예제 #1
 def create_name(self, tree_name):
     definition = tree_name.get_definition()
     if definition and definition.type == 'param' and definition.name == tree_name:
         funcdef = search_ancestor(definition, 'funcdef', 'lambdef')
         func = self.create_value(funcdef)
         return AnonymousParamName(func, tree_name)
         context = self.create_context(tree_name)
         return TreeNameDefinition(context, tree_name)
예제 #2
파일: filters.py 프로젝트: yuan-xy/medi
 def _convert_names(self, names):
     for name in names:
         param = search_ancestor(name, 'param')
         # Here we don't need to check if the param is a default/annotation,
         # because those are not definitions and never make it to this
         # point.
         if param:
             yield self._convert_param(param, name)
             yield TreeNameDefinition(self.parent_context, name)
예제 #3
def _get_global_filters_for_name(context, name_or_none, position):
    # For functions and classes the defaults don't belong to the
    # function and get inferred in the value before the function. So
    # make sure to exclude the function/class name.
    if name_or_none is not None:
        ancestor = search_ancestor(name_or_none, 'funcdef', 'classdef',
        lambdef = None
        if ancestor == 'lambdef':
            # For lambdas it's even more complicated since parts will
            # be inferred later.
            lambdef = ancestor
            ancestor = search_ancestor(name_or_none, 'funcdef', 'classdef')
        if ancestor is not None:
            colon = ancestor.children[-2]
            if position is not None and position < colon.start_pos:
                if lambdef is None or position < lambdef.children[-2].start_pos:
                    position = ancestor.start_pos

    return get_global_filters(context, position, name_or_none)
예제 #4
    def get_qualified_names(self, include_module_names=False):
        import_node = search_ancestor(self.tree_name, 'import_name',
        # For import nodes we cannot just have names, because it's very unclear
        # how they would look like. For now we just ignore them in most cases.
        # In case of level == 1, it works always, because it's like a submodule
        # lookup.
        if import_node is not None and not (
                import_node.level == 1
                and self.get_root_context().get_value().is_package()):
            # TODO improve the situation for when level is present.
            if include_module_names and not import_node.level:
                return tuple(
                    for n in import_node.get_path_for_name(self.tree_name))
                return None

        return super(AbstractTreeName,
예제 #5
파일: imports.py 프로젝트: yuan-xy/medi
def _prepare_infer_import(module_context, tree_name):
    import_node = search_ancestor(tree_name, 'import_name', 'import_from')
    import_path = import_node.get_path_for_name(tree_name)
    from_import_name = None
        from_names = import_node.get_from_names()
    except AttributeError:
        # Is an import_name
        if len(from_names) + 1 == len(import_path):
            # We have to fetch the from_names part first and then check
            # if from_names exists in the modules.
            from_import_name = import_path[-1]
            import_path = from_names

    importer = Importer(module_context.inference_state, tuple(import_path),
                        module_context, import_node.level)

    return from_import_name, tuple(
        import_path), import_node.level, importer.follow()
예제 #6
파일: finder.py 프로젝트: yuan-xy/medi
def check_flow_information(value, flow, search_name, pos):
    """ Try to find out the type of a variable just with the information that
    is given by the flows: e.g. It is also responsible for assert checks.::

        if isinstance(k, str):
            k.  # <- completion here

    ensures that `k` is a string.
    if not settings.dynamic_flow_information:
        return None

    result = None
    if is_scope(flow):
        # Check for asserts.
        module_node = flow.get_root_node()
            names = module_node.get_used_names()[search_name.value]
        except KeyError:
            return None
        names = reversed([
            n for n in names
            if flow.start_pos <= n.start_pos < (pos or flow.end_pos)

        for name in names:
            ass = search_ancestor(name, 'assert_stmt')
            if ass is not None:
                result = _check_isinstance_type(value, ass.assertion,
                if result is not None:
                    return result

    if flow.type in ('if_stmt', 'while_stmt'):
        potential_ifs = [c for c in flow.children[1::4] if c != ':']
        for if_test in reversed(potential_ifs):
            if search_name.start_pos > if_test.end_pos:
                return _check_isinstance_type(value, if_test, search_name)
    return result
예제 #7
파일: tree.py 프로젝트: yuan-xy/marso
 def get_parent_function(self):
     Returns the function/lambda of a parameter.
     return search_ancestor(self, 'funcdef', 'lambdef')
예제 #8
 def _get_param_node(self):
     return search_ancestor(self.tree_name, 'param')
예제 #9
 def is_import(self):
     imp = search_ancestor(self.tree_name, 'import_from', 'import_name')
     return imp is not None
예제 #10
    def goto(self):
        context = self.parent_context
        name = self.tree_name
        definition = name.get_definition(import_name_always=True)
        if definition is not None:
            type_ = definition.type
            if type_ == 'expr_stmt':
                # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just
                # a name it's something you can "goto" again.
                is_simple_name = name.parent.type not in ('power', 'trailer')
                if is_simple_name:
                    return [self]
            elif type_ in ('import_from', 'import_name'):
                from medi.inference.imports import goto_import
                module_names = goto_import(context, name)
                return module_names
                return [self]
            from medi.inference.imports import follow_error_node_imports_if_possible
            values = follow_error_node_imports_if_possible(context, name)
            if values is not None:
                return [value.name for value in values]

        par = name.parent
        node_type = par.type
        if node_type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[
                0] == name:
            # Named param goto.
            trailer = par.parent
            if trailer.type == 'arglist':
                trailer = trailer.parent
            if trailer.type != 'classdef':
                if trailer.type == 'decorator':
                    value_set = context.infer_node(trailer.children[1])
                    i = trailer.parent.children.index(trailer)
                    to_infer = trailer.parent.children[:i]
                    if to_infer[0] == 'await':
                    value_set = context.infer_node(to_infer[0])
                    from medi.inference.syntax_tree import infer_trailer
                    for trailer in to_infer[1:]:
                        value_set = infer_trailer(context, value_set, trailer)
                param_names = []
                for value in value_set:
                    for signature in value.get_signatures():
                        for param_name in signature.get_param_names():
                            if param_name.string_name == name.value:
                return param_names
        elif node_type == 'dotted_name':  # Is a decorator.
            index = par.children.index(name)
            if index > 0:
                new_dotted = deep_ast_copy(par)
                new_dotted.children[index - 1:] = []
                values = context.infer_node(new_dotted)
                return unite(
                    value.goto(name, name_context=context) for value in values)

        if node_type == 'trailer' and par.children[0] == '.':
            values = infer_call_of_leaf(context, name, cut_own_trailer=True)
            return values.goto(name, name_context=context)
            stmt = search_ancestor(name, 'expr_stmt', 'lambdef') or name
            if stmt.type == 'lambdef':
                stmt = name
            return context.goto(name, position=stmt.start_pos)