예제 #1
class VirtualMarket(object):
    """ Used to evaluates price at which a market order of given volume would be executed
        Since this query might be computationally expensive and done asynchronously,
        we wrap function OrderQueue.evaluateOrderPrice by this class.
        The result will returned in on_matched event with empty 'other' field
        TBD: we make use of on_matched machinery since that is supported in RemoteBook
        but i'm not sure that it is a good design decision.  
    def __init__(self, side, volume):
        self.volume = volume
        self.side = side
        self.on_matched = Event()
        self.on_charged = Event()
    def copyTo(self, dst):
        pass # we might copy here the total price
    def processIn(self, orderBook):
        def callback((price, volume_unmatched)):
            self.on_matched.fire(self, None, (price, self.volume - volume_unmatched))
        orderBook.evaluateOrderPriceAsync(self.side, self.volume, callback)

    def Buy(volume): return VirtualMarket(Side.Buy, volume)
    def Sell(volume): return VirtualMarket(Side.Sell, volume)
예제 #2
class Queue(object):
    def __init__(self, queue, book, link):
        self._queue = queue
        self.book = book
        self._link = link
        self._onBestChanged = bind.Method(self, '_onBestChanged_impl')
        queue.on_best_changed += self._onBestChanged
        self.on_best_changed = Event()
    def reset(self):
        self._best = self._queue.best
        self._lastT = 0
    def side(self):
        return self._queue.side
    def lastPrice(self):
        return self._best.price if self._best is not None else None
    def _update_impl(self, best):
        self._best = best

    def _onBestChanged_impl(self, queue):
        best = queue.best
        self._link.send(bind.Method(self, '_update_impl', best))
    def best(self):
        return self._best
    def empty(self):
        return self._best is None
예제 #3
class Queue(object):
    """ Queue of limit orders at one side (Sell or Buy).
    It is implemented over a heap so has following comlexity for operations:
    - pushing order: O(logN)
    - accessing to the best order: O(1)
    - popping the best order: O(logN)
    def __init__(self, tickSize=1, book=None):
        """ Initializes an empty queue with given tickSize 
        and remembers order book the queue belong to if any
        self._tickSize = tickSize   # tick size
        self._book = book           # book the queue belongs to if any
        self.on_best_changed = Event()  # event to be called when the best order changes
        self.on_order_cancelled = Event() # event (orderQueue, cancelledOrder) to be called when an order is cancelled 
    def reset(self):
        self._elements = []         # pairs ((signedTicks, arrivalSeqNo), order) kept in a heap
        self._counter = 0           # arrival order counter
        self._lastBest = None       # pair (bestPrice, bestVolume)
        self._lastPrice = None      # last valid price

    def book(self):
        """ Book the queue belongs to if any
        return self._book

    def notifyIfBestChanged(self):
        """Notifies order queue listeners if the best order has changed
        best = self.best
        bestpv = None if best is None else (best.price, best.volume)
        if bestpv != self._lastBest:
            self._lastBest = bestpv
            if bestpv != None:
                self._lastPrice = bestpv[0]
    def lastPrice(self):
        return self._lastPrice
    def __str__(self):
        return type(self).__name__ + "(" + str(self._elements) + ")"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def ticks(self, price):
        """ Corrects 'price' with respect to the tick size
        Returns signed integer number of ticks for the price 
        and corrected unsigned order price
        ticks = int(math.ceil(self.side.makePriceSigned(price) / self._tickSize))
        return (+ticks, self.side.makePriceSigned(ticks * self._tickSize))

    def push(self, order):
        """ Pushes 'order' into the queue.
        May correct limit price of the order with respect to the tick size
        May notify listeners about that the best order changed 
        (ticks, correctedPrice) = self.ticks(order.price)
        if order.price != correctedPrice:
            # save corrected price in the order if needed
            order.price = correctedPrice
        heapq.heappush(self._elements, ((ticks, self._counter), order))
        self._counter += 1
        # notify listeners if the best order changed
    def cancelOrder(self, order):
        """ To be called when 'order' is marked as cancelled 
        Notifies 'on_order_cancelled' event listeners.
        May fire 'on_best_changed' event
        self.on_order_cancelled.fire(self, order)

    def _makeValid(self):
        """ Ensures that the queue is either empty or has a valid order on top
        Valid order == not empty and not cancelled
        Returns True iff the queue is not empty
        while self._elements != []:
            (_, top) = self._elements[0]
            if top.empty or top.cancelled:
                return True
        return False

    def empty(self):
        """ Returns True iff queue is empty
        May remove invalid orders from it 
        return not self._makeValid()

    def best(self):
        """ Returns the best order if any 
        Otherwise returns None 
        return self._elements[0][1] if self._makeValid() else None

    def matchWith(self, other):
        """ Matches an order against our order queue
        Returns True iff the incoming order is matched completely
        The order is considered as market order for the moment
        May notify listeners if the best order changed
        # while there are orders
        while not self.empty:
            # take the best one
            (_, top) = self._elements[0]
            # match the incoming order with our best one
            # and if our best order becomes empty,
            if not other.empty and top.matchWith(other):
                # remove it from the queue
                # our best order is not matched completely
        return other.empty
    def sorted(self):
        """ Enumerates orders in order of their price 
        Enumeration best M orders requires O(MlogM) operations 
        if self._elements <> []:
            def nth(i):
                return (self._elements[i][0], i)
            grey = [nth(0)]
            while grey <> []:
                (_, idx) = heapq.heappop(grey)
                yield self._elements[idx][1]
                if idx * 2 + 1 < len(self._elements):
                    heapq.heappush(grey, nth(idx * 2 + 1))
                if idx * 2 + 2 < len(self._elements):
                    heapq.heappush(grey, nth(idx * 2 + 2))
    def sortedPVs(self):
        lastPV = (None, None)
        for x in self.sorted:
            if not x.cancelled and not x.empty:
                if x.price == lastPV[0]:
                    lastPV = (x.price, lastPV[1] + x.volume)
                    if lastPV[0] is not None:
                        yield lastPV
                    lastPV = (x.price, x.volume)
        if lastPV[0] is not None:
            yield lastPV
    def evaluateOrderPrice(self, volume):
        """ Evaluates price for a potential market order with given 'volume'
        Returns pair (price, volume_unmatched) where 'volume_unmatched' may be positive
        if there is not enough volume in the order queue  
        Complexity of the operation: O(MlogM) where M - number of orders involved       
        price = 0
        for x in self.sorted:
            if volume > 0:
                v = min(volume, x.volume)
                price += x.price * v
                volume -= v
        return (price, volume)
    def getVolumePrices(self, volumes):
        deltas = [volumes[0]] + [volumes[i] - volumes[i-1] for i in range(1, len(volumes))]
        i = 0
        lastPrice = None
        for x in self.sorted:
            v = x.volume
            lastPrice = x.price
            while i < len(deltas) and v > 0:
                if v > deltas[i]:
                    yield (volumes[i], x.price)
                    v -= deltas[i]
                    i += 1
                    deltas[i] -= v
            if i == len(deltas):
        if i < len(deltas):
            yield (volumes[i], lastPrice)
            i += 1
        while i < len(deltas):
            yield (volumes[i], None)
            i += 1

    def withPricesBetterThan(self, limit, idx=0):
        """ Enumerates orders with price better than or equal to 'limit'
        if len(self._elements) <= idx:
        if not self.side.better(limit, self._elements[idx][1].price):
            yield self._elements[idx][1]
            for x in self.withPricesBetterThan(limit, idx * 2 + 1):
                yield x
            for x in self.withPricesBetterThan(limit, idx * 2 + 2):
                yield x
    def volumeWithPriceBetterThan(self, limit):
        """ Returns total volume of orders having price better than or equal to 'limit'
        return sum([x.volume for x in self.withPricesBetterThan(limit)])
예제 #4
class Base(object):
    """ Base class for market and limit orders.
    Responsible for:
    - tracking order's volume
    - tracking order's P&L
    - keeping order cancellation flag (does it needed for market orders???)
    - notifying order listeners about order matching
    TBD: split into Cancelable, HavingVolume base classes

    def __init__(self, side, volume):
        """ Initializes order by volume to trade
        self._volume = volume
        self._side = side
        self._cancelled = False
        self._PnL = 0
        # TODO: these events should be replaces by a reference to the trader
        # but in that case we'll have to introduce proxy classes for
        # remote book and virtual orders but it is ok
        self.on_matched = Event()
        self.on_charged = Event()
    def side(self):
        return self._side
    def copyTo(self, dst):
        dst._volume = self._volume
        dst._side = self._side
        dst._PnL = self._PnL
        dst._cancelled = self._cancelled

    def __str__(self):
        return type(self).__name__ + "("+self._side+", volume=" + str(self.volume) + ", P&L="+str(self.PnL)+")"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def volume(self):
        """ Volume to trade
        return self._volume
    def PnL(self):
        """ P&L of the order. 
        positive, if it is a sell side order
        negative, if it is a buy side order
        return self.side.makePriceSigned(self._PnL)

    def empty(self):
        """ Volume is empty iff its volume is 0
        return self.volume == 0

    def cancelled(self):
        """ Is order cancelled
        return self._cancelled

    def cancel(self):
        """ Marks order as cancelled. Notifies the order book about it
        self._cancelled = True

    #--------------------------------- these methods are to be called by order book
    def charge(self, price): 

    def onMatchedWith(self, other, (price,volume)):
        """ Called when the order is matched with another order
        other - other order
        price - price at which the match was done
        volume - volume of the match.
        In this method we correct order volume and P&L 
        and notify order listener about the match
        self._volume -= volume
        self._PnL += volume * price
        #print "OrderMatched:", self, other, (price, volume)
        self.on_matched.fire(self, other, (price, volume))