.arguments(settings))

        if self._status is not None:
            return self.createErrorElement(self._status,
                                           title="Google Chart Creation Error",

        # Create the <script> tag
        script = etree.SubElement(div, 'script')
        script.set('type', 'text/javascript')
        script.text = self.markdown.htmlStash.store(complete, safe=True)

        # Add the <div> to be replaced with the chart
        el = etree.Element('div')
        el.set('id', settings['chart_id'])
        div.insert(0, el)
        return div
예제 #15
    def run(self, fname, optstr):
        opts = {}

        opts['spec'] = 'width-500'
        opts['classname'] = 'left'

        for opt in optstr:
            bits = opt.split('=', 1)
            opt = bits[0]
            value = ''

            if len(bits) > 1:
                value = bits[1]

            if opt == 'left':
                opts['classname'] = 'left'
            elif opt == 'right':
                opts['classname'] = 'right'
            elif opt == 'full':
                opts['classname'] = 'full-width'
            elif opt == 'width':
                    opts['spec'] = "width-%d" % int(value)
                except ValueError:
            image = get_image_model().objects.get(title=fname)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return '[image "{}" not found]'.format(fname)
        except MultipleObjectsReturned:
            return '[multiple images "{}" found]'.format(fname)

        image_url = image.file.url
        rendition = image.get_rendition(opts['spec'])

        a = etree.Element('a')
        a.set('data-toggle', 'lightbox')
        a.set('data-type', 'image')
        a.set('href', image_url)
        img = etree.SubElement(a, 'img')
        img.set('src', rendition.url)
        img.set('class', opts['classname'])
        img.set('width', str(rendition.width))
        img.set('height', str(rendition.height))
        return a
예제 #16
파일: image.py 프로젝트: jeriox/myHPI
    def run(self, fname, optstr):
        opts = {}

        opts["spec"] = "width-500"
        opts["classname"] = "left"

        for opt in optstr:
            bits = opt.split("=", 1)
            opt = bits[0]
            value = ""

            if len(bits) > 1:
                value = bits[1]

            if opt == "left":
                opts["classname"] = "left"
            elif opt == "right":
                opts["classname"] = "right"
            elif opt == "full":
                opts["classname"] = "full-width"
            elif opt == "width":
                    opts["spec"] = "width-%d" % int(value)
                except ValueError:
            image = get_image_model().objects.get(title=fname)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return '[image "{}" not found]'.format(fname)
        except MultipleObjectsReturned:
            return '[multiple images "{}" found]'.format(fname)

        image_url = image.file.url
        rendition = image.get_rendition(opts["spec"])

        a = etree.Element("a")
        a.set("data-toggle", "lightbox")
        a.set("data-type", "image")
        a.set("href", image_url)
        img = etree.SubElement(a, "img")
        img.set("src", rendition.url)
        img.set("class", opts["classname"])
        img.set("width", str(rendition.width))
        img.set("height", str(rendition.height))
        return a
예제 #17
 def run(self, parent, blocks):
     Starts parsing the block of text which contains the table. It first
     finds the header (if one exists) as ended by a row of '=' characters.
     It then gets all the cells in the body (as a separate table from the
     header; this needs to be changed). If getting either the header or the
     body fails, the table is instead rendered as a block of text.
     Otherwise, it is rendered as a table with the appropriate row and
     column spans.
     orig_block = [r.strip() for r in blocks.pop(0).split('\n')]
     body_block = orig_block[:]
     success, body = self._get_all_cells(body_block)
     if not success:
         self._render_as_block(parent, '\n'.join(orig_block))
     table = etree.SubElement(parent, 'table')
     self._render_rows(body, table)
예제 #18
 def run(self, parent, blocks):
     match = self.PATTERN.match(blocks.pop(0))
     type = match.group('type')
     start = None
     end = None
     if type is not None:
         n = int(match.group('n'))
         if type == 'before':
             end = n
         elif type == 'after':
             start = n + 1
     scoreboard = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div', {'class': 'scoreboard'})
     html = get_template('archives/inline-scoreboard.html').render(
         {'scoreboard': self.scoreboard[start:end]}
예제 #19
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
    Generate dot svg and html for displaying the image.

        # Extract the block of interest
        block = blocks.pop(0)

        # Test if graphviz can be found
        executable = os.path.join(self._graphviz, 'dot')
        if not os.path.exists(executable):
            return self.createErrorElement(block,
                                           title='Failed to locate Graphviz',

        # Create the temporary dot file
        dot_file = 'tmp_' + uuid.uuid4().hex + '.dot'
        with open(dot_file, 'w') as fid:

        # Create a temporary svg file
        out_file = "media/tmp_{}.moose.{}".format(uuid.uuid4().hex, self._ext)

        # Execute graphviz to generate the svg file
            cmd = [executable, '-T' + self._ext, dot_file, '-o', out_file]
            output = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
            log.debug('Created SVG chart using dot: {}'.format(out_file))
            if os.path.exists(dot_file):
            return self.createErrorElement(block,
                                           title='Failed to execute Graphviz',

        # Clean up dot temporary
        if os.path.exists(dot_file):

        # Create the img that will contain the flow chart
        img = etree.SubElement(parent, "img")
        img.set('class', 'moose-diagram')
        img.set('src', '/' + out_file)
        img.set('style', 'background:transparent; border:0px')
예제 #20
    def run(self, parent: etree.Element, blocks: List[str]) -> None:
        lines = blocks.pop(0).splitlines()
        m = re.search(r"(\d+)cols", lines[0])
        if m:
            n_cols = int(m.group(1))
            while 12 % n_cols:
                n_cols -= 1
            col_class = "col-md-%d" % (12 / n_cols)
            col_class = "col-md-4"
        del lines[0]
        gallery = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div', {"class": "gallery"})
        cointainer = etree.SubElement(gallery, 'div', {"class": "cointainer"})
        elm_row = etree.SubElement(
            cointainer, 'div', {
                "class": "thumbnails row text-center justify-content-center",
                "data-toggle": "lightbox"
        for line in lines:
            m = self.INNER_RE.match(line)
            assert m
            title = m.group("text")
            original_url = m.group("image")
            if original_url.startswith(':'):
                original_url = original_url[1:]
                    f'Warning: Gallery image url must start with ":": "{original_url}".'

            width, height = parse_size(m.group("params"))

            thumbnail = add_thumbnail(self.md,
                                      Thumbnail(original_url, width, height))

            elm_column = etree.SubElement(elm_row, "div", {"class": col_class})
            elm_a = etree.SubElement(elm_column, "a", {
                "title": title,
                "href": ":" + original_url,
                "class": "thumbnail"
            img_attr = {
                "src": ':' + thumbnail.filename,
                'class': 'img-thumbnail img-fluid',
                'alt': title,
            if width:
                img_attr["width"] = str(width)
            if height:
                img_attr["height"] = str(height)
            etree.SubElement(elm_a, "img", img_attr)
예제 #21
    def handleMatch(self, m, data):
        image, start, index = super().handleMatch(m, data)

        if image is None or not image.get("title"):
            return image, start, index

        src = image.get("src")
        caption = image.get("title")

        if src.startswith("http"):
            raise ValueError(f"Image path {src} has been given. Only images "
                             "available on the file system can be added.")

        image_path = Path(src)
        if not image_path.is_absolute():
            image_path = (self.base_path / image_path).resolve()

        url = WEBVIZ_ASSETS.add(image_path)

        image_style = ""
        for style_prop in image.get("alt").split(","):
            prop, value = style_prop.split("=")
            if prop == "width":
                image_style += f"width: {value};"
            elif prop == "height":
                image_style += f"height: {value};"

        if image_style:
            image.set("style", image_style)

        image.set("src", url)
        image.set("class", "_markdown_image")

        container = etree.Element("span")

                             "class": "_markdown_image_caption"
                         }).text = caption

        return container, start, index
예제 #22
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: nasscopie/moose
def create_collection(name, syntax, action, groups=None, **kwargs):
    Creates subobject collection for a given node from the YAML dump.

      name: The name of the object/system
      syntax: The dict of MooseApplicationSyntax objects
      action[str]: Function on the MooseApplicationSyntax object to call ('system' or 'object')
      groups[list]: The list of groups to restrict the collection.

    groups = groups if groups else syntax.keys()
    use_header = True if len(groups) > 1 else False

    children = []
    for group in groups:
        if action == 'object':
            items = get_collection_items(
                syntax[group].objects(name, include_self=False), **kwargs)
        elif action == 'system':
            items = get_collection_items(
                syntax[group].actions(name, include_self=False), **kwargs)
            LOG.error('Invalid action name, must supply "system" or "object".')
            return None

        if items and use_header:
            li = etree.Element('li')
            header = etree.SubElement(li, 'div')
            header.set('class', 'collapsible-header moose-group-header')
            header.text = '{} {}'.format(syntax[group].name(),
            items.insert(0, header)
        children += items

    collection = None
    if children:
        collection = etree.Element('ul')
        collection.set('class', 'collapsible')
        collection.set('data-collapsible', 'accordion')

    return collection
예제 #23
파일: toc.py 프로젝트: yunshan/django-wiki
    def build_toc_etree(self, div, toc_list):
        # Add title to the div
        if self.config["title"]:
            header = etree.SubElement(div, "span")
            header.attrib["class"] = "toctitle"
            header.text = self.config["title"]

        def build_etree_ul(toc_list, parent):
            ul = etree.SubElement(parent, "ul")
            for item in toc_list:
                # List item link, to be inserted into the toc div
                li = etree.SubElement(ul, "li")
                link = etree.SubElement(li, "a")
                link.text = item.get('name', '')
                link.attrib["href"] = '#' + item.get('id', '')
                if item['children']:
                    build_etree_ul(item['children'], li)
            return ul

        return build_etree_ul(toc_list, div)
예제 #24
    def render_members(
        self, elem: etree.Element, item: typing.Any, members: typing.List[str] = None
    ) -> None:
        members_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, "div")
        members_elem.set("class", "autodoc-members")

        if members is None:
            members = sorted([attr for attr in dir(item) if not attr.startswith("_")])

        info_items = []
        for attribute_name in members:
            attribute = getattr(item, attribute_name)
            docs = trim_docstring(getattr(attribute, "__doc__", ""))
            info = (attribute_name, docs)

        for attribute_name, docs in info_items:
            attribute = getattr(item, attribute_name)
            self.render_signature(members_elem, attribute, attribute_name)
            self.render_docstring(members_elem, attribute, docs)
예제 #25
    def handleMatch(self, match): #pylint: disable=unused-argument
        Build the matrix.
        repo_issue = "https://github.com/idaholab/moose/issues"

        ol = etree.Element('ol')
        ol.set('class', 'collection browser-default')
        for req in get_requirements():
            li = etree.SubElement(ol, 'li')
            li.set('class', 'collection-item')

            p = etree.SubElement(li, 'p')
            p.text = req.requirement

            p = etree.SubElement(li, 'p')
            p.text = 'Specification: '
            a = etree.SubElement(p, 'a')
            a.set('href', '{}/{}'.format(self._repo, req.path))
            a.text = '{}:{}'.format(req.path, req.name)

            if req.design:
                p = etree.SubElement(li, 'p')
                p.text = 'Design: '
                for design in req.design.split():
                    node = self.getFilename(design)
                    a = etree.SubElement(p, 'a')
                    a.set("href", '/' + node[1].destination)
                    a.text = node[1].name + ' '

            if req.issues:
                p = etree.SubElement(li, 'p')
                p.text = 'Issues: '
                for issue in req.issues.split():
                    a = etree.SubElement(p, 'a')
                    a.set("href", "{}/{}".format(repo_issue, issue[1:]))
                    a.text = issue + ' '

        return ol
예제 #26
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
        block = blocks.pop(0)
        m = RX.search(block)
        if m:
            block = block[m.end() + 1:]  # removes the first line
        block, theRest = self.detab(block)
        if m:
            klass = m.group(1)
            div = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div')
            div.set('class', '%s %s' % (CLASSNAME, klass))
            div = sibling
        self.parser.parseChunk(div, block)

        if theRest:
            # This block contained unindented line(s) after the first indented
            # line. Insert these lines as the first block of the master blocks
            # list for future processing.
            blocks.insert(0, theRest)
예제 #27
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        original_block = blocks[0]
        blocks[0] = re.sub(self.RE_FENCE_START, '', blocks[0])

        # Find block with ending fence
        for block_num, block in enumerate(blocks):
            if re.search(self.RE_FENCE_END, block):
                # remove fence
                blocks[block_num] = re.sub(self.RE_FENCE_END, '', block)
                # render fenced area inside a new div
                e = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div')
                e.set('style', 'display: inline-block; border: 1px solid red;')
                self.parser.parseBlocks(e, blocks[0:block_num + 1])
                # remove used blocks
                for i in range(0, block_num + 1):
                return True  # or could have had no return statement
        # No closing marker!  Restore and do nothing
        blocks[0] = original_block
        return False  # equivalent to our test() routine returning False
예제 #28
    def render_signature(self, elem: etree.Element, item: typing.Any,
                         import_string: str) -> None:
        module_string, _, name_string = import_string.rpartition('.')
        signature = inspect.signature(item)

        # Eg: `some_module.attribute_name`
        signature_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, 'p')
        signature_elem.set('class', 'autodoc-signature')

        if inspect.isclass(item):
            qualifier_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, 'em')
            qualifier_elem.text = "class "

        if module_string:
            module_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, 'code')
            module_elem.text = module_string + '.'
            module_elem.set('class', 'autodoc-module')
        name_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, 'code')
        name_elem.text = name_string
        name_elem.set('class', 'autodoc-name')

        # Eg: `(a, b='default', **kwargs)``
        bracket_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, 'span')
        bracket_elem.text = '('
        bracket_elem.set('class', 'autodoc-punctuation')

        for param, is_last in last_iter(get_params(signature)):
            param_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, 'em')
            param_elem.text = param
            param_elem.set('class', 'autodoc-param')

            if not is_last:
                comma_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, 'span')
                comma_elem.text = ', '
                comma_elem.set('class', 'autodoc-punctuation')

        bracket_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, 'span')
        bracket_elem.text = ')'
        bracket_elem.set('class', 'autodoc-punctuation')
예제 #29
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        raw_block = blocks.pop(0)
        match_start = self.RE_START.search(raw_block)
        if match_start:
            # Opening a new block.
            rest = raw_block[match_start.end():]

            if self._last_parent:
                # Inconsistent state (nested starting markers). Ignore the marker
                # and keep going.
                blocks.insert(0, rest)

            div = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div')
            # Setting the class name is sufficient, because doc.css already has
            # styles for these classes.
            div.set('class', match_start.group(1))
            self._last_parent = parent
            blocks.insert(0, rest)
            self.parser.parseBlocks(div, blocks)

        match_end = self.RE_END.search(raw_block)
        if match_end:
            # Ending an existing block.

            # Process the text preceding the ending marker in the current context
            # (i.e. within the div block).
            rest = raw_block[:match_end.start()]
            self.parser.parseBlocks(parent, [rest])

            if not self._last_parent:
                # Inconsistent state (the ending marker is found but there is no
                # matching starting marker).
                # Let's continue as if we did not see the ending marker.

            last_parent = self._last_parent
            self._last_parent = None
            self.parser.parseBlocks(last_parent, blocks)
예제 #30
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        lines = blocks.pop(0).split('\n')

        heading = self.pattern.match(lines[0]).groupdict()
        depth = min(6, int(len(heading.get('depth'))))

        id = heading.get('id').split(',')
        if len(id) == 2:
            cls = id[1]
            id = id[0]
            id = id[0]
            cls = 'section'

        h = etree.SubElement(parent, 'h{depth}'.format(depth=depth))
        h.attrib['id'] = id
        h.attrib['class'] = cls
        h.text = heading.get('text')

        for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:]):
            blocks.insert(i, line)