예제 #1
    def test_generate_phrase_no_params(self):
        """Tests the MarkovChain.generate_phrase method with no input arguments."""

        chain = MarkovChain(self._corpus)
        phrase = chain.generate_phrase()

        # Assert non-None
        self.assertNotEqual(phrase, '')
예제 #2
    def test_generate_phrase_max_size(self):
        """Tests the MarkovChain.generate_phrase method with max_size arg specified."""

        _max_size = 140
        chain = MarkovChain(self._corpus)

        # Generate 10 phrases; make sure all under max size.
        for i in range(10):
            phrase = chain.generate_phrase(max_size=_max_size)
            self.assertTrue(len(phrase) <= _max_size)
예제 #3
    def test_generate_phrase_min_words(self):
        """Tests the MarkovChain.generate_phrase method with min_words arg specified."""

        _min_words = 20
        chain = MarkovChain(self._corpus)

        # Generate 10 phrases; test each one
        for i in range(10):
            phrase = chain.generate_phrase(min_words=_min_words)
            self.assertTrue(len(phrase.split(' ')) >= _min_words)
예제 #4
    def test_generate_phrase_both_valid_params(self):
        """Tests the MarkovChain.generate_phrase method with min_words and max_size args specified."""

        _max_size = 140
        _min_words = 5
        chain = MarkovChain(self._corpus)

        for i in range(10):
            phrase = chain.generate_phrase(max_size=_max_size, min_words=_min_words)
            valid = len(phrase.split(' ')) >= _min_words and len(phrase) < 140
예제 #5
class LyricScrambler():
    """Generates scrambled phrases based on song lyrics."""

    def __init__(self, max_songs=None):
        """Initializes the LyricScrambler."""

        # Set max corpus size (# songs)
        if not max_songs:
            max_songs = 10

        self._max_songs = max_songs

        # Initialize the corpus and Markov chain
        self._corpus = []
        self._chain = {}

        # Signifies if current Markov chain reflects the corpus
        self._chain_is_current = False

    def _get_lyrics(self, artist, title):
        """Retrieves the full lyric listing (if available) for the given song."""

        # Retrieve song lyrics
        client = LyricClient()
        return client.get_lyrics(artist, title)

    def add_song(self, artist, title):
        """Adds a song to the current corpus. Returns False if song is not found."""

        # Type check
        artist_valid = artist and type(artist) is str
        title_valid = title and type(title) is str

        if not artist_valid or not title_valid:
            raise ValueError("Expected string input for artist and title.")

        # Get lyrics
        lyrics = self._get_lyrics(artist, title)

        # Return False; song was not found.
        if not lyrics:
            return False

        # Make sure corpus size isn't maxed out. Pop oldest song.
        if len(self._corpus) >= self._max_songs:
            del self._corpus[0]

        # Add song to corpus; note that the Markov chain is not current
        self._corpus.append(Song(artist, title, lyrics))
        self._chain_is_current = False
        return True

    def _update_chain(self):
        """Creates a Markov chain based on the current corpus."""

        text_corpus = ''
        for song in self._corpus:
            text_corpus += song.lyrics

        if not text_corpus:
            raise Exception("Error: no corpus to generate MarkovChain")

        # Create a new Markov chain, and signal that it is current
        self._chain = MarkovChain(text_corpus)
        self._chain_is_current = True

    def get_phrase(self, max_size=None, min_words=None):
        """Generates a silly phrase based on the underlying Markov Chain."""

        # Ensure there's corpus
        if not self._corpus:
            raise Exception('No song lyrics to generate a phrase.')

        # Update the Markov chain
        if not self._chain_is_current:

        # _chain.generate_phrase will raise a ValueError if max_size and min_words
        # are invalid.
        return self._chain.generate_phrase(max_size=max_size, min_words=min_words)
예제 #6
from markovchain import MarkovChain

corpus = "this is a bunch of text used to make a markov chain. This is pretty neat."
chain = MarkovChain(corpus)

for i in range(10):
    print chain.generate_phrase(min_words=5, max_size=140)