def editquest(request, pk=None): """Render the Quests 'new/edit' page.""" # preamble post_pk = request.POST.get('pk') if not pk and post_pk: pk = post_pk # auth if not request.user.is_authenticated: login_redirect = redirect('/login/github/?next=' + request.get_full_path()) return login_redirect quest = None if pk: try: quest = Quest.objects.get(pk=pk) if not request.user.is_authenticated: raise Exception('no') if quest.creator != request.user.profile: if not request.user.is_staff: raise Exception('no') except: raise Http404 # setup vars package = request.POST.copy() answers = [] questions = [{ 'question': '', 'responses': ['',''] }] #handle submission if package: questions = [{ 'question': ele, 'seconds_to_respond': 30, 'responses': [], } for ele in package.getlist('question[]', [])] # multi dimensional array hack counter = 0 answer_idx = 0 answers = package.getlist('answer[]',[]) answer_correct = package.getlist('answer_correct[]',[]) seconds_to_respond = package.getlist('seconds_to_respond[]',[]) points = abs(int(float(package.get('points')))) # continue building questions object for i in range(0, len(seconds_to_respond)): questions[i]['seconds_to_respond'] = abs(int(seconds_to_respond[i])) for answer in answers: if answer == '_DELIMITER_': answer_idx += 1 else: questions[answer_idx]['responses'].append({ 'answer': answer, 'correct': bool(answer_correct[counter] == "YES"), }) counter += 1 validation_pass = True reward = None try: enemy = Token.objects.get(pk=package.get('enemy')) if package.get('reward'): reward = Token.objects.get(pk=package.get('reward')) except Exception as e: messages.error(request, 'Unable to find Kudos') validation_pass = False if validation_pass: seconds_per_question = package.get('seconds_per_question', 30) game_schema = { "intro": package.get('description'), "rules": f"You will be battling a {enemy.humanized_name}. You will have as much time as you need to prep before the battle, but once the battle starts you will have only seconds per move (keep an eye on the timer in the bottom right; don't run out of time!).", "seconds_per_question": seconds_per_question, 'est_read_time_mins': package.get('est_read_time_mins', 20), "prep_materials": [ { "url": package.get('reading_material_url'), "title": package.get('reading_material_name') } ] } game_metadata = { "video": package.get('background').replace('back', 'bg') + ".mp4" if package.get('video_enabled', 0) else None, "enemy": { "id":, "art": enemy.img_url, "level": "1", "title": enemy.humanized_name } } try: funct = Quest.objects.create edit_comments = "" visible = False if pk: funct = Quest.objects.filter(pk=pk).update edit_comments = quest.edit_comments visible = quest.visible if package.get('comment'): edit_comments += f"\n {'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')}: {package['comment']} " quest = funct( title=package.get('title'), description=package.get('description'), questions=questions, game_schema=game_schema, game_metadata=game_metadata, kudos_reward=reward, cooldown_minutes=package.get('minutes'), background=package.get('background'), visible=visible, difficulty=package.get('difficulty'), style=package.get('style'), value=points, creator=quest.creator if pk else request.user.profile, edit_comments=edit_comments, ) if type(quest) == int: quest = Quest.objects.get(pk=pk) new_quest_request(quest, is_edit=bool(pk)) msg = f'Quest submission received. We will respond via email in a few business days. In the meantime, feel free to test your new quest @ {quest.url}' if pk: msg = 'Edit has been made & administrators have been notified to re-review your quest (this is a SPAM/XSS prevention thing that we hope to eventually decentralize..).', msg) if quest.is_dead_end: messages.warning(request, "Warning: this quest has at least one dead end question (no possible answers). It won't be approved until that is corrected.") except Exception as e: if settings.DEBUG: raise e logger.exception(e) messages.error(request, 'An unexpected error has occurred') #load edit page if pk and not package.get('title'): questions = quest.questions for key, val in quest.to_standard_dict().items(): package[key] = val package['est_read_time_mins'] = quest.game_schema.get('est_read_time_mins') package['reading_material_url'] = quest.game_schema.get('prep_materials', [{}])[0].get('url') package['reading_material_name'] = quest.game_schema.get('prep_materials', [{}])[0].get('title') package['video_enabled'] = package['reward'] = if quest.kudos_reward else None package['enemy'] = quest.game_metadata.get('enemy', {}).get('id') package['points'] = quest.value package['minutes'] = quest.cooldown_minutes params = { 'title': 'New Quest Application' if not quest else "Edit Quest", 'pk': pk if not quest else, 'package': package, 'the_quest': quest, 'video_enabled_backgrounds': [f"back{i}" for i in video_enabled_backgrounds], 'questions': questions, 'avatar_url': request.build_absolute_uri(static('v2/images/twitter_cards/tw_cards-05.png')), 'backgrounds': [ele[0] for ele in Quest.BACKGROUNDS], 'answer_correct': request.POST.getlist('answer_correct[]',[]), 'seconds_to_respond': request.POST.getlist('seconds_to_respond[]',[]), 'answer': request.POST.getlist('answer[]',[]), } return TemplateResponse(request, 'quests/new.html', params)
def newquest(request): """Render the Quests 'new' page.""" if not request.user.is_authenticated: login_redirect = redirect('/login/github?next=' + request.get_full_path()) return login_redirect answers = [] questions = [{'question': '', 'responses': ['', '']}] if request.POST: questions = [{ 'question': ele, 'seconds_to_respond': 30, 'responses': [], } for ele in request.POST.getlist('question[]', [])] # multi dimensional array hack counter = 0 answer_idx = 0 answers = request.POST.getlist('answer[]', []) answer_correct = request.POST.getlist('answer_correct[]', []) seconds_to_respond = request.POST.getlist('seconds_to_respond[]', []) # continue building questions object for i in range(0, len(seconds_to_respond)): questions[i]['seconds_to_respond'] = int(seconds_to_respond[i]) for answer in answers: if answer == '_DELIMITER_': answer_idx += 1 else: questions[answer_idx]['responses'].append({ 'answer': answer, 'correct': bool(answer_correct[counter] == "YES"), }) counter += 1 validation_pass = True try: enemy = Token.objects.get(pk=request.POST.get('enemy')) reward = Token.objects.get(pk=request.POST.get('reward')) except Exception as e: messages.error(request, 'Unable to find Kudos') validation_pass = False if validation_pass: seconds_per_question = request.POST.get('seconds_per_question', 30) game_schema = { "intro": request.POST.get('description'), "rules": f"You will be battling a {enemy.humanized_name}. You will have as much time as you need to prep before the battle, but once the battle starts you will have only seconds per move (keep an eye on the timer in the bottom right; don't run out of time!).", "seconds_per_question": seconds_per_question, 'est_read_time_mins': request.GET.get('est_read_time_mins', 20), "prep_materials": [{ "url": request.POST.get('reading_material_url'), "title": request.POST.get('reading_material_name') }] } game_metadata = { "enemy": { "art": enemy.img_url, "level": "1", "title": enemy.humanized_name } } try: quest = Quest.objects.create( title=request.POST.get('title'), description=request.POST.get('description'), questions=questions, game_schema=game_schema, game_metadata=game_metadata, kudos_reward=reward, cooldown_minutes=request.POST.get('minutes'), visible=False, difficulty=request.POST.get('difficulty'), style=request.POST.get('style'), value=request.POST.get('points'), creator=request.user.profile, ) new_quest_request(quest) request, f'Quest submission received. We will respond via email in a few business days. In the meantime, feel free to test your new quest @{quest.url}' ) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) messages.error(request, 'An unexpected error has occured') params = { 'title': 'New Quest Application', 'package': request.POST, 'questions': questions, 'answer_correct': request.POST.getlist('answer_correct[]', []), 'seconds_to_respond': request.POST.getlist('seconds_to_respond[]', []), 'answer': request.POST.getlist('answer[]', []), } return TemplateResponse(request, 'quests/new.html', params)